HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2008-12-02 Minutes.pdf) MAPLE RI DGE (OMi\lIUN ITY HERITAGE (Oi\lIMISSION \ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Connor, Chair Lynne Probyn, Vice-Chair Sarah Hossack Jacqueline Mulcahy Helmi Braches John McCormick Councillor Craig Speirs STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Lynn Marchand REGRETS Jan de Zeeuw Sheila Nickols 1. Call to order 7:07 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda R08-21 It was moved and seconded Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Council Liaison Staff Liaison, Planning Department Committee Clerk Community at Large Community at Large That the Agenda for December 2, 2008 be adopted with the following additions: 7.4 Maple Ridge Historical Society 7.5 Report on Heritage Planners and Professionals Meeting CARRIED Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 1 of 7 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, December 2, 2008 3. Minutes of November 4, 2008 Regular Meeting be adopted R08-22 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 4, 2008 be adopted CARRIED 4. Delegations -Nil 5. Presentations -Nil 6. Current and Unfinished Business 6.1 Statements of Significance Project Lisa Zosiak Lisa Zosiak advised that the Statement of Significance Project was approved at the November 25, 2008 Council meeting and that the resolution has been forwarded to Denise Cook. Ms. Zosiak gave an overview of the forthcoming steps Ms. Cook will proceed with and circulated the completed Statement of Significance Project. Ms. Zosiak advised that Ms. Cook prepared a document on the historical neighbourhoods in Maple Ridge and suggested it be used in the Context Planning. The "Maple Ridge Historical Neighbourhoods" document was circulated and discussion took place, whereupon Ms. Zosiak requested any changes or suggestions be forwarded to her over the next couple of months. 6.2 Conservation & Feasibility Plan for St. Andrew's Church Lisa Zosiak Lisa Zosiak advised that no comments from any Commission members were received regarding the Conservation and Feasibility Plan for St. Andrew's Church, however Mr. Bob Parliament had many. Ms. Zosiak gave an overview of how the Province would like the project to progress and that a few drafts can be expected. It anticipated to be completed by the end of January 2009. Ms. Zosiak advised that Heritage B.C. agreed to provide some funding for the roof repair work. Ms. Zosiak explained the process following completion of the project. Jim Connor raised concerns of possible cross-over of information from the Maple Ridge Historical Society and the Community Heritage Commission. Lisa Zosiak confirmed that Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 of 7 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, December 2, 2008 she is recognized by the Province as the project coordinator. After further discussion, Ms. Zosiak advised she would contact Val Patenaude to obtain clarification on the specific comments provided by the Museum and Historical Society regarding the project, as they were forwarded directly to Don Luxton. Concerns were raised regarding the maintenance of St. Andrew's Church and who is responsible for repairs. Ms. Zosiak advised that the report outlines a maintenance plan specific to the Church site and that she had forwarded the first draft to Michael Millward, Facilities Operations Manager. Mr. Millward indicated that he was pleased with the draft as it will help in the planning for long-term maintenance of the Church. 6.3 Community Heritage Commission 2009 Meeting Schedule, Draft Lisa Zosiak asked about any conflicts with the 2009 Meeting Schedule which was circulated at the November meeting and there was some discussion that there may be a conflict with the dates of September 1 and October 6. It was agreed to re-examine those dates at a later date. Discussion took place regarding the Heritage Awards in February. 7. ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk to add to the 2009 Meeting Schedule; Heritage Awards February 19th, 2009. New Business 7.1 Heritage Commission Networking Conference Lynne Probyn gave an overview of the conference and referred to comments that Denise Cook made regarding Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows having natural heritage and spiritual sites. Ms. Probyn circulated walking tour booklets from the conference and suggested the Commission consider creating a booklet. Councillor Speirs indicated it may be useful to add such a booklet with the Historical Neighbourhoods package, whereupon it could become part of the Context Planning Project. Jacqueline Mulcahy advised of her attendance at the conference and that it was very well organized. Ms. Mulcahy gave an overview of the topics she found interesting and referred to a presentation on how older buildings contribute to sustainability due to the non- recoverable "embodied energy" contained in a building. Embodied energy is the amount of non-renewable energy that is consumed in the construction and long-term use of a building, from the acquisition of raw materials, manufacturing, and transportation of goods, to the construction, maintenance, repair, and restoration of a building. The amount of embodied energy involved in demolishing an older building (where the existing embodied energy often ends up in a land-fill) and constructing a new building can be much more significant than preserving, maintaining, and rehabilitating the ones already existing. Councillor Speirs explained the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 3 of 7 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, December 2, 2008 certification process for buildings and their surrounding landscape and discussion took place whether preservation included landscape. ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk to add Sustainable Heritage Building Use on the January 6, 2009 Agenda. Sarah Hossack advised of her attendance at the conference and gave an overview of the information she found m0st interesting. Helmi Braches advised that she enjoyed the discussion on other heritage commissions and communities and how Maple Ridge appeared to lack public interest. Ms. Braches indicated that citizens in other communities appeared to be much more involved and interested in their heritage. Maple Ridge does not appear to have enough public awareness. Discussion took place regarding informing the citizens of Maple Ridge and the possibility of hosting a similar conference next year. ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk to add "Conference Discussion" to the January 2009 Agenda. Helmi Braches will compile material for the January discussion. Discussion took place regarding the possibility of inviting Val Patenaude of the Maple Ridge Historical Society to a future meeting to discuss how the Museum Club programs work in the schools. Discussion also took place regarding inviting Historical Society members to a future meeting to have a round table discussion. 7.2 Business Plan Lisa Zosiak circulated the Business Plan 2009 -2013 and advised that most departments are required to present it to Council, although it has not been confirmed whether it will be necessary for the Commission's Plan. Councillor Speirs advised of the Business Planning sessions which will be taking place on December 15 and 16, 2008. 7.3 Heritage Plaque Program Lisa Zosiak circulated the "Heritage Plaque Index", which contains a listing of all the heritage plaques that have been placed throughout Maple Ridge. She also circulated two lists prepared by Lynne Probyn and Sarah Hossack that contained their research on "New Heritage Homes to be added to Heritage Inventory" and "Heritage Houses that could be Plaqued" to the Commission. Ms. Zosiak advised that $4,000 of the 2009 budget (which Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 of 7 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, December 2, 2008 has not been approved by Council) is allocated for plaques and reminded the Commission that the group decided in early 2008 to erect two plaques per year. Some discussion took place about Heritage Awards and the Commission was also reminded by Ms. Zosiak that the Heritage Awards are confidential until the decisions have been finalized. Jim Connor clarified the difference between Community Plaques and Heritage Markers. It was discussed and determined that a criteria needs to be established with respect to determining the Community Plaque and that perhaps the site should first be on the Heritage Register. Discussion took place regarding currently designated homes to ensure they have a plaque and that the ones designated are plaqued. It was determined that the criteria for the heritage marker needs to be established and a criteria for a plaque. Lisa Zosiak advised that Federal and Municipal sites are different and suggested that the Commission examine other municipalities to determine how they designate plaques. Lisa Zosiak clarified how homes get on the inventory and explained the process which involves research into the history of the site and the original architectural or significant features, usually undertaken by a professional consultant. ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk to add Heritage Plaque Program to the January 6, 2009 Agenda. 7.4 Maple Ridge Historical Society Jim Connor advised of his attendance at the Maple Ridge Historical Society's December 1, 2008 meeting and of his concerns regarding the possible overlap of the St. Andrew's Church project. Discussion took place regarding the possibility of working together with the Maple Ridge Historical Society to decrease duplication, such as the Commission having an item in the Heritage Society's newsletter and to exchange Minutes of the Meetings. Lynne Probyn advised that at the Maple Ridge Historical meeting on December 1st she and Jim Connor were nominated back to the Commission. Ms. Probyn spoke about the lack of communication between the Historical Society and the Commission and how it should be addressed. Conversation took place regarding the importance of the volunteer base and what one can do to increase that volunteer base. It was suggested that Ms. Patenaude of the Maple Ridge Historical Society attend one meeting of the Commission a year to allow updates and a roundtable discussion. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 5 of 7 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, December 2, 2008 7.5 Report on Heritage Planners and Professionals Meeting Lisa Zosiak gave an overview of her recent attendance at the Heritage Planners and Professionals Meeting and provided an overview of some projects that are underway in other municipalities. For example, Victoria is involved in a project related to Rogers Chocolates, which is still in its original location that was built in 1903. Ms. Zosiak gave an overview of stories that were discussed at the meeting and indicated copies of correspondence from the meeting could be provided to those interested. New Westminster is involved in a project with the College Place Hotel in New Westminster, as it is being converted into a residence for homeless people. UBC has rehabilitated ten of their heritage buildings and calculated a savings of $166 million dollars by renovating and restoring the buildings. The buildings were all brought up to a LEED Silver standard. The Federal Historical Places Initiative funding for the preparation of Statements of Significance for community heritage registers expires on March 31, 2010. John McCormick gave a brief overview of his presentation at the meeting on behalf of the Federal Parks branch. 8. Committee Reports 8.1 Newsletter Helmi Braches advised that the fall newsletter has now been published. It was suggested to send the newsletter to the membership of the Maple Ridge Historical Society. Ms. Braches advised that the winter newsletter is being worked on and is due for release by the end of January. 8.2 Heritage Awards Lisa advised that the sub-committee for the Heritage Awards had a meeting and established some criteria. Lisa Zosiak advised that Bob Parliament has agreed to be a guest judge and that there are seven nominees for the awards. 8.3 Heritage Strategic Plan Lisa Zosiak gave an update on the Heritage Strategic Plan and gave an overview of the process up to obtaining funding from the B.C. Heritage Branch in April 2009. Ms. Zosiak advised that she intends on having a draft of the application completed before Christmas and plans to meet with the sub-committee in the new year. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 6 of 7 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, December 2, 2008 Ms. Zosiak circulated the Heritage BC Newsletter and a copy of Don Waite's book on Maple Ridge. Ms. Zosiak advised that the books are available for purchase for $35. 9. Correspondence -nil 10. Next Meeting: Agenda deadline: 11. Adjournment - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Monday, December 22, 2008 9:35 p.m. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 7 of 7