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Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the
Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Wednesday, June 7, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
Kim Macey, Chair
Councillor Judy Dueck
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Vicki Kipps
Connie Schmid
Ian Brooks
Paul Livingstone
Greg Dalman
Councillor Ernie Daykin
Rick Butler
Valerie Spurrell
Salima Jethani
Sue Wheeler
Shawn Matthewson
Amanda Gaunt
Mirae Campbell
Steven Shearer
1. Called to Order and Introductions
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community at Large
Council Liaison
School District No. 42, School Trustee
Fraser Health Authority
United Way
Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Committee Clerk
Maple Ridge Youth Council
Community at Large
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and
introductions were made.
It was requested by the Chair and the staff liaison that committee members confirm
whether or not they will be able to attend the July 5th meeting as it was felt that this
would be an important meeting.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
June 7, 2006
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R06-18 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for June 7, 2006 be amended to include the additional item and be
5.3 SPAC membership expansion
3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
R06-19 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee April 5th, 2006
Regular Meeting be adopted as circulated.
4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil
5. New Business
5.1 Draft Official Community Plan Diana Hall
5.1.1 Review of draft Social Sustainability Policies
Sue Wheeler, staff liaison explained that the committee had put forward
objectives relating to social sustainability to the planning department. She
introduced Diana Hall, Planning who spoke to the committee about the
work included in the draft OCP. A PowerPoint presentation was shown
and the Analysis Recommendation & Council Decision Chart dated May
23, 2006 was reviewed and discussed.
It was reported that the handout distributed titled 4.1 Social Sustainability
was a copy of the actual draft OCP although Heritage, which was
originally in the Housing section, will be moved into this section. SP AC
members will receive the amended version which will also be available on
the website.
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June 7, 2006
5. 2 Community Project Funding Applications
5. 2.1 Seniors' Handyman Services I Seniors' Connect Program -Vicki Kipps
It was reported that as the application from Community Services for
funding for the Seniors' Handyman Services didn't fit the new SPAC
funding criteria, alternate funding will be pursued in the future. The
Community Services Board has made the decision to fund the project in
the meantime for at least the next year.
5.3 SPAC membership-Vicki Kipps
A report and recommendations from the Task Force formed to review the SPAC
membership was discussed. The need to review membership and make
recommendations to Council was included in the 2006 SP AC Business Plan. The
Task Force's recommendations for expansion of membership included: an
economic perspective, representatives from the Ministry of Children and Family
Development, a neighbourhood association, the RCMP, the Ministry of
Employment Assistance and continuing to include a youth representative. It was
also suggested that a liaison from Pitt Meadows be considered as an information
recipient only, not as a voting member.
Committee consensus as to the suggested new membership structure included
representatives of:
a group with an economic perspective, ie. the Chamber of Commerce
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Community Living British Columbia
It was also suggested that consultants be brought in from different perspectives
when certain projects came up and that BCIT membership would be eliminated
and that the youth membership would be adjusted. In regard to a proposed Pitt
Meadows liaison, an invitation would be extended for a liaison to attend meeting,
however, this would be a non-voting position.
R06-20 Motion was moved and seconded
that staff prepare a report on behalf of this committee to council recommending an
amendment of the bylaw to allow for expansion of SP AC membership including
representatives from RCMP, MCFD, Community Living BC, an economically
focused organization, a community youth organization, and liaison from the District
of Pitt Meadows.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
June 7, 2006
6.1 Spirit of Community-Good Business Awards
Chair Kirn Macey, Councillor Dueck and Councillor Daykin presented the Good
Business Awards at to Yueng's and Canadian Tire at the community Earth Day
festival. Both organizations were also presented with awards at a Council
Kirn Macey will work with Shawn Mathewson on the Youth and Good Neighbour
A wards. It was hoped that these awards could be tied in with the Building
Community Solutions events held in the Fall.
6.2 Substance Misuse Prevention Strategy Update -Sue Wheeler/Judy Dueck
Work on the Substance Misuse Prevention Strategy had begun in 2003 and the
prevention action strategy that has been developed with significant community
input is near completion. The next step is for the SMPS Task Force to present the
final report to SP AC for endorsement and thereafter go to Council with a
recommendation from the committee for endorsement. This was to be done for
the July meeting. The report will not be ready for the agenda package but will be
ready on the 30th of June and can be sent OU~ serarately, as well as e-mailed. The
coordinator will do a presentation at the July 5t meeting.
6. 3 Building Community Solutions
6. 3.1 United Way, Community In Actions Evaluation process -Salima Jethani
Salirna Jethani briefed the committee on the United Way funded program
called Community in Actions and the current evaluation that is being
conducted on the outcomes of this project. She emphasized that Maple
Ridge was the only community receiving 4th year funding and that the
municipality is advanced in the field of community development. There is
a strong commitment from the United Way to continue funding to Maple
Ridge/Pitt Meadows. It was reported by Sue Wheeler that other
communities have asked Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows/Katzie Building
Community Solutions representatives to share their experiences in this
United Way will have new opportunities for the Building Community
Solutions Committee to apply for additional funding.
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June 7, 2006
6. 3. 2 Neighbourhood Pilots "Quality of Life" Plan Update -Shawn
The Neighbourhood Seed Grants will continue to be offered to
neighbourhoods to host events designed to connect and strengthen
neighbourhoods. A new Block Party kit has been developed and is
available to help Neighbourhoods plan their activities.
The process to build "Quality of Life" plans in the two pilot
neighbourhoods -Laityview and Mountainview, will continue in the fall.
The Laityview Good Neighbours Association will continue to host the
movie nights and neighbourhood events designed to connect people.
The Mountainview Neighbourhood Association has been meeting
regularly but will break over the summer. They had a successful first
annual Easter Egg Hunt that was very well attended. Parks & Leisure
Services chose the Mountainview Association to participate in a
neighbourhood walk which was extremely successful. The group will
look at forming their own neighbourhood walking groups due to this
Community Solutions is supporting the Mountainview Association to
work with a number of community partners (school district, MRSS and
Mount Crescent staff, Municipal Engineering, Social Planning and
residents of the area) to develop solutions for the ongoing concerns around
Davison Street. There have been good suggestions and this has been a
positive, solution-based experience.
6. 3. 3 Earth Day (April 22) Social Responsibility Events -Shawn Matthewson
This was a well attended event with many people participating and talking
about their own neighbourhoods. The guest speaker, David LePage from
Van City, spoke to the three areas of sustainability -environmental, social
and economic.
6. 3. 4. Haney Farmers Market Update -Shawn Matthewson
The Haney Farmers' Market has been in place since June 13th and a
tremendous amount of energy and work continued to go into this event.
Everything is done by volunteers and participants in the Market are
continuing to look for funding to keep themselves economically viable.
Committee members are encouraged to visit the market on Saturdays from
9 am to 2pm in Memorial Peace Park. One of the markets main goals
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June 7, 2006
continues to be "community building" by providing a place for citizens to
connect with their neighbours.
6.4 Child, Youth and Family Network Updates-Vicki Kipps
Vicki Kipps gave the Child, Youth and Family Network update.
The CYFN's Early Childhood Development committee has received funding from
the United Way as well as the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
This committee has strong representation from community service providers that
are working together to strengthen services for children aged O -6 in our
The Integrated Case Management Committee (ICM) has also been successfully
with receiving funds. The focus of this committee is currently on providing
training to community service providers in the ICM process that was developed
specifically for our community.
The Community Van project, a large van which serves as a promotional
marketing venue on wheels for all services providers within the community has
been seen at numerous events. This van will be available for service providers to
provide outreach services to community members unable to access centralized
CYFN has received funding to develop a community service agency inventory
and website. A task force has been formed to guide this project.
Under provincial funding called School Connections, monies are being put
forward to allow communities to explore the use of schools in different ways
which are useful to the community. Funding can also be used to transform a
school by making it more user friendly and keeping the school the life of the
6.5 Regional Committee on Homelessness I Alouette Home Start Society-Sue
Sue Wheeler is the District of Maple Ridge representative on the Regional
Steering Committee on Homelessness. This committee is currently concerned
about the uncertainty of future funding under the National Homelessness Initiative
from the new federal government. This had become a concern as there hasn't
been any information on future rounds of funding for projects and services that
are currently funded under the Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative.
The Regional Committee has been sending letters asking for information and
expressing the need for this funding. The timelines for funding to be in place for
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June 7, 2006
after March, 2007 are getting very tight as it typically is a lengthy process to have
the federal funding in place.
The Regional Steering Committee has recommended to Service Canada that the
Alouette Home Start Society's two projects (the Iron Horse Youth Safe House
and the Community Outreach Workers) receive funding until the end of March,
2007. These projects now await the approval by the Federal Minister.
A $15,000 grant from the Ministry of Child and Family Development was
received for the Youth Safe House. It was reported that the MR/PM Youth
Centre Society sub-committee called the Youth Safe House Sustainability
Committee had partnered with Haney Rotary to host a golf tournament that raised
$25,000 for the Youth Safe House. Community support of the Safe House
continues to be strong.
6. 6 Round Table
Committee members were asked to put forward whether or not they would be able
to attend the July meeting. It was requested by the Chair that the committee
members who are unable to attend the July meeting look into having alternates
attend for them.
7.1 2006 Fraser Valley Community Conference
The 2006 Fraser Valley Community Conference had been completed and any
community members who had participated will be asked to report back.
7. 2 Child Care Appeals
This e-mail had been sent for information purposes. The Federal Government has
changed direction regarding child care and there is an ongoing effort to give
feedback to the new government concerning their new policy.
7. 3 Local Government Program Services
Application included under Vicki's report was successful and funding has been
World Urban Forum Networking Event
This correspondence had been included to make members aware that the World
Urban Forum Networking Event is happening in Vancouver. This was an
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June 7, 2006
invitation to committee members to attend this workshop. The deadline for
registration was this upcoming Friday.
8. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 5, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney
Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, with an agenda deadline of Monday, June 19, 2006.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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