HomeMy WebLinkAboutPASC 2016-05-31 AgendaCity of Maple Ridge PUBLIC ART STEERING PUBLIC ART STEERING PUBLIC ART STEERING PUBLIC ART STEERING COMMITTEECOMMITTEECOMMITTEECOMMITTEE AGENDAAGENDAAGENDAAGENDA May 31May 31May 31May 31, 201, 201, 201, 2016666, , , , 3333::::00000 pm0 pm0 pm0 pm Coho RoomCoho RoomCoho RoomCoho Room, Maple Ridge , Maple Ridge , Maple Ridge , Maple Ridge City City City City HallHallHallHall WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONSWELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONSWELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONSWELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS 2222.... AGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVALAGENDA APPROVAL 3333.... MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVAL – March 29, 2016 Meeting 4444.... QUESTION PERIODQUESTION PERIODQUESTION PERIODQUESTION PERIOD 5555.... NEW & NEW & NEW & NEW & UNFINISHED UNFINISHED UNFINISHED UNFINISHED BUSINESSBUSINESSBUSINESSBUSINESS 5.1 Developer Public Art Program Award 5.2 Hammond Stadium Project Award and Timeline 5.3 Community Public Art Applications 5.4 Committee Recruitment Update 5.5 Creative Cities Conference 2016 5.6 Whonnock Lake Project Update 5.7 Utility Box Wrapping Locations (Potential) 5.8 Cultural Plan - Call Draft 5.9 Canada 150 Draft 5.10 Council Reporting - Annual Update 6666.... ROUNDTABLEROUNDTABLEROUNDTABLEROUNDTABLE 7777.... ADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIODQUESTION PERIODQUESTION PERIODQUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Questions or comments must be directed to the Chair of the meeting. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak. A second 2 minutes to speak may be granted at the discretion of the Chair if no other member of the public is waiting. The total time allotted for Question Period is 10 minutes. Each speaker will be asked to provide their name for the record. No derogatory remarks will be tolerated. The Committee reserves the right to defer responding to a question in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and accurate response.