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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the
Blaney Room, at Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, June 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Craig Speirs
Barbara Swanson
Helmi Braches
Jordana Feist
Claus Andrup
Diana Hall
Amanda Gaunt
Rh ys Clarke
Jim Connor
Sheila Nickols
1. Call to order
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R06-12 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for June 6, 2006 be adopted upon the inclusion of the following
new agenda items:
6.1 Acknowledgement of Historic Hammond as a Complete Neighbourhood;
6.2 Naming of the New Extended Care Wing at the Maple Ridge Hospital
6.3 Thornhill OCP Designation
6.4 Hitching Post
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
3. Adoption of the Community Heritage Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting
R06-I3 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Community Heritage Commission May 2, 2006 Regular
Meeting be adopted as circulated.
4. Delegations and Presentations -nil
5. Current Projects and Unfinished Business
5.1 Heritage Strategy Update
5.1.1 Update Newsletter Distribution & Website Diana Hall
Due to other work constraints, this has not been completed. An
electronic distribution list will be developed after the summer break.
5. 1. 2 Upcoming Events
It was put forward that it would be a good idea to have an event of some
type to highlight the installation of the Commission's new plaques. This
was discussed further.
5. 2 Review of Action Items List
a. Draft Criteria for Youth Appointment
Jordana Feist will complete this before the Fall and will send the
information to Diana Hall. It is hoped that a youth member be on the
committee before the September meeting.
b. Talk to Bylaws re: demolitions
Councillor Speirs reported that he had spoken with Pieter Den Uyl, Manager
of Inspection Services regarding this matter and hopes that in the future the
Commission will be advised of pending demolitions. It was suggested that a
formal request in the form of a letter be written as follow up in order to put
protocol in place which that depaiiment could acknowledge and respond to.
A contact number for one of the Commission members would need to be
included. Also, it was suggested that a request could go to Municipal staff
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
that these older buildings be gone through and documented on camera prior
to demolition.
► ACTION ITE!vl -Diana Hall-compose a letter to as soon as
possible to go to Licenses, Permits & By-laws Department Attention:
Brock !vlcDonald and Peter Den Uy/ requesting that the Heritage
Commission be advised of any future demolitions.
c. Vine Issue
Councillor Speirs reported that he had e-mailed Bruce McLeod, Parks &
Leisure Services and had sent the minutes of the Heritage Commission's last
meeting to keep Bruce informed of what was being discussed. It was
requested that a response from Bruce be forwarded to both Barb Swanson
and Diana Hall. It was stated that the Municipality was working on some
form of noxious weed strategy but haven't quite defined it as of yet.
d. Plaque Locations & Strategies for Designation
Jordana put forward various locations on the suggestion list for plaques.
There was a discussion on whether the Commission should designate
plaques for various locations throughout the larger community or if a
distinct region or smaller community should be focused on instead.
A proposed list from the Sub-Committee put forward at the January 2006
meeting and found in the February 7, 2006 minutes included the following
► A plaque in Port Haney commemorating Japanese Internment
► The Maple Ridge Park on 232nd Street which is the first park in the
► Davison's Pool area including the north side of the river and Cross's
► The Maple Ridge Cemetery
► Hammond Stadium
► Boundary Park off 203rd
R06-14 It was moved and seconded
that plaques will be designated for the historic sites located throughout
the larger community as put forward in the February 7, 2006 minutes
as the Commission's budget allows.
There was a discussion revolving around the technical aspect of the plaques.
Helmi Braches put forward that the plaques found in the Municipality park
were the type which would be preferred. It had been found that the newest
plaque at the Whonnock Cemetery, with its plexiglass configuration, gathers
a lot of debris and moisture under the plexiglass. It was a general consensus
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Community Heritage Commission .lltfinutes
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
that the committee did not want to continue with the plexiglass format for
new plaques.
There was also a discussion around the older plaques within in the
community and the need to check on these plaques periodically to ensure
that they are appropriately maintained. Claus Andrup reported that it
appeared that the plaque at the Haney Wharf had been removed, though it
was not known who had removed it. Committee members felt that if any
plaques were removed by the City due to deterioration, the Committee
should be advised.
Jordana was asked to create panels for the plaques. These will be sent to
Claus for editing and then forwarded to the other Committee members for
review and revision by the end of July. It would be the goal to have these
plaques installed in late August and the Committee will decide in
September about how the installation of the newest plaques will be
► ACTION ITEM -Jordana Feist-create panels.for the new
plaques to send to Claus Andrup to edit prior to sending around to
the Committee members
e. Diana Hall to connect with Jordana Feist -Action Item Complete
f. Development of Newsletter recipient list
It was put forward that a mailing list data base be developed through the use
of a spread sheet which will incorporate names and addresses of possible
recipients. There was a discussion regarding the distribution of the
► ACTION ITEM -Jordana Feist-check with the Directors of the
Historical Society as to the provision of their mailing list to the
Heritage Commission.
► ACTION ITEM -Committee Clerk -create a mailing list data base
with the name and addresses sent in by the Committee members
g. Action Item Completed
h. Review of local buildings for awards
Claus Andrup volunteered to take photos of as many buildings as possible
during the summer months to find buildings appropriate for Fall
nominations for the Heritage Awards Program in Spring 2007.
Barb Swanson asked if historical buildings get grants and if there was
anything in writing explaining how these grants or bylaws work. It was put
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
forward that although grants are available in theory, it involved a lot of work
on the part of the owner to get these. Emphasis is put on the owner of the
building to find information regarding grants.
Forwarding electronic copies of outside information
Tabled until September 2006.
6. New and Unfinished Business
R06-1 5
6.1 Historical Hammond Claus Andrup
Claus Andrup spoke about the community of Hammond. He put forward that
in recent time, when speaking of smart growth, complete neighbourhoods are
discussed and plans are made around these types of neighbourhoods and
communities work very hard to create them. He felt that Hammond was
actually this type of complete community and that the Commission needed to
step forward, recognize this and share it with the outside world. He would
like this to become a major project for the Commission in 2007 -to take care
of Hammond and ensure that it is recognized as a historical community. It
was suggested that a sub-committee of the Commission be set up with will
deal with Hammond, its history and its future.
It was moved and seconded
that a sub committee be formed to recognize designating Hammond as a
complete community.
The Commission members stepping forward to be sub committee members
are Barb Swanson, Craig Speirs and Claus Andrup. Other members have an
open invitation to participate in sub committee matters pertaining to
Hammond at their discretion.
6.2 Naming of the New Extended Care Wing at the Maple Ridge Hospital
Jordana put forward to the Commission that she had inquired as to the name
of the new care facility at the Maple Ridge Hospital which had been named
the Care Life Facility. She reported that the new facility will be named
Bailey House as it sits on the footprint of where the original Bailey family
farmhouse used to be. She was pleased that a business establislunent in this
community had selected a historic name without urging from those concerned
with maintaining a historical sense in the community. She put forward that
this showed a good business sense as well as awareness in the community of
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
its history. The official naming will occur closer to the opening with
information on the Bailey family farmhouse included.
6. 3 OCP Designation for Thornhill
There was a discussion on the new OCP designation of the Thornhill area as
a historical area despite the fact that the Commission had defined historical
areas as those having a post office and previously had not designated
Thornhill a historic area according to this criteria. It was reported that the
new Council had given direction that Thornhill was to be called a historical
community and consequently it was felt that the Commission needed to make
clear to Council that the Commission did not recognize Thornhill as such.
Council had previously asked the Heritage Commission for designations
using specific criteria and had chosen not to go with that definition and
therefore the Commission members felt that a letter needed to be put forward
to Council with these concerns. It was deemed important that such a letter
state that the criteria used by the Commission to designate historical areas
was also used by other municipalities.
► ACTION ITEM -Jordana Feist-compose a letter to Councilfi-om the
Commission pertaining to the Thornhill historical designation and e-
mail to other Commission membersforfeedback and approval bef(Jte
the Chair signs the letter on beha(f of the Commission and it is sent to
6. 4 Hitching Post
Councillor Speirs reported that he had gone to the Hitching Post after
receiving an e-mail from Bruce McLeod. There had been a stop work order
due to the possible existence of asbestos. He stated that underneath the
drywall had been beautiful cedar. There was a discussion regarding the
removal and preservation of this wood and who would be contracted to do
this. Councillor Speirs will keep the Commission informed as the process
continues and will see if there is any way of saving any of the wood coming
out of this building, perhaps putting it into other heritage homes as a
7. Committee Reports
7.1 Plaque Locations and Strategies for Designation
Discussed in item 5.2.d
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
7.2 Whonnock Cemetery
It was reported that the event at the Whonnock Cemetery had been excellent that
that all had gone well. Good photos were available for the Commission members
to see and thank you letters will be sent out to those who had contributed to the
8. Correspondence
Diana Hall handed out copies of the Municipality's Annual Report
9. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 5, 2006 with an agenda
deadline of Monday, August 21, 2006. The Commission is adjourning for the summer.
Barb Swanson, Chair, thanked Councillor Speirs and the other Commissioners for their
time and interest on behalf of the Commission and the community. She also expressed
her thanks to staff for their dedicated and enthusiast spirit. Diana Hall, staff liaison
thanked Barb Swanson for being a good chairperson as well.
10. Motion to Adjourn
ROG-16 It was moved and seconded
That the regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission be
The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
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