HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2009-06-02 Minutes.pdf) The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Connor, Chair Helmi Braches Sarah Hossack Sheila Nickols Lynne Probyn, Vice-Chair Nicole Read Councillor Craig Speirs Michael Cook Irena Mohr STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Tracy Camire REGRETS · Jacqueline Mulcahy 1. Call to order 7:00 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda R09-015 It was moved and seconded Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Council Liaison Community at Large Community at Large Staff Liaison, Planning Department Committee Clerk Community at Large That the Agenda for June 2, 2009 be adopted with the following additions: 7.2 Document Storage 7.3 Committee Orientation 7.4 Port Hammond Junction Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting CARRIED Page 1 of6 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, June 2, 2009 3. Minutes of April 7 and May 5, 2009 Regular Meetings be adopted R09-016 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 7 and May 5, 2009 be adopted CARRIED 4. Delegations -Nil 5. Presentations -Nil 6. Current and Unfinished Business 6.1 Heritage Alteration Permit for St. Andrew's Church Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that the Heritage Alteration permit will go before the Committee of the Whole on July 6, 2009 and then to the July 4, 2009 Council meeting barring no holes in the report. 6.2 Sustainable Heritage Building Use Jim Connor advised the Commission that the sub-committee for this item has not yet met. Jim Connor also reviewed the definition of Sustainable Heritage Building as per article on Sustainable Building Use. Mr. Connor then reviewed a list of potential Sustainable Heritage Buildings that are currently located in Maple Ridge. The Commission discussed this item as a newspaper article for this coming September. The Commission confirmed that the sub-committee for this newspaper advertisement consist of; Jim Connor, Lynne Probyn, Irena Mohr and Jacqueline Mulcahy. The Commission discussed this item being included on the new Community Heritage Commission's Facebook page, as a walking tour, and as a topic for the upcoming Networking Conference. Irena Mohr confirmed that she would investigate having old street names paired with their new names on street signs in Maple Ridge. Lisa Zosiak agreed to talk to Gary Manson about using the hydro boxes to add some heritage information to. 6.2 Maple Ridge Historical Neighbourhoods Document Lisa Zosiak asked the Commission to email any changes and or additions to her. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 of6 1 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, June 2, 2009 6.4 Proposed Heritage Revitalization Agreement -Beeton/Daykin House R09-017 6.5 Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that she has reviewed the site plans for the Beeton/Daykin House with Bob Parliament to ensure that they comply with the Standards and Guidelines as well as the Statement of Significance. Ms. Zosiak also advised that the developers are agreeing with many changes that have been requested. Lisa Zosiak also reviewed the changes with the Commission and asked for their feedback. The Commission discussed the color schemes for the old and new part of the building and agreed that the old building should provide the heritage context and the new building should be more modern. It was moved and seconded That the Community Heritage Commission approves the concepts contained in the plans and pictures for the original Beeton/Daykin house. And also requests that the second building should be of such a design that is harmonious with the original but not a duplicate. CARRIED Lisa Zosiak also advised that the Planning Department just received an application for The Miller House and this should come before the Community Heritage Commission in the fall. Masonic Hall -Designation Bylaw Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that the matter of the Masonic Hall Heritage Designation has been sent to the solicitors who will complete this process for the Municipality. 6.6 Heritage Resources Map Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that she would like each member to review their own neighbourhood on the Heritage Resources Map to look for any errors. The Commission discussed the way the map has been laid out along with how each heritage site has been labelled (could this be changed from numbers to letters)? Helmi Braches, Lynne Probyn and Jim Connor gave Lisa Zosiak their changes. ACTION ITEM: Lisa Zosiak will email Nicole Read, Irena Mohr and Sheila Nickols once a copy of the Heritage Resources Map is available for pick up at District of Maple Ridge. 6. 7 CHG Business Cards Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that the business cards will have the Community Heritage Commission's logo, along with her name and phone number and each member's name and email address. The Commission agreed with this. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 3 of6 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, June 2, 2009 Councillor Speirs left the meeting at 8:01pm 7. New Business 7.1 Historical Research on Maple Ridge Heritage Sites Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that Val Billesberger has agreed to come to the September meeting to advise the Commission on how to research sites. Nicole Read also advised the Commission that she will make a presentation on undertaking historical research. The Commission discussed the possibility of having a public information session on this topic for Heritage Week. 7.2 Document Storage Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that there is a concern with where our historical documents are being stored out at the works yard. Ms. Zosiak also advised the Commission that she has spoken with Val Billesberger who said that the documents are safe in a locked, storage room. The Commission discussed the process of gaining access to the tax rolls. 7.3 Committee Orientation Lisa Zosiak distributed the Committee Orientation Manual to all members and advised the Commission that Ceri Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services is available to attend a future meeting to review this document if needed. ACTIQf{t~EM: That the Committee Clerk is to add this to the September agenda giving the Commission members time to review this document. 7.4 Port Hammond Junction Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that John Grasser called her today to find out why the signs in Hammond say that Hammond was incorporated on the specific date when it was actually Port Hammond Junction that was incorporated on this date. Ms. Zosiak advised that the Official Community Plan refers to it as Hammond not Port Hammond Junction. The Commission confirmed that this information is correct but don't want to see the signs changed as the whole story is told on the plaque in the park. L ACTIONJTEM: Lisa Zosiak will contact Mr. Grasser to advise him of this information. ' ~ ·~ ~-. ... ... •• ~ 8. Committee Reports 8.1 Newsletter Helmi Braches advised that a newsletter should be put out by the end of June. Lisa Zosiak will write an article on the Historical Mapping along with the upcoming Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 of6 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, June 2, 2009 Historical Awards night and Nicole Read agreed to write an article on the importance of Tax Rolls. AC!fON ITEryt: Lisa Zosiak will send Val Billesberger's contact information to Nicole Read. The Commission discussed other topics for the upcoming newsletter such as the new Facebook page. A_CTJON ITE_fv1: The Committee Clerk will email Nicole Read the Community Heritage Commission's logo. 8.2 Heritage Awards Lisa Zosiak handed out the Heritage Awards brochure and the Commission discussed any possible changes. A sub-committee of Nicole Read, Lynne Probyn and Jim Connor was formed that will work with Lisa Zosiak on the brochure and will take over the judging for the next year. 8.3 Heritage Context Study Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that the Heritage Context Study was awarded to Denise Cook Design and team but has not heard whether the Provincial Heritage Branch will receive the funding it expected for this year. 8.4 CHG Networking Conference Nicole Read advised that the theme for the conference will be "Evolution of the Concept of Heritage Conservation". The Commission discussed the theme further. Ms. Read also confirmed that the date of the conference is set for Saturday, November 28, 2009 but needs to confirm the venue. Nicole Read confirmed that she will confer with Jacqueline Mulcahy and will have a firm date, budget and location by the end of June. 8.5 Heritage Plaque Program The Commission discussed the possibilities for the name of the Heritage Plaque Program and agreed to the plaques saying "Maple Ridge Heritage Plaque". Sarah Hossack reviewed the new application form with the Commission. The Commission agreed that the plaque should stay at the historical site and not with the home owner when a historical site is sold. Ms. Hossack confirmed that she will email the draft application form (for the Maple Ridge Heritage Plaque) to the Commission members for review. Lynne Probyn reviewed the new plaques with the Commission along with the cost; one plaque is $220 but if you order more then one they are $160 each through George Hewitt. The Commission agreed to hold off on making a decision on the purchase of plaques until the September meeting. ACtfbt-J iTEM: The Committee Clerk is to add this to the September agenda. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 5 of6 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, June 2, 2009 8. 6 CHG Facebook Page Sarah Hossack advised that the subcommittee has not yet met but once they have the logo the page will be sent to Lisa Zosiak. Ms. Hossack also advised that she will add pictures of the Hammond event to the page. 8. 7 Newspaper Advertisements ACTION ITEM: The Committee Clerk is to add this to the September agenda. 9. Correspondence 10. Next Meeting: Agenda deadline: 11. Adjournment - / /7 ld (? §7,vvW~ t9hairper /tc Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 17, 2009 9:45 p.m. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 6 of6