HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2006-11-01 Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the
Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Wednesday, November 1, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
Kim Macey, Chair
Rick Butler
Connie Schmid
Greg Dalman
Paul Livingstone
Councillor Judy Dueck
Candace Gordon
Valerie Spurrell
Sue Wheeler
Shawn Matthewson
Amanda Gaunt
S alima J ethani
Councillor Ernie Daykin
Vicki Kipps
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Ian Brooks
1. Called to Order and Introductions
Community at Large
School District No. 42, School Trustee
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Fraser Health
Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Committee Clerk
United Way
Council Liaison
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Community at Large
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R06-29 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for November 1, 2006 be amended to remove Item 5.1 and be
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2006
3. Minutes oft!te Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
R06-30 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee October 18, 2006
Regular Meeting be adopted as circulated.
4. Delegations and Presentations
Please note that Substance Misuse Prevention Strategy Task Force Presentation has been
deferred to the December 6th Agenda.
4.1 Early Childhood Development Committee (CYFN)
-Lynn Easton, ECD Coordinator
Lynn Easton, Coordinator of the Early Childhood Development Committee, gave
a presentation on the importance of early childhood development and an overview
of the committee. She explained that the Early Childhood Development
Committee is a standing committee of the CYFN and its role is to promote and
support the healthy development of children from birth to six years of age living
in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Lynn gave a brief history of the development
of the committee and outlined the committee's mandate and work plan; including
an outline of the committee's present projects and initiatives.
5. Unfinished and New Business
5.1 SPAC Membership -Report to Council
Removed from agenda
S. Wheeler
5. 2 Staff Reports to Council
5.2.1 BCGEU Federal Legislation on Child Care S. Matthewson
The report addressing the above item is scheduled to go to Committee of
the Whole on November 20th and will go to the Council meeting
scheduled for November 281\ 2006.
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November 1, 2006
5.2.2 SPAC Bylaw Adjustment regarding Membership S. Wheeler
The report addressing the above item is scheduled to go to Committee of
the Whole on November 20th and will go to the Council meeting
scheduled for November 28t\ 2006.
5.3 Business Planning Session
5. 3.1 Action Strategy Review S. Wheeler
A summary of the additions to the 2007 Business Plan was distributed.
Three critical issues were identified as priorities at the September 20th
meeting to be included in the 2007 business plan. At the October 18th
meeting, the committee developed an action plan for the new priorities.
The additional action strategies were distributed for adoption to be
included in the 2007 Business Plan.
Motion was moved and seconded
That the Action Strategy Summary be approved and included in the Maple
Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee 2007 Business Plan.
5.3.2 Endorsement of2007 Business Plan Additions
The new action strategies will be incorporated into the 2007 Business
Plan. The Business Plan and draft work plan will be reviewed at the
January meeting. This material will be sent out in advance to allow
committee members time to review it prior to the meeting.
6.1 Spirit of Community Awards K. Macey/S. Matthewson
The Awards Committee has met and the Spirit of Community Awards
information will be going out in the next few weeks. There will be changes in the
nomination form with nominees being asked to illustrate how spirit of community
is being demonstrated. Nomination forms will be going out for community
Business Awards and Good Neighbour Awards in January. The goal of the
Awards Committee is to present awards in May, 2007. The Committee is also
planning on expanding the Review Committee membership. The Spirit of
Community A wards information will be promoted in the local paper and at
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November I, 2006
community events. SP AC committee members were encouraged to both promote
the award program and to put forward nominations should they be aware of
anyone who would be a fitting recipient.
6. 2 Building Community Solutions
6.2.1 Application for United Way Funding S. Matthewson
Shawn Matthewson reported that the application to request funding from
the United Way has been submitted and the Building Community
Solutions Steering Committee is awaiting approval. In the meantime, the
group has continued their work. The details of the submission will be
reviewed at the next SP AC meeting.
6.2.2 Neighbourhood Pilots "Quality of Life" Plan Update S. Matthewson
Shawn reported that the neighbourhoods involved in the "Quality of Life"
plan had developed a momentum of their own and were all hosting
fabulous events for the upcoming months. The work of the Mountainview
Association on the Davison Street issues is continuing and there have been
some positive outcomes. This is extremely promising as this were issues
that had been unresolved for many years. One of the most positive
outcomes was the learning around working together to build positive
community solutions in a respectful environment.
The Haney Farmer's Market's Autumn market is this weekend and SPAC
committee members were asked to show their support for the market.
6.3 Child, Youth and Family Network Updates-Vicki Kipps
Vicki Kipps had been unable to attend, however Candace Gordon attended as her
alternate. Candace explained that she had just begun working as the new Chair
for the CYFN. She stated that she was looking forward to working with the
Social Planning Advisory Committee.
The CYFN Facilitator Group is continuing their work to develop a sustainability
plan to address the future needs of the Network and support for the growing
number of projects.
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November 1, 2006
6. 4 Regional Committee on Homelessness I Alouette Home Start Society-Sue
6. 4.1 Homelessness Awareness Week Report
Sue Wheeler reported that she would be going to Homelessness
Awareness meeting next week which would include the whole region and
would be doing an analysis of the success of the week in the Lower
Mainland. There was a regional promotional campaign and individual
communities hosted events with the goal of delivering the message to
increase the awareness of homelessness and to encourage everyone to
contribute to the solutions. Part of the promotional campaigned was
geared towards the economic argument that the cost of addressing the
solutions is more cost effective than the cost of not (ie, health cost, justice
system costs, etc)
Locally two groups had worked together -The Food Policy Round Table
and the local committee on Homelessness Awareness Week hosted the
Stone Soup event which had been very successful. The groups hope to
build on this next year. The goal of this event was to inspire the
community to contribute. Many donations were dropped off at this event,
with many of them actually being redistributed right there on site. For a
first time event, it went very well and the hope is that this will become an
annual event.
6. 4. 2 Federal Funding-Supporting Community Partnerships Initiative
-S. Wheeler
Sue Wheeler reported that she had been unable to attend the last
committee meeting; however, Sheila McLaughlin had attended. There
continues to be little information on the future of the National
Homelessness Funding Initiatives that have funded most projects in our
community and the Lower Mainland in the past. The current concern is
that as the announcement of future initiatives is taking so long, capacity
may be lost as staff of current projects make the decisions to look for more
permanent work.
Service Canada reported that the Conservatives have announced
informally that there will be future funding initiatives around
homelessness but they will not take the form of the previous Supporting
Community Partnership Initiatives (SCPI) that was offered under the last
Federal Government. Groups in need of funding remain concerned
however, as they feel it may be difficult to bridge any gaps before funding
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No)lember 1, 2006
is in place. There is also a question of how good programs will be
maintained if there is a gap in funding.
6.5 Round Table
Val Spurrell -reported that the hospice had opened and that patients had been
admitted. The opening had been a positive experience.
Paul Livingstone -reminds all that clothing and non-perishables can be donated
to the Caring Place at any time and that at this time of the year is a critical time
for need. The Kettle Campaign, an important source of funding for the Caring
Place, has begun.
Rick Butler -reported that the School District had retained a consulting firm;
Cornerstone to do a school boundary review. Rick suggested that SP AC
involvement in the review would be important and that he would have more
information on this at the end of November.
Judy Dueck -reported that Maple Ridge Council had given their unanimous
support to the Alouette Home Start Society/Community Services regarding their
submission to BC Housing for a Transitional Housing project. She also reported
that Alouette Addictions have produced a film about kids and issues they face
today. This film was put together by kids with the goal of packaging it as a
resource for schools and social agencies.
Candace Gordon -introduced herself. Candace is the current chair of the Child,
Youth and Family Network. She explained that she is currently a Coordinator
delivering the Community Kitchens program where she supports community
members and their families to build their knowledge and capacity to prepare
nutritious, cost-effective meals. She also works with the Katzie First Nations as
the Healthy Communities Coordinator in a program focused on prevention of
prescription drug misuse. Connie Schmid asked for Candace's contact
information so that she could connect with Candace to get help for seniors she
deals with.
Kim Macey -reported that Alouette Addictions request for funding for the
follow-up on the Rewind Film had been discussed and that an update will be
presented at the December meeting.
Shawn Matthewson -reported on the Halloween event held at the Greg Moore
Youth Centre. She reported that youth leaders in the community had put on this
event along with staff and it had been very well attended. Shawn also reported
that BC Healthy Communities has grants available for enhancing healthy
communities which will be presented to CYFN. She also reported on a new
program called BC Spirits Square Program which provided funding for enhancing
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
November I, 2006
outdoor public meeting places as well as funding for the Green Cities Program
and LocoMotion Fund.
Connie Schmid -reported that the President of the IOED had a meeting with
Dave Speers, Manager of the Iron Horse Youth Safe House, and was extremely
impressed. The ~#roup supplies the Safe House with backpacks that contain
personal hygiend~fe~s. The backpacks are given to the youth who stay at the
safe house. Dave reported that the backpacks are very needed and appreciated
and that it is these types of community contributions that make such a huge
difference, not only in supporting the youth but in letting them know that they are
valued by their community. Connie feels that it is important to link the needs of
seniors with those of teens.
7. Correspondence -NIL
8. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee will be held on
Wednesday, December 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal
Hall, with an agenda deadline of Monday, November 20, 2006.
The Committee Clerk was asked to remind Committee members via the agenda package
e-mail that they be prepared to vote on the scheduling of January 3rd meeting date.
Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the Chair asked for a
motion to adjourn the meeting.
R06-32 Motion was moved and seconded
that the regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee be adjourned.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
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