HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2006-09-06 Minutes.pdf) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, September 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Kim Macey, Chair Councillor Judy Dueck Councillor Ernie Daykin Vicki Kipps Valerie Spurrell Ian Brooks Paul Livingstone Ray Koob STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sue Wheeler Shawn Matthewson Amanda Gaunt REGRETS/ABSENT Rick Butler Connie Schmid Lyn Taylor-Scott Greg Dalman S alima J ethani Mirae Campbell Steven Shearer 1. Called to Order and Introductions Community at Large Council Liaison Council Liaison Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network Fraser Health Authority Community at Large Community at Large Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Alternate Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services Committee Clerk School District No. 42, School Trustee Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Community at Large United Way Maple Ridge Youth Council Community at Large (Resigned verbally Sept 6/06) There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and introductions were made. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Pagel o/8 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2006 2. Adoption of the Agenda R06-21 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for September 6, 2006 be amended to include the additional items and be adopted: 4.1 deferred to another meeting 5.5 Meeting Attendance and Absenteeism Notification 5. 6 Committee Terms 6.5 Family Resource Fair 6. 6 Round Table 7.1 Aboriginal Research Advisory Committee Forum CARRIED 3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting R06-22 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee June 7th, 2006 Regular Meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Sue Wheeler explained that in regard to Motion R06-20 re: membership expansion, a recommendation to request a non-voting liaison from Pitt Meadows would not fall under a by-law change. It will be recommended that Maple Ridge Council invite a liaison from Pitt Meadows to participate at SPAC as a non-voting liaison. 4. Delegations and Presentations 4.1 Early Childhood Development Committee (CYFN) -Child Care Legislation -Lynn Easton, ECD Coordinator Lynn Easton was unable to attend. Lynn will give an overview of the Child, Youth and Family Network's Early Childhood Development committee at the next meeting. Shawn Matthewson will speak to the Child Care Legislation under agenda item 5.2. Social Planning Ad11isory Committee Regular Minutes Page 2 of 10 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2006 5. Unfinished and New Business 5.1 5.2 SPAC Membership -Report to Council S. Wheeler Staff reports to Council requesting an expansion to the membership of the Social Planning Advisory Committee were being formulated. It is expected that the report will go to Committee of the Whole scheduled for September 19th and then to Council on September 26th. An amendment to a bylaw has four readings. BCGEU Federal Legislation on Child Care -Request from Council S. Matthewson On June 13t\ Maple Ridge Council had been given a presentation by Stephanie Seaman, BCGEU, requesting that Council pass a resolution calling on both the Provincial Government and the Federal Government to restore funding to child care as well as provide the Child Care Campaign with letters from Council expressing support. Council forwarded this item to the Social Planning Advisory Committee for a recommendation. Changes to child care funding were presented. For the last 25 years, child care advocates from across the nation have been working to develop a National Child Care Strategy to legislate child care. The previous Liberal government was preparing to pass legislation for universal child care; however, this legislation has been dropped by the new Conservative government. A legislated national child care strategy would eliminate changes as governments in power change. In addition, the Conservative government has elected to fund families with children from ages 0-6 directly with $100 per month which could go toward child care. Other changes encompass the government services transfer from the Federal Government to the Provincial Government to take place in March 2007. The Conservative Government has proposed that $25 million capital be spent to open new child care spaces. Advocates are concerned that ongoing operating standards and funding are not provided. R06-23 Motion was moved and seconded That a recommendation to Council be forwarded encouraging Council to pass a resolution urging the Federal and Provincial Governments to adopt the previously developed National Child Care Strategy which enriches children and families within the communities of Canada. CARRIED Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page] of 10 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2006 5.3 5.4 Business Planning Session -September 20th, 2006 S. Wheeler The Social Planning Advisory Committee has been asked to prepare a brief update on its business plan by Council. A copy of last year's business plan will be e-mailed to members on order to prepare for the Business Planning session. The business planning session will be held on September 20th, 2006 at the offices of the Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living and will begin at 7:00 p.m. Directions to RMACL will be e-mailed to all committee members. Community Profile: Snapshot 2002 Update Survey S. Wheeler The Community Profile: Snapshot 2002 document developed in partnership with the Building Community Solutions Committee was scheduled for an update this fall. At the request of SPAC, the Child, Youth and Family Network (CYFN) members will be surveyed to determine how the data was used, if any data was missing and if the format was user-friendly. The goal is to be distributing the survey at the October CYFN meeting, collection of responses will take place throughout October and staff will report back to SPAC by the November meeting. The results of this survey will provide information for the update of the document. The new community profile will provide information to assist in establishing priorities for the new social planning strategy. 5. 5 Meeting Attendance and Absenteeism Notification Committee members were reminded that they are required to notify the clerk if they will not be attending a monthly meeting. Notification for confirmation of attendance is not necessary. Those members with alternates were reminded to notify the clerk that their alternate will attend. 5. 6 Committee Terms Staff gave an update regarding committee member terms. Committee At Large memberships, Greg Dalman's and Kim Macy's terms will coming up in December 2006, with all others in place under December 2007. The Committee Clerk has received notification from Steven Shearer that he has resigned and this position will be filled next term. Postings for three Committee At Large vacancies for January, 2007 will be advertised in October. Committee At Large members who have terms expiring are welcome to reapply noting that these positions have a 3 term limit. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of 10 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Nfeeting Minutes September 6, 2006 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1 Substance Misuse Prevention Strategy Update S. Wheeler The Substance Misuse Prevention Strategy Committee is nearing completion of the final report for the strategy. The strategy will be presented to SP AC. Once SP AC has endorsed the strategy, SP AC will forward to Council for endorsement. Timelines will be set in the near future and presented at the next SP AC meeting. 6.2 Building Community Solutions 6. 2.1 Application for United Way Funding S. Matthewson Application for United Way's Communities in Action funding is underway for the continuation of the Building Community Solutions project. The maximum application under Communities in Action is $30,000. Councillor Daykin added that a Councillor from White Rock had called him regarding the good job Maple Ridge was doing with the Communities in Action aspect and asking for advice. Councillor Daykin referred him to staff. 6.2.2 Neighbourhood Seed Grants S. Matthewson A number of Seed Grants had been requested over the summer by various organizations. The Seed Grants have been a successful part of the Building Community Solutions aspect. 6.2.3 Haney Farmer's Market Update S. Matthewson The Haney Farmer's Market is doing extremely well and is growing with the number of local farmers increasing. The market has many return customers with many seniors and families that live in the downtown core attending. Many people come to the market looking for resources, including those who have moved here from other communities and countries and there are a good number of service providers in the park to provide these resources. The market which had taken place at the Laity Farm had been very well attended, with over 2000 people participating. The event had been held in the Laityview area which is one of the Building Community Solutions Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Pages of 10 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2006 pilot neighbourhoods. It was a good experience for all and will definitely be done again next year. Another highlight of the Farmers Market is the Healthy Babies Program, which is run in partnership with Fraser Health. Expectant and new mothers are given $5 in 'market' dollars to allow them to purchase good healthy food at the market. This local program has been very successful. Funding in the amount of $250 comes from Fraser Health with vendors being reimbursed after the purchases. 6.3 Child, Youth and Family Network Updates-Vicki Kipps Vicki Kipps gave her report on the Child, Youth and Family Network: The Facilitators Group have been meeting over the summer working on collaboration projects and researching sustainability. Standing Committee reports: Integrated Case Management is working on the development of a training video; Early Childhood Development Committee is continuing to meet and working on a number of important projects including dispersal of funds under the "Going Places" grant and application for Understanding the Early Years federal funding; and the Community Van project which will be underway in the near future. 6.4 Regional Committee on Homelessness I Alouette Home Start Society -Sue Wheeler 6.4. I Homelessness Awareness Week Oct. 16th -2 F1 The Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness is promoting Homelessness Awareness Week and encouraging Lower Mainland communities to take part to promote and educate regarding the 3 Ways to Home (housing, support services, and adequate income) as solutions to homelessness. This will be the first ever such event and although it is a regional event the committee is working in conjunction with other communities in the province (Prince George, Vernon and Kelowna) for the event to develop into a Provincial campaign. Key campaign messages are: homelessness can happen to anyone, and that the cost of the solutions to homelessness are more affordable than the cost of homelessness to society. There will be 2 regional events and a number oflocal events in individual communities. A local Homelessness Awareness Week Committee has formed and is working in partnership with the Food Security Committee which annually hosts "Harvest Festival" in recognition of World Food Day. Together they Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 6 of 10 ) Social Planning AdPisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2006 will jointly host an event called "Stone Soup" to be held in Memorial Peace Park in Maple Ridge on October 16th, with soup being served at the bandstand. Service providers are signing up to contribute food items to the soup pot. The analogy is that we can all contribute to the solutions to homelessness. The local committee is working without any funds and the biggest challenge is in promoting the event. Due to the fact that SPAC supports the work of the Regional Steering Committee and the local groups working to find solutions to homelessness, a financial contribution for advertising was discussed. R06-24 Motion was moved and seconded That SPAC contribute up to $1,500 to the local Homelessness Awareness Week Committee to be used for advertising. 6.5 CARRIED 6. 4. 2 Federal Funding -Supporting Community Partnerships Initiative -S. Wheeler The Supporting Community Partnerships Initiative funding is a Federal funding project under the National Homelessness Initiative administered by Service Canada. This program funds shelters including the local Caring Place, and many initiatives throughout the lower mainland including the Alouette Home Start Society's Youth Safe House and Community Outreach Workers. Funding for current projects has been confirmed until the end of March, 2007. Availability of funding beyond March, 2007 is unknown. There is also a concern that the timelines for securing funding by April, 2007 are going to be unachievable and there may be gaps in funding if there is not an announcement soon. Sue will attend the Regional meeting next week to see if there is any more information. Family Resource Fair S. Matthewson The Family Resource Fair will be held at Haney Place Mall on October ih, 2006 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Applications for participation in the Fair are available. A previous funding source for the Family Resource Fair did not come through. The main cost for the Fair is the cost of the Fair Coordinator, who is necessary to put this type of event together. SP AC has currently contributed $2,000 for this year's event. It is expected that there will be a shortfall of approximately $500. Committee members discussed the possibility of increasing SPAC's contribution by $500. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 7of10 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2006 R06-25 Motion was moved and seconded That funding be provided in the amount of $500 in addition to the budgeted $2000 to support the Family Resource Fair. CARRIED 6.5 Round Table Paul Livingstone, Community At Large • Noted that there are some businesses that don't realize the efforts that the community is making to deal with homelessness. However, he stated that businesses were having problems with homeless people and were not aware of who to turn to for support. • Sue Wheeler offered to provide information on the Committee Outreach Workers who can give businesses some support while dealing with homeless individuals. Vicki Kipps stated that the Outreach Workers were very successful and businesses needed to be encouraged to use them. Both Councillors suggested that efforts should be made to promote Outreach workers. Val Spurrell, Fraser Health • Home Health has moved into their new building on the hospital grounds and the new extended health facilities as well as the new hospice will be opening in a couple of weeks. Ray Koob, Ridge Meadows Seniors Society • The Ridge Meadows Seniors Society extended an invitation to their Open House on Tuesday, September lih from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and requested that Maple Ridge Council meet with the Society. • The Seniors' Society have quite a few projects underway and are developing a new partnerships with private sector businesses and with Universities to create additional services for seniors to access. Councillor Dueck encouraged the Seniors' Society to invite all of Council to future meetings and events and efforts will be made to attend these. She also suggested that members of the Seniors' Society request to attend a Council workshop meeting and issues can also be discussed there. Shawn Matthewson • Two new Active Kids Clubs were running in conjunction with School District No. 42 -Hammond and Mt. Crescent. Grants to develop these programs have been received under the Community Links Program. • Preschool, children and youth summer programs operated at maximum capacity and were very successful. Grants from the Ministry of Human Resources (Federal) that are used to subsidize these programs were reduced Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 8 of 10 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2006 by $13,000. Notification of the reduction was after the programs were in place so efforts to look for cost savings and wait list management to ensure programs operated at full capacity were undertaken. The future challenge will be to maintain affordable participation costs in the upcoming year with the cuts to these grants. Sue Wheeler stated that staff would be looking for alternate sources of funding to make up for the cuts in grants to continue to be able to provide affordable programs. • Kim Macey asked if there were any plans to expand the Youth Leadership Program. Shawn Matthewson replied that this is one of the more popular programs for youth 12 to 18 but that more resources will be needed and staff are looking for additional grant sources. • FASD conference is tomorrow and FASD National Awareness Day is on Saturday with an event happening at the bandstand. Vicki Kipps • The Child, Youth and Family Network was faced with turnover in leadership last year. However, it has developed strong new leadership with the establishment of the Facilitators Group. • Community Services has received funding for Aboriginal services for people both on and off the reserves. • There has been a lot of vandalism at Community Services which is becoming very significant. There is a high level of interest in hearing what other business are doing in the downtown core Sue Wheeler put forward that the School District has a anti-vandalism committee which could offer ideas and suggestions and that Community Services staff could also speak with the Core Security Team to get advice as well. 7. Correspondence 7.1 Aboriginal Research Advisory Committee Forum S. Wheeler A notice for the Aboriginal Research Advisory Committee Forum to be held on Monday November 6th was distributed. It has been reported that in the GVRD aboriginals make up 4% of the total population but that 30% of the homeless in the same area are aboriginal people. It was asked if there were any Committee members interesting in attending this forum. 8. Next Meeting The next meeting will be the Business Planning meeting scheduled for September 20th• 2006. It will be held at the Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living offices and will begin at 7:00 p.m. Directions to the building will be provided. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 9of JO Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes September 6, 2006 The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee will be held on Wednesday, October 4, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, with an agenda deadline of Monday, September 18, 2006. Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the Chair asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. R06-25 Motion was moved and seconded that the regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee be adjourned. CARRIED The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. C /ag Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 10 of 10