HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2010-02-04 Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
and the
City of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services
Commission meeting held on Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 7:00 pm.
Commissioner Ernie Daykin
Commissioner Don Maclean
Commissioner Doug Bing
Commissioner Gwen O'Connell
Commissioner Craig Speirs
Commissioner Judy Dueck
Commissioner Mandeep Bhuller
Commissioner Eleanor Palis
Commissioner Mike Huber
Commissioner Ken Clarkson
Mike Murray
David Boag
Pauline Vandermoor
Kathryn Bai rd
Kelly Swift
Tracy Camire
Val Patenaude
Janet Amsden
Perry Bateson
Paul Beckett
Farron Fedechko
Commissioner Christine Smith
Commissioner Ian Brown
Commissioner Geordie Craig
Commissioner Angie Rowell
District of Maple Ridge, Mayor
City of Pitt Meadows, Mayor
City of Pitt Meadows, Councilor
City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, Councilor
District of Maple Ridge, Councilor
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
School District No. 42, Trustee
School District No. 42, Trustee
School District No. 42, Chair
General Manager
Director of Parks & Facilities
Recreation Coordinator
Recreation Coordinator Volunteer/Special Events
Committee Clerk
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Vice-President Maple Ridge Historical Society
Yuen's Family Martial Arts
Modern Pentathlon
Ridge Canoe & Kayak Club
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at large, Maple Ridge
Please note that Mayor Don Maclean acted as the Chair for this meeting.
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, February 4, 2010
1. Adoption of the Agenda
R10-009 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for January 7, 2010 be adopted as circulated
2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular
R10-010 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting of January 7, 2010 be adopted with the following amendment;
Item 5.1 the recommendation should read "that the Commission then adopt the final draft
and incorporate those recommendations"
3. Delegations
3.1 Maple Ridge Historical Society
Val Patenaude from the Maple Ridge Historical Society provided information on their
budget and how the loss of their gaming funding ($30, 000) has affected the Society.
Ms. Patenaude also noted that the Maple Ridge Museum is currently being renovated
and new displays are making better use of the museum's limited space. She also
advised the Commission that they will be renegotiating their Fee for Service agreement
again this year.
Janet Amsden, Vice-President of the Maple Ridge Historical Society advised the
Commission how vital it is to have a new museum included in the 5 year plan however
the Society acknowledges th?1t this is not the year to make such a request.
Ms. Amsden noted that an agreement has been made with the Maple Ridge Teachers
Association to store some of the artifacts and collections but noted that this is not an
ideal situation as it makes it difficult accessing items when needed.
Councillor Speirs noted that he attended the Community Heritage Commission meeting
where it was recognized that there is a need for a museum and archiving the records
and they would like to consider the option of storing historical archives online with
access to the public.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, February 4, 2010
3.2 Sports Council -Update
Pauline Vandermoor and Perry Bateson gave a presentation on the newly formed
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Sports Council and provided information on the
KidSport program to the Commission.
The Sports Council will advocate on behalf of community sport groups to provide
resources, reduce barriers and assist in achieving positive results in order to benefit
the citizens of our communities.
3.3 Ms. Kathryn Baird, Volunteer Software
Kathryn Baird gave a presentation on the Volunteer Recognition Program and provided
an update on the Volunteer Management Software program.
Please note that Kathryn Baird left the meeting at 7:53pm
4. Decision Items
4.1 2010 BC Recreation & Parks Association Symposium Attendance
Mike Murray advised the Commission that the 2010 BC Recreation & Park Association
Symposium will be held between May 12 -13th in Kelowna. Mr. Murray noted that
three staff members will be attending and the Commission can also send three
Mike Murray requested that any Commission members that are interested in attending
this symposium are to notify him or Ingrid Kraus.
It was moved and seconded
Receive the above as information
Festival Funding Recommendations -distributed at the meeting
It was moved and seconded
That the festival support allocations for 2010 be approved as noted in the summary
developed by the Parks and Leisure Services Commission Festival Support sub-
committee, attached to the 2009-02-03 report on this subject.
Mayor Daykin provided an update on the Festival Funding sub-committee meeting
where the committee reviewed $ 52,000 worth of requests. Mayor Daykin reviewed
the criteria for allocating the funds with the Commission.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, February 4, 2010
Mayor Daykin also advised the Commission that there is $1700 left over for new
events; and the sub-committee is looking at doing two intakes so that the festivals that
occur later in the year have an opportunity to get their requests in.
Mayor Maclean introduced Eleanor Palis and Ken Clarkson to the Commission.
5. Discussion Items
5.1 Parks Master Plan Prioritization Criteria -verbal report/brainstorming session
Mike Murray provided an update on the public information session for the Parks
Master Plan. The Commission came up with the following list as criteria for
prioritizing the recommendations in the Parks Master Plan;
• More uses (broader spectrum)
• Benefits the most people
• Accessible (by hours of operation or by way of transportation or by
• More accessible then something else
• Sustainable or self-sustainable
• Distribution of services need to be mutually beneficial
• One that costs less than another
• Lower subsidizing (low hanging fruit)
• Adaptability (as we grow older higher% of 65 is going to be equal to under
• Phasability
• Population base that supports
Mr. Murray advised the Commission that the plan will come back before the
Commission at the implementation part of the process.
Mike Murray confirmed that both Councils will have to approve the prioritized list after
reviewing the recommendations from this Commission.
5.2 Joint Leisure Services Agreement Review -verbal report
Mike Murray reviewed the Joint Leisure Services Agreement report outline with the
Commission and provided some background information as to why this is being
completed; he indicated the agreement is working as a result of review on a fairly
regular cycle. Mr. Murray noted that he is hoping to present this report to the
Commission in March. (note: it will be April given that the March meeting will be a
Mr. Murray advised the Commission that the analysis will include a review of what
the separate costs would be if the two communities provided services separately.
6. Information Items
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, February 4, 2010
6.1 Parks Commission Meeting Schedule -Revised
Mayor McLean advised the Commission that the May 13th meeting is in the middle of
the BCRPA and LMLGA and requested that the meeting date be moved to May 6th. It
as agreed to do so.
Mike Murray noted the business plan identifies Community Development training for
the Commission as an objective and suggested that the March 11th meeting be used
for that purpose. It was agreed that March 11th would be an appropriate date. It was
also noted that March 11th is in the middle of Spring Break. Despite that timing the
Commission felt it was still appropriate to proceed with the March 11th meeting time.
6.2 Letter School District No. 42 Appointments to Commission
6.3 Parks Master Plan -Ad Copy
R10-013 It was moved and seconded
To receive the above information
7. Commission Liaison Reports
8. Staff Liaison Reports
Mike Murray provided an update on the Pitt Meadows Citizen at Large vacancy and noted
that he should have more information next meeting.
Kelly Swift advised the Commission that the Ridge Meadows Senior Society has hired a new
Manager, Patty Godbehere and provided some background information on Ms. Godbehere.
Ms. Swift provided an update on the Olympic Torch Relay event which takes place on Monday
Kelly Swift advised the Commission that the Maple Ridge Museum are working with the
Maple Ridge Teacher's Association on a solution to their lack of storage space. Ms. Swift
also provided an update on the Pitt Meadows Arena; noting that the RFP for an operator has
been prepared and will go out to the short listed candidates shortly. Following their
submissions they will be evaluated and then a recommendation on the preferred proposal
will go before Pitt Meadows Council.
9. Question Period
10. Adjourned -8:34 p.m.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Thursday, February 4, 2010
R10-014 It was moved and seconded
That the regular meeting of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission be adjourned.
11. Motion to move into Closed Meeting
R10-015 It was moved and seconded
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission move into a Closed Meeting pursuant to
242(e) the acquisition. disposition or expropriation of land or improvements if the
Commission considers that disclosure might reasonable be expected to harm the interests
of the municipality.
The regular meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
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