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The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the
Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place Road, Maple Ridge,
British Columbia, on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Jim Connor, Chair
Lynne Probyn , Vice-Chair
Sarah Hossack
Sheila Nickols
Michael Cook
Helmi Braches
Brenda Smith
Lisa Zosiak
Tracy Camire
Councillor Craig Speirs
Nicole Read
Jacqueline Mulcahy
Irena Mohr
1. Call to order 6:56 p.m.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R09-027 It was moved and seconded
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Maple Ridge Historical Society
Staff Liaison, Planning Department
Committee Clerk
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
That the Agenda for December 12009 be adopted
Community Heritage Commission Regular Meeting
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Mee·ungiMinutes -Fuesday, December 1, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES ,:i,.._ ~ • """ ' c_".; ., ' • '
3. Minutes of November 3, 2009 Regular Meetings be adopted
R09-028 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 3, 2009 be adopted with the
following change;
Item 6.2 should read "The Ladd Garden" and not "The Lab Garden"
4. Delegations -Nil
5. Presentations
6. Sub-Committee Reports
6.1 Newsletter
Helmi Braches advised that the newsletter has not yet been completed but would
like it distributed before Christmas. The Commission discussed ideas for the
6.2 Heritage Awards
Lisa Zosiak advised that there are now two nominations for Heritage House; Hill
House and Byrnes House, the Old Post Office and the Red and White Store. Jim
Connor advised that the submission for the Ladd House has been withdrawn. The
Commission discussed the different nominations and categories. Helmi Braches
advised that we will find out if The News and The Times will agree to accept the
nomination. It was confirmed that the Byrnes House will be nominated under the
landscaping category.
Lisa Zosiak awarded Sheila Nickols and Jim Connor with a letter from the Mayor
along with Certificates of Appreciation.
Sheila Nickols left the meeting at 7:06 pm
Ms. Zosiak advised that Val Billesberger has declined the nomination for
Preservation of Historical Documents. The sub-committee will consist of Helmi
Braches, Lynne Probyn, Michael Cook and Lisa Zosiak.
Jim Connor advised that the Commission should review all of the sub-committees
each year to clearly understand the process along with who speaks to them at each
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -'F1:Jesday, qf t'!!_,;jib~r i ,t..;.20O9 DR'A'FT MINUifES
Helmi Braches advised that Fred Braches will create poster boards for the Heritage
Awards of the recipients that will include photographs and text.
ACTION lfBM: Lisa Zosiak advised that she will email those members that are not
" • ~ • -Yi,~ in attendance tonight to see if they would be part of the Sub-
6.3 Heritage Context Study, update
Lisa Zosiak advised that the 2nd public workshop for Heritage Context Study took
place last week. The Commission discussed the Heritage Context Study. Helmi
Braches advised that she felt the 8 Historical Themes list which was distributed at
the session was poorly edited (spelling errors, duplications). Brenda Smith advised
that the session was poorly organized and that some of the language that was used
was inappropriate (and gave "common folk" as an example).
Lisa Zosiak advised that the next step is for the consultants to provide us with a
draft of the Context Statement (a research paper).
6.4 CHC Networking Conference, review of event
Helmi Braches advised that she thought this event was a success and there were
good comments from the attendants and the speakers were good. Helmi Braches
advised that the New Westminster Heritage Commission has agreed to hold the
event next year.
Ms. Braches also noted that the Commission is very grateful to Lisa Zosiak for her
work on this project and Nicole Read did a great deal of work on this conference.
Lisa Zosiak advised that the funds raised have been put into a separate account.
The Commission discussed the costs of the conference.
~CTJON~FFENT~ Lisa Zosiak to provide a financial statement (budget) for this
6.5 Heritage Plaque Program
Lynne Probyn advised the Commission that the plaques for the Plaque Program is
finally being processed (four plaques will be created for past recipients). Ms.
Probyn updated Brenda Smith on what the Heritage Plaque Program is. Lisa Zosiak
advised that it appears that the original owners of the house in question are the
Batterham's. Ms. Zosiak also noted that Val Billesberger is hoping Nicole Read can
check at the Provincial Registry to find out if there is information on when a house
was constructed on the property. The Commission discussed potential future
situations where a house may receive a heritage award with no thorough research
into whether the name provided as the original house owners is correct.
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, D~mber 1, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES
6. 6 CHG Face book Page
Sarah Hossack advised that more people have joined the Facebook page since the
CHC Networking Conference and noted that she has added the Community at Large
vacancies the Commission currently have open to the Facebook page.
i4Cri(:)f:J-:'i1'EM.: Committee Clerk to add Facebook Tutorial to the January agenda.
6. 7 Newspaper Ad~ements /tv -I, c..,,{ c S
Jim Connor advised the Commission that he has spoken to Michael Hall with
regards to the article that was submitted to him on October 20th. Mr. Connor
advised that the article will not be published in 2009 however he was advised to
email another copy of the article to Michael Hall in the New Year.
The Commission decided that they would continue to get this article published in
the New Year.
7. Current and Unfinished Business
7.1 Heritage Revitalization Agreements -Lisa Zosiak
Lisa Zosiak advised that she is working on the Council Report for the Miller
Residence and is hoping to get it completed in time for the next Public Hearing
wh ich is held in January however it is more likely that it will go to the February
Public Hearing.
Lisa Zosiak advised that she is waiting for the draft Heritage Revitalization
Agreement for the Daykin/Beeton House. . 1 '\ .'
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Lisa Zosiak advised that these two Heritage Revitalization agreements were not
initiated by the Community Heritage Commission. They were initiated by the
property owners who were interested in developing their respective properties.
7.2 Potential Heritage Awards
The Commission advised that this will stay on future agenda as 6.2 Heritage
Awards -Potential.
8. New Business
Lisa Zosiak advised that in January we will need to work on our work plan for 2010 and
budget and what our program is for 2010. Two possible ideas are:
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Community Heritage Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, De£_ember 1, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES
o Send an invite to owners of designated properties and those on the
Heritage Register and arrange to send a group to a heritage house
conservation and maintenance course in the Vancouver Heritage
Foundations "Old School Program"
o A "Heritage House Tour" for the spring.
9. Correspondence
Jim Connor thanked the Commission for their dedication and hard work and also thanked
Lisa Zosiak for her guidance and support.
Lynne Probyn on behalf of the Commission thanked Jim Connor for all his hard work on the
CHC and Lisa Zosiak noted that he did a great job being the Master of Ceremonies of the
CHC Networking Conference.
Next Meeting:
Agenda deadline:
Adjournment -
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Monday, December 21, 2009
8:07 p.m.
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