HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2004-04-15 minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge
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Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure
Services Commission, held at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge,
British Columbia, on Thursday, April 15, 2004 at 7:00 pm.
Commissioner Kathy Morse
. Co1mnissioner Don Maclean
Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie
Commissioner Judy Dueck
Commissioner Debra Eisel
Commissioner Craig Speirs
Commissioner Dave Rempel
Co1mnissioner Kathie Ward
District of Maple Ridge, Mayor
District of Pitt Meadows, Mayor
School District No. 42, Trustee Chair
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
School District No. 42, Trustee
School District No. 42, Trustee
Commissioner Dave Roemer
Commissioner Ge1Ty Trerise
Commissioner Jo Anne ten Brink
Commissioner Kathy Reinheimer
Co1m11issioner Bunny Horne
Mike Murray
David Boag
Jaynne Aster
Maple Ridge, Member at Large
Maple Ridge, Member at Large
Maple Ridge, Member at Large
Maple Ridge, Member at Large
Pitt Meadows, Member at Large
GM Community Development, Parks & Recreation
Manager, Parks & Open Space
Co1mnittee Clerk
Mr. Jim Stewart, President, Ridge Meadows BMX Association
Ms. Sandy Jensen, BC Cycling Association, Volunteer of the Year
Mr. Dan Olson, Festival Society Spokesperson
Ms. Shayna Funk-Larmor, Mental Health Services Access Councillor
Commissioner Faye Isaac
Commissioner Jon Hanis
Commissioner Gwen O'Connell
Commissioner Katherine Wagner
Commissioner John Appleton
District Qf Maple Ridge, 1st Alternate Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, 2nd Alternate Councillor
District of Pitt Meadows, Alternate Councillor
School District No. 42, Alternate Trustee
District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minut_es Page 1 of8
Maple Ridge and Pitt Mea dows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2004
Commissioner Candace Gordon
Commissioner Keith Nightingale
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
Pitt Meadows, Member at Large
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
1. Adoption of the Agenda
Move item 5.1 to 3. 2
MOVED BY: Commissioner Ashlie
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Speirs
That the Agenda for April 15, 2004 be adopted as amended.
2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting
MOVED BY: Commissioner Eisel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Morse
That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services
Commission March 11, 2004 Regular Meeting be adopted as circulated.
3. Delegatious or Presentations
3.1 Mr. Jim Steward, President, Ridge Meadows BMX Association
J. Steward introduced Sandy Jensen, BC Cycling Association Volunteer of the Year. S.
Jensen spoke about the development of BMX activities over the years. The Ridge
Meadows BMX Association is a non-profit organization. BMX is recognized as an
Olympic sport in the 2008 games and there is continued and significant growth in
membership here and all over. BMXing is also a premier family sport with all family
members paiiicipating. Races held here have been extremely successful, bringing riders
from all over North America to Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. The Maple Ridge track
is famous as a top recreational facility in Canada, used by world champions. S. Jensen
emphasized how they have gained a reputation as the best organization in Canada.
Thanks were given by the organization to M. Murray, D. Boag, Kevin Gilbraith ai1d staff
for their support in the past. The organization's goal is to pave the comers and place a
permanent cover over track. A power point presentation was given showing the track and
racers, with some shots of what comers they desire to be paved.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Lersure Savices Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 15 , 2004
Upon question as to the benefits of paving it was explained it improves safety,
maintenance, and provides a lot more traction, noting that if it rains the races are
cancelled anyway. The roof over the track is expected to cost approximately $100,000
and the organization is looking for funding from community service groups. The roof is
removable and can be put up and taken down in 8 hours. With a roof it makes the track
available for year-round usage. Signage is important as well from a tourism perspective.
Upon question as to insurance for the property, structure, etc. it was noted the
organization requires a certain amount of liability and will be the name on the insurance
document. J. Stewart reported the organization has $5 million in liability now.
M. Mmrny gave kudos to the group noting they are a very independent organization. M.
Murray stated the Commission wants as specific a request as possible in the fonn of a
letter from the organization from whence a repo1i with a recommendation will be
prepared for the Commission to vote on at their next meeting. Specifically we need to
know what are the standards and what is being built. There are issues as to length of time
of agreements. A brief report will be brought forward to make sure the Commission is
comfortable with what is being discussed before finalizing.
3.2 Festival Society Insurance Update
Dan Olsen is a volunteer festival and parade organizer and reported the insurance for
festivals is becoming a serious issue and threatening the viability of many festivals and
events in town. S. Jorde provides a factual report under Information Items. Mr.Olsen
gave examples of the huge increases being faced, noting individuals are taking the
financial risk by paying for the insurance hoping the fund raising pays it back. Excessive
fundraising from local businesses may have a negative effect. Dan noted these are
enjoyable social events for the volunteers, participants, and citizens, and they affect
businesses and the local economy. He noted the Festival Society has a five-year record
without one insurance claim. He then asked for support to create a greater group to
increase buying power for insurance, and that his main focus is to spread awareness · of
this issue.
It was questioned how other communities · are handling this and noted that it is not
isolated to Maple Ridge. It was also noted the insurance rate is based on risk, and there
are no volume discounts in insurance because it is based on the number of people, rides,
alcohol, etc.
M. Murray reported the Municipal Insurance Association doesn't cover these events
unless the group is being directed by the municipality, with volunteers taking direction
from and reporting to municipal staff. The next option is to reduce coverage but it is felt
this is irresponsible. The other option is for the organizations to try to reduce total costs,
come up with additional funds or not do the event. Additional resources are not in the
municipal budget. It was noted all of these organizations are in planning mode for their
events and festival season is just around the corner. We don't know who is jeopardy and
who isn't.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2004
Upon question whether the volunteers can be under the direction of the municipality it
was noted the societies would have to be dissolved and it would mean on-site supervision
with municipal employees. Our desire is to increase the independence of these groups
and this would have the opposite effect.
It was noted that insurance costs are cyclical and this could all change next year.
The Commission will take the direction of this discussion and report back, looking at
what other municipalities are doing to address this and what is MIA's definition of a
Thanks where given to Mr. Olsen for his presentation.
4. Decision Items
4.1 J\1ental Health Services Contract -Ms. Shayna Funk-Lannor
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Eisel
That the contract with the Ministry of Health -Fraser Health Region for Integrated
Recreation be renewed for a period of one year commencing April 1, 2004.
M. Murray credited S. Funk-Lannor for the work she's done.
4.2 Extended Hours at Albion Sports -Maple Ridge Archery Club Event
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
That the Maple Ridge Archery Club use the Albion Sports Complex field #1 , for the
purposes of a nighttime archery tournament with use of the flood lights until
4.3 BC Disability Sports -Bid to Host 2006 -2009 BC Disability Games
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Morse
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 4 of 8
l'v1aple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeti ng Minutes
April 15, 2004
That a recommendation be forwarded to both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows
Councils that a bid be prepared to host the 2006 or 2007 BC Disability Games
noting that a one time budget commitment of $90,000 to be shared proportionately
according to population between Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows is required and
noting that the bid submission is subject to endorsement by School District No. 42
and obtaining full support from the appropriate local amateur sports organizations.
C. Speirs noted the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues had also just
passed a resolution to support the bid to host.
4. 4 .Mun icipal Position on Blue Mountain Provincial Forest
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Speirs
That a recommendation be fonvarded . to Maple Ridge Council that a letter be
forwarded to the Minister of Forests and the Minister of Sustainable Development
a) the addition of the area identified in the map attached to the 2004 04 07
report on this subject as an addition to Kanaka Creek Regional Park; and
b) the addition of lands on the eastern slopes of Alouette Lake in Blue Mountain
Provincial Forest to Golden Ears Provincial Park; and
c) the remainder of the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest being managed in a
sustainable manner for timber harvest and recreation, with better
identification and protection of environmentally . sensitive features,
particularly those related to the hydrology of Kanaka Creek and the regional
parks/greenways program, and appropriate recreation management.
An interested group of citizens in attendance posted maps and pictures of area. M.
Murray presented the three parts of the resolution. Commission members reviewed the
resolution in depth and raised a number of questions particularly to do with the 3rd part of
the resolution. Concerns included appropriate levels of management, mixed use, the
definition of sustainability, park maintenance and liability issues. Other issues included
whether we suppo1i all forms of recreation, time line concerns, harvesting and forestry
re gulations. Poor forestry practices are a particular issue of concern for the citizens'
group. M. MmTay stated the report does not identify the details of sustainable forestry
because we haven't got the technical expe1iise to do that. This is crown land and our
input is a letter of suppmi for these three issues, and to say in general tern1s our
expectations is that it will be restorative, sustainable, etc.
MOVED BY: Commissioner Speirs
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Rempel
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!\faple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2004
Motion to split the resolution into three parts, known as A, B, and C, and vote on
them separately.
The Chair called for a vote in favour of Part A.
The Chair called for a vote in favour of Part B.
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Speirs
To amend Part C of resolution to remove the words "timber harvest and", and defer
decision of the timber harvest issue to Council.
The main motion as amended was then carried.
It was noted this is only a recommendation to go forward and it's not the end of the
Delegates and citizens left the meeting at this point.
4.5 BCRPA Annual General JV!eeting-Proxy Appointments (verbal discussion)
MOVED BY: Commissioner Morse
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Rempel
That three representatives from the Parks & Leisure Service Commission attend the
BCRPS Annual General Meeting.
4. 6 Albion Park Plan Open House (verbal update)
D. Boag presented an update on the progress of Albion Park presenting a map of the area
and describing the trails and recreational areas. He has met with a variety of stakeholders
groups and a concept plan has been developed which include equestrian trail links, skill
development areas, and a spray water park. A new baseball diamond will be built at the
new school. D. Boag reported there is a lot of interest to make sure we maintain and
protect more sensitive bog-type areas and general preservation of the forest. There is the
potential for a skateboard park and input from RCMP on position of a skateboard park
was valuable, however the stakeholders group were concerned the skateboard park
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 6 of 8
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Park.s & Leisure Services Commission
~,. Regula1· Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2004
') wouldn't be a good fit. It was noted that skateboard parks are getting more popular every
year and if one is built it will be very well used.
MOVED BY: C. Speirs
SECONDED BY: J. ten Brink
That the concept plan for Albion Park be forwarded to a public open house.
4. 7 May TForkshop -2005 Business Plann;ng (verbal discussfon)
The Commission needs to have a strategic planning session. At this time the regular
meeting will continue with a proposal to put forth a time to do the business planning.
MOVED BY: C. Ashlie
Motion to conduct the 2005 Business Planning Session on Thursday May 20th at the
Pitt Meadows Municipal Hall.
5. Information Items
MOVED BY Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY Commissioner Dueck
That the information items be received as circulated.
5. I Festival Society Insurance Update
5. 2 Alouette River klanagement Society re: Article ·'Red Fish Up River, Again"
5. 3 Letter -1vlr. Andy Clev;n re: Meado·wland School Sile Use
5. -4 Copy: Haney Horsemen Association re: Letter to the Editor
5.5 Sanitary Sewer Extension through Crosses Cabins
5. 6 PERC Submissfon: Pitt kfeadows Indoor Pool Fewdbility Study
6. Commission Liaison Reports -Nil
7. Staff Liaison Reports
D. Boag reported the first Arbor Day celebration in Maple Ridge will take place on April
22 nd at 6 p.m. with the planting of 23 trees at the Agricultural Fair Grounds. Invitations
have been sent out. All the trees have been donated by individuals or groups.
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 7 of 8
Maple Ridge and Pin Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regu lar Meeting Minutes
Arri I I 5, 2004
8. Question Period
9. Motion to Move illto Closed Session
MOVED BY Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY Commissioner J. Dueck
That the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 242.2(1)(*) of the
Local Government Act.
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