HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2017-06-08 minutes.pdf0...., MAPLE RIDGE mmunity He~it~ge , Comm1ss1on The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room , Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 7:00 pm COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Brenda Smith, Chair Eric Phillips Julie Koehn Kevin Bennett Len Pettit Lindsay Foreman Russell Irvine Steven Ranta, Vice-Chair STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Sunny ,Sqhiller GUESTS Cees van de Mond Erica Williams REGRETS/ABSENT Councillor Craig Speirs 1. CALL TO ORDER Maple Ridge Historical Society Member at Large Maple Ridge Historical Society Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Staff Liaison, Community Planner Committee Clerk Community Member -Geocaching Project Participant President, Maple Ridge Historical Society Council Liaison There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm and introductions were made. 2. AGENDA ADOPTION R17-018 It was moved and seconded That the agenda dated June 8, 2017 be amended to add Item 8.8.2 Report on Meeting with Don Cramb and to remove Item 4.1 Facilities Update Presentation and be adopted as amended. CARRIED 3. ; MINUTES APPROVAL R17-019 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the May 2, 2017 meeting be approved. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS -Nil ~ ) CHC Minutes -June 8, 2017 Page 2 of 5 5. FINANCE 5.1 Financial Update Russell Irvine provided a report on current financial allocations. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 6.1 Invitation to GETIFest 2017 R17-020 It was moved and seconded That the CHC participate in "Join us on Main Street" GETIFest on September 16, 2017. CARRIED Kevin Bennett, Len Pettit and Steven Ranta volunteered to work on the project. Promotion of the Geocaching project and Heritage Week were suggested for GETIFEST . . 6.2 Parks contact re: Heritage Plaque Database Update from Valoree Richmond, Manager of Parks Planning & Operations, regarding use of the Heritage Plaque Database by the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department. 6.3 New Museum and Archives Progress Message from Don Cramb, Senior Recreation Manager, regarding New Museum and Archives Progress. 7. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Membership R17-021 7.1.1 Calendar of Events The Chair led a discussion regarding the legislative training session recently provided by the City. The Commission Calendar of events was reviewed. 7.1.2 CHC Meeting Schedule It was moved and seconded That the CHC will meet on the second Thursday of the month until the end of 2017. 7 .2 Cultural Plan Update The Chair reported the Cultural survey is still accepting entries. The Cultural Champions Summit event is coming up on June 26. 7.3 Tourism Strategy CARRIED Russell Irvine shared details of two upcoming tourism forums. The June 12 session will focus on adventure tourism and the June 19 session will center on culture based tourism including heritage. 7 CHC Minutes -June 8, 2017 Page 3 of 5 7.4 Canada 150 The Chair reminded the Commission that matching funds for federal government grants received for Canada 150 celebration events are now due. Kevin Bennett reported on the successful launch of the Geocaching project. Seven heritage related geocaching sites were setup around the community and were launched on June 4th as part of the Culture Walk event. Two additional geocaches will be launched on July 12 as part of Play Nights in the Pa rk. The website used to manage the geocaches was demonstrated (www.geocaching.com). Maintenance for this project will ongoing. Cees van de Mond and Kevin Bennett were thanked for all their work lau nch ing the project. The recent Culture Walk event was reviewed. 7.5 Private Members Bill Tax Credit The recommendation by the CHC to support Bill C-323 was approved by Council on May 24. A letter of support from Council will be presented to MP Dan Ruimy. 7.6 Haney House Conservation Work 7.7 The Chair provided an update on the implementation of the Haney House Conservation Plan. A Request for Proposal for roof and windows work has been issued and submissions will be reviewed at an upcoming meeting. Lindsay Foreman shared details of the review of Haney House she is carrying out. Ms. Foreman reported the roof is in dire need of replacement A maintenance plan and increased security were also suggested. The Chair shared information on funds available for conservation work. Intersections Event Planning is underway for the Advisory Committee Intersections event in the fall. 8. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS 8.1 Communications Subcommittee The Consultant has delivered templates for business cards, the newsletter and brochures. Items for the next newsletter should be forwarded to the Chair. 8.1.1 Request to Council for Communications Support A report to Council requesting additional Communications support is being drafted. ~-2 Recognitions Subcommittee R17-022 8.2.1 Heritage Week Subcommittee The Staff Liaison reported a 2018 Heritage Subcommittee has been formed and includes Lisa Zosiak, Julie Koehn, Kevin Bennett, Lindsay Foreman, and Brenda Smith. Plans for 2018 include increased event promotion, inviting other community groups to participate, a different location. 8.2.2 Nominations -Haney House It was moved and seconded That the Haney House Conservation Plan be nominated for a Heritage BC recognition award. DEFEATED CHG Minutes -June 8, 2017 Page 4 of 5 8.2.3 Heritage Nominations 2018 Brochure The 2018 Heritage Nominations brochure is in progress. 8.3 Education Subcommittee 8.3.1 Local Voices Lindsay Foreman reported on a May meeting with Library staff to plan fall Local Voices sessions. Suggestions for participants or topics can be emailed to Ms. Foreman. 8.3.2 Heritage BC Webinars Lindsay Foreman will follow up to see if previously aired Heritage BC webinars are available for sale. 8.3.3 BC Heritage Fairs Lindsay Foreman reported on communications with BC Heritage Fairs. Ms. Foreman encouraged members to share ideas for engaging youth in heritage related education events and shared some of her thoughts. Steven Ranta volunteered to sit on the Education subcommittee. 8.4 Maple Ridge Oral History Project Steven Ranta shared a project update. It was suggested the municipal Youth Council could be project participants. 8.5 Digitization Project Subcommittee A meeting is scheduled for June 15th with City staff to discuss software needs for the project. 8.6 Heritage Inventory Project Update The subcommittee will meet prior to the July 11th presentation to Council to review the consultant's report. 8. 7 Robertson Family Cemetery Project Subcommittee The Staff Liaison reported a surveyor has been selected and shared next steps. 8.8 Museum and Archives Update 8.8.1 BCMA Site Visit The Chair reported the Program Officer with the BC Museums Association has offered to visit Maple Ridge for a historic tour. 8.8.2 Report on Meeting with Don Cramb The Chair reported on her meeting with Don Cramb, Senior Recreation Manager, which included an update on proposals received to develop the concept plan for the museum and archives facility. 7 CHC Minutes -June 8, 2017 Page 5 ofS 9. LIAISON UPDATES 9.1 BC Historical Federation The Chair reported on the BCHF Conference. R17-023 It was moved and seconded That the CHC maintain its membership in the Federation and encourage other CHCs to participate as a unique networking support for heritage work; And that the CHC submit recommendations for Certificates of Recognition to honour Maple Ridge citizens for their achievements in history and heritage promotion. CARRIED 9.2 Heritage BC R17-024 It was moved and seconded That the CHC communicate local needs to Laura Saretsky, Heritage BC Program Manager; And that the CHC develop an education program that utilizes useful Heritage BC initiatives; And that the CHC support the Heritage BC interest in developing heritage advisory committee and heritage commission capacity; And that the CHC continue its membership in Heritage BC; And that the CHC invite Heritage BC to host the next CHC networking conference in Maple Ridge. 9.3 9.4 BC Museums Association No update. Maple Ridge Historical Society CARRIED Julie Koehn provided an update including feedback on the Tourism Challenge and the June 4th Cultural Walk. Brian Croft is booked October 25, 2017 for the speaker series at the ACT. MRHS will participate in History goes to Market at the Haney Farmers Market on June 10. 9.5 Council Liaison No update. 10. QUESTION PERIOD 11. ROUNDTABLE 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:30 pm. /ss