HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2009-04-07 Minutes.pdf{~ MAPLE RIDGE OJ'v:TlVIUNITY H ERITAGE C01VI1Vl15SlON \ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Connor, Chair Helmi Braches Michael Cook Sarah Hossack Jacqueline Mulcahy Lynne Probyn, Vice-Chair STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Lynn Marchand Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Maple Ridge Historical Society Staff Liaison, Planning Department Committee Clerk ( REGRETS L Irena Mohr John McCormick Sheila Nickols Nicole Read Councillor Craig Speirs 1. Call to order 7:06 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda R09-013 It was moved and seconded Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Council Liaison That the Agenda for April 7, 2009 be adopted with the following additions and amendment: ·' 6.5 7.3 7.4 7.5 Whonnock United Church Feasibility of House Tours Masonic Temple Site History Base Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 1 of 7 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Amend Item 8.4 to read: 8.4 Heritage Commission Network Conference CARRIED 3. Minutes of March 3, 2009 Regular Meeting be adopted R09-014 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 3, 2009 be adopted with the following amendments: On page 6, under Item 8.2, change $45.00 to "$45.00;" and On page 7, change "8.2 Heritage Conference" to "8.4 Heritage Commission Network Conference". CARRIED 4. Delegations -Nil 5. Presentations 5.1 Historical Context Study 5.2 Heritage Conservation & Feasibility Plans Lisa Zosiak advised that she will forward, via email, presentations of Items 5.1 and 5.2 to the Commission for perusal. 6. Current and Unfinished Business 6.1 Conservation & Feasibility Plan for St. Andrew's Church Lisa Zosiak Jim Connor advised that the Report to Council for the St. Andrew's Church Conservation and Feasibility Plan went to the March 16th Committee of the Whole meeting. Lisa Zosiak Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 of 7 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, April 7, 2009 advised that the Plan subsequently went to the March 24th Council meeting, whereupon it was adopted. Ms. Zosiak advised that the Parks staff will use the Plan as a guide in the care and long-term maintenance of the church. Ms. Zosiak further advised that Council adopted the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Heritage Places in Canada for municipally designated sites. 6.2 Sustainable Heritage Building Use Lisa Zosiak circulated for review an article titled "The Greenest Building is the One Already Built" and discussion took place. 6.3 Maple Ridge Historical Neighbourhoods Document No report at this time. 6.4 Proposed Heritage Revitalization Agreement -Beeton/Daykin House ( Lisa Zosiak advised that the heritage consultant working on the Statement of Significance for the Beeton/Daykin house site has provided an update with more information from the Daykin family and also added "character defining elements" from the interior of the house. Ms. Zosiak provided an overview and advised that staff will work with the property owner to determine what elements are to be preserved and which ones may not be feasible to save. A draft of the Revitalization Agreement will be brought to the Commission for comments. ACTION ITEM: Ms. Zosiak to provide a draft of the Revitalization Agreement to the members when it is ready for perusal. 6.5 Whonnock United Church Discussion took place over the possible sale of Whonnock Church. Lisa Zosiak advised that a note has been added to the electronic property file that if any inquiries come in on the site, they are to be forwarded to her. 7. New Business 7.1 2008 Heritage Capacity Survey Lisa Zosiak advised that each year the Historical Society performs a Heritage Capacity Survey and that the results for 2008 will be circulated to the members via email. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 3 of 7 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, April 7, 2009 7.2 Maple Ridge Heritage Resources Map Ms. Zosiak advised that the project and data is complete and the maps are separated into historical communities. Copies were provided to the Commission for perusal. Ms. Zosiak provided an overview on how to decipher the maps noting that they identify properties on the inventory and register and properties that are plaqued and protected by a municipal heritage designation. Ms. Zosiak advised of a list Ms. Probyn created of demolished homes in the community, and that such information will be included on the maps in the future. ACTION ITEM: The Committee Clerk is to send a letter of appreciation on behalf of the Commission to Tresa Muir for the creation of the maps. 7.3 Feasibility of House Tours Ms. Zosiak reminded the Commission of the previous discussion regarding the possibility of conducting Historical House Tours and a question arose whether the Historical Society should consider hosting the possible event, or whether it is the Commission's responsibility. 7.4 Masonic Temple Jim Connor advised that the Masonic Temple renovations were brought to the attention of the Heritage Commission members at a recent Historical Society meeting. Ms. Zosiak advised that ¾ of the renovations were complete when discovered and advised that the municipal heritage designation bylaw was not registered on the title of the property. She provided an overview of the 1981 Municipal Heritage Designation Bylaw and advised that it was not until 1996 that it was a requirement to register the bylaw on the title. Ms. Zosiak advised that she is in the process of having the bylaw registered on the title, along with the Statement of Significance which contains the "character defining elements". Discussion took place regarding the municipality's electronic property files in a program called "Look-Up ", and whether staff can identify the heritage status of a site. Ms. Zosiak provided an overview of the computer program. 7.5 Site History Data Base Lisa Zosiak advised of communications with Val Patenaude of the Maple Ridge Musuem regarding a database that has been developed by the Museum staff and provided an overview. She advised that Ms. Patenaude was inquiring as to whether the Commission would be interested in taking on the research of the current 480 database entries. Discussion took place and the Heritage Plaque sub-committee members thought it could be something incorporated into their plaque project. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 of 7 ( Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, April 7, 2009 ACTION ITEM: Lisa Zosiak to forward the email regarding the database program to the Heritage Plaque sub-committee members. Discussion took place regarding the difficulty in researching the history of a property because of street name changes over time. It was discussed that it may be a worthwhile joint project with the Museum and that it should be considered. Lisa Zosiak advised that she spoke to Val Billesberger who would be pleased to speak to the Commission on how to research historical information on a property. ACTION ITEM: Lisa Zosiak to arrange for Ms. Billisberger to attend a future meeting to discuss how to research the history of a home. Mr. Connor informed the Commission of a recent article advising of neighbourhoods holding history block street parties, and suggested such an option in the community. 8. Committee Reports 8.1 Newsletter Helmi Braches advised that the spring newsletter was recently released and provided an overview of the issue. Ms. Brach es sought possible article ideas for the summer issue and suggestions were discussed which included an article to raise awareness of the sale of the Whonnock United Church. Lisa Zosiak agreed to write a piece on the Context Planning and the Heritage Resources Map. 8.2 Heritage Awards Lisa Zosiak advised that a reference book of previous Heritage Award recipients is underway. 8.3 Heritage Context Planning Ms. Zosiak advised that the Request for Proposal (RFP) has gone out and is due by April 15th. She further advised that the RFP is posted on the website and provided an overview of consultants who have indicated an interest. The sub-committee will be required to meet to review the proposals and to make a recommendation to the Commission members. Ms. Zosiak advised that Bob Parliament has informed her that the provincial funding has not been confirmed. The delay is unusual and a discussion took place regarding the possible reasons. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 5 of 7 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Lisa Zosiak advised that the first public open house (introduction to the process) will take place in mid-May and a stakeholders workshop in mid-June. Lynne Probyn provided a list of stakeholders she recently located for the Commission's reference. 8.4 Heritage Commission Network Conference Jacqueline Mulcahy gave an overview of the format of the sub-committee and advised that she and Helmi Braches met with Val Billesberger who provided information on organizing such an event. Ms. Mulcahy advised that Bob Parliament has provided a list of potential speakers and discussion took place regarding possible locations, format and length of the conference. A suggestion was made that the Commission make a presentation at the conference. Ms. Mulcahy referred to a Habitat for Humanity Conference she attended and discussion ensued on hosting the event as a carbon neutral conference. Lisa Zosiak advised that she will look into possible funding from Heritage B.C. and expressed the importance of securing a date so that the meeting facilities can be booked as soon as possible. Discussion of possible sponsors took place. 8.5 Heritage Plaque Program Lynne Probyn advised of a recent sub-committee meeting wherein the group discussed creating a process for selecting plaques for heritage homes and for community locations. She advised that it may be easier to create two different programs, one for heritage homes called the "Maple Ridge Pride Program", and one for community locations called "Maple Ridge Community Plaque Program". Discussion took place of the possible renaming of the program and the physical size of the plaques. Ms. Probyn further advised that the sub-committee considered implementing an application process that a potential plaque recipient would be required to complete, and circulated an example for perusal. Ms. Probyn advised that many other communities across Canada use application forms for their heritage plaque programs. The appropriate age requirement for potential heritage plaque sites was discussed and included a suggestion of the late 1800's to the mid-20th Century. Further discussion took place regarding the Commission members having a business card for identification purposes when contacting property owners of heritage sites or members of the public on CHC business. ACTION ITEMS: The sub-committee is to establish/design a standard plaque and to advise Lisa Zosiak so a cost can be determined. Lisa Zosiak is to order 50 identification business cards for each Commission member. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 6 of7 ( L Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Lisa Zosiak is to provide the application form, via email, for perusal by the Commission members. Committee Clerk to add Heritage Plaque Program to the May 5th Agenda. Discussion took place whether the buildings/people who receive a Heritage Award should be entitled to a plaque as well, and whether the two programs go hand in hand. It was determined that the plaques make a very public statement that the site has significance. ACTION ITEM: Jim Connor to provide photographs of the current plaques available. 8.6 CHG Facebook Page Deferred until May 6th meeting. 9. Correspondence -nil 10. Next Meeting: Agenda deadline: 11. Adjournment - Ohairpers0y /Im Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Monday, April 20, 2009 9:21 p.m. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 7 of7