HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2005-03-17 minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge
and the
Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure
Services Commission, held in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney
Place, Maple Ridge, BC British Columbia, on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 7:00 pm.
Commissioner Don MacLean, Chair
Commissioner Kathy Morse
Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie
Commissioner Debra Eisel
Commissioner Kathie Ward
Commissioner Ernie Daykin
Commissioner Faye Isaac
District of Pitt Meadows, Mayor
District of Maple Ridge, Mayor
School District No. 42, Trustee Chair
District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
School District No. 42, Trustee
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge Councillor
Commissioner Jo Anne ten Brink
Commissioner Gerry Trerise
Mike Murray
David Boag
Don Cramb
Shelley Jorde
Cheryl Brewster
Ingrid Kraus
Commissioner Gwen O'Connell
Commissioner Dave Rempel
Commissioner Ian Brown
Commissioner Bunny Home
Commissioner Keith Nightingale
Commissioner Kathy Reinheimer
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
GM Community Development, Parks & Recreation
Director, Parks & Facilities
Recreation Manager, West
Recreation Manager, East
Committee Clerk
Executive Assistant
District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
School District No. 42, Trustee
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2005
J. Adoptio11 of the Agenda
MOVED BY: Commissioner Morse
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Eisel
That the Agenda for March 17, 2005 be adopted as circulated.
2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge a11d Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commissio11
Regular Meeti11g
MOVED BY Commissioner Morse
SECONDED BY Commissioner Isaac
That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services
Commission February 10, 2005 Regular Meeting be adopted as circulated.
Commissioner Ashlie advised that under item 4.3 BC Participation Program the
recommendation was to forward this information to the School District and that this has
not been done to date. Staff confirmed that they will forward the information.
3. Delegatio11s or Prese11tatio11s
3.1 Ridge Meadows Festival Society-Karin McCulloch
Ms. McCulloch provided a PowerPoint presentation and update on the events and
activities of the Ridge Meadows Festival Society. Following the presentation,
Commissioner Morse asked whether the Society had considered a name change to
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Festival Society rather than "Ridge
Meadows". Ms. McCulloch confirmed that the Society has already made an
application and this process is underway.
Ms. McCulloch was asked how they received their funding and it was explained
that there were other sources such as membership fees and fee for service
arrangements with other festival groups like the Maple Ridge Mountain Festival
Society. The membership fee is $25.
When asked what members receive as basic services for which there is not
additional charge it was noted the Society coordinates volunteer orientations,
publishes the community events calendar, provides a central resource for
telephone, email and mail for groups and facilitates workshops and training for
event organizers, provides an event organization manual and maintains an
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2005
inventory of resources available to event organizers. It was noted that the
Society's involvement varies according to the needs of various groups.
The Commission reviewed the Community Calendar circulated with the minutes
and questioned some of the events that were included. It was suggested that
criteria be developed as to what is appropriate for inclusion.
Ms. McCulloch was thanked for her presentation and information.
At this time, Ms. Cheryl Brewster was introduced to the Commission members
and welcomed. Ms. Brewster is the new Committee Clerk and was in attendance
to observe. Ms. Brewster will assist in supporting the Parks Commission
beginning April.
3 .2 Volunteer Services Presentation -Ms. Kathryn Baird provided a PowerPoint
presentation. Volunteer Services moved into their new office space in the Maple
Ridge Leisure Centre in January 2004 and is sharing the space with the Festival
Society office. This move has been very positive and provided a visible location
to the community. Ms. Baird spoke on the growth in services, the office
volunteers and the variety of roles for volunteers in our community. It was noted
that between January 2004 and March 2005, the number of office volunteer hours
was 1,499 and 89 non-profit societies and event committees have benefited from
the volunteer office. Ms. Baird circulated a copy of the spring 2005 Volunteer
Herald for information.
Ms. Baird was thanked for her presentation.
4. Decision Items
4.1 Pitt Meadows Historical Society Fee for Service Agreement
MOVED BY: Commissioner Isaac
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Eisel
That the Chair and General Manager: Community Development, Parks and
Recreation Services be authorized to execute the Pitt Meadows Historical and
Museum Society Fee for Service -2005 to 2007.
Staff noted that one of the major amendments was to change the agreements to a three
year term. The agreements are still dependent upon budget approvals on an annual basis
and the Society must still prepare their annual reports to the Commission.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2005
Ms. Sandra Caddo and Ms. Leslie Norman were in attendance and thanked for their
Commissioner Ashlie questioned why the increase in 2006-2007 was so significant?
It was explained that additional funding has been identified in 2007 in the five year
financial plan to cover an increase in curatorial hours.
4.2 Maple Ridge Historical Society Fee For Service Agreement
MOVED BY: Commissioner Eisel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Daykin
That the Chair and General Manager: Community Development, Parks and
Recreation Services be authorized to execute the Maple Ridge Historical Society Fee
for Service Agreement -2005 to 2007.
Staff confirmed that despite the multi-year nature of the agreement the Society will have
to report annually and with annual funding still subject to the annual budget review.
A question was raised related to what is in place if the new museum has to be delayed
does it change anything? Staff indicated that the operation of the new museum is not
identified at this time but will be introduced after five years.
4.3 Maple Ridge Art Gallery Fee For Service Agreement
MOVED BY: Commissioner Ashlie
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Isaac
That the Chair and General Manager: Community Development, Parks and
Recreation Services be authorized to execute the Maple Ridge Art Gallery Fee for
Service Agreement -2005 to 2007.
Commissioner Morse raised the issue of some confusion around fund raising for
the Art Gallery and the Arts Centre & Theatre. The question was also raised as to
whether students can perform recitals and feature student art?
Mrs. Sherry Stewart, Maple Ridge Art Gallery President, indicated that they have
stopped the recitals for now as the piano needs some repair. There was some
further discussion and the suggestion as to whether renting a piano had been
considered in order to carry on with these student opportunities.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2005
The members of the Ridge Meadows Festival Society, Maple Ridge Historical
Society, Pitt Meadows Museum Society and Maple Ridge Art Gallery were
thanked for their time in attending the meeting and the information.
4. 4 Search & Rescue Building Expansion Proposal
Mr. Boag referred to the letter received from Mr. Richard Laing outlining the
need for the expansion.
MOVED BY: Commissioner Isaac
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Morse
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission recommend to Maple Ridge
Council that the Search and Rescue Building expansion project be approved,
subject to the appropriate Building permits and site plan requirements being
obtained by Ridge Meadows Search and Rescue.
4.5 Commissioner Job Description
Mike Murray provided a copy of the Commissioner Job Description which was
drafted at the point of recruiting new Members at Large. The Commission was
asked to review and provide input.
Commissioner Morse asked whether a clause should be added to cover
Commissioner ten Brink indicated that there was a job description in the
orientation manual from BCRP A and suggested staff provide that as well in the
orientation kit for new Commissioners.
MOVED BY: Commissioner Morse
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Daykin
That the Commissioner Job Description be approved and finalized with the
inclusion of a confidentiality clause.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
March I 7, 2005
4. 6 Pitt Meadows -Maple Ridge Sector Recreational Greenways Plan
(separate attachment)
Commissioner Ashlie asked what the kilometre markers were for. It was explained that
the Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) coordinated these bicycle route markers and
they are currently working on maps that will identify locations ('you are here'). These
trails have also been named and all this information will be included in a map the BAC is
producing. The trail map project is also being made possible from a grant received from
Kintec in Maple Ridge.
Commissioner Daykin asked about land use on private lands? Mr. Murray explained that
this is an update to the plan adopted in 1996 and various aspects have now been
completed like the airport tunnel. There is a process for acquiring and providing legal
access to put in place the routes that cross private land but there does need to be a plan
for putting it together over time. At this time there are very few areas in the plan that are
not already identified in the trail maps and existing plans. For the most part the
information is in both communities' Official Community Plans (OCP).
Commissioner Morse questioned where the operational information was provided in
terms of the funding and indicated a level of discomfort putting this into the OCP if no
operating funds are identified. Staff explained that it depends on where the trails are that
would determine GVRD contributions, i.e. Grant Narrows is funded 100% by GVRD.
Another example is the MOU with Pitt Meadows/GVRD re the Pitt River Greenway
which spells out who has what responsibility.
Mr. Murray further explained that other things in the OCP like park sites are not
identified in operating budget for example but they are included as part of the vision.
Detailed negotiations will be required among the parties with respect to any cost sharing,
i.e. Pitt River Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Commissioner Morse suggested that a notes page be included that indicates a caveat to
explain the plan represents a broad vision and not the exact routing and that
implementation will be subject to future budget capability. Mr. Murray explained
endorsing the plan would be required in advance of any GVRD commitments as well.
Commissioner Ashlie suggested adding "proposed" to the cover page.
Commissioner ten Brink questioned whether the report is referenced in the OCP or
appendix? Staff confirmed that the document will be referenced in the OCP and will
be available to the public. The map from GVRD is for the two communities however,
the OCP only deals with each community. What is included in the OCP will dovetail
with the GVRD.
Commissioner MacLean suggested that this be included in the OCP.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2005
Mr. Murray indicated that he has noted the discussion and will work with the GVRD staff
on the language and changes to bring back a new draft at the next meeting.
MOVED BY: Commissioner Eisel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Morse
That the Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge Sector Recreational Greenway Plan be amended per the
discussion and tabled for review at the April 14, 2005 Commission meeting.
4. 7 Parks Tour -Verbal Discussion
There was no parks tour in 2004 and staff is suggesting that one be scheduled and
with a different format from previous years. Rather than attempt to visit all
parks, the tour will encompass new areas that have not been visited and a
representative sample of others. The tour will be on a Saturday and open to as
many Commissioners and staff as are able to attend. Staff will look into date
options for June and report back at the April meeting.
Commissioner Ashlie suggested checking with the school board office for
graduation dates to avoid conflict with graduation exercises. In this regard, the
end of May might be a better time.
5. Information Items
5.1 Quarterly Statistics Report, Shelley Jorde, Recreation Manager (verbal report)
5.2 Letter to Editor Maple Ridge News re Soccer Politics
5.3 BC Arts and Culture Investment announcement
5.4 Parks & Leisure Services Annual Report 2004 (to be distributed at the meeting)
MOVED BY: Commissioner Morse
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Daykin
That the above information items be received.
5.1 Quarterly stats -Ms. Shelley Jorde circulated a report which has been submitted
to both Councils already. There were no further questions on this report.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2005
Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Annual Report -the
report was circulated at the meeting and features the highlights and
accomplishments for 2004. Commission members were invited to submit
comments or questions to Mr. Murray once they have had an opportunity to
read it.
6. Commission Liaison Reports -Nil
Commissioner ten Brink indicated that she will be attending the BC Recreation and Parks
Association Symposium in May which includes a one day workshop just for
Commissioners. She asked the Commission members if there were any particular issues
that they wish raised at this year's conference.
Commissioner MacLean asked that information be gathered and reported back to the
Commission. It was suggested that she take along the Commissioner's Job Description
for input and discussion and also to share the make up of our Commission and how we
accomplished this model.
Commissioner Ashlie suggested Commissioner ten Brink might find out as to whether
there were other areas in the Province that were doing this kind of advocacy like the
School District and Municipalities?
Commissioner Morse asked whether this information could be brought back in the form
of a PowerPoint presentation
Mr. Murray indicated that staff could also report out on the sessions they will be
7. Staff Liaison Reports
Mr. David Boag -further to the recent newspaper article about the Mountain Bike Club,
he advised that agreements have not been signed as the Club is having difficulty
obtaining liability insurance which is a requirement.
A survey was conducted with residents in the Cottonwood North area re Cottonwood
Park. A total of 300 surveys circulated and 28 responses were received (23 support the
park and 5 do not). There are still some surveys coming in and there were many great
ideas submitted like a sport court, water park, swings/play park to name a few. There
was a high interest in preserving the corridor that runs through the area and a pathway is
Ms. Shelley Jorde -the second annual Accessibility Awards will be held on May 30. An
information pamphlet was circulated for information. The nomination deadline is May 9
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Regular Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2005
and this year, the category of customer service was added based on the feedback received
from last year's event.
The summer Recreation/Education brochure is scheduled for publication on April 10.
Staff have called Community groups to get updated information to include in the
directory and ensure the information is as current as we are able to obtain it.
April 7 is Move for Health Day and activities have been planned for parents and pre-
school children at low or no cost opportunities.
Recreation Staff are researching life guarding at Whonnock Lake and a report will be
coming forward to Commission in the next few months.
Spring Break -All Camps are full. Thanks to some grant money, Special Services will
be able to provide one to one support for 8 special needs children.
8. Question Period
There were no questions.
9. Motion to Adjourn
MOVED BY: Commissioner Rempel
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Isaac
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission move into a Closed Meeting
pursuant to Sections 242 (l)(e) of the Local Government Act as the subject matter
being considered relates to the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or
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