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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the
Blaney Room, at Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, October 3, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Craig Speirs
Claus Andrup
Sheila Nickols
Helmi Braches
Diana Hall
Amanda Gaunt
Barbara Swanson
Jordana Feist
Jim Connor
1. Call to order
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Maple Ridge Historical Society
There was no quorum present, however, members chose to hold a meeting and
requested that minutes be taken. Councillor Speirs was asked to chair. The meeting
was called to order at 7:05 pm.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R06-22 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for October 3, 2006 be adopted as circulated.
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
3. Adoption of the Community Heritage Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting
R06-23 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Community Heritage Commission dated September 5,
2006 Regular Meeting be adopted as circulated.
4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil
5. Current Projects and Unfinished Business
5.1 Heritage Strategy Update
5.1.1 Update Newsletter Distribution & Website Diana Hall
It was reported that the newsletter had been completed. However, due
to the Municipality's print server being down, no printing could be
done. Copies will be sent out to Commission members via Canada
5.1.2 Upcoming Events
Diana Hall
The next main event for the Heritage Commission will be the completion
and unveiling of plaques. The Commission members would like this
event to coincide with Heritage Week. Discussion revolved around
arranging for a van or bus tour of the plaques during Heritage Week with
a focus on or a separate event for, the unveiling of the Japanese plaque.
It was suggested that a 2 hour tour be arranged in concurrence with a
media blitz. The Commission will design the route that a tour would
take and the media would be invited. It was also suggested that the ACT
Centre foyer could be used an area to end the tour and could be set up
with displays and snacks. The recommended tour date was February
24th (Saturday) running for 11 :00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m.
► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -will look at booking ACT foyer for
the Heritage Commission plaque tours during Heritage Week
which is mid-February (18th to 24tl') and will ask/or a display area
in the foyer for the week. She will also connect with Jordana re: a
display from the museum.
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Community Heritage Commission 1l-'Ji11utes
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
There was also a discussion in regard to bringing in a speaker to address
a historical event. Diana Hall will check with her neighbour to see if he
is interested (he is fixing the horse clock) in speaking to the history of
"the Beast".
Diana Hall suggested that the St. Andrews Church could be booked for
the presenting of the awards. Sheila Nickols put forward that the
Historical Society would be using the church on February 25 th and that
this church was quite booked for evening events.
► ACTION ITEM-Diana Hall-will connect with Tom Little for an
available date and time for the awards ceremony.
5. 2 Annual Review and Maintenance of Existing Plaques D. Hall
The annual review and maintenance of existing plaques has been discussed with
Bruce McLeod, Manager of Parks and Open Spaces. Parks will deal with
plaques which have been vandalized or stolen and this has been put in as a
budget item. However, a maintenance schedule has to be worked out. It was also
indicated that Parks was keeping a photo record of plaques and that when a new
plaque is placed, a hard copy will be sent to Bruce McLeod. It was also put
forward that any plaques which are old and worn out may have to be replaced.
► ACTION ITEM-Diana Hall-will work with Parks to develop a
maintenance schedule.
There was a discussion regarding the production of a brochure with a map of
existing plaques which could be handed out throughout the Municipality.
► ACTION ITEM-All-distribute the abovementioned brochure, once
developed, throughout Maple Ridge, especially to Tourism; put this
information on the internet and perhaps create some type of virtual tour.
5. 3 Historic Communities Map used by the OCP Resolution Craig Speirs
There was a discussion re: changes to the OCP map as per the staff report put
forward to Council. Copies of the report and attachments were distributed and
explained. The changes made were acceptable to Commission members.
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
5. 4 Review of Action Items List
a. Draft Criteria for Youth Appointment-TABLED (Jordana Feist absent)
b. Letter from Commission to Bylaws Department Attention: B. McDonald and
P. Den Uy! re: notice of future demolitions -TABLED
c. Vine Issue -TABLED
d. Plaque Locations & Strategies for Designation -leave as discussion item.
Created strategy around this action item in Item 5.1.2.
e. Development of Newsletter recipient list -TABLED
f Review of local buildings for awards
Claus Andrup stated that there are number of houses in the Hammond area
which could be considered candidates for a heritage award. Most of these
houses had been part of a previous PowerPoint presentation. Diana Hall
suggested that community revitalization projects could also be considered
candidates for an award. She gave an example of an award being given by a
heritage commission from North Vancouver to their Farmer's Market and
suggested that this could be done in Maple Ridge as well. Sheila Nickols
advised that this could be done, however, a new category should be
established for this type of award.
Claus Andrup put forward that the Building Community Solutions Steering
Committee was partially responsible for the initiating the Haney Market;
and that perhaps this group could be recognized by the Heritage
Commission for their work.
► ACTION ITEM-All-when tlte Commission is ready to advertisefor
award recipients, a resolution should be made concerning which new
groups to consider for the future.
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Community Heritage Commission 1l1inutes
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
g. Forwarding electronic copies of outside information D. Hall
Diana Hall reported that she has started work on this and that she has had
some success. She will be forwarding links to Commission members as this
work continues.
h. Resources available for Plaque Maintenance
This Action Item was discussed in Item 5 .2
i. Pictorial and electronic Inventory of Existing Plaques
This Action Item was discussed in Item 5.2
j. Review of budget-Signs in Hammond
Diana Hall reported that the total number of funds available to the
Commission is approximately $25,000. These funds consist of money
which has been allocated in previous years and has not been spent. The
Commission has until next year to allocate these funds.
Allocating these funds to the placement of signs in Hammond was
discussed. The Commission would have to design and locate these signs.
Diana Hall had spoken to the Engineering Department as to what was
involved in the purchase of a roadside sign. Engineering explained that such
signs would fall under the ownership of the community and would have to
be maintained at the Municipality's expense. Funds for this would have to
be allocated to Operations. Council will also need to make a resolution to
permit the placement of signs in Hammond. It was suggested that a short
presentation to Council could be done as to where to Commission would
like to place signs.
There was a discussion as to sign cost and size. It was felt that there would
need to be some type of connection to the Official Maple Ridge sign which
will allow for some kind of continuity through colour scheme, sign shape,
► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -will price out different signs
according to size and appearance and will draft a report to Council
regarding the placement of signs.
Conmumi(y Heritage Commission Regular Nfeeting Pages of7
Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
► ACTION ITEM -Claus Andrup -will drive around Hammond and
see where he feels appropriate areas for these signs will be and will
include a map showing these areas.
k. Heritage Commission Criteria in regard to definition of historic areas on
Reviewed and discussed in Item 5.3
l. Ad in newspaper to fill Community At Large member position
An ad will be placed in the Times newspaper in conjunction with ads placed
by other committees at this time of the year.
6. New and Unfinished Business
7. Committee Reports
7.1 Plaque Locations and Strategies for Designation
8. Correspondence
8.1 Newsletter from Vancouver Heritage Foundation
9. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2006 an agenda
deadline of Monday, October 23, 2006.
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Community Heritage Commission ~Minutes
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
10. Motion to Adjourn
R06-24 It was moved and seconded
That the regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission be
The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
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