HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2007-11-06 Minutes.pdf~ "" MAPLE RIDGE COMMUNITY H ERITAGE (Ol\1MISSION The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, November 6, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Connor, Chair Councillor Craig Speirs Lynne Probyn, Vice-Chair Claus Andrup Helmi Braches Sheila Nickols STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Tracy Camire REGRETS Karen Cotter 1. Call to order Maple Ridge Historical Society Council Liaison Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Staff Liaison, Planning Department Committee Clerk Community at Large The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Adoption of the Agenda R06-59 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda for November 6, 2007 be adopted with the following addition: 6.6 The Beast 3. Adoption of the Community Heritage Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting R06-60 It was moved and seconded Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting CARRIED Page 1 of 5 Community Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 6, 2007 That the Minutes of the Community Heritage Commission dated October 2, 2007 Regular Meeting be adopted with the following changes 6.1 The last two sentences of 6.1 will be deleted as they are repeated in Item 6.2 CARRIED Claus Andrup joined the meeting at 7:05 p.m. 4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil 5. Current Projects and Unfinished Business 5.1 Hammond Signs and Plaque Update -Lisa Zosiak The Commission discussed the Hammond Sign mock-up, made changes and agreed that they don't want to see a faded out picture in the background. Claus Andrup will email Lisa Zosiak the proposed wording for the plaque tomorrow, November 7th. The Commission discussed the locations for the three signs and the plaque for Hammond Village. The location of the plaque will be at the main entrance to Tolmie Park. 5.2 Plaques 5.2.1 Plaque Unveiling Cloth Update -Lisa Zosiak The Commission discussed the different options for the plaque unveiling cloth. The Commission agreed that a list of requirements should be created; Municipal coat of arms, the Commission logo and the District logo and taken to the sports store in Haney Place mall for a quote with some material choices and a fringe. 5.2.2 Plaque Photo Record and Map -Claus Andrup/Jim Connor -Ongoing 5.2 .3 Plaque Tour(s) -Jim Connor -Ongoing 5.3 Review of Action Item List The Commission reviewed the Action Item List and made updates. 5.3.1 CHC Heritage Awards Feb 2008 -Lisa Zosiak Lisa will confirm the date of the Heritage Awards and get back to the Commission. The Commission discussed the process for receiving nominations. Sheila Nickols and Lynn Probyn volunteered to be on the Sub-Commission for the 2008 Heritage Awards. Lisa Zosiak advised the Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 of 5 Community Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 6, 2007 Commission that she will use the same ad from last year but with new dates and run it now with a refreshed ad going in the paper in the New Year. The deadline for nominations will be Friday, January 18th. Lisa agreed to take care of the catering for the event. The Mayor and Council need to be invited to the awards. 5.4 CHC Structure of Membership -bylaw changes Tracy Camire advised the Commission of the process for amending a bylaw. The Commission would like to start the process for amending the terms of service for the Commission bylaw. 5.5 Strategies to Promote Maple Ridge Heritage & Funding Opportunities -Lisa Zosiak Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that she contacted Bob Parliament and he provided Lisa with information on accessing funding for projects. The Commission discussed the issue around the Maple Ridge Museum renovations and the associated costs. The Commission agreed to review the different options for funding and discuss this at a future meeting. 5.6 2008 Business Plan Lisa Zosiak distributed a copy of the revised Business Plan to the Commission members and the Commission members updated the plan. R06-61 It was moved and seconded That Community Heritage Commission support the Historical Society and the community in its effort to make the new museum and archives a reality. Claus Andrup left the meeting at 8:19 p.m. Lisa Zosiak was requested to update the Budget Summary and inform the Commission each quarter. CARRIED Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that she will update the Business Plan with the information provided by the Commission. 6. New Business 6.1 Review of 2008 Meeting Schedule -Lisa Zosiak The Commission reviewed the 2008 Meeting Schedule and agreed to the dates. The Commission agreed to have the January meeting on Thursday, January 3rd in the Blaney Room. The Heritage Awards will be scheduled for February 18th . Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 3 of5 Community Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 6, 2007 Councillor Speirs will advise the Commission Clerk of the date in February that the Heritage Awards Announcement will go to Council. R06-61 It was moved and seconded That the Community Heritage Commission approve the 2008 Meeting Schedule and agree to have the first meeting in January on Thursday, January 3rd in the Blaney Room. CARRIED Jim Connor asked the Commission if there are any names they would like to put forward for the open positions on the Community Heritage Commission. It was agreed that the Commission will consider other names to be put forward should the ads not bring forward any applicants. 6.2 Maple Ridge Council Procedure Bylaw No. 5871-2007 Review changes to Part 19 - Delegations Jim Connor advised the Commission that when a delegation requests to make a presentation to the Community Heritage Commission it needs to go before the Corporate Officer for approval. 6.3 CHC Newsletter -Lisa Zosiak Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that the Community Heritage Commission publishes a quarterly newsletter and requested that the Commission bring forward any stories that they would like to share. The following suggestions were made by Commission members; awards nomination and photographs. Jim Connor suggested that a sub-committee be formed to create ongoing newsletters; Helmi Braches volunteered to head the sub-committee with the help of Lisa Zosiak and Craig Speirs. The newsletter will go out in December, March, June, and September. If any Commission members have ideas please forward them on to Lisa Zosiak who will pass them on to Ms. Braches. 6.4 Heritage Register Update -Lisa Zosiak The Commission talked about the draft of the Heritage Register of 2004 and the Commission has agreed to ad the CEED Centre to the Heritage Register. Ms. Zosiak distributed a copy of the draft and asked that the Commission review this and bring back their comments to the next Community Heritage Commission meeting. Ms. Zosiak confirmed that the following actions still need to be completed; approve the draft, register with the Province, and Province forwards on to the Historic Places Federal Program and then Lisa Zosiak will update the Maple Ridge Heritage Register. 6.5 Christmas Event -Lisa Zosiak Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 of 5 Community Heritage Commission Minutes Tuesday, November 6, 2007 Lisa Zosiak asked the Commission if they want to have pot luck at the December meeting. The Commission agreed to bring appetizers to the next meeting; Lisa will bring drinks. 6.6 The Beast -Craig Speirs Councillor Speirs advised the Commission that Ray Saunders is going to be re- designing The Beast Clock. The Commission would like The Beast Clock to be considered as a recipient for a plaque award in 2008 and the Commission Clerk was asked to add this to a 2008 agenda. 7. Commission Reports 8. Correspondence 8.1 Addendum Template for Business Planning 8.2 2007-2009 CHC Business Plan 9. Next Meeting The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2007 an agenda deadline of Monday, November 19, 2007. 10. Motion to Adjourn R06-62 It was moved and seconded That the regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 9:11 p.m. ~,d~ ~hairperson /tc Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 5 of5