HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2006-11-07 Minutes.pdf~ MAPLE RIDGE 01\1MUNITY HERITAGE (0 1\1M ISSION \ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, at Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, November 7, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Claus Andrup Sheila Nickols Barbara Swanson Jordana Feist Jim Connor STAFF PRESENT Diana Hall Amanda Gaunt REGRETS Councillor Craig Speirs Helmi Braches 1. Call to order Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge Historical Society Staff Liaison, Planning Department Committee Clerk Council Liaison Community at Large The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm. 2. Adoption oftfte Agenda R06-25 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda for November 7, 2006 be adopted as circulated. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting CARRIED Page 1 of 8 Community Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3. Adoption of the Community Heritage Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting R06-26 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Community Heritage Commission dated October 3, 2006 Regular Meeting be amended to state the there was a quorum present at the regular meeting and be adopted. CARRIED 4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil It was suggested that an effort be made to have delegations attend Heritage Commission meetings on a more regular basis. Commission members will put forward their ideas as to which groups they would like to see as delegations at future meetings. • ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -will investigate the possibility of bringing a delegation to present at the next meeting; a representative from the Parks Board will be asked to attend. R06-27 It was moved and seconded That the Community Heritage Commission attempt to bring in delegates and presentations for every second CHC meeting as appropriate. CARRIED 5. Current Projects and Unfinished Business 5.1 Heritage Strategy Update 5.1.1 Update Newsletter Distribution & Website Diana Hall Newsletters, along with envelopes, were handed to Commission members who were asked to help distribute them. A .pdf version of the newsletter has been placed on the District of Maple Ridge website. Copies will also be distributed to the Library, the School Board office and the museum. It was suggested that the access link to the website be added to future editions of the newsletter and that a permanent footer on the bottom of the pages be added which would indicate where the newsletter could be found through a direct link. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 <~{ 8 Commu1ti(y Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5.1. 2 Development of Newsletter Recipient List Diana Hall There was a discussion on whether or not the Historical Society would be willing to provide their mailing list to the Heritage Commission. • ACTION ITEM -Claus Andrup -will take this query to the Communications Committee as well as the Membership Committee of the Maple Ridge Historical Society. It was put forward that the Heritage Commission could also offer to contribute to the postage costs should the Historical Society chose to include the Heritage Commission newsletter in their November newsletter mailout. If this is agreed to by the Historical Society, they will require 100 copies for a mailout on the upcoming Tuesday. A bill will be sent to the Heritage Commission to cover extra postage. The Chair suggested adding a note to the CHC newsletter giving readers the option of being added to the Heritage Commission mailing list and giving them a contact name. There was a discussion concerning the Heritage A wards and what was being done to get the word out into the community advertising and explaining these awards. It was stated that Sheila Nickols always wrote an article a month before for the local newspaper pertaining to the nomination process for the awards and that ads had been run previous years explaining the awards and the nominations as well. Commission members suggested that perhaps the process leading up to the awards should be started sooner. It was also suggested that an insert be placed into the Historical Society newsletter inviting nominations for the Annual Heritage Awards and that a further, more detailed explanation of what the nominations for the awards are all about be added to the next CHC newsletter. 5.1 . 3 Upcoming Events Plaques Diana Hall Diana Hall reported that the ACT foyer had been booked for the afternoon of February 24, 2006. The venue at the ACT will be from 12:00 noon to around 2:30 p.m. A tour of the new plaques will take place beginning at 10:00 a.m. and will end up at ACT for refreshments at Commu11i(y Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page3 of8 Community Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 7, 2006 noon. One bus, which can hold about 45 persons, will be used for the tour. Invitations could be sent out for the actual bus tour and it was proposed that an advertisement could be run in the paper which hopefully would encourage persons from the community to participate in the tour independently. The public could be invited to the unveiling of each plaque and a schedule could be put into the paper as to what time each plaque would be unveiled. There was a discussion as to whether or not the actual bus tour will be open to the public. It was put forward that the bus tour should be open to invitees only with the opening at the ACT open to the public. The subject of doing a first come, first serve for the public on the bus was broached, however, was not decided on. The Commission members decided that the organization of the plaque unveiling tour should involve a sub-committee as much planning will be involved. The biggest concern for the Commission at this time would be the actual completion of the plaques themselves. Details of the tour will be tabled and sent around electronically by members of the sub- committee. Diana Hall and Jim O'Connor volunteered to act as the sub-committee and Claus Andrup offered assistance. Awards The idea of doing a 10 minute presentation on the Maple Ridge "Beast" at the Heritage Awards ceremony was put forward for discussion. 5.2 Youth Appointment J Feist/D. Hall Terms of Reference for a youth appointment had been forwarded to Diana Hall by Jordana Feist. The terms will be discussed. The Committee Clerk will bring a youth to the next meeting as a guest. 5. 3 Vine Issue Update -TABLED Councillor Speirs The Commission members would like a representative from the Parks Department to be invited to the next CHC meeting to discuss this issue. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 <~f 8 Communi(y Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5. 4 Annual Review and Maintenance of Existing Plaques Diana Hall It was reported that maintenance of existing plaques had been discussed with Bruce McLeod. At present, the maintenance of these plaques is done on a very casual basis, i.e. if an event is coming up, the plaques will be cleaned. If it is brought to the attention of the Parks Department that a specific plaque requires maintenance, a work order needs to be put in, at which point the plaque in question would be cleaned and the Commission would be charged. It was concluded that members of the Commission or members of the public were to advise the Parks Department when plaques needed work and/or maintenance. There was a discussion as to whose responsibility it was to replace plaques. It was pointed out that a plaque at the Haney wharf had been empty for a few years and had not been replaced. Diana Hall advised that it was the responsibility of the Commission to replace missing plaques. Barb Swanson suggested that the Commission may have to appointment a member to make rounds and note what shape existing plaques are in. Commission members will keep an eye on plaques that they visit in the community and once a year all plaques will be checked to see whether or not maintenance is required. It was decided that as the wharf plaque needed replacing it should be included in the six strategic locations decided on for the placement of new plaques. It was suggested that instead of placing a new plaque in Boundary Park, the Commission would replace the missing plaque at the wharf. R06 -28 It was moved and seconded That the missing plaque at Haney Wharfingers Office be replaced rather than a new plaque having a new plaque installed at Boundary Park. CARRIED 5.5 Plaque Locations and Strategies for Designation Jordana Feist Pictures of plaques locations and designs had been completed and were distributed to Commission members for review and editing. Proposed revisions could be e-mailed to the staff liaison. There was a discussion as to the proposed sizes of the various plaques. It was stated that the Maple Ridge District logo as well as the Historical Society logo would have to be included on the new plaques. Community Heritage Commi5sio11 Regular Meeting Pages o/8 Community Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5.6 Advertising/or Vacant Position Update Diana Hall One response to the advertisement for Heritage Commission members had been received and had been forwarded to Councillor Speirs. An interview will be arranged in the near future. 5. 7 Heritage Awards Update Diana Hall It was advised that in response to Commissioners' e-mails, the Heritage Awards would be held on Monday, February 19th at St. Andrew's Heritage Hall at 7:30 p.m. Advertising award nominations will begin in early January with the deadline on receiving nominations being the end of January or the first week in February. 5.8 Review of Budget-Signs in Hammond Diana Hall A number of sign companies had been reviewed and input had been received from the Maple Ridge Engineering Department. A handout of pictures of various signs was distributed and the Commission members were asked to put forward ideas on what type of signs they would like to see. It was advised that the Traffic Technician had suggested a sign that would fit on a single post, would have an interesting shape with an eye catching item in the lower corner of the sign. There was a discussion re: the concept for the proposed signs in Hammond and Commission members agreed on a specific look and wording. Diana Hall will e- mail a completed concept sign for Commission members to look at. Once a design has been approved, a quote on cost could be obtained. The suggestion to ask for donations was also put forward, i.e. ask the Hammond Mill to donate wood; ask local woodworkers to work up a design for a sign; perhaps BC Hydro would be willing to donate a pole(s). • A CT/ON ITEM -Barb Swanson -will look into the possibility of receiving donations from BC Hydro and the Hammond Mill. Diana Hall added that the proposed plaques will use quite a bit of budgeted monies although there would be enough money to continue with the existing program this year. It was hoped that the Commission would receive funding from Maple Ridge Council in 2007. She also reported that out of the monies the Commission has, $11,000 had been earmarked for Statements of Significance work. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 6 <~f 8 Community Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5. 9 Review of Action Items List Actions items were reviewed and discussed. 6. New Business 6.1 Discussion on Agenda and Actions Items List Formats Discussed 6. 2 Explanation of Statements of Significance The Commission Chair asked for an explanation as to Statements of Significance mentioned in Item 5.8. It was explained that Statements of Significance were requirements that were Canada wide pertaining to heritage buildings. These statements should give a detailed description of why a building has heritage value; what kind of elements a building has to make it heritage and what gives the heritage building its value. Maple Ridge had brought in a consultant team to produce Statements of Significance, however, the work had never been completed. The monies for this project, in the amount of $11,000, had come in the form of federal grant money, therefore this amount would have to be put toward this purpose. There was a discussion regarding the Statements of Significance with members asking why the original consultants weren't being asked to finish their work. It was concluded that more information is needed on the original project before any decisions are made. • ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -research why the original consultants involved in the production of the Statements of Significance had not been asked to come and finish as well as finding out the status of the project to- date. 7. Committee Reports 8. Correspondence • Whonnock Community Association Newsletter • Historical Society Newsletter Comnumi(y Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 7of8 Comnumity Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9. Next Meeting The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5, 2006 an agenda deadline of Monday, November 20, 2006. 10. Motion to Adjourn R06-29 It was moved and seconded That the regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. ~ /ag Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 8 <!f 8