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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission held in the
Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Michael Cook
Jacqueline Mulcahy
Lynne Probyn, Vice-Chair
Lisa Zosiak
Lynn Marchand
Irena Mohr
John McCormick
Sheila Nickols
Sarah Hossack
Nicole Read
Councillor Craig Speirs
Helmi Braches
Jim Connor, Chair
1. Call to order
Community at Large
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
There not being a quorum present, the meeting was held to gather comments from
members in attendance. The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
All members received Agendas for review prior to the meeting and there were no changes
to the Agenda.
3. Minutes of April 7, 2009 Regular Meeting be Adopted
The minutes were reviewed with no changes and were tabled for approval at the June 2,
2009 meeting.
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, May 5, 2009
4. Delegations -Nil
5. Presentations -Nil
6. Current and Unfinished Business
6.1 Conservation & Feasibility Plan for St. Andrew's Church Lisa Zosiak
Ms. Zosiak informed the members that a Council Report is being prepared on the Heritage
Alteration Permit for the St. Andrew's re-roofing project. Ms. Zosiak advised that a
Heritage Alteration Permit is required prior to any work being done on this protected
heritage site. She provided an overview of the Heritage Alteration Permit process and
confirmed that a contractor for the re-roofing project has been selected and that the
Facilities Department is applying for a grant from Heritage B.C.
6.2 Sustainable Heritage Building Use
Discussion took place regarding existing buildings that are no longer used for their original
purpose, but have been rehabilitated for a new use. Some interest had been expressed
prior to this meeting about considering this as a topic for a newspaper advertisement
under a sub-committee.
By consensus, the sub-committee for the Newspaper Advertisements will consist of Lynne
Probyn, Jacqueline Mulcahy, and Jim Connor.
6.3 Maple Ridge Historical Neighbourhoods Document
No discussion.
ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk to include Maple Ridge Historical Neighbourhoods
Document on June 2, 2009 Agenda.
6.4 Proposed Heritage Revitalization Agreement -Beeton/Daykin House
Lisa Zosiak provided an overview of the Statement of Significance (SOS) and advised that
Bob Parliament has agreed to examine the document and will provide input via conference
call on Thursday, May 7, 2009. Ms. Zosiak and Mr. Parliament are to meet the developers
on site and will seek comments from the Commission at the June meeting.
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, May 5, 2009
6.5 Masonic Hall -Designation Bylaw
Ms. Zosiak provided an overview of the covenant that has been prepared to attach to the
Designation Bylaw, and advised that the matter will be brought back before the
Commission at the June 2nd Community Heritage Commission meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk to include Masonic Hall -Designation Bylaw on
the June 2, 2009 Agenda.
6.6 Newspaper Ad -Designated Heritage Sites
This matter was dealt with during Item 6.2; Sustainable Heritage Building Use.
6. 7 Heritage Resources Map
Ms. Zosiak advised of some errors on the Heritage Resource Map with regards to the
roads and suggested each member examine their own familiar area. Discussion took
place and the following breakdown was agreed upon:
• Webster's Corner and East Haney; Michael Cook
• Haney and Port Haney; Jacqueline Mulcahy
• The Ridge and Yennadon; Lynne Probyn
• Hammond; Nicole Read and Sarah Hossack
• Whonnock; Helmi Braches
• Ruskin; Helmi Braches
• Albion; Jim Connor
ACTION ITEM: Lisa Zosiak to send an email to the members reminding them of their
assigned areas. Any changes and/or corrections are to be forwarded to Lisa Zosiak.
7. New Business
7.1 CHG Business Cards
Lisa Zosiak advised that the Municipality has agreed to provide 250 business cards for the
Commission and sought confirmation of numbers and information from the members.
7.2 Maple Ridge Museum Website
An overview of the Maple Ridge Museum website took place; www.mapleridgemuseum.org.
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Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, May 5, 2009
8. Committee Reports
8.1 Newsletter
Lisa Zosiak advised that she has agreed to write an article regarding the Context Study and
the mapping and that she will not finalize the Context Study article until the funding has
been confirmed.
8.2 Heritage Awards
Lisa Zosiak sought feedback regarding the new Heritage Awards brochure that was used
for the last Awards event. Discussion took place with respect to the following:
• Whether the categories were sufficient and strict within their perimeters;
• Honourable Mention and whether it should be discretionary;
• Special Contribution category;
• Rewording of the application.
Lisa Zosiak provided an overview of the creation of the brochure and the ability to have it
amended. Discussion also took place regarding the availability and pick-up location of the
brochures for early September.
ACTION ITEM: The Commission members are to send Lisa Zosiak their comments
regarding the Heritage Awards brochure.
8.3 Heritage Context Study
Ms. Zosiak advised that the consultant selection for the Context Study is progressing and
two candidates have been asked to come in for interviews.
ACTION ITEM: Sub-Committee questions for the interviews are to be emailed to
Lisa Zosiak by May 6th for the first interview on May 7th.
8.4 CHG Networking Conference
Jacqueline Mulcahy advised that the sub-committee will meet again on May 14th and that
the venue has not yet been confirmed. Ms. Mulcahy and Nicole Read are too look at
additional sites to determine what venues are available. Ms. Mulcahy advised that it is
dependent on whether the conference will be a one or two day event and she provided an
overview of the possible theme as the "Evolution of CHC'S". The premise may be to look at
"Where We Began, Where We Are Now, and Where We Will Be In The Future".
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Lisa Zosiak confirmed that she will make a presentation at the conference regarding the
Community Heritage Commission and the Context Study. Discussion took place regarding
the possibility of having a walk-about during the conference and plans for it to be as eco-
friendly as possible.
Ms. Mulcahy indicated that detailed planning notes are being kept for future events.
8.5 Heritage Plaque Program
Lynne Probyn provided an update on the recent meeting she and Michael Cook had and
gave an overview of the meeting. Clarification of the criteria took place and it was
suggested that the following names be considered for the two programs:
0 Maple Ridge Community Heritage 0 Maple Ridge Heritage Plaque
Pride Program
0 Maple Ridge Heritage Pride Program
Discussion took place regarding the size, shape and information contained on the plaques
and the eligibility of them. Ms. Probyn explained the process of an individual applying to
have a plaque put on their home, the heritage awards and the number of plaques given
) out each year.
Further discussion took place regarding the previous cost of plaques and Mr. Cook agreed
to seek out current estimates based on the proposed new size and shape. Various
suggestions were made with respect to possible businesses and/or agencies able to
produce the plaques.
ACTION ITEM: Lisa Zosiak to arrange for Val Billesberger to attend a future meeting
to provide information on how to research and archive information regarding
heritage sites.
A suggestion was made to form a Sub-Committee regarding the community plaques. Ms.
Probyn provided the following criteria for the home building plaque:
• House must be on the heritage register
• Heritage award winner
• Circa 1880's -1950's
• Building must be in good condition
Ms. Mulcahy suggested that a short resource book be created for future reference or a pdf
document for people to obtain on line. Ms. Mulcahy also enquired about the storage of the
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Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, May 5, 2009
museum records and construction of the new museum. Storage of the tax rolls and the
importance of those documents was discussed. A suggestion was made to move material
to a heated location and/or move them to Iron Mountain document storage.
ACTION ITEMS: Committee Clerk to include Document Storage on June 2, 2009
Lisa Zosiak is to contact Val Billesberger regarding school storage of documents.
8.6 CHG Facebook Page
No report at this time.
9. Correspondence
9.1 2008 Citizens Report
10. Next Meeting:
Agenda deadline:
11. Adjournment -
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
9:05 p.m.
~~ Chai[person ~ ,_________, .
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