HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2008-10-07 Minutes.pdf,0\ ~/ _.... .'--MAPLE RIDGE C O .MiVlUNITY H .ERITACE COiVIiVIISSION \ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 7:00 p.m . COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Connor, Chair Lynne Probyn, Vice-Chair Sheila Nickols Jan de Zeeuw Sarah Hossack Jacqueline Mulcahy John McCormick STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Lynn Marchand REGRETS Helmi Braches Councillor Craig Speirs 1. Call to order -7:02 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda Ros-1s It was moved and seconded Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Staff Liaison, Planning Department Committee Clerk Community at Large Council Liaison That the Agenda for October 7, 2008 be adopted with the following additions; 7.3 Budget 7.4 New Commission Members for 2009 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting CARRIED Page 1 of 5 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 7, 2008 3. Minutes of September 2, 2008 Regular Meeting be adopted ROS-19 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 2, 2008 be adopted with the following deletion from page 4; "Lisa Zosiak will contact Dean Barber regarding distribution of the newsletter and to discuss the possibility of eventually changing the format." CARRIED 4. Delegations -Nil 5. Presentations -Nil 6. Current and Unfinished Business 6.1 Statements of Significance Project Lisa Zosiak Lisa Zosiak advised that the Statement of Significance project is complete and is awaiting the final version. Total Invoice has been submitted from Denise Cook Design in the amount of $3,412.50. Ros-20 It was moved and seconded To authorize payment to Denise Cook Design in the amount of $3,412.50, subject to receipt of the final copy 6.2 Benefits of Conserving the Heritage Home CARRIED Lynne Probyn Lynne Probyn advised that Leslie Gilbert of the Heritage Society of B.C. gave a presentation at the Benefits of Conserving the Heritage Home event which took place on September 23, 2008. The event was a success although there was a small amount of public in attendance. A copy of Leslie Gilbert's PowerPoint presentation was circulated to the Commission. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 of 5 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 7, 2008 6.3 Conservation & Feasibility Plan for St. Andrew's Church Lisa Zosiak Lisa Zosiak informed the Commission that updates have been provided to the Province and have rectified some of the issues. Ms. Zosiak advised that the plan is progressing and anticipates receipt of a further draft later this week. Discussion took place amongst the Commission regarding the future approach to Conservation & Feasibility plans for other municipally owned heritage properties. It was agreed that the Commission will look at the approach used in heritage site planning by the Federal Government to see if it would achieve the same goals and requirements here. ACTION ITEM: John McCormick will provide the Committee members with a general maintenance list regarding heritage buildings. 7. New Business 7.1 Heritage Commission Networking Conference Jim Connor Jim Connor advised that the Heritage Commission Networking Conference is scheduled for November 29, 2008 and will report to the Commission after the conference. 7.2 Heritage Strategy Stakeholders Workshop Lisa Zosiak Sheila Nickols, Lynne Probyn and Sarah Hossack attended the Heritage Strategy Stakeholders workshop which proved to be very interesting. ACTION ITEM: Sarah Hossack will provide the Commission with an email inviting on-line comments for those who did not attend the workshop. 7.3 Budget Lisa Zosiak advised that the General Revenue account in 2008 originally contained $14,517.00; $7,033.45 was spent, leaving a balance of $7,483.55. The 2008 Project Account contained $17,600 with $7 4.90 spent. The invoice from Denise Cook Design in the amount of $3,412.50 will come out of the project account, leaving a balance of $14,112.60. Ms. Zosiak clarified how the funds are distributed for specific projects and from which account those funds would be allocated. It was agreed that the donation of $19.00 from the September ,_J 23rd presentation would go into the coffee account to allow for any unforeseen costs associated Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 3 of5 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 7, 2008 with a function. Ms. Zosiak advised that she will discuss the 2009 budget with the Director of Planning before the next Community Heritage Commission meeting. 7.4 New Commission Members for 2009 It was agreed that any Commission member wishing to continue for the year 2009 is to advise Lisa Zosiak by the next meeting. 8. Committee Reports 8.1 Newsletter Lisa Zosiak reported on behalf of Helmi Braches. Ms. Zosiak advised that she will prepare a piece for the newsletter on the Conservation & Feasibility Plan; Councillor Speirs will provide an article on the workshop; and Helmi Braches will provide an article on Leslie Gilbert's presentation. 8.2 Heritage Awards Lisa Zosiak advised that to date very few nominations have been received and the deadline is on October 16th , 2008. Copies of the nomination forms were circulated and volunteers were sought to make up the selection panel. By agreement, the selection panel for the 2008 Heritage Awards is: Lynne Probyn, John McCormick, Sarah Hossack and Jacqueline Mulcahy. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 22nd at 2:00 p.m . at the Maple Ridge Municipal Hall. Lisa Zosiak will bring information on possible criteria and this will be discussed at the meeting. 8.3 Heritage Strategic Plan Lisa Zosiak advised that she is looking forward to starting the Heritage Context Plan which was recommended by the Province to be completed before starting the Heritage Strategic Plan. A committee will be required. It was agreed that the Context Plan Committee will consist of: Lynne Probyn, John McCormick, Lisa Zosiak, and Jacqueline Mulcahy. Ms. Zosiak circulated an example of a Historic Context Statement for Mt. Pleasant in Vancouver to help Commission members familiarize themselves with the contents of a Context Plan. 9. Correspondence -nil Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 of5 ,. .. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 7, 2008 10. Next Meeting: Agenda deadline: Tuesday, November 4 , 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Monday, October 20, 2008. 11. Adjournment -8:16 p.m. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 5 of5