HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2013-12-10 minutes.pdf Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 1 of 4 District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at 4:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Blair Arbuthnot Landscape Architect Chris Mramor, Vice-Chair Landscape Architect Johnny Leung Architect Peter Lovick, Chair Architect COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Colleen Dixon Architect STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Rasika Acharya Planner II & ADP Staff Liaison Joanne Georgelin Committee Clerk ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order and Introductions The meeting was called to order at 4:02 pm. 2. Agenda Approval Moved and Seconded: That the December 10, 2013 agenda be approved with the following change: CARRIED 3. Approval of the Minutes – October 8, 2013 Moved and Seconded: That the Minutes of the meeting of October 8, 2013 be approved with the following amendment; • Replace second bullet from the bottom by “Consider additional storm water management strategies to include storm oil interceptors with landscape bio-swales” i.e. replace integrate with “include” and replace bio-soils with “bio-swales”. CARRIED Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 2 of 4 4. New Business 4.1 Tandem Parking Update Rasika Acharya gave an update on the proposed tandem parking bylaw amendments and the recent public open house hosted by planning. It has been discovered that most developers are not supportive of the proposed amended tandem parking bylaw update. Buyers don’t like tandem 4.2 ADP Membership 2014-2015 Rasika Acharya thanked panel members Chris Mramor and Peter Lovick for their dedication and commitment in the past years and also handed them souvenir gift books, Mayor’s thank you letters and thank you cards. They completed two terms with the Advisory Design Panel. Rasika Acharya updated Panel members on the two new members replacing Mr. Mramor and Mr. Lovick in January to begin their 2 year term. AIBC nominated Roger Amenyogbe as an architect member and BCLSA nominated Amy Gore as a landscape architect member. Blair Arbuthnot as a landscape architect member and Colleen Dixon as an architect member, completed a year and will continue for the second half of the term, while Johnny Leung as an architect member will continue for a second term. The Panel for 2014 is complete with three architects and two landscape architects. The new chair of ADP will be determined at the January meeting. Rasika Acharya also provided a copy of the proposed 2014 meeting dates to the members who will continue on the Panel and advised Panel that November 11 (Tuesday) happens to be a Statutory Holiday (Remembrance Day) so the ADP meeting will need to be either on Wednesday, November 12, 2013 or on a Tuesday in the following week. This will be determined in a couple of months. 5. Projects 5.1 Development Permit: 2012-119-DP Applicant: Dale Staples Project Architect: Dale Staples, Integra Architecture Landscape Architect: Rebecca Colter, MCSLA Proposal: 104 Townhouse units (RM-1 Zone) Location: 10335 240A Street & 24108 104 Avenue Planning Technician/File Manager: Siobhan Murphy, MCIP, RPP The following applicants were present at the meeting:  Dale Staples, Architect  Rebecca Colter, Landscape Architect Rasika Acharya reviewed the Advisory Design Panel memo dated December 10, 2013 attached to the agenda, with respect to the location, size, context, surrounding uses, rezoning application, OCP designation and Multi-Family DP Guidelines, site access, proposed design and colours, materials, number of units, storm water management and sanitary sewer connections, landscaping, seismic stability & testing, traffic survey, pedestrian connectivity, on-site landscaping and parking. Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 3 of 4 Dale Staples, Architect, presented the proposed design details to the Panel. Rebecca Colter, Landscape Architect, presented the proposed details of the on-site landscaping to the Panel. Moved and Seconded: The application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: • Consider continuing the perimeter trail around building 7 or more to the north to eliminate a dead end. • Consider barrier free access to central amenity area. • Consider better series of connections for the pedestrian walkway. • Consider a continuous sidewalk at the main vehicle entrance. • Provide details of site entry features • Consider architectural treatment to more visible ends of the buildings. • Consider the surface treatment at unit entries. • Better consideration to be taken at the termination of building finishes. • Consider glass panels in the entry doors or garage doors • Consider matching styles of windows on each elevation. • Provide architectural character with trellis or roof skirts on the building elevations facing amenities area. • Provide pedestrian and roadway lighting details. • Provide more prominence to north access to amenity area. CARRIED 5.2 Development Permit: 2013-080-DP Applicant: Dale Staples Project Architect: Dale Staples, Integra Architecture Landscape Architect: Rebecca Colter, MCSLA Proposal: 18 Townhouse units (RM-1 Zone) Location: 24086 104 Avenue Planning Technician/File Manager: Siobhan Murphy, MCIP, RPP The following applicants were present at the meeting:  Dale Staples, Architect  Rebecca Colter, Landscape Architect Rasika Acharya reviewed the Advisory Design Panel memo dated December 10, 2013 attached to the agenda, with respect to the location, size, context, surrounding uses, rezoning application, OCP designation and Multi-Family DP Guidelines, site access, proposed design and colours, materials, number of units, storm water management and sanitary sewer connections, landscaping, seismic stability & testing, traffic survey, pedestrian connectivity, on-site landscaping and parking. Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 4 of 4 Dale Staples, Architect, presented the proposed design details to the Panel. Rebecca Colter, Landscape Architect, presented the proposed details of the on-site landscaping to the Panel. Moved and Seconded: The application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: • Confirm FSR calculations to determine if more space can be allotted for building entries. • Provide architectural treatment and possible glass panels on garage doors and entry doors. • Look at reducing building overhang on visitor parking. • Consider contrasting surface treatment at building entries. • Consider more robust landscape treatment at main vehicle entry. • Look into providing pedestrian connection to adjacent site. • Consider reducing setback along east property line and provide sidewalk in front of building 2. • Provide pedestrian connection to 104th. • Consider alternate border/fence treatment along east property line with a lower profile. • Consider adjusting landscape alignment of retaining walls with a clear integration along adjacent property. • Consider relocation entry gate to child play area so as not to interfere with parking. • Consider increasing child play area with a possible reduction to the patio. • Consider entry element to amenity area. • Provide combined site sections through both the development sites. CARRIED 6. PRESENTATIONS - Nil 7. CORRESPONDENCE- Nil 8. Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 14, 2013 Agenda deadline: Monday, December 30, 2013 9. Adjournment: 6:13 pm /jg