HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2005-01-13 minutes.pdf) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge and the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows MAPLE RIDGE and PITT MEADOWS PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission, held in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia on Thursday, January 13 , 2005 at 7:00 pm. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Commissioner Don MacLean, Chair Commissioner Kathy Morse Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie Commissioner Debra Eisel Commissioner Ernie Daykin Commissioner Kathie Ward Commissioner Faye Isaac District of Pitt Meadows, Mayor District of Maple Ridge, Mayor School District No. 42, Trustee Chair District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor District of Maple Ridge, Councillor School District No. 42, Trustee District of Maple Ridge, Councillor COMMISSION MEMBERS AT LARGE PRESENT Commissioner Gerry Trerise Commissioner Kathy Reinheimer Commissioner Bunny Home Commissioner Ian Brown Commissioner Keith Nightingale STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Mike Murray Shelley Jorde Jaynne Aster DELEGATIONS Bonnie Blue Andre Colbert Petra Rutten (DOMR staff) REGRETS Commissioner Judy Dueck Commissioner Craig Speirs Commissioner Candace Gordon Commissioner Dave Rempel Commissioner Gwen O'Connell Commissioner Dave Roemer Commissioner Jo Anne ten Brink Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Pitt Meadows Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Pitt Meadows GM Community Development, Parks & Recreation East Area Recreation Manager Recording Secretary Greater Vancouver Regional District GVRD Maple Ridge Special Services Co-ordinator District of Maple Ridge, Alternate Councillor District of Maple Ridge, Alternate Councillor District of Maple Ridge, Alternate Co.uncillor School District No. 42, Trustee District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Maple Ridge Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Par/cs &. Leisure Services CommissiDn Regular Minutes Page 1 qf7 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 2005 Commissioner Keith Nightingale Commissioner Chris Luke David Boag Member at Large, Pitt Meadows School District No. 42, Alternate Trustee Director, Parks & Facilities There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. 1. Introductions -New Commissioner The Chair introduced the new Parks & Leisure Services Commissioner, Ian Brown, Member-at-Large, Maple Ridge. 2. Adoption of the Agenda MOVED BY: Commissioner Isaac SECONDED BY: Commissioner Ashlie That the Agenda for January 13, 2005 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 3. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting MOVED BY Commissioner MacLean SECONDED BY Commissioner Nightingale That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission December 9, 2004 Regular Meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4. Delegations or Presentations 4.1 Bonnie Blue, GVRD-Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Greenway Plan It was noted this is a first presentation in draft with no decisions to be made at this time. Bonnie Blue from the GVRD gave a PowerPoint presentation and a hand out on the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Greenway Plan which is an update to the 1996 plan. Bonnie introduced Andre Colbert, Technical Advisor on the presentation. Maple Ridge (111d Pitt Meaclows Par/cs &. Leisure Services Comrnission Regular Minutes Page 2 oj7 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 2005 The presentation covered existing and proposed staging areas, and existing and proposed greenways. It is expected that the finalized plan will be ready by spring 2005 for adoption by Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge Council and the GVRD. After the presentation the Commissioners asked a few questions. Chair MacLean thanked Bonnie and Andre for their presentation and shortly afterward the delegates left the meeting. 4.2 Petra Rutten, Special Services Coordinator -Participation Program Report Petra Rutten, District of Maple Ridge Special Service Coordinator reported on the Participation Program which facilitates access to services at a reduced rate. Swimming passes, weight room passes are 75% less and 50% off for program fees. To be eligible, participants must prove they have lower income. This is based on low income poverty line standards established by the government, and they must be residents of Pitt Meadows or Maple Ridge. In the case of visiting students and working visas, they are not tax payers so they do not have access to reduced rates. After approval they are approved for one year if criteria met. From 2002 to 2004 the program has seen a 40% increase in participation. The expectation is to recover cost through other means. They have a $5000 budget set aside for staff hours to help run the program, and approve individuals for program. Commissioner Morse: Who takes the applications and what are their qualifications? Is there any training of staff for that kind of work? Also is the program marketed at the schools? Petra Rutten: Regarding qualifications, we have three trained staff, 1 in Pitt Meadows and 2 in Maple Ridge who work with people with disabilities or financial issues. Aim of training 5 more staff, looking at who we can target for that, and what training they need. In regards to being in the schools, that is coming up. Faye Isaac: Can we legally ask for this (financial) information? Petra Rutten: People come to us by referral. Then we don't have to have them provide financial information. . The percentage is · about 30% referrals. The remainder are required. And it is a choice the participants need to make if they wish to take advantage of the program. Commissioner Eisel: Can schools make referrals? Preferably administrators, not teachers. How about approaching PACS? This is a good system and is not advertised enough. Petra Rutten: Yes. We could have referrals from schools too. In a recent survey 25% of individuals responded the program didn't get enough advertising. lvfople Ridge and Pitt Meadows Par/cs &. Leisure Services Comm ission Regular Minutes Page 3 qf 7 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular lVlceting Minutes January 13, 2005 Commissioner Ashlie: P ACS wouldn't have information of that kind. P ACS would be good for advertising but not referral. The principal is better. Shelley Jorde: Recently when we revamped the leisure guide we put in a no-cost/low- cost opportunity page. The Family Drop-In program has grown unbelievably. We will remind ourselves of the high school connection too. Chairperson MacLean: How does this place a strain on the capacity of the programs? Are people who can pay the regular fee being turned away? Petra Rutten: Most of the impact is on the aquatics swim program area, however there is a limit for those on the reduced program to 2 programs per individual. That is average for families. Shelley Jorde: Community programs do build in the cost for this. It extends to our partners as well. Chairperson MacLean: Do we have a way ofrecognizing those partners? Petra Rutten: Not in a formal way at this time but this could be looked into. In a February 2004 survey of our partners, 90% said they were very satisfied, 25% said it needed mote promotion, 93% believe they have better access to services due to this program. They reported it is making a difference in individual's lives. This year we are looking at how and who to train, looking at improving the renewal process, and looking at more promotion. The Chair thanked Ms. Rutten for her presentation. Delegate Petra Rutten left the meeting at this time. 5. Decision Items 5.1 Indoor Pool Recommendations -Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre MOVED BY: Commissioner Morse SECONDED BY: Commissioner Eisel That a recommendation be forwarded to the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils that the recommendations contained in the Professional Environmental Recreation Consultants report on an indoor/outdoor pool addition to the Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre be endorsed subject to financial capability being approved in future long term financial plans of both municipalities, noting that the final alternative facility configuration will be determined at a later date, in advance of going to referendum or providing a counter petition opportunity, and further, that sufficient land area be left adjacent to the Family Recreation Centre in the interim period to ensure all alternatives can be accommodated. CARRIED Maple Wdge and Pitt Meadows Par/cs &. Leisure Services CorrunissiDn Regular Minutes Page 4 of 7 ) Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission. Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 2005 The Commission discussed financial obligations within the framework of the community partnership as well as demographic projections, capital, and operating costs. 2010-11 would probably be the window of time for the new pool. 5.2 BCRPA Symposium 2005 -May 12-Jih Prince George MOVED BY: Commissioner Morse SECONDED BY: Commissioner Faye Isaac That the members of the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission review the conference program and be prepared to determine who will attend the BCRP A 2005 Symposium at the February 10, 2005 Commission meeting. CARRIED Mike Murray: It was a good conference. I encourage 3 Commissioners to attend. Commissioner Reinheimer and Commissioner Trerise: Both reported that this conference was very worthwhile and enjoyable, with high quality speakers. Commissioner Nightingale: It was informative to hear how others overcame problems. Those interested are to let Ingrid Kraus know. Chairperson MacLean: Attendees should table a report to the Commission and share that information with everyone. 5.3 Signing Authorities -Verbal Report MOVED BY: Commissioner Isaac SECONDED BY: Commissioner Ward That the co-chairs and General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation have signing authority for the Commission. 5.4 Home Show -Verbal Report MOVED BY: Commissioner Morse SECONDED BY: Commissioner Isaac Maple l<idge and Pitt Meadows Par/cs &. Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes CARRIED Page 5 qf 7 .l'vfaple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 2005 That funds received from the rental of the ice rink cover floor be used in 2005 to place overhead wires underground at the Maple Ridge Fairgrounds. Mike Murray: By agreement with the Home Show Society, money from the floor rental goes into a trust account and that money can be used for improvements to the Fair Grounds. It will happen before the Home Show in April. 6. Information Items 6.1 Letter from Ms. Eileen House 6. 2 Festival Society-January 2005 Community Calendar 6.3 Airport Tunn el Opening-Pitt River Greenway Saturday, Feb. 5t\ 10 a.m. MOVED BY: Commissioner Ashlie SECONDED BY: Commissioner Morse That the above information items be received. 7. Commission Liaison Reports Airport Open House CARRIED Commissioner Home reported the Airport Open House is August 6th & ih and the Aero Club was having its 90th anniversary too. The "Run Way Run" will take place again this year. No child under 16 years has to pay. There will be a website with links. Commission Liaisons Commissioner Morse asked about who do members-at-large liaison with within the community? She suggested a published list for the next meeting and significant happenings could be reported on and questions asked. Members-at-Large can make recommendations for their groups they liaison with, for instance, letters of recognition or congratulations. Mike Murray: The community-at-large members met before this meeting to go over their liaison responsibilities. Mr. Ian Brown has taken on Dave Roemer's responsibilities. The suggestion is that members do some follow up with their groups. 8. Staff Liaison Reports 7.1 Rick Hansen Fundraiser Mike Murray: Petra Rutten received a grant from the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion fundraiser held in Maple Ridge last year. The $1,500 was used for a special leisure 1Waple F~idge and Pitt Meadows Par/cs&. Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 6 qf7 ) Maple Ri dge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 2005 centre change table. Also the Westview Late Night Drop In Youth Program received $12,000 from the Greg Moore Foundation. 7.2 Robertson Sport Field Mike Murray reported the sport field is ready to play on once the snow is gone. The recent weather has delayed the opening. 7.3 Meadow Ridge Rotary Meeting Mayor Morse received $50,000 for the field at the Meadow Ridge Rotary meeting. 9. Question Period Mike Murray handed out invitations to the Pitt Meadows Airport Tunnel opening. 10. Motion to Move into Closed Session MOVED BY: Commissioner Ashlie SECONDED BY: Commissioner Daykin That the meeting be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 242.2(1)( c) of the Local Government Act as the subject matter being considered relates to labour relations or employee negotiations. CARRIED The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:36 pm. Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Par/cs &. Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 7 of7