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District of Maple Ridge
and the
City of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services
Commission meeting held on Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 7:00 pm.
Commissioner Don Maclean
Commissioner Ernie Daykin
Commissioner Craig Speirs
Commissioner Kathie Ward
Commissioner Dave Rempel
Commissioner Geordie Craig
Commissioner Angie Rowell
Commissioner Mandeep Bhuller
Mike Murray
David Boag
Bruce McLeod
Kelly Swift
Sue Wheeler
City of Pitt Meadows, Mayor
District of Maple Ridge, Mayor
District of Maple Ridge, Councilor
School District No. 42, Trustee
School District No. 42, Trustee
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
General Manager
Director, Parks & Open Spaces
Manager, Parks and Open Spaces
Director of Recreation
Director of Community Services
Shelley Jorde
Tracy Camire
Recreation Manager Community Connections
Committee Clerk
Catherine Berris
Bernie Asbell
Commissioner Christine Smith, Chair
Commissioner Ian Brown, Vice-Chair
Commissioner Doug Bing
Commissioner Mike Huber
Commissioner Neil Pukesh
Commissioner Judy Dueck
Commissioner Gwen O'Connell
Catherine Berris Associates Inc.
Asbell Management Innovations
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
City of Pitt Meadows, Councilor
School District No. 42, Trustee
Member at Large, Pitt Me-adows
District of Maple Ridge, Councilor
City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
Mayor Ernie Daykin chaired the meeting in Christine Smith and Ian Brown's absence.
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
1. Adoption of the Agenda
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, November 12, 2009
R09-044 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for November 12, 2009 be adopted as circulated
2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular
R09-045 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting of October 08, 2009 be adopted as presented.
3. Delegations -none
4. Decision Items
4.1 Pitt Meadows Community Garden Extension
Bruce McLeod, Manager, Parks and Open Spaces advised the Commission that the
Pitt Meadows Community Garden has requested funding to extend their current plot
area to create 20 additional plots.
Please note the Commission went on to discuss Item 4.2 prior to voting on this Item ensuring that
quorum was met.
Sue Wheeler, Director of Community Services, advised that Christine
DiGiamberardine is working with the Community Network who in turns works with the
School District on Elementary School Gardens. Two exist now and two more are being
It was moved and seconded
That Parks and Leisure Services Commission recommend to Pitt Meadows Council,
$15,000.00 be identified in the 2010 Parks Capital Budget for the
Community Garden Extension and,
Any future plans for parcel designated GreenbelVPark take into
consideration the long term needs of the Community Garden.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, November 12, 2009
4.2 Dog Off Leash Location Recommendations
David Boag updated the Commission on the progress of the Dog Off Leash park site
The Commission discussed each site at length and reviewed the site maps for each
proposed location.
Councilor Speirs would like to see the use of composters for dog waste used at the
new locations that are being proposed. David Boag advised that the Dog Off Leash
Steering Committee is reviewing the different options for the removal of dog waste.
Mayor McLean expressed some concern for the Dog Off Leash site that is being
proposed for the Dyke and requested some review of the foreshore environmental
implications before the proposal is brought to Pitt Meadows Council.
The Commission discussed a "User Pay Service" along with the additional costs for
maintenance, bylaw enforcement and creating the facilities. The Commission also
discussed closing some of the sites during parts of the year to encourage wildlife to
remain on the sites (i.e. nesting season).
It was moved and seconded
1. That a recommendation be sent to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils
that the off leash park locations recommended by the Dogs Off Leash
Steering Committee be adopted including the five (5) proposed sites
identified in recommendation #1 in the attached Appendix "A", of the
October 28, 2009 report on this subject be approved,
2. That recommendations #2, #4 and #5, in the attached appendix "A" of the
same report be adopted,
3. That recommendation's #6, # 7 and #8 in the attached appendix "A" of the
October 28, 2009 report on this subject, be forwarded to Maple Ridge and
Pitt Meadows Councils for consideration as proposed bylaw amendments,
4. That Staff be directed to research alternatives to removing dog waste, and
5. That Staff prepare a report after one year of implementation noting the
impacts on all sites.
5 Discussion Items
5.1 Maple Ridge Historical Society Storage for Maple Ridge Museum
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, November 12, 2009
Mike Murray advised the Commission that we currently have a service agreement
with the Maple Ridge Historical Society to operate the museum and receive artifacts
with historic significance however; the group has been unable to build a new facility
and are in need of a storage facility. Mr. Murray also advised that the group at one
time had an agreement with the School District but due to some issues were not able
to continue this agreement. He noted the alternative is to rent some space which
would allow priority control over its use. This is problematic for the group since
commercial storage space costs an additional amount of money and their gaming
funds have been cut.
Shelley Jorde, Recreation Manager Community Connections, advised the Commission
that the Society has asked us for support for either some secured space or some
additional funding to pay for storage.
Mike Murray asked the School District representatives if they see anything changing
in the current arrangement with the School District or do we need to figure out some
way to help out with this?
Kathie Ward advised the Commission that her understanding when speaking with
School District staff was that space would be provided.
It was moved and seconded
That the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Commission refer this letter
to School District No. 42 for investigation and come back to the Commission with an
5.2 Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Correspondence re funding for Executive Director
Shelley Jorde introduced Ridge Meadows Seniors Society President, Betty Levens
who requested that the Commission provide the funding now for the new seniors
centre that will be located in Pitt Meadows (that has been put on hold). The objective
would be to advance hiring of an Executive Director for RMSS who would oversee the
operation of both the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Seniors Centres.
Ms. Levens advised the Commission that the RMSS celebrated their 10th Anniversary
recently and noted that the Society is bursting at the seams. She hopes the new
location in Pitt Meadows will help out with this issue. Ms. Levens also noted that if
the $25,000 was provided now to the society they would be able to hire someone
with the qualifications to assist in running both the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows
Mike Murray reviewed the original contract and operating budget with the
Commission and noted that the Society wouldn't be asking for any additional funds
once the location in Pitt Meadows is up and running.
Shelley Jorde reviewed the staffing and skills that will be needed once the Senior's
Centre is open in Pitt Meadows.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, November 12, 2009
Mike Murray advised that staff can talk about this during Business Planning within
the next month.
6 Information Items
6.1 Letter: Mr. R. Ke/tie re Park Maintenance Service Levels
6.2 Ad for Parks Commission Opening
Mike Murray advised that Neil Pukesh will not be continuing on the Commission due
to his work schedule and, therefore, the Commission is looking for another Pitt
Meadows resident. An advertisement has been placed. Candidates will be
interviewed by the Pitt Meadows Council members on the Commission.
6.3 Certificate of Appreciation from Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association
6.4 Recreation Excellence Newsletter -Fall 2009
6.5 Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Arts Council -Annual Report 2008-2009 (separate
R09-049 It was moved and seconded
To receive the above information
7. Commission Liaison Report
Angie Rowell advised the Commission that the General Dellaire event was a sold out house;
in which the Youth Centre received approx. $7500 from the profits. Ms. Rowell noted that
she was impressed how our communities work together to support youth. The money raised
for the General's organization will help build 12 homes
8. Staff Liaison Reports
David Boag advised that the Parks Department is currently looking for a Caretaker for
Davidson's Pool.
Kelly Swift advised the Commission that the Olympic Torch Relay will be passing through
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows on February 8th and the Committee is working together with
the School District on the event. She also mentioned that the Para Olympic Torch relay will
stop in Maple Ridge which has been selected as a celebration site on March 12th.
Sue Wheeler advised the Commission that Community Services hosted their first Youth
Forum in Pitt Meadows with 158 grade 6 and 7 students in attendance to discuss what an
ideal city would look like to them and confirmed that the report will be completed in early
December. She mentioned another forum will be held with secondary school students
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, November 12, 2009
9. Question Period
10. Adjourned -7:29 p.m.
R09-050 It was moved and seconded
That the regular meeting of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission be adjourned.
10. Motion to move into Closed Meeting
R09-051 It was moved and seconded
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission move into a Closed Meeting pursuant to
242(e) the acquisition. disposition or expropriation of land or improvements if the
Commission considers that disclosure might reasonable be expected to harm the interests
of the municipality.
The regular meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
~ Chairperson
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