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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the
Blaney Room, at Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, December 5, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Craig Speirs
Claus Andrup
Sheila Nickols
Barbara Swanson
Diana Hall
Amanda Gaunt
Jordana Feist
Jim Connor
Helmi Braches
Mitchell Gaunt
1. Call to order
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Potential Youth Member
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R06-30 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for December 5, 2006 be adopted as circulated.
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
3. Adoption of the Community Heritage Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting
R06-3I It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Community Heritage Commission dated November 7,
2006 Regular Meeting be adopted.
4. Delegations and Presentations
4.1 Representative from Parks Department re : Vine Issue (Jane Baile, Arbourist)
Jane Baile, Certified Arbourist, Parks Department provided information to
Commission members regarding invasive plants. Jane Baile is the Operations
Supervisor in the Parks Department and looks after street trees and trees in
green belts. She also looks after sports fields and horticulture as well as deals
with any types of complaints regarding trees. She distributed brochures from
the Invasive Plant Council of BC as well as a handout from an Association
called Evergreen, an organization which advocates control of invasive plant
Commission members queried whether Evergreen could help with the problem
of invasive plants in Maple Ridge or if they only provide information. Jane
advised that such societies may have volunteers to help remove these plants and
could also provide consultation in terms of what could be done. The idea of
including the removal of ivy, as it is an invasive species, as a volunteer program
run out of the Leisure Center was put forward and discussed.
Commission members also felt that in terms of invasive species of plants, a
certain amount of education of the general public was needed and asked for
ideas on how this could be done. Advertising of some type as well as the
distribution of information through public service announcements was
discussed. It was felt that the public needs to be informed of the damage that
ivy does to trees and that the community needs to work together as a whole to
keep the invasive species, such as ivy, from destroying our native trees and
other vegetation.
One of the key areas of concern for ivy on trees for the committee is 124th Street
in Maple Ridge. The commission was advised that a study had been done on
this street to assess the ivy problem on the grove of Heritage Trees on 124th
Street and recommendations from the arborist' s report would be followed up on.
Residents along this street had received a letter pertaining to the work the
Municipality would be doing on the trees along the street. Members asked for a
copy of this letter.
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Suggestions were put forward as to how to address the problem of the
destructive ivy growing on trees in this grove of Heritage Trees on this street
such as sending out an information letter to the owners of property in the grove
of Heritage Trees on 124th Street explaining how destructive the ivy is, and how
to remove it. It was also suggested that the Heritage Commission erect a
heritage plaque on this street recognizing the trees on this street as a grove of
Heritage trees.
There was a discussion re: making it known that the trees on 124th Street are
part of a grove which is considered historical and have a plaque designated
identifying them as heritage trees. Research will be done and this idea will be
Sheila Nickols may write an article for the paper concerning the ivy problem on
124th Street and will connect with Jane Baile on this as well. The Chair,
Barbara, has also requested to be cc'd on the article, before it is published in the
5. Current Projects and Unfinished Business
5.1 Heritage Strategy Update
5.1.1 Update Newsletter Distribution & Website Diana Hall
Jim Connor has provided Diana with a number of sources that the
newsletter could be sent to. Copies of the most recent newsletter were
also sent out in conjunction with the Historical Society newsletter.
5.1. 2 Development of Newsletter Recipient List
5.1.3 Upcoming Events
Diana Hall
Diana Hall
The plaque tour will be held on February 24th. An e-mail will be sent
out to remind the Heritage Commission members of the plaque tours and
the awards and they will be advertised in the newpapers.
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Awards are scheduled for February 19th. An announcement will be
placed in the newspaper in January, explaining what the awards are and
how to nominate someone.
5. 2 Vine Issue Update
Discussed in item 4.1
5.3 Annual Review and Maintenance of Existing Plaques
5.4 Plaque Locations and Strategies for Designation
► ACTION ITEM-DianaHall-tofind out if there would be monies
available for a new plaque for J2lh Street.
► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -meet with Jordana Feist to review plaque
templates as well as the editing done by other Commission members
5.5 Heritage Awards Update -ongoing
A venue has been established for the 2007 Heritage Awards. Advertising will be
done in January and details will be finalized at the January 2006 meeting.
► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -will arrange advertising for Heritage
Awards for January 2007.
5. 6 Signs in Hammond -Followup
Barb Swanson reported that she had taken pictures of heritage signs in another
town that had a lot of heritage houses and would bring these to the meeting in
Claus Andrup and Diana Hall reported that a tour had been taken of Hammond to
see where it would be possible to place a heritage sign and found two locations
which would be suitable.
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
5. 7 Review of Action Items List
Item 5.2
Item 6.2
6. New Business
Tabled until next meeting
6.1 2007 Commission Meeting Schedule
Copy of schedule distributed.
6.2 Business Plan Review and Discussion
Diana Hall distributed the Heritage Commission business plan 2006-2008 for
review. It was advised that Claus Andrup had also reviewed the business plan
and had made revisions which would be incorporated. It was suggested that
commission members e-mail any changes they would like to see made to Diana
for the next meeting. It was advised that a business plan presentation should be
done to Maple Ridge Council in January 2007.
7. Committee Reports
7.1 Plaque Unveiling Tour Sub-committee
Jim Connor provided Commission members with a plaque tour agenda via e-
mail. Diana Hall distributed the handout for discussion. This will be reviewed
again in January 2007.
► ACTION ITEM-Diana Hall-ask Maple Ridge Councillors if they could
make time to dedicate one plaque each.
8. Correspondence
newsletter from Heritage BC -have provided information and posters on
vernacular heritage
newsletter from the Historical Society
Sheila Nickols reported that the Historical Society Christmas Party would be held on
December 14th at 7:30 pm and brought along a sign up sheet for anyone interested in
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
9. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 2, 2007 an agenda deadline
of Monday, December 18, 2006.
10. Motion to Adjourn
R06-It was moved and seconded
That the regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission be
The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
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