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Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the
Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Wednesday, April 5, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
Kim Macey, Chair
Councillor Judy Dueck
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Vicki Kipps
Connie Schmid
Ian Brooks
Paul Livingstone
Greg Dalman
Councillor Ernie Daykin
Rick Butler
Valerie Spurrell
Karen Turner (Alternate)
Marika Sandrelli
Sue Wheeler
Shawn Matthewson
Amanda Gaunt
Salima Jethani
Mirae Campbell
Steven Shearer
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Council Liaison
School District No. 42, School Trustee
Fraser Health Authority
Fraser Health Authority
Fraser Health Authority
Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Committee Clerk
United Way
Maple Ridge Youth Council
Community at Large
Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of8
Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2006
1. Called to Order and Introductions
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and
introductions were made.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R06-12 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for April 5, 2006 be amended and adopted to include changes and
additional items.
3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
R06-13 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee February 1, 2006
Regular Meeting be adopted as circulated.
4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil
5. New Business
5.1 Fraser Health Updates
5.1.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Treatment Matrix
Karen Turner and Marika Sandrelli from Fraser Health were introduced to
speak to the March 20, 2006 Fraser Health News Release regarding the
new Matrix Model Youth Addiction Treatment Pilot Project to be
launched in Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows. The Maple Ridge Treatment
Centre has formed a partnership with the LA-based Matrix Institute. The
proposed "matrix model" with provide community-driven, customized
youth withdrawal and Crystal Meth treatment services.
Judith McRae was thanked for the work she had done to support the
development of this project. The goal of this pilot project is to build on
the strengths of the community and enhance the existing services. A
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2006
report detailing the integrated addiction treatment model customized for
this community was distributed and reviewed by Marika Sandrelli.
It was reported that 22 different agencies had come together to prepare this
proposal which has become a year long pilot project. The Matrix Institute
in Los Angeles was so impressed with this community that they offered to
bring a team to train 30 people.
Discussion arising from the presentation:
It was explained that the Matrix model is not drug specific, rather it is
youth centered and addresses all types of addictions with a prevention
and treatment focus. Under the model, treatment is customized to
individual youth. Support continues after treatment with a youth
choosing a coach-mentor. Coaches are supported by the team. Parents
are supported through a family counselling component.
Committee members congratulated Fraser Health on this tremendous
work. The Fraser Health representatives stated that it was due to
SPAC's work to support the strong community networks, that the
Matrix Institute was so exciting about working with the Maple
Ridge/Pitt Meadows team.
5.1 . 2 Fraser Health Organizational Renewal
Valerie Spurrell reviewed the organizational changes at Fraser Health. A
handout was distributed. She summarized that acute care areas have
reorganized. Services such as mental health and addictions will have
regional leaders to ensure the continuation and integration of services.
Valerie is the executive director of both Eagle Ridge and Maple Ridge
Hospitals. The new model will bring a strong focus to health promotion
and prevention.
Discussion arising from the presentation focused on the new portfolios
that had been formed and how specific directors were responsible for a
number of communities. It was also questioned whether Committee
Health grants would continue despite this reorganization and Val stated
that as they had been such a big success, she believed they would
5. 2 Updated 2006 Work Plan and Adopted Budget -Sue Wheeler
Sue reviewed the updated 2006 Work Plan that was approved at the March meeting.
The Adopted Budget figures have been incorporated into the work plan, as
requested. The work plan will be updated during the course of the year.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular ivfeeting Minutes
April 5, 2006
5. 3 Proposed Criteria for Community Project Funding Applications -Sue Wheeler
Traditionally the Committee has set aside a small amount of the annual budget to
address projects that come forward during the year. These projects may be initiated
by the Committee or may be community partners' projects that request the
Committee support. At the March meeting, the need for criteria to guide Committee
decision making regarding requests from Community organizations for support was
identified. Such criteria will also ensure consistency in decision making. Staff
were asked do the research and bring forward recommendations. Proposed criteria
were presented.
R06-14 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Community Project Funding Criteria as presented be accepted.
The Committee has received a request for funding from Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows
Community Services Seniors' Handyman Service which was distributed for
discussion. A recommendation was not presented at this time in light of the fact
that the Community Project Funding Criteria had not yet been approved.
The need for this valuable community program, the program success and the
challenge to continue this pilot program was shared. A suggestion that the
possibility of this program partnering with the Ridge Meadows Senior Society's
Seniors' Connect Program was made.
ACTION: This request was tabled until the suggestion could be investigated. Staff were
asked to follow-up with Community Services regarding the status of the request
in light of the suggested partnership.
5.4 Official Community Plan (OCP) Review
5. 4.1 Review of Social Sustainability Background Paper (attached to March
agenda package)
The Community Services Social Sustainability Paper, adopted by this
Committee earlier this year, was reviewed. The information is organized
under six topic areas containing objectives developed and forwarded to the
Official Community Plan policy development for consideration. The
current draft OCP reflects many of the objectives contained in the paper.
This work will be utilized in the development of the Social Sustainability
Strategic Plan to be developed this fall.
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Social Planning AdviSOIJ' Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2006
5.4.2 Review of draft OCP Policies related to Social Sustainability Paper
Deferred to future agenda when a Planning department representative will
be invited to attend.
6.1 Community Spirit Awards Program
6.1.1 Business Award Update -Kim Macey
The SP AC Business Award Selection Committee were very pleased with
the number and quality of nominations received for this first annual award
program. The Committee reviewed their selection process and presented
their recommendations for the two recipients:
• 'Employer with under 25 Employees ' category recipient: Yuen's
Family Martial Arts. Other nominees which fared very well in this
category included: West Gate Flowers and Warrior Spirit Martial
• 'Employer with over 25 employees' category recipient: Canadian
Tire. Other nominees also considered for this category included:
VanCity, The Keg, Laidlaw, Meadowridge School, and Marv Jones
It was proposed that the two chosen nominees be recognized at both Earth
Day celebrations and at a regular Council meeting. It was suggested that
all nominees be recognized with a certificate of appreciation and that all
nominators receive a letter thanking them for their participation and
notifying them of the results of the selection process.
After this first annual Business Award program, the selection committee
will make recommendations for improvements to the nomination form and
the information requested, as well as recommendations to improving the
selection criteria and process. .
R06-15 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Social Planning Advisory Committee Business Awards to
Yuen's Family Martial Arts and Canadian Tire be presented on Earth
Day, April 22nd , 2006, with public endorsement being provided
subsequently at the Council Meeting scheduled for April 24th, 2006.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2006
R06-16 Motion was moved and seconded
That the other organizations nominated for the Business Award
would also receive certificates of recognition.
6. 2 Substance Misuse Prevention Strategy Update -Sue Wheeler
A brief overview of the progress of the Substance Misuse Prevention Strategy
Task Force was given. The project is going well with good community
participation. Under the current timeline a presentation on the Strategy and the
final report is expected to be given at the June meeting.
6.3 Snap 2002: Community Profile Survey for update
There was no update on this topic. Tabled until June 1", 2006 meeting
6. 4 Building Community Solutions
6. 4.1 United Way, Community In Actions Evaluation process -Sue Wheeler
The United Way Communities in Action program is currently undergoing
an evaluation process. Our community's Building Community Solutions
project has been participating in the review process. United Way has
indicated that once a full evaluation had been received, this information
will be shared with the Committee. It was reported that those working on
this process had learned that the Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Katzie
Building Community Solutions project was quite unique in it's approach
and has received quite a few accolades, with other communities looking to
this project for 'best practices' ideas.
It was reported that Maple Ridge is the only community that has been
funded beyond the third project phase. Funding has been extended by
$4000 which will take the project until the end of June. The status of
further funding under the Communities in Action program will be
determined by the review process.
6. 4.2 Neighbourhood Pilots "Quality of Life" Plan Update -Shawn
It was reported that both Neighbourhood Pilot projects are going very well
with each forming new associations: the Mountainview Neighbourhood
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Social Planning Adviso1J' Committee Regular Meeting .Minutes
April 5, 2006
Association (Mount Crescent/ MRSS) and the West Ridge Good
Neighbours (Laityview). Both neighbourhoods have identified the schools
in their neighbourhoods as their biggest asset. One neighbourhood in
particular noted that although the school was the greatest asset it also
created the most challenges for the neighbourhood.
Both these pilot projects are continuing the work to develop
Neighbourhood Quality of Life Plans. However, as is the case with many
community development projects the process takes time. Currently the
project is funded until June 2006.
6.4.3 Earth Day (April 22) Social Responsibility Events
Earth Day planning is moving ahead and will take place at the Memorial Peace
Park. The Building Community Solutions project will be participating with a
number of other community organizations by offering three separate components
designed to promote social responsibility. The Haney Farmers Market will
participate by offering a plant sale fundraiser.
Child, Youth and Family Network Updates -Vicki Kipps
The Child, Youth and Family Network continues to do well and the operating
under the newly adopted Terms of Reference. Each of the four Standing
Committees (Early Childhood Development, Literacy, Integrated Case
Management, and the Child Health Collaborative) are currently working hard to
meet the requirements established under the Terms of Reference. The Child
Health Collaborative Mobile unit, a van which has been retrofitted, will be at
Earth Day for the unveiling. A new Committee Connections Task Group has
been formed to work on applying for community school funding and developing a
model for our community.
Regional Committee on Homelessness I Alouette Home Start Society -Sue
The Regional Committee is presently making recommendations on the last round
of Federal National Homelessness Initiative funding. The Regional Steering
Committee is also advocating that the National funding initiatives continue after
March, 2007.
The Alouette Home Start Society's two projects, the Iron Horse Youth Safe
House and the Community Outreach Project, have applied for continued funding
Both of these projects have received a 3 month extension until June, 06 and are
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Soci(I/ Planning Ad11isory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2006
waiting to hear the status of the application for a further 9 months of funding,
which would secure the projects until March, 2007.
6. 7 Round Table
• Paul Livingstone suggested that anyone completing addiction treatment be
made aware of the follow up programs available in the community.
• Connie Schmid reported that she was participating with two groups who are
donating to the Iron Horse Youth Safe House.
• Sue Wheeler reported that the Youth Centre Society have formed a
partnership with Haney Rotary to host a golf tournament on Wednesday, May
1st with proceeds to go to the Iron Horse Youth Safe House.
7. Correspondence
7.1 Fraser Health News Release -Crystal Meth Pilot Project
There was a discussion around the handout.
7.2 Invitation to participate in Resource Inventory/Website project development
Stakeholders meeting scheduled for Monday April 10th in Maple Ridge Council
for any persons interested.
8. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 3, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney
Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, with an agenda deadline of Tuesday, April 18, 2006.
9. Motion to Move into Closed Session
R06-17 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Social Planning Advisory Committee move into a Closed Meeting pursuant
to adopt the minutes of the Closed Meeting held on Wednesday, March 1, 2006.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
C ;;irperson
Social Planning Adl'iso1JJ Committee Regular Minutes P(lge 8 <~f 8