HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2004-09-09 minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge
and the
Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks &
Leisure Services Commission, held in Room 2D at the Arts Centre & Theatre (The ACT),
11994 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Thursday, September 9, 2004 at
7:00 pm.
Commissioner Kathy Morse, Chair
Commissioner Don MacLean
Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie
Commissioner Judy Dueck
Commissioner Debra Eisel
Co1mnissioner Dave Rempel
Co1mnissioner Kathie Ward
Commissioner Randy Cooke
District of Maple Ridge, Mayor
District of Pitt Meadows, Mayor
School District No. 42, Trustee Chair
Dist1ict of Maple Ridge, Councillor
District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
School District No. 42, Trustee
School District No. 42, Trustee
District of Pitt Meadows
Commissioner Gerry Trerise
Commissioner .To Anne ten Brink
Commissioner Kathy Reinheimer
Commissioner Bunny Home
Commissioner Keith Nightingale
Mike Mtmay
David Boag
.T aynne Aster
Shelley Jorde
Bruce McLeod
Don Cramb
Lyle Walker
Kelly Swift
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
GM Community Development, Parks & Recreation
Director, Parks & Facilities
Committee Clerk
East Area Recreation Manager
Manager, Parks & Open Spaces
West Area Recreation Manager
The Sheltair Group
Parks & Leisure Services
Commissioner Gwen O'Connell
Commissioner Craig Speirs
Commissioner Candace Gordon
Commissioner Dave Roemer
District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, Alternate Councillor
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.
1. Adoption of the Agenda
4.1 2003 Participation Report & Recommendations
MOVED BY: Commissioner Eisel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Rempel
That the Agenda for September 9, 2004 be adopted as amended.
2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services
Commission Regular Meeting
Co1mnissioners Present: Add Commissioner Trerise.
Item 8. Question Period.: Third paragraph, line 2. Change "Co.mmissioner Speirs
wondered ... " to "Commissioner Ashlie wondered ... "
MOVED BY Commissioner Dueck
SECONDED BY Commissioner Rempel
That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure
Services Commission July 8, 2004 Regular Meeting be adopted as amended.
3. Delegations or Presentations
3.1 Lyle Walker, The Sheltair Group -Demographic Analysis
i·. )
Lyle Walker of the Sheltair Group gave a Power Point presentation on the
Demographic Analysis and Population and Housing Projection for Maple Ridge,
2001 -2031.
The Commission was told the infom1ation presented is important for planning
policies and infrastructure decisions over the next 30 years for parks and leisure
services in both districts. Mr. Walker's presentation gave a profile of
demographic and population statistics and their implications on demand for parks
and leisure services.
Mr. Walker spoke of the rapid population growth in Maple Ridge and Pitt
Meadows over the last 30 years (about a 130% increase) with 87,800 people in
the total of the two communities as of 2003. Maple Ridge alone has a 3.2 percent
growth rate which is higher than the GVRD.
Mr. Walker presented statistical information on age percentages (30% of our
population is under the age of 20) and reported that Maple Ridge has a higher rate
of one family households and single detached dwellings than the rest of the
GVRD, though average household size is reducing. It was noted these stats are
from 1971 -2001.
Mr. Walker reviewed key findings, population drivers, projected increases and
changes in age compositions of the population ( elderly population is increasing),
our communities' low share of minority groups, the baby boomer population and
the boomer 'echo' (children of baby boomers).
Mayor Morse noted that housing impacts are not so much what the Commission is
going to focus on so this information could be condensed. Mayor Morse also
noted our projections differ from the GVRD and the statistics presented here
differed from our OCP, noting if there are increases we need to know who they
are more than anything else.
The Commission briefly discussed the growth and aging of the population and
what do we provide to them in terms of facilities and usage of programs and
services offered. Activities such as walking trails, benches along trails, bird
watching, curling, low impact sports, lawn bowling, golfing, and dual purpose
trails were mentioned. Mike Munay noted changes in behaviour have to be
accounted for as there are more active seniors than there may have been in the
Lyle Walker noted the report is available on our website. Co1mnissioner ten
Brink asked where the infonnation was referenced from and Mr. Walker
responded Boom, Bust~ or Echo by Foot & Stoffman. Mike Mmray also noted
Brian Johnson of PERC is an information resource as well.
Commissioner ten Brink asked how significant the statistics are for 2031? Mr.
Walker said actual annual populations will fluctuate, but a median between the
low and the high is a good snapshoot for planning purposes.
Mayor MacLean wondered if there were any statistics from 1950 and how close
are demographers when we look at old figures? Mr. Walker responded that this
infom1ation wasn't in the GVRD (there was no GVRD back then) but the
statistics are there from other sources.
Co1mnissioner Cooke asked if there are any studies reflecting back on education?
Seniors are re-educating as well which Mayor Morse noted was Mike MmTay's
point too. Mr. Walker responded he was not familiar with that activity rate but it
is possible to cross tabulate census data.
Mayor Morse thanked Mr. Walker stating the presentation was very helpful.
3.2 Kelly Swift, Parks & Leisure Customer Service Manager -Services
Kelly Swift, Parks & Leisure Manager of Marketing and Customer Services, gave
a Power Point presentation on services statistics. Ms. Swift reported that facility
admissions are up this year; up 2 % in Pitt Meadows and up 9% in Maple Ridge,
and repo1ied there was lots of attendance at the outdoor pool as well. Ms. Swift
presented information on total registered programs and percentage of attendances
in programs such as aquatics, arts and crafts, etc., as well as statistics of the Youth
Lounge Drop-In in Pitt Meadows and in the Greg Moore Youth Centre in Maple
Mike Murray added that some of the youth dances are very popular, with one at
the Greg Moore Youth Centre having an attendance of up to 500 people.
Cmmnissioner Eisel inquired about the age group for these events and Mike
Murray reported these are mostly 11 -14 year-olds. Commissioner ten Brink
asked where the kids are coming from, noting that some programs are well used
in certain areas of the district but some kids don't even know where the Greg
Moore Youth Centre is. Mike Murray suggested a volunteer at these events could
ask the kids where they are from and it would good to find out before and after
the new transit system is in place, noting it was our youth that complained
vigorously about our transit system.
Kelly Swift presented information on the number of participants in special events
up to the end of June (approximately 60,000 participants) with more details to
follow at her next presentation. Volunteer hours have at least doubled as of this
presentation and Kelly infom1ed the Commission there is a Volunteer Infonnation
Centre at the Maple Ridge Leisure CentTe and in Pitt Meadows. Kelly also
reported on Volunteer Appreciation Week and smmner day camps, stating we had
a good season with no day camp cancellations. New programs that were added
were well received and will continue next year.
October 4th -8th is Customer Service Week kicking off with a walking campaign
to encourage the community to become active. Walking is the first focus area and
aligns with International Walk-To-School Week which will include a sneaker day,
a youth swim, a doggie dash, and contests and prizes.
Mayor MacLean wondered why the facility usage for Pitt Meadows was so high?
Mike Murray responded this included the preschool use of the Pitt Meadows
recreational centre and also included the old Pitt Meadows recreational hall, the
fields, etc. The statistics come straight from our booking clerks, but Mr. Murray
reminded the Commission they can be people from everywhere, not just Pitt
Commissioner Ashlie asked about an average length of time that kids come and
stay at the Greg Moore Youth Centre and if there were any statistics on kids that
graduate and are just getting to a place of supporting themselves. Don Cramb
answered that one hour was the average time spent at the Youth Centre. Kelly
Swift noted they have a working student category as well as student rates.
C01mnissioner Ashlie asked if they have to be a student?
A general dialog commenced on young working adults as opposed to working
students, how they can afford to recreate themselves, and if this could be
Mike Murray noted that this group can be a disenfranchised section of the
population. The school programs are fully utilized, getting youth involved in
sports, etc. and then they are cut off. Measuring these participation statistics
before and after graduation would be good . Kelly Swift thought she could pull
more specific information on 19 -25 year-olds.
Mayor Morse thanked Ke1ly Swift saying the presentation was helpful and
positive, and the work is very proactive.
After the presentations Mayor Morse noted to the Commission it would be helpful
if for future meetings we put time limits on the presentations.
4. Decision Items
4. I 2003 Participation Report & Recommendations
MOVED BY: Commissioner MacLean
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Eisel
That the staff recommendations in the 2004-09-01 report on the Parks &
Leisure Services Participation Program be endorsed and implemented.
4.2 PLS Policy -Private Support Workers
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner MacLean
That the policy entitled "Private Support Workers in Parks & Leisure
Services Programs" be adopted.
4.3 Lease -Pacific Legal Education Association (PLEA) -Greg Moore
Youth Centre
MOVED BY: Commissioner Ashlie
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Rempel
That the lease agreement with Pacific Legal Education Association (P.L.E.A.)
attached to the 2004-08-30 report on this subject be entered into for spaces at
the Greg Moore Youth Centre for a six month lease beginning August 23,
2004, with two options to review for one year each (post approval is required
as there was no meeting held in August prior to the commencement of the
P.L.E.A.'s services).
Mayor MacLean asked about the name of the assocrnt1011, and what they do.
Mike Munay reported it's their name and they were the successful bidder on the
delivery of youth service and youth outreach. They do work on behalf of the
Ministry of Child and Family Development and Mike Munay noted there are
benefits to them being located where they are. They provide refe1rnls to youth
services and vice versa.
Mayor Morse noted the association has an excellent track record within the Lower
Mainland, as apposed to an association outside the Lower Mainland.
Commissioner Ashlie who is on the Community Services board reported PLEA
got the contract for the Ministry of Child and Family to provide these social
services. It was part of the contract to be in the community.
Commissioner Cooke asked about a Youth Diversion program? Commissioner
Ashlie noted PLEA doesn't know what goes on in this community so they will
have to find all that out. Mayor Morse reported that Alana Robinson is coming to
Council to present that information.
4.4 Artist in Residence Contract-Ms. Elizabeth Bachinsky
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Ashlie
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission give approval of the
selection of Elizabeth Bachinsky as the new Artist in Residence for a contract
period of one year commencing on October 1, 2004 until August 31, 2005.
Mayor MacLean asked what the Artist in Residence did last year? Mike Munay
responded the artist did a piece of art work for the community, ran programs and
exhibits. Mayor Morse asked if we could we gather infonnation for the
Commission on what kind and how many programs, the participation numbers,
what the program costs and if we could share this with Pitt Meadows? Mayor
MacLean asked if there is a potential for an Artist in Residence in Pitt Meadows?
Mike Murray rep01ied the dollar value for the service was under Appendix B, on
page 9 of the contract. In respect to Pitt Meadows Mr. Murray felt there was a
natural opportunity for a residence with the neighbourhood hall at Sawyers
Landing, and that could be explored. Mayor Morse asked if Mr. Murray could
come back to the Commission with more information.
4.5 Festival Society Workshop -C01?firm Attendance (verbal report)
Mike Murray extended an invitation to members of the Commission to attend the
workshop Saturday October 2nd . It would be an opportunity to talk about
festivals, duplications, etc.
Shelley Jorde noted they would lilce to get an indication of attendance from the
Commission now and hopefully see some of the Commissioners in attendance at
the workshop, noting it will be a very lively discussion and would include key
organizers, tourism people, and members of the business community. A
facilitator is coming so everyone will get a chance to participate. An email has
been sent out to the Commission.
Mayor Morse remarked it would be marvellous ifthere was some attendance from
the Commission, noting there is something to be said for a show of support.
5. Information Items
5.1 Community Development Training Fall Workshops
5.2 September 1, 2004 Bugel -Article by Sandy Wakeling
Volunteer Herald -Fall 2004
Calendar of Events -September 2004
MOVED BY: Commissioner Dueck
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Rempel
That the information items be received.
6. Commission Liaison Reports
7. Staff Liaison Reports
8. Question Period
Mike Murray wanted some oppo1iunity for people to place items on the agenda
that they'd like to see addressed at a future meeting. Mayor Morse asked the
Commission if there was something to bring forward for a future agenda or
something they want information on?
Commissioner ten Brink asked about the skateboard park. Mike Murray
responded there are a few things to happen and options to view before the project
proceeds. It's a dollars and cents issue -the amount that was put aside isn't
enough. Youth were committed to fundraising and the project will be delayed
until that happens. Youth want an in-depth plan on how we build it, the different
skill levels, etc. and areas that are close by for little guys as well as for the more
advanced participants. We want to do this right and are pushing forward right
now. Commissioner Ashlie asked ifthere was a skateboard commission?
Mayor Morse asked Mr. Murray to come back with more information on this.
Mayor Morse offered an item for another agenda, specifically Albion Park and
how we got from a commitment from Parks & Recreation to live within its budget
to a commitment to take money out of general revenue for Albion Park, noting
this is a huge concern for her.
9. Motion to Move into Closed Session
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Dueck
That the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 242(c) of the
Local Government Act as the subject matter being considered relates to
labour relations or employee negotiations.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm.