HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2009-06-11 Minutes.pdf\ I District of Maple Ridge and the City of Pitt Meadows MAPLE RIDGE and PITT MEADOWS PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission, held in the Meadows Room at the Pitt Meadows City Hall, 12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia, on Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 7:00 pm. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Commissioner Doug Bing Commissioner Ernie Daykin Commissioner Judy Dueck Commissioner Don Maclean Commissioner Craig Speirs Commissioner Bruce Bell COMMISSION MEMBERS AT LARGE PRESENT Commissioner Christine Smith, Chair Commissioner Mandeep Bhuller Commissioner Ian Brown, Vice-Chair Commissioner Neil Pukesh STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Mike Murray Bruce McLeod Kelly Swift Tony Cotroneo Tracy Camire GUEST Jason Leemans Max Le Sueur COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Commissioner Geordie Craig Commissioner Gwen O'Connell Commissioner Dave Rempel Commissioner Angie Rowell Commissioner Mike Huber Commissioner Kathie Ward City of Pitt Meadows, Councilor District of Maple Ridge, Mayor District of Maple Ridge, Councilor City of Pitt Meadows, Mayor District of Maple Ridge, Councilor City of Pitt Meadows Councilor (alternate for Gwen O'Connell) Member at Large, Pitt Meadows Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Pitt Meadows GM, Community Development, Parks & Recreation Manager, Parks & Open Spaces Director of Recreation Recreation Coordinator, Greg Moore Youth Centre Committee Clerk Youth Action Park Leadership Team Meadowlands Housing Co-operative Member at Large, Maple Ridge City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor School District No. 42, Trustee Member at Large, Maple Ridge School District No. 42, Trustee School District No. 42, Trustee There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 1 of6 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, June 11, 2009 1. Adoption of the Agenda R09-029 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda for June 11, 2009 be adopted as presented. CARRIED 2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting R09-030 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting of May 14, 2009 be adopted as presented. 3. Delegations/Presentations 3.1 Mr. Jason Leemans, Youth Action Park Leadership Team, Pitt Meadows Youth Action Park Committee CARRIED Tony Cotroneo, Recreation Coordinator introduced Jason Leemans, who is a representative of the Youth Action Park Advisory Committee and explained that Mr. Leemans has been volunteering at the Greg Moore Youth Centre one night a week since November 2008 as well as at the Youth Action Park. Mr. Leemans gave a presentation on his experiences with the Youth Action Park and the benefits this park gives the youth within Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. He then referenced the removal of the facility in Pitt Meadows and talked about the need to replace it. Mr. Leemans would like to work with the Commission towards a solution to ensure this important addition to the Pitt Meadows community is not forgotten. Mr. Murray confirmed with the Commission that there is a project in the Pitt Meadows 5-year capital budget for 2011 and that staff are hoping to start the planning process over the next year. Mr. Murray also noted that in the interim, there will be a sport court put in adjacent to the youth centre and the hope is that some portable ramps will be put in until the final project is completed. Upon request for clarification Mr. Murray confirmed that there was never a commitment from the developer to build a new park once the old one was gone. He advised the intention has been to build a new park once the budget allowed for it. Tony Cotroneo & Jason Leemans left the meeting at 7:22 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 2 of6 ) Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, June 11, 2009 3.2 Max Lesueur, President, Meadowlands Housing Cooperative re: Hoffman Park Off-Leash Area Mr. Lesueur, Meadowlands Housing Cooperative representative, explained the difficulty his strata members have experienced with the Hoffman Park Off-Leash Area. He advised that the residents of the Meadowlands Cooperative would like to see the Off-Leash dog park located somewhere other than Hoffman Park. The Commission discussed the different locations that would be suitable for an Off- Leash Dog Park and Mike Murray confirmed that David Boag is looking at possible sites within Hoffman Park as well as other sites in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. Bruce McLeod, Manager, Parks and Open Spaces, confirmed that an area is being looked at within Hoffman Park and shared some drawings of the location with the Commission. Mike Murray advised the Commission that until a final location is determined the current off-leash area should be moved further away but still within Hoffman Park, possibly on a trial basis, until the volunteer dog off leash committee studying the issue have an opportunity to provide their recommendations. Mr. Lesueur left the meeting at 7:49pm 4. Decision Items 4.1 Subsidized Ice Allocation to Minor Sports R09-031 It was moved and seconded That a recommendation to direct staff to prepare an incremental budget package that would achieve an average allocation per player per week of 0.09 hours within five years, for consideration during the 2010 business planning cycle. CARRIED Kelly Swift reviewed the Subsidized Ice Allocation to Minor Sports report The Commission discussed the report and how they can begin to provide more subsidized ice time to the community. Ms. Swift noted that she understands this is a costly matter and therefore the increments are over a five year period of time. She also noted that because the amount of subsidized ice that the Commission provides hasn't gone up as the community and sports have grown the problem has also grown. Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows provide half of the subsidized time provided by other lower mainland communities to their minor sports organizations. 4.2 July Meeting -Possible Parks Tour Mike Murray advised the Commission that once the agenda items have been confirmed for the July Commission meeting that he would like to arrange for a bus tour to view the potential sites for off-leash dog parks within Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 3 of6 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, June 11, 2009 The Commission agreed to a bus tour to view potential off-leash dog park sites. 5. Discussion Items 5.1 Hoffman Park Dog Run Petition -Discussion of Options This item was dealt with under Item 3.2 with the understanding that the off leash area would be relocated within Hoffman park. 5.2 Tree Top Adventure Play Area Survey and Open House Results Mike Murray reviewed the Tree Top Adventure Play Survey and Open House results with the Commission and noted that there were between 20-30 residents present with only eight completed surveys and three pieces of correspondence received. including those completed on line. Mr. Murray advised the Commission that the majority of the respondents were in favor of the proposed adventure development with four opposed subject to the details being addressed appropriately. He mentioned additional public input would be sought once a detailed proposal was received. 5.3 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan Timetable -verbal report Mike Murray advised that he is working with consultants as they've been preparing the first draft of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan and confirmed that Senior Management in both communities need to provide further input. Once this has been completed the draft will come before the Commission and then both Councils in the early fall. He also confirmed that the draft will then be open for public review. 6. Information Items 6.1 KEEPS Newsletter Update April 2009. 6.2 Royal Canadian Legion re Cenotaph. 6.3 Metro Vancouver re Blaney Bog Regional Park Reserve Commissioner Speirs noted that the purchase of forested land adjacent to Blaney Bog is a wonderful addition and a beautiful stretch of forest. Mike Murray also confirmed that the goal is to link the Codd Island and Blaney Bog in a linear way out to Grant Narrows. 6.4 Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission 2009 Spring Newsletter 6.5 Webster's Corners Community Association re Proposed Park at Webster's Corners Bruce McLeod reviewed the process for the proposed park at Webster's Corners and confirmed that the planning process has been put on hold until the Steering Committee has had the opportunity to address the concerns from the Webster's Corners Community Association. Mr. McLeod noted another survey will be provided to the residents to receive feedback as to what they would like to see in this park. He mentioned the goal is to have a draft concept completed for viewing at the Webster's Days event. Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 4 of6 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Servi ces Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, June 11, 2009 6.6 BCRPA Symposium Notes -Changes on the Landscape Commissioner Christine Smith circulated and reviewed the Changes in the Landscape report she prepared following attendance at the BCRPA Conference and advised the Commission that a policy and a mirroring bylaw needs to be established in order to control tent cities. Commissioner Smith confirmed that this is not just a Provincial issue but a global problem. She also reviewed the LUNA (Late & Unique Night-time Alternatives) report and the report she prepared based on another BCRPA session on facility upkeep. The session she attended stressed that in order to keep on top of our facilities 2% of the building capital value should be put into a regular maintenance fund each year and that it is cost efficient to establish El good maintenance program for facilities. R09-032 It was moved and seconded That Items 6 .1 through 6.6 be received as information CARRIED 7. Commission Liaison Reports 8. Staff Liaison Reports Kelly Swift Kelly Swift advised that the Leisure Centre pool closure was extended to a 6 week shutdown in order to ensure time for the ordered mechanical equipment to arrive. It was noted the extended shut down is for the pool areas only. Bruce McLeod Brue McLeod advised that Park Operations staff are working hard to keep up to the Spring growing season and have also put a notice out to ask residents to water their street trees, especially those recently planted. Mr. McLeod also confirmed that the hanging baskets are going up around the community. On the park development side; he is just completing a final review of the documents in preparation for issuing the tender for construction next week for the park site in Silver Valley at 239B and 13OA. The park development will begin in late July or August. The fish passage channel and related landscape work is being completed at Whonnock Lake. These works are related to the compensatory works required for the completed lake water level control berm. RlnC grant application for the North Alouette Greenway is under way; going before Council next week. Mike Murray Mike Murray advised that the new track field opening will be held Friday, June 12th at the Maple Ridge Secondary School at 12:30pm. Mr. Murray also advised the Commission that the Biln Land Exchange negotiations have been finalized and will go before both Councils shortly and then the Agricultural Commission for approval. This will complete the trail connection from the recently acquired properties to the 216th dyke trail. Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 5 of6 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, June 11, 2009 Commissioner Ernie Daykin Commissioner Daykin attended the Eagles Classic track meet. He shared that they received rave reviews. He has also received many positive comments in regards to the Maple Ridge Park Playground; it's an awesome addition to that park and busy all the time. It was confirmed that an application for the infrastructure at Hammond Stadium has been completed. The Commission discussed the issue surrounding landscaping upkeep at the Shoreline Development. Bruce McLeod confirmed that he has had a discussion with the strata to clarify the roles and bylaws as to what is being looked after by the Municipality. Mike Murray confirmed that we are maintaining the area but we don't have the funding to keep on top of the weeding to the same degree as the landscape contractors employed by developers during the time they are selling homes. This is something staff needs to address and they are meeting with residents on this in a couple of areas. He advised the irrigation issued raised would be checked out in the next few days. 9. Question Period 10. Adjourned -8:37 p.m. ~~. Chairperson /tc Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes . Page 6 of6