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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney
Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Tuesday, April 1, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Jim Connor, Chair
Lynne Probyn, Vice-Chair
Sheila Nickols
Sarah Hossack
John McCormick
Lisa Zosiak
Tracy Camire
Bob Parliament
Helmi Braches
Councillor Craig Speirs
1. Call to order
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Community Heritage Officer, Province BC
Community at Large
Council Liaison
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Ros-10 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for April 1, 2008 be adopted with the following change
3.1 Change Minutes for approval date to March 4, 2008
3. Adoption of the Community Heritage Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting
Ros-11 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Community Heritage Commission dated March 4, 2008 Regular
Meeting be adopted with the following addition;
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 1 of 5
Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Draft Minutes -Subject to approval
6.3 November Meeting Date
4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil
Bob Parliament, Community Heritage Officer for the Lower Mainland, Province of BC,
advised the Commission that the purpose of a strategic plan is to outline the activities that
the Commission plans to take on over a period of 5 years. A Strategic Plan will include
community input, which is typical of any community process and a consultant will likely be
hired to guide the process and create the strategic plan. Once the final draft of the
Strategic Plan has been prepared, it will go forward to Council for endorsement.
Bob Parliament advised the Commission that the benefit of a strategic plan is that it makes
Council aware of the direction of the Community Heritage Commission's work program and
will be informed well in advance of a proposed project as to what the needs are for budget
and resources and the expected timeframe.
Bob Parliament distributed a few different examples of strategic plans and reviewed each
with the Committee.
The Commission discussed the importance of this process that will engage the community
and result in a long-term vision for the CHC. Mr. Parliament encouraged the CHC to
consider context planning in advance of doing the strategic plan. A Context Plan is
completed to identify and explain the major factors and processes that influenced a
community's evolution. There is a whole broad set of information that can inform where
you go with a heritage conservation program.
Bob Parliament introduced the thematic framework approach to context planning, which is
used by the Heritage section of Parks Canada. Mr. Parliament recommended that the
Commission complete the context planning first to inform the strategic planning process
and create a richer Strategic Plan. Bob distributed a program guide and application guide
to the Commission. Each process would take about 6 months to complete.
The Commission discussed the idea behind themes for a strategic plan along with the costs
to create a strategic plan.
The Commission discussed the costs involved in having a designation completed along with
the outlined process.
The Commission discussed the idea of having a maintenance program or a conservation
program as a topic of discussion to encourage those to purchase or upkeep a heritage
The Commission then discussed strategies for involving the Community; public sessions,
press releases, mailing list, and networking.
John McCormick advised the Commission that Maple Ridge's Agricultural history could be
explored and the Farmer's Market would be a great way to liaise. The Committee Clerk
informed the group that the CHC could liaise with the Maple Ridge Agricultural Committee,
which is a Committee of Council that was formed recently.
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Draft Minutes -Subject to approval
5. Current and Unfinished Business
5.1 Statements of Significance Project -Lisa
Lisa Zosiak advised that this is still in the works and has not heard back from the
consultant to date on the finalization.
5.2 Plaque Unveiling Cloth -Lisa
Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that she has sent Pat Shiratti the required logo
sizes and once the cloth is complete Ms. Zosiak will bring the completed cloth to the
next Commission meeting for their review.
5.3 Empress Train -Craig -deferred to next meeting
Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that Councillor Speirs advised her that there is
no set schedule to date but Ms. Zosiak will find out from the Mayor's Assistant when
it is due in Maple Ridge and advise the Commission of this date.
5.4 Hammond Unveiling Plaque/Sign Event -Jim/Sarah
Jim Connor advised the Commission that there are two possibilities for the
Hammond Unveiling Plaque/Sign event and reviewed both with the Commission -
either a large community event or a smaller community event. The Commission
agreed to an event similar to the one that was held at the Whonnock Cemetery,
) which included an invitation to community, an acknowledgement of old timers and a
brief presentation made by Fred Braches. Then the Mayor unveiled the plaque
followed by coffee, tea and cake. The whole event took about an hour.
Jim Connor also advised the Commission that Fred Braches has agreed to complete
a 60 page booklet for handouts and also has a map of the area; the museum has
display boards that can be used.
5.5 Haney House Repairs and Maintenance -Lisa Zosiak
Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that she and Bob Parliament met with the
Manager of Facilities, Mike Davies and Val Patenaude to discuss the Haney House
Repairs report.
Bob Pa rliament advised the Commission that at this meeting they discussed the
provincially sponsored Conservation and Feasibility Planning Program , which
involves researching the historical importance of a heritage resource, long-term
maintenance planning, and conservation feasibility in terms of preserving the site's
heritage value.
Ms. Zosiak also advised that the Standards and Guidelines will be given to Mike
Millward, Mike Davies and Val Patenaude to ensure that they have access to this
information on preserving heritage value when doing maintenance work, however,
neither funding or a process have been set up to help with either of these issues.
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Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Draft Minutes -Subject to approval
Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that the focus right now is to do immediate
repairs that need to happen right away to make it safe for people to enter the
building, however, there will be another meeting to move in a direction of planning
for the long-term preservation of the heritage value of Haney House.
Bob Parliament advised the Commission that if it has been designated as a Heritage
Building the District needs to complete a Heritage Alteration Permit prior to any
maintenance activity to ensure that the appropriate rules and best methods are laid
out and followed to maintain a heritage value building.
5.6 Heritage Tourism -Lynne
Lynne Probyn advised the Commission that she spoke to Sandy Blue about Tourism
within Maple Ridge and was advised to call back in April or May. Ms. Probyn advised
the Commission that she will follow up and advise the Commission of any updates.
Bob Parliament left the meeting at 8:41 pm
6. New Business
6.1 May meeting date discussion -deferred
6.2 Karen Cotter resignation -Lisa
Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that Karen Cotter has resigned from the
Commission and that an ad has been placed to fill this position. This position would
need to be re-posted at the end of the year for another two year term. John
McCormick advised the Commission that Don Luxton has a home in Maple Ridge.
John will discuss the open position with Mr. Lu xton and will update the Commission
at the next meeting.
6.3 November meeting date discussion
The Committee Clerk advised the Commission that the November meeting date falls
on a Council meeting night and needs to be rescheduled and suggested Thursday,
November 6th or Tuesday, October 28th. The Committee Clerk will email the
Commission with the choice of dates for confirmation.
7. Committee Reports
7.1 Newsletter
Lisa Zosiak advised that the next newsletter is well under way and asked John
McCormick to email a short bio to the Committee Clerk who will forward it on to
Helmi Braches for the next newsletter.
7.2 Plaques and Signs -ongoing
7.3 Heritage Awards
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 of5
Community Heritage Commission Minutes
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Draft Minutes -Subject to approval
Sheila Nickols advised the Commission that this is in progress. The sub-committee
·) set a date of Monday, April 7th at 1:30 pm at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall.
7.4 Plaque Map
Jim Connor advised the Commission that he has not seen the final map but the
heritage plaques will be included. Lisa Zosiak will contact Tammy Mciver for further
7.5 Heritage Strategy Project
Lynne Probyn advised the Commission that Sarah and Lynne have gone through all
of the sites on the Heritage Inventory, prepared by Don Lu xton in 1998 and
updated the Commission on the status of some of the homes. Ms. Probyn also
advised the Commission that they would like to update Mr. Luxton's book with an
addendum. Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that the Municipality does pay to
obtain Land Title Searches and will review the list of houses from Ms. Probyn along
with the charges to complete the Land Title searches.
8. Correspondence
8.1 Times Newspaper Article -History Comes Alive with CP BC Spirit of 150 Rail Tour
9. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. and an
agenda deadline of Monday, April 21, 2008.
10. Motion to Adjourn
ROs-12 It was moved and seconded
That the regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission be
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
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