HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2008-04-10 minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
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City of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services
Commission, held in the Meeting Room at Pitt Meadows Municipal Hall, Harris Road, Pitt Meadows,
British Columbia, on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 7:00 pm.
Commissioner Don Maclean, Chair
Commissioner Gordy Robson
Commissioner Ernie Daykin
Commissioner Debra Eisel
Commissioner Craig Speirs
Commissioner Kathie Ward
Commissioner Dave Rempel
Commissioner Neil Pukesh
Commissioner Ian Brown
Commissioner Jo Anne ten Brink
Commissioner Christine Smith
Commissioner Ron Wright
Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie
Commissioner Deb Walters
Commissioner Geordie Craig
Mike Murray
David Boag
Kelly Swift
Tony Cotroneo
Meghan MacMillian
Michael Millward
Tracy Camire
Fred Armstrong
Kyle Dion
City of Pitt Meadows, Mayor
District of Maple Ridge, Mayor
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
School District No. 42, Trustee
School District No. 42, Trustee
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
School District No. 42, Trustee Chair
City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
GM, Community Development, Parks & Recreation
Director of Parks & Facilities
Director of Recreation
Youth Services Coordinator
YOI Program Assistant
Facilities Operations Manager
Committee Clerk
Publisher, Maple Ridge Times
Skatepark Consultant
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 1 of 7
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
1. Adoption of the Agenda
R0S-29 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for April 11, 2008 be adopted
2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular
R0S-30 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meetings of March 13, 2008 be adopted
3. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
R0S-30 It was moved and seconded
That the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair be deferred for one month until the Councils
have had an opportunity to consider changing the Commission by law
4. Delegations/Presentation
Note: Item 4.2 was dealt with prior to Item 4.1
4.1 Outdoor Pools, Michael Millward
Mike Millward gave a presentation on the Outdoor Pools and reviewed the pictures of
the areas that are in need of repair. Mr. Millward gave an overview of the challenges
they are facing with regards to the amount of water being lost and the mechanical
issues they a re facing.
Mike Murray reviewed the three alternatives along with estimated costs of each with
the Commission.
Commissioner Debra Eisel requested that this report goes before Pitt Meadows
Council for discussion.
Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie asked staff if there was some background information in
regards to the citizen input to see how much that pool is valued by the community.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
R0S-31 It was moved and seconded
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission receive the attached information
and refer the options on how to proceed with regard to the issues related to the
outdoor pools outlined in the April 3, 2008 report on this subject to the two Municipal
4.2 Youth Action Park Advisory Committee & Mentorship Program, Fred Armstrong
Fred Armstrong, The Maple Ridge Times, gave an update on the Youth Action Park at
Thomas Haney and introduced Kyle Dion, designer for the Youth Action Park.
Dave Rempel joined the meeting at 7:11 pm
Kyle Dion gave a presentation on the Youth Action Skate Park located at Thomas
Haney and advised the Commission that there was a soft launch on Saturday, April
5th with a lot of positive energy.
Tony Cotroneo advised the Commission that there are youth workers on site on a
daily basis and that staffing is going to continue. Mr. Cotroneo also advised that
there will be an opportunity to create a mentorship/leadership program and
introduced Megan MacMillian who is responsible for creating this program.
Megan MacMillian gave a presentation on the mentorship program which will
integrate the youth into the park with staff mentorship to promote safe practices and
raise community awareness. Ms. MacMillian advised the Commission that the hope
of this program is to give the users of the park ownership and leadership skills for the
Fred Armstrong advised the Commission that the official opening will be on May 10th
between 12:00 -5:00 p.m. to cap off Youth Week. Mr. Armstrong also advised the
Commission that there is a plan in the works to bring students to the park from Pitt
Meadows and the first project that this group will be fundraising for is a water
fountain. Mr. Armstrong also advised the Commission that the name the kids came
up with for the skatepark is "The School Yard at Thomas Haney".
Mayor Gordon Robson gave kudos to Megan MacMillian, Fred Armstrong and Tony
Cotroneo on this project and the leadership role that this could present to our
community and advised the group that the more parental support you can get the
better it is for kids and their families.
Dave Rempel leftthe meeting at 7:32 pm
Cheryl Ashlie joined the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Mayor Don Maclean thanked the presenters and commended them on their work.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
ROS-32 It was moved and seconded
That the Parks & Leisure Services Commission is in favor of naming the new Youth
Action Park "The School Yard"
5. Decision Items
5.1 Maple Ridge Elementary School -Assistance with Playground Equipment
David Boag advised the Commission that he was in contact with Julie Radii, Maple
Ridge Elementary PAC Chair and gave her the opportunity to come and talk to the
Commission but Mr. Boag never got a response back.
The Commission discussed the issue around funding opportunities for elementary
schools along with the accessibility to other school playgrounds for the Maple Ridge
Elementary School children and the safety issues around this.
The Commission discussed taking this issue back to the Ministry of Education to
revisit the policy so that schools have appropriate facilities and to ensure that funding
is spread out more evenly throughout the community.
It was moved and seconded
That a recommendation be forwarded to Maple Ridge Council that the request of
Maple Ridge Elementary School PAC for funding assistance for their school
playground equipment be respectfully declined, noting that three neighborhood parks
are situated very close to and surrounding the school site in the same neighborhood
6. Discussion Items
6.1 Outdoor Pool
6.2 Parks Tour (verbal report)
Mike Murray advised the Commission that he would like to give them an opportunity
to partake in a ½ day tour to view several Municipal park sites within our
ACTION ITEM: Staff to send out an invitation to members to determine availability
for a½ day tour of Municipal Park sites in September
Mayor Gordon Robson left the meeting at 8:11 pm
6.3 Presentation: Spirit Square Design Drawings Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge (verbal)
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
David Boag reviewed the plans for the Pitt Meadows Spirit Square.
The Commission discussed the issue of security around the Pitt Meadows Spirit
Square site along with the timeline for this project. Mr. Boag advised the Commission
that they would like to break ground by late May or early June. The area adjacent to
the cenotaph needs to be completed by November.
Mike Murray gave a presentation on the Maple Ridge Spirit Square project.
The Commission discussed the removal of the median along 224th Street and Mr.
Murray confirmed that it would not be removed from the south end of 224th Street at
least not until business areas at that end of the street are redeveloped, and that the
idea behind removing the meridian is to provide a much wider sidewalks and a
stronger connection between the businesses on this street. It will also improve the
flexibility of traffic movements and provide a better space for festivals etc.
Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie asked staff if there would be an opportunity for
community art projects (Artists in Residents) to be displayed throughout the Maple
Ridge Spirit Square project and Mike Murray reviewed some of the proposed art
projects for this development with the Commission.
Mike Murray advised that there will continue to be on street parking on 224th.
Commissioner Craig Speirs advised the Commission that they are going to relook at
the one way streets that are currently adjacent on 119th and MacIntosh along with
circulation that is currently there.
7. Information Items
7.1 Rotary Field Hours of Operation
Mike Murray advised that they have not received information back from the groups in
regards to a formal request for extending the hours of operation at the Rotary Field
but wanted to discuss how the Commission would like to handle this item should it
come before the Commission in the future. The information attached to the agenda
was intended to provide background on how intense the debate was about the field
and to identify why the 9:30 closing time was established.
The Commission agreed that for future developments that there could be a
commitment made but always with the option to review it at a later date.
Commissioner Ernie Daykin advised the Commission to take into account this
neighborhood has evolved over the last few years and some of the folks that spoke
against this have since developed and moved on.
7.2 Invitation: Spirit Square Banner Project
7.3 Press Release -Spirit Square Grant -$500,000
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
R0S-34 It was moved and seconded
That the above information items be received
8. Commission Liaison Reports
Kelly Swift advised the Commission that the Ridge Meadows Senior Society, Maple Ridge
Historical Society and the Pitt Meadows Heritage and Museum Society have held their annual
elections and Ms. Swift will distribute the results to the Commission members for their review
via email.
9. Staff Liaison Reports
Commissioner David Boag advised the Commission that he recently received a call from a
resident near Davie Jones Elementary School with concerns related to after dark activities
that are happening there. Mr. Boag also advised the Commission that he had the bleachers
and port-a-potties removed during the winter season but now that it is ball season he has
had the bleachers put back on the field and this resident has requested for them to be
permanently removed.
Mayor Maclean advised that the RCMP have a zero tolerance and they will be ticketing those
violators at Davie Jones Elementary School.
10. Question Period
Commissioner Debra Eisel requested an update on the Bike Skills Park and David Boag
advised that he will follow up and update the Commission at the next meeting. To date the
Agricultural Land Commission has not provided approval for the project.
The Commission discussed the option of having the agendas for the Parks Commission
meetings sent electronically and having laptops to do the meetings electronically. (note:
while some Commission members have laptops available to them several do not...need to
discuss further)
11. Motion to adjourn
R0B-35 It was moved and seconded
That the regular meeting of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission be adjourned.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
12. Motion to Move into Closed Session
R0B-36 It was moved and seconded
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission move into a Closed Meeting pursuant to
242 (g) litigation or possible litigation affecting the municipality.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Chairperson //
/tc C ,,
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