HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHC 2009-09-01 Minutes.pdfr~;nE RIDGE < COMMUNITY HERITAGE COJ\1MISSION """--\ ) The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall , 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Connor, Chair Sarah Hossack Sheila Nickols Nicole Read Jacqueline Mulcahy Councillor Craig Speirs STAFF PRESENT Lisa Zosiak Tracy Camire GUESTS Bob Parliament REGRETS Lynne Probyn, Vice-Chair Helmi Braches Michael Cook Irena Mohr 1. Call to order 7:05 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda R09-018 It was moved and seconded Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Council Liaison Staff Liaison, Planning Department Committee Clerk BC Heritage Maple Ridge Historical Society Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large That the Agenda for September 1, 2009 be adopted with the following additions: 4.1 BC Heritage -Bob Parliament 7. 7 Street Signage CARRIED Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 1 of5 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, September 1, 2009 3. Minutes of June 2, 2009 Regular Meetings be adopted R09-019 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 2, 2009 be adopted CARRIED 4. Delegations -Nil 4.1 BC Heritage -Bob Parliament Bob Parliament reviewed the BC Heritage Report for 2008 with the Commission and reviewed the staff changes that have occurred at BC Heritage. Mr. Parliament advised the Commission that on October 19, 2009 there will be a workshop called "Towns for Tomorrow -Urban Revitalization for Sustainable Growth" at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre. 5. Presentations -Nil 6. Sub-Committee Reports 6.1 Newsletter Lisa Zosiak advised that she received a call from Wendy Cook from the Whonnock Community Church advising that they are still holding church services. Ms. Zosiak also advised that a retraction will be printed in the next Heritage Here Newsletter. Ms. Zosiak also requested topics for the next newsletter; the new Facebook page, the upcoming Heritage Awards, and the upcoming research presentation. 6.2 Heritage Awards Lisa Zosiak handed out the revised copy of the Heritage Awards nomination form and reviewed the changes with the Commission. Ms. Zosiak advised that the nomination form will be available on the District's website tomorrow. Ms. Zosiak reviewed the cost of advertising a¼ page ad 3 times ($320.) 6.3 Heritage Context Study Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that the first workshop date will be in October 2009 and there are enough funds to cover the Context Study and Strategic Plan. Ms. Zosiak discussed the Strategic Plan proposal, which was an addendum to the Context Study proposal. Ms. Zosiak noted that the consultant has proposed to the Context Study and the Strategic Plan projects and this will need to be reviewed with the consultant. The sub-committee feels the processes would run more effectively if the two projects were kept separate. Ms. Zosiak advised that the workshop will be held at the Maple Ridge Municipal Hall. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 2 of 5 _J Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, September 1, 2009 6.4 CHG Networking Conference Nicole Read advised that the CHC Networking Conference will be held at the Maple Ridge Municipal Hall and will be focused on the "Evolution of the Concept of Heritage Conservation" on November 28th, 2009 and a draft agenda has been created. Ms. Read reviewed the agenda with the Commission and advised that Helmi Braches is handling the catering. Lisa Zosiak advised that the budget is not to exceed $2000 and also noted that there will be a cost of $20 per entrant. Councillor Speirs joined the meeting at 7:41p.m. R09-020 6.5 R09-021 It was confirmed that Councillor Speirs and Sheila Nickols will represent the Community Heritage Commission as panel members. Lisa Zosiak advised that there is a draft of the questions that will be discussed at the conference. It was moved and seconded That the Community Heritage Commission approves a budget of $2000 for the CHC Networking Conference CARRIED Heritage Plaque Program Sarah Hossack provided a copy of the Maple Ridge Heritage Plaque Application Package and reviewed where the CHC and the District of Maple Ridge's logo would go. The Commission members provided feedback for changes and corrections to the application package. Jim Connor reviewed the specifications for the proposed plaque that were provided to him by Lynn Probyn. The Commission reviewed the cost and size of the plaque and Jim Connor advised that the cost is based on the physical size of the plaque and not what is printed on it. Mr. Connor also advised that the recipients will be in attendance at the awards in February 2010. Lisa Zosiak advised that she would like to see these plaques differentiated from the Heritage Home plaques. The Commission confirmed that they would like to see a prototype with decorative writing via email prior to approving the final plaque. Jim Connor advised that it will take 10 weeks to make the plaques. It was moved and seconded That the Community Heritage Commission approves a budget of $1000 to create five Heritage Plaques CARRIED 6. 6 CHG Facebook Page The Commission reviewed the current Facebook page. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 3 of5 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, September 1, 2009 6. 7 Newspaper Advertisements Jim Connor reviewed a draft newspaper article and Commission discussed this further. Mr. Connor asked Sheila Nickols to review and edit the article for possible submission to the local newspapers. ACTION ITEM: Jim Connor will forward the article to Sheila Nickols for her review. 7. Current and Unfinished Business 7.1 Action Items List -Jim Connor The Commission reviewed the Action Item List. 7.2 Committee Orientation Manual -Lisa Zosiak The Commission reviewed the Committee Orientation Manual and decided not to have a further presentation. 7.3 Hammond Historic Community -Lisa Zosiak Lisa Zosiak advised the Commission that she has received a complaint on the Hammond plaques and also reviewed the history of how the signs came to be written. The Commission then reviewed how Hammond came to be named and Ms. Zosiak advised that she will contact the complainant to advise them that the Community Heritage Commission has discussed this issue and understands the concerns but would like to bring this to the wider community at the Context Study. The Commission agreed for Lisa Zosiak to respond via email. 7.4 Heritage Revitalization Agreements -Lisa Zosiak Lisa Zosiak reviewed the progress of the Heritage Revitalization Agreements with the Commission. Bob Parliament left the meeting at 8:46pm 7.5 Photos on Hydro Boxes Lisa Zosiak advised that all the pictures for the utility boxes were taken by staff. Ms. Zosiak would like to review this item at a later date when the budget allows for it. 7.6 Historical Research Presentation -Nicole Read The Commission discussed different topics for Nicole Read and Val Billesberger to present to the Commission at a later date. Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 4 of5 Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, September 1, 2009 7. 7 Street Signage The Commission reviewed the email from Irena Mohr with regards to the Street Signage options for Maple Ridge. Lisa Zosiak advised that this could be a project that the Commission looks at in January 2010. ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk to bring this forward to the October 2009 meeting Sheila Nickols advised the Commission that the Maple Ridge Museum has had their $30,000 gaming grant retracted. 8. New Business 9. Correspondence 10. Next Meeting: Agenda deadline: 11. Adjournment - Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Monday, September 21, 2009 9:05 p.m. c:iJ{~ ehairperso V /tc Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting Page 5 of5