HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2008-11-04 Minutes.pdf~ (::: "--:MAPLE RIDGE ~OMJ'V1UNITY H ERITAGE (OJ'VfMlSSION \ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Connor, Chair Lynne Probyn, Vice-Chair Sheila Nickols Sarah Hossack Jacqueline Mulcahy Helmi Braches STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Lynn Marchand REGRETS Jan de Zeeuw Councillor Craig Speirs John McCormick 1. Call to order 7:02 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda R08-21 It was moved and seconded Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Staff Liaison, Planning Department Committee Clerk Community at Large Council Liaison Community at Large That the Agenda for November 4, 2008 be adopted with the following additions; 7.3 Community Heritage Commission 2009 Meeting Schedule, Draft 7.4 Community Heritage Commission Member Terms CARRIED Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 1 of 5 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, November 4, 2008 3. Minutes of October 7, 2008 Regular Meeting be adopted R08-22 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 7, 2008 be adopted CARRIED 4. Delegations -Nil 5. Presentations -Nil 6. Current and Unfinished Business 6.1 Statements of Significance Project Lisa Zosiak Lisa Zosiak advised that the Statement of Significance project had a few errors which been submitted to Denise Cook for correction. Ms. Zosiak advised that upon receipt of the final version it is hoped to be presented to Council at the end of November. R08-23 It was moved and seconded That the Statement of Significance project be presented to Council upon receipt of the final version and upon approval of Lisa Zosiak CARRIED 6.2 Conservation & Feasibility Plan for St. Andrew's Church Lisa Zosiak Lisa Zosiak circulated a draft of the Conservation & Feasibility Plan for St. Andrew's Church and advised that she was seeking comments from the Commission. Ms. Zosiak advised she would notify the members to confirm the time frame for those comments. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 of 5 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, November 4, 2008 7. New Business 7.1 Heritage Commission Networking Conference Lisa Zosiak was seeking confirmation of which members were interested in attending the Heritage Commission Networking Conference on November 29th, 2008. R08-24 It was moved and seconded That the registration fee for attendance at the Heritage Commission Networking Conference on November 29, 2008 be paid by the Commission funds. CARRIED ACTION ITEM: Lisa Zosiak will register the following Commission members for the Heritage Commission Networking Conference: Sheila Nickols, Jim Connor, Lisa Zosiak, Sarah Hossack, Jacqueline Mulcahy and Helmi Braches. Lynne Probyn advised that she has already registered and paid for the conference. Lisa Zosiak indicated she would have Lynne Probyn reimbursed for the registration fee. 7.2 Business Plan Lisa Zosiak circulated a draft Business Plan 2009 -2013 and discussion took place regarding the template of the plan and whether the headings could be amended. Suggestions and possible amendments were discussed in detail amongst the Commission regarding the draft Plan. R08-25 It was moved and seconded To reallocate the funds held over from the Projects on Hold to the Proposed Projects for 2009 listed in the draft Business Plan 2009 -2013 CARRIED Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 3 of 5 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, November 4, 2008 7.3 Community Heritage Commission 2009 Meeting Schedule, Draft A draft 2009 Meeting Schedule was circulated and it was agreed that the Commission would advise of any dates that were not suitable at the December meeting. 7.4 Community Heritage Commission Member Terms It was discussed amongst the Commission the status of the terms of the current members and the expiration of those terms as well as the nomination of two representatives for the year 2009 from the Historical Society. 8. Committee Reports 8.1 Newsletter Helmi Braches advised that the fall newsletter has not yet been released but she hopes to have it completed in the coming weeks. It is anticipated the winter newsletter will be released in January and Ms. Braches sought ideas for that issue. 8.2 Heritage Awards Lisa Zosiak advised that the Heritage Award Committee had one meeting and advised that Bob Parliament has agreed to be the guest judge. Ms. Zosiak further advised that the next scheduled meeting is on November 19th whereupon the criteria will be discussed and the possibility of looking at some of the proposed homes. Lynne Probyn circulated a list of the previous Heritage Awards presented over the past several years. Sarah Hossack advised of an application which was received by a business who has made significant historical contributions to the community, however there is not a suitable category for such an award. Discussion took place regarding establishing a "Special Award for Special Contribution to the Community" to honour their contributions. 8.3 Heritage Strategic Plan Lisa Zosiak advised of her recent discussion with Bob Parliament and was advised that the Province may not have the funds to provide for Context Planning until the beginning of their new fiscal year in April 2009. Ms. Zosiak advised that the Community Heritage Commission could still prepare the Terms of Reference and upon confirmation from the Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 of5 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Province that the funds will be provided in April 2009, a consultant could be hired. These steps include preparing the funding application, preparation of a RFP, and canvassing possible consultants. It is anticipated that these endeavours will take until approximately March to complete. 9. Correspondence -nil 10. 11. Next Meeting: Agenda deadline: Adjournment - ~airp /Im Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Monday, November 17, 2008. 8:21 p.m. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 5 of 5