HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2006-05-02 Minutes.pdf} MAPLE RIDGE (Ol\llM UNIT Y H;ERlTAGE COMMISSION The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, at Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, May 2, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Craig Speirs Jim Connor Barbara Swanson Helmi Braches Sheila Nickols STAFF PRESENT Diana Hall Amanda Gaunt REGRETS Rhys Clarke Jordana Feist Claus Andrup 1. Call to order Council Liaison Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Staff Liaison, Planning Department Committee Clerk Community at Large Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. 2. Adoption of the Agenda R06-08 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda for May 2, 2006 be amended to include new agenda items and be adopted. CARRIED Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 1 o/6 Comnumity Heritage Commission Nlinutes Tuesday, May 2, 2006 3. Adoption of the Community Heritage Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting R06-09 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Community Heritage Commission March 7, 2006 Regular Meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4. Delegations and Presentations -nil 5. Current Projects and Unfinished Business 5.1 Heritage Strategy Update 5.1.1 Poster Board Displays Diana Hall Smaller versions of the posters have been taken to the library and have been put in the history section. The members discussed the development of a photo album of Heritage Commission special events. Councillor Speirs offered to take any photos required. 5.1. 2 Update Newsletter Distribution & Website Diana Hall The latest newsletter as well as a copy of the poster have been scanned and posted to the website. The staff liaison distributed a copy of the current newsletter for feedback. There was a discussion as to the method of distribution of newsletters and how commission members could participate. Members put forward that as possible recipients were thought of, these could then be added to a list. Councillor Speirs also reported that a booklet of Associations which may be interested in receiving a hard copy of the newsletter was available. Also, extra copies of newsletter can be obtained from Diana Hall, provided she is given a day's notice. ► ACTION ITEM A list of possible newsletter recipients will be developed and distribution will be divided up between commission members. Members can e-mail names and addresses of places as they come up and will form a list this way. Community Heritage Commission Regular .Meeting Page 2 <~[ 6 ) Community Heritage Commission Jltlinutes Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5.2 5.1.3 Upcoming Events Norwegian Cemetery in Whonnock Plaque Ceremony This event is scheduled to take place on May 20th @ 11 :30 a.m. and should be well-attended. A news release will be put out detailing the event and information will be posted in the Whonnock Store. Mayor Robson will be able to attend, and, as the Chair, Barbara Swanson could not attend, Vice-Chair Jim Connor would do the opening address, Mayor Robson would speak and unveil the plaque, and Fred Braches will give the historical information on the site. The Whonnock Association will provide a tent and should it rain, another tent will be available. Helmi Braches has arranged for Norwegian baked goods and wishes to be reimbursed for these. Diana Hall has arranged catering. ► ACTION ITEM -Helmi Braches and Diana Hall will look for a piece of cloth to be used for the unveiling of the plaque ► ACTION ITEM -Helmi Braches is asked to take photos of the event and Diana Hall is asked to have these photos put into the newspaper. There was a discussion around types of flower arrangements. This would be discussed further between Diana Hall and Helmi Braches. There were questions as to why plexiglass had been placed over the frame of the glass and Diana Hall explained this had been done to prevent vandalism. Financial Summaries Update Diana Hall The Community Heritage Commission has three accounts as follows: ► 81C Advisory Committee $9,799.91 (trust account) ► Project Fund $6,417.10 ► General Account $3 ,457.27 A cost breakdown for the Heritage Awards Ceremony came to $255. A cost summary of the Whonnock Cemetery Celebration totalled under $200, though this may be a bit conservative. After these expenditures, $6,000 would remain in the Projects Funds which would be designated for the six plaques that had been planned. There was a discussion as to funding, specifically funding for staff. ► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall will inquire as to where staffing money comes from. Community Heritage Commi~·sion Regular ftfeeting Page 3 of6 Community Heritage Commission .Minutes Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5.3 Whonnock Community Assoc. Request-Byrnes Rd. Name Change Councillor Speirs reported that letters had been sent out to residents of the road regarding the name change. The deadline for responses to this letter is May 19th . The request will go to the Committee of the Whole Meeting on June 5 at 1 :00 p.m. for adjudication and the subsequent Council Meeting on June 13 th at 7:00 p.m. Councillor Speirs distributed pictures of the Hitching Post (before the demolition); pictures of the Heritage Trees with the ivy growing up them, which will kill them; and pictures of a large tree (not a heritage tree), as an example of how the ivy has grown onto the tree and killed it, for the Commission members to look at. It was asked if he had been able to speak with Mike Murray in Parks to have the control of invasive species on heritage trees included in their budget. Councillor Speirs stated that these types of funds would be discussed in the Fall and that he would do more research on how Parks is planning to deal with invasive plant species and will report back to the Commission. 5. 4 Review of Action Items List a. Jordana Feist will re-send the information she compiled to Diana, including new interview questions that are more relevant to the youth position. TABLED. b. Councillor Speirs had been asked to speak with Bylaws re: demolition and report back. It was put forward that the office for the old Abernethy Lumber company on Callaghan had recently been torn down as it had become a grow op. There was a discussion re: getting a list of houses up for demolition from the Municipality so that these buildings could be assessed by the Heritage Commission as to whether or not they should be historical sites and should be added to the inventory of historical sites. ► ACTION ITEM -an e-mail will be sent to Councillor Speirs indicating that the Heritage Commission again had not been offered an opportunity to see an older building before tear down. Helmi Braches and Barb Swanson will speak with Councillor Speirs c. There was discussion regarding the vine issue as well the issue of invasive species growing on heritage trees. Councillor Speirs had taken photos for the members review and was going to speak with Parks to see if some funds could be allocated toward having ivy removed. Councillor Speirs hadn't met with Parks yet. TABLED. Comnumi(v Heritage Commission Regular .Meeting Page 4 <~f 6 ) Community Heritage Commission 1ltlinutes Tuesday, May 2, 2006 6. 6.1 d. Plaque sub-committee doesn't have a fully prioritized list for the designation of plaque locations. TABLED ► ACTIONITEM-Diana Hall to contact Jordana Feist before the next meeting. e. Whonnock Cemetery -Action Item completed. f. Newsletter-Action Item completed g. Quarterly Financial Summaries -Action Item completed h. Review of local buildings -refers to the next Heritage Awards in 2007. The Commission is looking for nominations earlier in the year before the Awards. New and Unfinished Business Heritage Building/or Daycare Centre -Jordana Feist Diana Hall spoke for Jordana Feist, who was away. It was put forward that daycares could become more integrated into residential neighbourhoods and that this would be an opportunity for an older heritage house to be used for this zoning. Zoning by-laws could be amended to allow daycares in older heritage type homes. There was a further discussion. 7. Committee Reports 7.1 Plaque Locations and Strategies for Designation Jordana sent regrets. TABLED until next meeting 8. Correspondence ► A letter from the Whonnock Community Association regarding the Byrnes Road name change has been addressed and resolved. ► The Heritage Society for BC has made an announcement for their elections. The Commission members can choose to participate or not in the election of directors as fees are paid to the Heritage Society. There was a discussion around this and members decided that as a Commission there would be no vote, as our vote would not be an informed vote, as we did not know anything about the incumbents. Comnumi(y Heritage Commission Regular ~Meeting Page 5 l~f 6 Comnumi(y Heritage Commission ~Minutes Tuesday, May 2, 2006 ► Diana Hall reported that the Heritage Society had a conference scheduled on June 1st to be held in Nanaimo. After a discussion, it was decided that all commission members will be e-mailed this information and that a motion would be passed allowing one commission member to attend as a delegate. R06-IO It was moved and seconded That one delegate of the Community Heritage Commission be sent to the Heritage Society for BC's conference in Nanaimo on June 151, should a commission member be available. CARRIED ► A newsletter from the Heritage commission from the District of North Vancouver is handed out. The Commission members ask if this type of information would be scanned and then forwarded via e-mail for their review before the meetings. ► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall will inquire whether electronic copies of information coming from other organizations can be sent out and forwarded to Commission members. 9. Next Meeting The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6, 2006 with an agenda deadline of Monday, May 15, 2006. 10. Motion to Adjourn R06-11 It was moved and seconded That the regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Chairperson lag Community Heritage Commission Regular .Meeting CARRIED Page 6 <~/'6