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Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the
Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
Kim Macey, Chair
Councillor Ernie Daykin
Councillor Judy Dueck
Paul Livingstone
Vicki Kipps
Ian Brooks
Sue Wheeler
Shawn Matthewson
Amanda Gaunt
Salima Jethani
Connie Schmid
Valerie Spurrell
Candace Gordon
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Rick Butler
Greg Dalman
1. Called to Order and Introductions
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Community at Large
Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Committee Clerk
United Way
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Fraser Health
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
School District N9. 42, School Trustee
Community at Large
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. There was no quorum.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2006
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R06-33 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for December 6, 2006 be adopted with the following addition.
5.4 Alouette Addictions Funding Motion
3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
R06-34 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee November 1, 2006
Regular Meeting be revised with the following amendment -Page 7, 3rd line of
paragraph should be changed from IOED to IODE. Adoption of minutes tabled.
4. Delegations and Presentations
The Substance Misuse Prevention Strategy Task Force Presentation has been deferred to
the January Agenda.
5. Unfinished and New Business
5.1 Council Recommendations Update
5.1.1 BCGEU Child Care Letter of Support
It was reported that the staff recommendation to Council had been
presented and approved at Maple Ridge Committee of the Whole Meeting.
Final approval goes to Council next Tuesday and a letter will be sent out
once this is done.
5.1.2 SPAC Bylaw Amendment Recommendation-Sue Wheeler
It was advised that the bylaw recommendation had been separated into
two recommendations. Next Tuesday, the amendment to the by-law
pertaining to additions to SP AC membership will go forward as it was
unanimously passed at Committee of the Whole meeting.
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Socia/Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2006
The portion of the recommendation regarding inviting a Pitt Meadows
representative to participate as a non-voting liaison will be deferred until
there is a meeting between Pitt Meadows Council, Mike Murray, GM,
Community Development, Parks & Recreation, Councillor Daykin and Mayor
Robson. It is hoped that this meeting would take place quite soon. Mike
Murray will advise.
5.2 Child, Youth and Family Network-Network Sustainability Plan Update
-Sue Wheeler
CYFN has grown and has been very successful, particularly at applying for
funding for many broad spectrum projects. As the network grows, it is becoming
increasingly difficult to maintain the work that is occurring. During discussions
with the United Way, it was indicated that other areas in the Lower Mainland
have grown to the same point and that these groups have gone to the larger
funding partners for support. The facilitator's group of the CYFN will be
determining the process and designing the job description. The United Way has
already committed funding to support this project.
5.3 Preparation for January Work Planning Session -Sue Wheeler
It was advised that January is typically when a work planning session is held as to
what the committee is going to be doing and who would be doing it. Work
planning will be prepared and sent out for comments. There was a discussion
around changing the date of the January 2007 meeting or cancelling it all together
and meeting in February. It was proposed that the January meeting be re-
scheduled for January 10, 2007. The committee clerk will send out an e-mail to
committee members to ascertain whether this date will work for all.
5. 4 Alouette Addictions Funding Request
The Chair explained the original motion regarding the Alouette Addictions
funding request. She advised that through communication between between staff
and Alouette Addictions, there had been changes to what had originally been
discussed and a new motion would be required to accommodate these changes.
The original motion was worded as follows:
That the Committee approve up to $500 towards the production of the
documentary film being produced by the Alouette Addictions Services
Society, if the response to the letter and the application to SPAC is in keeping
with the Social Planning Advisory Committee's funding criteria. Approval is
given to the smaller group of committee members to make that decision.
It was recommended that that new motion recommended read as follows:
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2006
R06-35 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Committee approve $500 towards the research and follow-up
evaluation of the documentary film Rewind produced by the Alouette
Addictions Services Society, with the requirement that the Society be asked
to submit the final report to the Social Planning Advisory Committee.
Due to lack of quorum, this motion will be e-mailed around to committee
members for approval.
Spirit of Community Awards K. Macey/S. Matthewson
Ads and nomination forms had been prepared and changes had been made to the
'Good Business' form. Language had been added which required nominators to
demonstrate how their nominees have met the criteria. All information will go
out in next week's paper and a distribution list had been established. The
deadline for nominations will be January 15, 2007. Once nominees had been put
forward, the A wards Committee would be looking for an outside person to help
make choices.
Building Community Solutions -Update S. Matthewson
It was reported that a letter of Agreement in Principle in the amount of $20,000
for Building Community Solutions had been received from the United Way. It
was advised that a coordinator will work until the end of June on this project and
that someone else may be brought in to help consult on the quality of life aspect.
Neighbourhood Associations were reported to be doing well and had planned
such events as Christmas carolling. Different neighbourhood associations were
also working together and were applying for grants to hold events together.
Committee members were reminded that the Winter Market would be held on
Saturday and would run from 1 :00 pm until 6:00 pm. With 43 vendors
participating, it would be the biggest market ever held.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2006
Regional Committee on Homelessness I Alouette Home Start Society -Sue
6. 3.1 Federal Funding-Supporting Community Partnerships Initiative
Sue Wheeler spoke to the press release regarding federal funding for
SCPI. She stated that groups continued to wait for news on funding.
It was reported that groups with projects that are funded federally are
starting to think about what is going to happen if there is a gap in funding
which is now expected. It was advised that Alouette Addictions had put
aside some monies for the youth safe house and had also been working
with Service Canada in an effort to carry money forward. A meeting
would be held on Friday to discuss a potential back out strategy.
A document presented to the Provincial Government by the Regional
Steering Committee on Homelessness had been received and would be
brought forward at the next SP AC meeting.
Round Table
• Councillor Daykin reported that this would be the last SP AC meeting he
would be attending, as he had been moved to another committee, however he
would like to come back to the committee as a guest. He stated that he felt the
committee had been doing excellent work. He complimented community
agencies on their ongoing commitment to working collaboratively. He also
advised that Council is committed to putting staff and resources into this
• Sue Wheeler reported that a group had come together to respond to the
UBCM Community Health Promotion Fund Application. She advised that
Fraser Health had pulled together a group which included themselves, the
Farmers' Market, the School District, the Municipality and the C.E.E.D
Centre. A proposal had been put in for the first community garden at a school
and this had been approved in concept for a grant of $35,000. A report had
been brought forward last Tuesday and Maple Ridge Council had approved
that the committee work on this grant with the community.
Sue explained that Community Connections funding came in three phases -
the School District had applied for Phase One which was connecting the
partners; and was in the process of applying for Phase Two was $40,000 for
the planning piece; a consultation had been done and a unique concept of a
neighbourhood learning school hub was being worked on. It was felt that
such a hub site should be at one of the four inner city schools in the
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Social Planning Adl'isory Committee Regular ~Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2006
The School District would be approached for a resolution by next Wednesday
and hopefully this will be passed on the 13 th and then be brought to Council
on the 18th. If passed by Council, SPAC will work with the School Board and
the community. Phase Three of this funding consists of$125,000 of capital
funding for construction which has to be 75% matched by community
partners ..
Sue Wheeler also reported that other grants were related to BCS and the Skate
Park and mentorship.
• Shawn Matthewson reported that Christmas camps were being held this year.
One was scheduled for December 23 at the Greg Moore Centre and another
would be run as an after Christmas camp from January 3rd to January ih at the
Pitt Meadows Family Rec Centre. Other Active Kids Clubs were doing well.
Shawn also reported that a child care worker would be placed at Eric Langton
and that a fourth Active Kids school would be opened at Mt. Crescent in
January 2007.
• Councillor Dueck reported that she had attended a meeting at the GVRD and
that there had been lengthy discussions about homelessness and drug addicted
people. She advised that the GVRD owns Ashcroft Ranch and a suggestion
was put forward that a dialogue be held with the Provincial Government
suggesting the use of such a facility to provide housing where people can be
self-sustaining and can learn life skills, etc. She also reported that there had
been much debate during this meeting table about the role of municipal
politicians and what they can do to assist in trying to work to improve the
homeless situation. The participants at the GVRD meeting had agreed to pass
a resolution to go to the Premier asking that making use of a facility similar to
the Ashcroft Ranch be investigated and to prompt the Premier to say that there
is support from the Provincial Government for the local governments.
• Vicki Kipps advised that there was a guest speaker scheduled for Monday,
December 18th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to speak on youth and the
internet. She asked that anyone interested in attending give their name to Sue
Wheeler or herself. Vicki also reported that another guest speaker would be
brought in who helps organizations to work on applications for receiving
funding from gaming.
Vicki advised that the ECD had hired a mapper to work with them to do asset
mapping which would be used to ascertain which services exist for families,
thereby allowing for funding in a targeted way around areas within the
community which need it.
She reported that the Integrated Case Management Committee is working on a
video. In regard to the van, the Child Development Center had put in a grant
application for a coordinator for the van.
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Social Planning Ad11isory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2006
• Paul Livingston stated that there seemed to be a gap between homeless people
and persons with addictions. He put forward that he had worked in a center
which had a task force of volunteers from the community who had tried to
bridge this gap and that people had been very receptive to this. Paul
wondered if this type of support would be received in this community if
government funding did not come through. Vicki Kipps stated she would take
this idea to Alouette Horne Start to see if there are groups in the community
who would be willing to pick up costs should government funding not come
7. Correspondence
7.1 Imagine Canada
A handout was distributed for discussion.
7. 2 Sue Wheeler also reported to the committee members that Greg Dalman had opted
not to reapply. She advised that a certificate of appreciation as well as a letter of
thanks would be sent to Greg.
Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee was scheduled to
be on Wednesday, January 3, 2007 at 7:00 p.rn. in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge
Municipal Hall, however, an e-mail will be sent around to committee members asking for
re-scheduling of the meeting to January 10, 2007.
Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the Chair asked for a
motion to adjourn the meeting.
R06-36 Motion was moved and seconded
that the regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee be adjourned.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Chairperson /
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