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Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure
Services Commission, held in the Council Chambers, Pitt Meadows Municipal Hall, 12007
Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia on Thursday, December 9, 2004 at 7:00 pm.
Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie, Chair
Commissioner Judy Dueck
Commissioner Debra Eisel
Commissioner Craig Speirs
Commissioner Dave Rempel
Commissioner Kathie Ward
Commissioner Randy Cooke
. School District No . 42, Trustee Chair
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
School District No. 42, Trustee
School District No. 42, Trustee
District of Pitt Meadows, Alt. Councillor
Commissioner Gerry Trerise
Commissioner Jo Anne ten Brink
Commissioner Kathy Reinheimer
Commissioner Bunny Home
Mike Murray
David Boag
Shelley Jorde
J aynne Aster
Commissioner Kathy Morse
Commissioner Don MacLean •
Commissioner Keith Nightingale
Commissioner Dave Roemer
Commissioner Gwen O'Connell
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
GM Community Development, Parks & Recreation
Director, Parks & Facilities
East Area Recreation Manager
Recording Secretary
District of Maple Ridge, Mayor
District of Pitt Meadows, Mayor
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 1 of 8
. Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes December 9, 2004
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.
1. Adoption of the Agenda
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Ten Brink
That the Agenda for December 9, 2004 be adopted as circulated.
2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting
Change to show Katherine Wagner as not in attendance.
MOVED BY Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY Commissioner Speirs
That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services
Commission November 4, 2004 Regular Meeting be adopted as amended.
3. Delegations or Presentations -Nil
4. Decision Items
4.1 Invitation to Bid for 2008 or 2010 BC Summer Games
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel .
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Eisel
That the opportunity to bid for the 2008 or 2010 BC Summer Games be respectfully
4.2 Survey Results -SD #42 Parks & Leisure Services Cooperation
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Jvlinutes Page 2 of 8
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes December 9., 2004
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Dueck
That the results of the Survey on School District No. 42 and Parks and Leisure
Service collaboration be forwarded to the Master Agreement Steering Committee
for follow up with priorities for further investigation as identified by the
Mike Murray invited the Commission to discuss the highest priority recommendations.
Commissioner Ward: Anti vandalism priority. Work in conjunction to address park
vandalism, etc.
Commissioner ten Brink: See formalized programs but not seeing kid use of our Theatre.
SD42 classes are travelling outside. At least some attendance at performances should be
in our own community. Facilities are underutilized during the day.
Chairperson Ashlie: Fieldtrips booked for symphony have tailor-made productions for
those kids -ACT can specifically target kids.
Mike Murray: The Remembrance Day event was well attended (3000 kids), and
performances by Garibaldi High School were well received.
Commissioner Remple: If you do it they will come. The ACT needs to work more
closely with School District to plan appropriate programs This will also reduce travel
Commissioner Cooke: Any programs to get kids to that level for mentoring?
Chairperson Ashlie: Field trips for the symphony start at grade 5. Commissioner
Remple is going to work on getting this on track with the ACT.
Mike Murray: Sounds like Anti-vandalism and the ACT are priorities.
4.3 Community Group Surveys
MOVED BY: Commissioner Remple
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Dueck
That a special meeting be held in January to discuss the Commission evaluation survey
and provide direction on any required adjustments to the Commission structure or
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Maple Ridge and Pi tt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes December 9, 2004
Commissioner ten Brink: Usually get an excellent response through email instead of
letter. Also consider putting contacts on web.
4.4 Community Groups Liaisons -Web Listings
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Ward
That Citizens at Large be listed as liaison contacts on the web site with a
Commission mail box.
Mike Murray asked the Commissioners if they wanted their personal email listed or just a
mailbox and have it forwarded.
Commissioner Home: Concerned about viruses.
Mike Murray: We can utilize a municipal mail box and automatically forward it to
4.5 Sports Field Damage Deposit Policy
David Boag distributed a report at the meeting regarding damage that some fields have
suffered. Up to now we have used an informal practice of 'user discretion' which has
worked fairly well over the years. However some users aren't following the rules so we
need to formalize a change in the policy. For example one field at the Albion Sports
Complex will have to stay closed now indefinitely because of its condition. David also
reported we are very close to having the field conditions posted on the web, just working
out consistent policies for Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. David suggests the damage
deposit should be increased and an escalating penalty be imposed for misuse.
Commissioner Rempel: Will staff be subject to pressure from users?
David Boag: One person inspects the field and the booking clerk puts it on the web. Our
grounds person inspects the grounds. All Club Presidents call David directly if they want
more information. •
Commissioner Cooke: Can they look for other openings at other fields?
David Boag: Darlene Slevin (booking clerk) can be called. The Department allocates
fields in blocks to the clubs.
Commissioner Home: Will groups be shown the results of the damage to the field and
will youth groups be treated differently than adult groups?
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes December 9, 2004
David Boag: Yes groups have been shown the results. As for treating groups
differentially the youth involved don't make the decisions, it is the adults involved in the
organization. The Department needs something in place such as doubling of deposits and
having it paid before they are allowed to use the field. To provide an increasing incentive
in response to abuse.
Commissioner Dueck: This is good policy that it could double. Poor choices ruin it for
the rest of the community. First time offence is so much, then double, then continue to
Mike Murray: Last fall (2004) was very good weather and we didn't have these issues.
Weather this fall has been bad.
Commissioner ten Brink: Add 'severe damage will result in suspension of use'. Need to
raise awareness of everyone.
David Boag: I'd rather do anything than have the kids go without soccer.
Commissioner Ward: The longer they play the worse it gets. While it is in use and
getting bad, if a kid was hurt because of this, who is liable?
David Boag: The club first, but if the Department doesn't have a written policy and
implement that policy it will expose the Department to liability.
Commissioner Cooke: More willing to support the offending team be suspended, parents
and coaches to top up extra damages, offending team will have to pay the charges, but to
suspend the entire league is too much .
. David Boag: Agree with concept of that. We go to the executive and they can go to the
team. We want them to work with us. If they don't support that then it gives us extra
ways of dealing with them.
Mike Murray: Could say any team that repeatedly violates the policy and from whom we
have drawn a damage deposit, may have their privileges suspended by David. Give
David the ultimate authority.
Commissioner Speirs: Change to 'may result in the suspension of the entire league'.
Chairperson Ashlie: Different approaches for different sports clubs. How do we educate
and work with these groups? Sport field user groups should reach out and connect with
the sports club executive.
David Boag: We have excellent rapport with executive.
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes December 9, 2004
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Speirs
That the attached Field Closure /Damage Deposit policy be adopted and included in
the Maple Ridge / Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services policies and procedure
manual with an addition to provide the Director of Parks and Facilities or his
designate with the authority to suspend booking privileges for an indefinite period
from any team or group whose damage deposit has had to be drawn upon
repeatedly for inappropriate use of a playing field.
4. 6 Commission Meeting Schedule 2005
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Eisel
That the Parks & Leisure Services 2005 meeting schedule be adopted as circulated.
4. 7 Strategic Planning Workshop -March 2005
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Eisel
That the Park & Leisure Services Commission have a strategic planning meeting on
April 21, 2005.
Mike Murray: This is a special meeting for strategic planning session. In 2005 business
plan we identified we should do this.
4. 8 Special Event Grants Committee
Shelley Jorde reported on getting the group together and responding to those requesting
Commissioner Reinheimer would . like to see an elected official on the board.
Commissioner Home is interested as is Commissioner Speirs.
5. Information Items
5.1 Haney Horseman Association -Trail Report
5.2 Letter -Ridge Meadows Arts Council -Theatre Donation
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes December 9, 2004
5. 3 Media Release -Donation from Epic Homes
5.4 Citizen At Large Job Description
5. 5 Letter -Meadowridge Indep endent School re: Artificial Turf Sports Field
MOVED BY: Commissioner Ashlie
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Remple
That the above information items be received.
6. Commission Liaison Reports
7. Staff Liaison Reports
Boundary Park
David Boag reported 20-22 people showed up to the Boundary Park open house and there
was lots of enthusiasm.
David reported on the paving of 245th Street and negotiating to get a secure route to the
parking spot at the new artificial turf field . The Department and users don't want to
cause damage to the new field so we are willing to wait to begin use until January 11 th . A
portable generator is on site in advance of the final electrical service being available.
Mike Murray: There will be no official ceremony until school is further along in its
Budget ·
Mike Murray reported the 2005 business plans and budgets have gone through to both
8. Question Period
9. Motion to Move into Closed Session
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Speirs
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes December 9, 2004
That the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 242.2(1)( c) of the Local
Government Act as the subject matter being considered relates to labour relations or
employee negotiations.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
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