HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2014-10-14 minutes.pdf Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 1 of 4 City of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 4:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Colleen Dixon Architect Roger Amenyogbe Architect STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Adrian Kopystynski Planner II Sunny Schiller Committee Clerk REGRETS Blair Arbuthnot Landscape Architect Kyoung Bae Park Landscape Architect Johnny Leung Architect ______________________________________________________________________________ As quorum was not achieved it was decided to proceed with an informal meeting where comments could be gathered from members present. Further comments were solicited from those panel members who were absent and are attached as Appendix I to these notes. 1. Projects 1.1 Development Permit: 2013-029-DP Applicant: Wayne Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Project Architect: Wayne Bissky Landscape Architect: Paul Whitehead Owners: Danik and Blossom Daniels Proposal: 70 Unit RM-2 Apartment Building Location: 22305 & 22315 122 Street Planning Technician/ Amelia Bowden, Planning Technician File Manager The following applicants were present at the meeting:  Wayne Bissky, Architect  Paul Whitehead, Landscape Architect Wayne Bissky, Architect, presented the proposed design to the Panel. The project is a five story wood frame multi residential building. The proposal would combine two existing single family lots and create 59 units (a mix of one and two bedroom units). Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 2 of 4 Conventional landscaping is planned with a focus on the 122nd Avenue entrance, which is wheelchair accessible. Each ground floor unit has a patio. Comments in lieu of a motion: It was decided that the application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and be submitted to Planning staff for follow up: - Consider stepping down the upper edge of the underground parking building along the west side to incorporate landscaping - Consider making the area along the ramp more transparent when viewed from the street - Consider improving the urban realm close to the main entrance of the building where it connects to the sidewalk - Consider increasing one of the corner or central building elements to be taller and thus more prominent - Consider using contrast coloring on some of the higher level soffits and for the entry feature - Consider providing a 15 minute drop off zone at the curb side in front of the main entrance - Consider incorporating a pocket of short term visitor bicycle parking adjacent to the ramp at the main entrance - Consider reworking the landscaping area at the north west corner of the building to provide a more direct path to that entrance - Consider introducing a trellis to the overhang at the underground parking 1.2 Development Permit: 2013-019-DP Applicant: Wayne Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Project Architect: Wayne Bissky Landscape Architect: M2 Landscape Architecture Owners: City of Maple Ridge and 0910609BC LTD. Proposal: 120 unit CD-2-13 120-unit Apartment Building and 6 Townhouse units Location: 22576 and 22588 Brown Street Planning Technician/ File Manager: Adrian Kopystynski The following applicants were present at the meeting:  Wayne Bissky, Architect  Meredith Mitchell, M2 Landscape Architecture The Planner outlined the planned development of this 4th high rise to the east of a 3 tower project (2012-115-DP) by the same architect that was considered by the ADP about a year ago. Phase 1 will be the construction of a six storey building, phase 2 a 13-storey building and phase 3 a 19 storey building. Common elements of the project include interconnected underground parking and a commercial component in buildings 2 and 3. The Development Permit has been reviewed by the ADP for building 1. This development is high density residential area in accordance with the OCP. A Development Information Meeting will be held this week in regards to this project. The Supplemental Guidelines governing 2012-115- DP for street level landscape planning will apply to this project. Small patios are planned for Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 3 of 4 the townhouse units on Brown Avenue. The project is subject to a comprehensive development zone, drafted to accommodate this project. A Master Development Agreement will be put in place for this development for amenities being provided, such as public art and about a dozen units designed for aging in place (SAFER Standard units) and to support a cohesive design with buildings 1, 2 and 3 to the west. Excluding indoor amenity space from the calculation of the gross floor area was mentioned by the Panel to encourage more recreational and leisure space in high density projects. The Architect made a presentation to the Panel, showing each level of the structure, building elevations and outdoor amenity areas on the roof of the podium portion of the project and the roof top. Key elements of the design were discussed with elaborations provided. The Landscape Architect described the proposed landscaping at grade and at the roof tops. Panel member Kyoung Bae Park had provided written feedback regarding the landscape architecture prior to the meeting and this was read out. His comments were addressed by Meredith Mitchell from M2 Landscaping. Comments in lieu of a motion: It was decided that the following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings and memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for information. - Prepare an urban realm plan to provide better context for street scape elements for the fronting streets, lane and right of way along the east side. - Consider incorporating additional façade treatment to the wall facing the lane as an interim design measure before the vegetation matures - Consider incorporating a stronger pedestrian element along the lane connecting westward to the “port cochere” leading to Edge Street and eastward to the right of way at the east of the building - Consider the treatment of the exterior wall facing the right of way to the east of the building (such as recessing the exit door, adding windows, etc.) and strengthening this space as a pedestrian walkway - Consider emphasizing the roof treatment on this buildings to be a significant visual landmark, such as a marquee roof element, lighting and /or program element such as amenity space - Consider providing weather protection from both rain and wind for the open roof top amenity areas - Consideration be given to have a better treatment of the entrance area - Consider reducing the appearance of repetition in the tower by incorporating the varied elevation elements (double storey windows, etc.) - Modify the balcony for the units at the south east corner of the building - Provide better detail such as a cross section with respect to the rain water swales Additional comments will be solicited from the members unable to attend this meeting and attached to these meeting notes. The recommendations of the Panel in regards to these two developments will be forwarded to Council. Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Minutes Page 4 of 4 Appendix 1 Kyoung Bae Park Comments provided prior to the meeting: From: Kyoung bae Park [mailto:kpark@chparchitects.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 8:40 AM To: Sunny Schiller Subject: ADP meeting on Oct. 14(Re: Advisory Design Panel Information) Hello Sunny, I had only limited access to internet. Based on the information avaiable. I have a couple of comments regarding to the subject project for the presentation today. After review of landscape drawings by PMG, I think the proposed depth of bioswale river cobles, Min. 3", is not enough considering proposed size of cobles wich vary 1" to 4". It may be better to be Min. 6". Also, I couldn't see the detail of River Coble Beds but it might be better idea to consider placing landscape fabric for the area of River Coble Bed for weed control. These are my comments and it will be great if these are discussed in the ADP meeting today. Best regards, Kyoung Bae Park. Comments provided after reviewing the meeting notes: From: Kyoung bae Park [mailto:kpark@chparchitects.com] Sent: October-16-14 12:30 PM To: Adrian Kopystynski; 'Colleen Dixon'; Blair Arbuthno (barbuthnot@binnie.com); Johnny Leung (jwlarch@gmail.com); Roger Amenyogbe (roger@dc-arch.ca) Cc: Sunny Schiller; Chuck Goddard; Amelia Bowden Subject: RE: Draft ADP "motion" Hello everyone, First, I am sorry for not being in the meeting. I had a chance to go over documents provided today and I agree with the comments made during the meeting. Regards, Kyoung Bae Park Landscape Architect MBCSLA, M. Sc 9355 Young Road Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 4S3 Tel: (604) 793-9445 Fax: (604) 793-9446