HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2007-01-02 Minutes.pdf~ c-::: '--'MAPLE RIDGE
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the
Blaney Room, at Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, January 2, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Craig Speirs
Claus Andrup
Sheila Nickols
Barbara Swanson
Jim Connor
Helmi Braches
Diana Hall
Amanda Gaunt
Jordana Feist
1. Call to order
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Maple Ridge Historical Society
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R06-33 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for January 2, 2007 be amended to include the following item
and adopted.
7. I Correspondence -Walk Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Brochure
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Community Heritage Commission J\!linutes
Tuesday, l<mumJ' 2, 2007
3. Adoption of the Community Heritage Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting
R06-34 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Community Heritage Commission dated December 5,
2006 Regular Meeting be adopted.
4. Delegations and Presentations -NIL
5. Current Projects and Unfinished Business
5.1 Heritage Strategy Update
5.1.1 Update Newsletter Distribution & Website Diana Hall
Commission members were advised that a new newsletter would have to
be put gotten out very quickly. Information about the plaque tour as
well as February Heritage Awards information will be included in this
newsletter. It was suggested that the presentation by Arbourist Jane
Baille be reproduced as an article for the newsletter along with
photographs of the trees along 124th Street. It was also advised that such
an article focus on the celebratory feature of these trees to encourage
people to maintain those on private property.
5.1. 2 Development of Newsletter Recipient List Diana Hall
Diana Hall advised that Jim Connor had given her a good list to work
with. She also reported that the mailout with the Historical Society had
gone extremely well and could be done again in the future.
5.1. 3 Upcoming Events
Diana Hall
Diana Hall advised that Jordana Feist had provided the Commission with
three plaque templates. However, Jordana had put forward that she
would not be continuing as a member of the commission and therefore
the remaining plaques would have to be done by other Commission
members. The plaques which have been completed are those for the
Japanese internment, the Maple Ridge Park and the cemetery. Plaques
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
which need to be completed are the ones for the Davison Pool, the
Haney Wharf and the Hammond Stadium. The Commission is also still
considering putting up a plaque on 124th Street for the heritage trees
instead of a plaque for Boundary Park.
Diana will get outstanding information regarding plaques from Jordana
and will e-mail this to other committee members. Sheila Nickols has
offered to help with the plaque templates.
There was a discussion regarding having someone from the Historical
Society appointed to the Commission to replace Jordana.
Diana Hall distributed copies of nomination forms as well as the ad
asking for nominations used last year. There was a discussion regarding
changing the look and the wording of the ad to make it less bureaucratic.
It was hoped that with a new look, more members of the community
would be encouraged to send in nominations. Commission members
added suggested changes to their copies of the ad and Diana will
consolidate these into a new ad and will send the draft copy around to
Commissioners for review. All Commissioners wished to see photos of
previous winners included in the ad. A catch phrase was also suggested.
The phrase 'It's Your Turn to Be Part of History. Nominate a Winner'
was a suggestion approved by all. It was also suggested that the
nomination form be changed to reflect the changes in the ad.
It was advised that this ad would run twice, on January 1 ih and January
24th . Sheila Nickols will write an article for the paper to be run on
January 10th.
All were advised that Mayor Robson would attend the Awards event and
that arrangements for caterers had been made.
It was suggested that special invitations be sent to past winners of
Heritage Awards asking them to attend the awards ceremony. It was
also asked that a photo album be made which included previous winners.
► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -send special invitations to past
winners of the Heritage Awards inviting them to attend the awards
► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -put together a photo album of
previous Heritage Award winners.
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, Jm1umJ1 2, 2007
5. 2 Vine Issue Update
The Committee Clerk was requested to send an e-mail to the Chair with a
reminder to take photos of the trees on 124th Street
5.3 Annual Review and Maintenance of Existing Plaques
It was advised that money had been set aside for maintenance of existing
plaques. It was reiterated that the strategy for plaque maintenance was such that
if Commission members knew that a plaque needed maintenance, they were to
report it and a notice would be sent to the Parks Department after which
maintenance would be done.
It was asked how many plaques there were in Maple Ridge.
► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -will research how many plaques there are in
Maple Ridge so that a list can be developed which can be sent around
5.4 Plaque Locations and Strategies for Designation
5. 5 Heritage Awards Update
Discussed in Item 5.1.3 Upcoming Events -Heritage Awards.
It was asked that the agenda be changed so that the Heritage Awards and Plaques
are discussed as separate items and not under Item 5.1.3. This will be reflected
in next month's agenda.
5. 6 Signs in Hammond
The Commission Chair reported that although she had taken photos of signs in
another community, there had been problems with having them developed. She
has consequently taken her camera to another shop which can develop them. The
photos will be put on CD and e-mailed to all Commissioners.
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Diana Hall advised that she had spoken with Maple Ridge's Engineering
Department as well as the Works Yard and both departments are aware of the
upcoming signs.
5. 7 Business Plan 2006-2008 Review Diana Hall
It was reported that the Heritage Commission Business Plan should be presented
to Maple Ridge Council in February as discussed and that a sub-committee be set
up for this task. The sub-committee will consist of Diana Hall, Claus Andrup
and Barb Swanson and will meet within 2 weeks. All commissioners are
encouraged to be at the presentation to Council and will be e-mailed the date and
time of the presentation as soon as it is scheduled.
The Committee Clerk will e-mail the business plan to the Chair.
5. 8 Review of Action Items List
6. New Business
6.1 Youth Council Attendance Councillor Speirs
Councillor Speirs advised that he would ask members of the Youth Council to
attend the first part of the next CHC meeting to see if any youth interest can be
raised. He asked that the agenda be formulated to accommodate the group as
guests. Councillor Speirs will speak with the coordinator of the Youth Council to
see which meeting can be attended. Commission members were in agreement
that they would prefer the Youth Council members attend the March 2007
7. Committee Reports
7.1 Time lines for Plaque Tours Jim Connor
The Committee Clerk was asked to forward the e-mail from Jim Connor
regarding the plaque tour schedule to Helmi Braches.
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Community Heritage Commission Nlinutes
Tuesday, JmiuaJJ' 2, 2007
8. Correspondence
8.1 Walk Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Brochure Councillor Speirs
Councillor Speirs advised that this brochure had been done by the Leisure
Center with a grant from Tourism. Members of the Heritage Commission stated
that they would like to see CHC information in the next edition of this brochure
as well.
9. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 6, 2007 an agenda
deadline of Monday, January 22, 2007.
10. Motion to Adjourn
R06-3S It was moved and seconded
That the regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission be
The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
~C/r¼jl~ airperson
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