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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the
Blaney Room, at Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, February 6, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Craig Speirs
Barbara Swanson, Chair
Jim Connor
Lynne Probyn
Claus Andrup
Sheila Nickols
Helmi Braches
Karen Cotter
Diana Hall
Amanda Gaunt
I. Call to order
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
Lynne Probyn and Karen Cotter, new Commission members were introduced.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R06-36 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for February 6, 2007 be amended to include the following items
and adopted:
revise Item 5.2
add Item 8.1
to read Heritage Week Events
Announcement -Councillor Speirs
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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Comnumi(y Heritage Commission ~Minutes
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
3. Adoption of the Community Heritage Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting
R06-37 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Community Heritage Commission dated January 2, 2007
Regular Meeting be adopted.
4. Delegations and Presentations -NIL
5. Current Projects and Unfinished Business
5.1 Heritage Strategy Update
5.1.1 Update Newsletter Distribution & Website Diana Hall
Diana will work on having the newsletter ready for February 19, 2007
for distribution at the Heritage Awards Event.
5.1. 2 Development of Newsletter Recipient List Diana Hall
A newsletter recipient list has been forwarded to Diana Hall by Jim
► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -e-mail newsletter recipient list to
committee members.
It was also suggested that a caption be added to the newsletter on the
municipality's website indicating that interested parties can sign up to
receive the Heritage Committee newsletter.
5.2 Heritage Week Events
Heritage Awards Update
Nominations suggested for Heritage Award recipients were reviewed:
Vintage Car Club of Canada -Golden Ears Chapter (History and Heritage
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
All the renovators and restorers in Hammond (Community Initiatives and
Residential Heritage)
Jay and Kathy Christensen (Residential Heritage)
Kelly and Alaine McKillican (Residential Heritage)
-Don Brayford (Community Initiatives -Posthumous Award)
-Mike and Sue Cizik (Residential Heritage)
Annette Fulford (History and Heritage Research and Publication)
Farmers' Market (Commercial/Institutional Heritage)
-McDougall House on Dewdney Trunk Road (Residential Heritage)
A sub-committee will be formed to look at all the nominations, particularly the
Residential Heritage nominations. The sub-committee will consist of Barbara
Swanson, Lynne Probyn and Sheila Nickols.
All nominees will be invited to the Heritage Awards which are scheduled for
February 19, 2007 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at St. Andrews Heritage Church
Invitations to all will be sent out shortly and a photo album of previous Heritage
Award recipients will be organized for the Heritage A ward event.
Presentation o(Business Plan to Council
Business Plan will be brought to the Committee of the Whole Meeting scheduled
for February 19, 2007.
Robertson Cemetery
Staff report to Committee of the Whole Meeting scheduled for February 19, 2007
requesting Council direction.
Plaque Location Map
This document will be circulated during Heritage Week
Plaque Tour
bus has been arranged; will arrive at 9:45 a.m. at the ACT; will look for
advance notice as to who will wish to be on the bus. An article detailing this
will be in the paper tomorrow. Finish up at the ACT with refreshments
5.3 Plaques
5. 3.1 Locations and Strategies for Designation -Plaque Tour
Templates for the plaques were distributed for review, discussion and
feedback. Commission members were advised that the material had to
be sent to the printer by the upcoming Friday. Helmi Braches and Sheila
Nickols will meet with Diana Hall at 10:30 a.m. on Friday to review
templates which will also be e-mailed out to all commission members
for further feedback.
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Communi(y Heritage Commission .Minutes
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
► ACTION ITEM -Diana Hall -e-mail a thank you notice to Jordana Feist
for all the work done on the plaque templates.
5. 3. 2 Annual Review and Strategies for Designation -Ongoing
5. 4 Vine Issue Update
Discussion regarding Heritage Commission plans to place a Commemorative
Plaque at the grove of heritage trees on 124th Avenue (originally named Shady
Lane), as soon as possible, which would encourage the neighbourhood
community that lives amongst this grove of heritage trees, to care and maintain
5. 5 Signs in Hammond
Photographs of signs from another community were distributed for review by
Commission members.
5. 6 Business Plan 2006-2008 Review Diana Hall
Diana Hall and Claus Andrup will meet to review the business plan and will
circulate to the Chair.
5. 7 Upcoming Events
• February 16 -SFU Course on Heritage Conservation and Sustainability
• February 19-Heritage Awards Presentation-7:30 p.m.@ St. Andrews
Heritage Church
• February 22 -Don Luxton, Heritage Architect, speaking about vernacular
architecture -7:30 p.m at St. Andrews Heritage Church
• February 24 -Plaques Tour -9:45 a.m. to 12: 10 p.m. -begins and finishes at
the ACT
• February 26 -David Suzuki at ACT speaking to environmental issues
5. 8 Review of Action Items List
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Community Heritage Commission J\llinutes
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
6. New Business
6.1 Elections of Chair and Vice-Chair to be added to the March 6th Agenda
6.2 Course on Heritage Conservation and Sustainability
Commissioners were advised that the Heritage Commission budget allowed for
one or two members to attend this course. The course is scheduled for Friday,
February 16th in Vancouver and will be an all day event. Diana Hall will be
attending as a staff member of the planning department and will share
information with the Commission.
R06-37 It was moved and seconded
That costs to attend a course on Heritage Conservation and Sustainability be paid
by the Community Heritage Commission should one or two members elect to
7. Committee Reports
8. Correspondence
8.1 Heritage Society of British Columbia Winter 2007 Newsletter
8. 2 Maple Ridge Historical Society Newsletter
8.3 Langley Centennial Museum Workshops
8. 4 Hammond Community Association -discussion
It was advised that the Hammond Community Association had been dissolved.
Commission members expressed that they would like to help this Association
get back on its feet by encouraging new people to come forward in the future.
This item will be placed on the Action Items List as ongoing.
Councillor Speirs will connect with the General Manager, Community
Development, Parks and Recreation to look into the background of the
Hammond Community Association and to check into the viability of forming a
new neighbourhood association perhaps with the guidance of the Social
Planning Advisory Committee.
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Community Heritage Commi\·sion 1ltlinutes
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
9. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2007 an agenda deadline
of Monday, February 19, 2007.
10. Motion to Adjourn
R06-38 It was moved and seconded
That the regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission be
The meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
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