HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2007-03-07 Minutes.pdf1 ) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, March 7, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Kim Macey, Chair Councillor Judy Dueck Paul Livingstone Vicki Kipps Ian Brooks Connie Schmid Rick Butler Gwen Champagne Jim Wakely Valerie Spurrell STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sue Wheeler Shawn Matthewson Amanda Gaunt REGRETS/ABSENTS Ross Dunning Councillor Linda King Lyn Taylor-Scott Caroline Wilkins 1. Called to Order and Introductions Community at Large Council Liaison Community at Large Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network Community at Large Ridge Meadows Seniors Society School District No. 42, School Trustee Community Living BC RCMP Fraser Health Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services Committee Clerk Community at Large Council Liaison Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Ministry of Children and Family Development The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular A1eeting Minutes March 7, 2007 2. Adoption of the Agenda RD6-45 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for March 7, 2007 be adopted with the following addition: 5.0 Substance Misuse Task Force Final Report Results 3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting R06-46 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee February 7, 2007 Regular Meeting adopted. CARRJED 4. Delegations and Presentations 4.1 Kelly Swift, Director of Recreation -Results of the 2006 Community Survey The Director of Recreation gave an overview of the community survey process which is used to track trends in public opinion in the community of Maple Ridge. She gave details of the results of the community survey, originally conducted in 2003, and conducted again in the Fall of 2006 and answered questions from committee members. 5. Unfinished and New Business 5.0 Substance Misuse Task Force Final Report Results S. Wheeler Committee members were advised that the Substance Misuse Task Force Final Report had been presented to Council on February 26, 2007 and the report had been endorsed. It was also advised that an additional motion had been made at the Council meeting suggesting that the Social Planning Advisory Committee investigate hosting a first Lower Mainland Prevention Summit. 5.1 Provincial Funding Cuts to Childcare Services Update S. Matthewson Shawn Matthewson advised that letters had been sent on behalf of Maple Ridge Council to Provincial and Federal governments requesting the reinstatement of transfer funds for child care. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular !vliuutes Page 2 of 7 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting 1l1inutes March 7, 2007 R06-47 5.2 5.3 Vicki Kipps reported that a tremendous community response had helped to bring the issue of cuts to child care funding to the forefront. She advised that the provincial government has now reported that it will maintain $9 million (of the previous $14 million) which will be dedicated to childcare across the province. Committee members will be kept advised of the specifics of this change in funding as information comes in. Review of Work Plan S. Wheeler The Social Planning Advisory Committee draft 2007 work plan was distributed, reviewed and the action plans discussed. As the proposed work plan for 2007 is over ambitious with the resources available, staff liaisons were asked to come back to the committee at the next meeting with recommendations on adjustments that could be made to move some less urgent projects to the 2008 work plan. 2007 Budget Discussion S. Wheeler The Social Planning Advisory Committee proposed budget for 2007 was distributed and review. Committee members were advised that the budget plan was a proposal for funds and also that some of the funds had been carried over from projects from last year. Motion was moved and seconded That the proposed budget for 2007 be approved as presented with amendments made which will reflect work plan adjustments to be proposed at the April 2007 meeting. 5. 4 Discussion Paper on a Regional Affordable Housing Strategy for Greater Vancouver A discussion paper on a Regional Affordable Housing Strategy for Greater Vancouver was reviewed and discussed. It was reported that the Greater Vancouver Regional District is looking for comments from municipalities at the Greater Vancouver Regional District meeting in March, It was noted that Maple Ridge Council has approved the document in principle and had outlined their concerns to the Greater Vancouver Regional District. Councillor Dueck advised committee members that many other municipalities shared concerns related to certain aspects of the strategy report. The Greater Vancouver Regional District will be making adjustments after receiving input from municipalities at the March meeting. The document will then go through a public review process in June of this year. Note: Rick Butler excused himself from the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular 1'1i11utes Page 3 <~l 7 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Jl!finutes March 7, 2007 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1 Spirit of Community Awards -Update 6.2 6.3 It was reported that a response to the Spirit of Community A ward had not gone well despite an extended deadline. The lack of community response was discussed and it was the consensus of the committee that the timing of the award program may have contributed to the problem. It was agreed that the Spirit of Community Awards application process would be re-launched after Spring Break. Building Community Solutions S. Matthewson Shawn Matthewson reported that the Joint Asset Mapping meeting held with the Early Childhood Development Committee and the two pilot neighbourhoods went well and that the process was very good. She also reported that with the BC Healthy Communities funding that Building Community Solutions received they will be hosting a series of five community dialogue and educational sessions scheduled for the upcoming time period. These sessions are designed in line with the feedback that was received that community education is an important aspect of engaging citizens and encouraging them to contribute to community decision- making. Shawn also reported that there are a number of events scheduled to be hosted by each of the pilot neighbourhoods over the next few month. Child, Youth and Family Network Updates V. Kipps Vicki Kipps reported that the Integrated Case Management training video is nearing completion and now in the editing phase. She also reported that the Early Childhood Development Committee had completed a strategic planning session and that funding would be received from both the United Way and the Ministry for Child and Family Development. Vicki advised that the upcoming addition of a CYFN Coordinator will play an important role in the Child, Youth and Family Network and that the participation of other organizations was very important. A focus group held with some Social Service Agency Boards recently to discuss the advantages of collaborative work and to continue with the possibility of coming together and sharing resources. It was determined that the starting point will be attend individual board meetings and do an orientation to CYFN and the benefits of collaboration 6.4 Regional Committee on Homelessness/Alouette Home Start Society 6. 4.1 Federal Funding-Homelessness Partnerships Initiative Sue Wheeler will bring information back to the committee at the April meeting, after attending a Regional Committee on Homelessness meeting. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular ~Minutes Page 4 <~f 7 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular 1'11eeting 1lfinutes March 7, 2007 She advised that all were still waiting to hear about the new federal funding program and the call for proposals for the next round of funding to address homelessness, which should be coming from the federal government soon. 6. 5 Round Table Shawn Matthewson Shawn Matthewson reported that the Haney Farmers Market would be having its first annual "Seedy Saturday" market on March 17, St. Patrick's Day and encouraged all to attend. Valerie Spurrell Valerie Spurrell reported that permission had been received to open twenty-five temporary beds and that this had made a huge difference to the emergency intake at the hospital. Vicki Kipps Vicki Kipps reported that Community Services had received funding from the Aboriginal mm of the Ministry of Child and Family Development which would be used to support an Elders Council. She stated that it was exciting to see this type of cultural component start in our community and advised that a logo has been designed by a Katzie member, which she would present at next month's meeting. Vicki also asked if it staff could find information on the Food Bank statistics and present at the next meeting. Gwen Champagne Gwen Champagne advised that this meeting had been her second and that she found the committee's work very interesting. She stated that she represented Community Living BC, an organization which works with children and adults with developmental disabilities. She advised that this sector had gone through a philosophical shift and undergone many changes in the last year, mainly by now integrating people with developmental disabilities into the community and moving away from day programs. Connie Schmidt Connie Schmidt reported that she was still in a few groups that are supporting the Home Start Society and tries to keep them up to date. She also advised that she had brochures that she will share with committee members on the BC Senior Summer Games. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular kfinutes Page 5 of 7 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular l'vleeting Minutes March 7, 2007 7. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Social Planning and Research Council -Community Social Planning UBCM Resolution A letter from the Social Planning and Research Council of BC requesting endorsement for sustained financial support for Community Social Planning in BC was distributed and discussed. R06-4S Motion was moved and seconded That the Maple Ridge Social Planning Committees endorse the Social Planning and Research Council of BC resolution attached to the agenda dated March 7, 2007 for sustained financial support for community social planning in BC and that the resolution be forwarded to Council for consideration as a resolution to the Union of BC Municipalities. 7. 2 Income Assistance Rate Changes Information only 7. 3 GVRD Affordable Housing Strategy Discussed in Item 5 .4 7.4 SPAC Affordable Housing Letter Information only. 7.5 Alouette Addictions Services Society R06-49 Motion was moved and seconded That the Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee approve $500 towards the research and follow-up evaluation of the documentary film Rewind produced by the Alouette Addictions Services Society, with the requirement that the Society be asked to submit the final report to the Social Planning Advisory Committee. CARRIED -via e-mail vote sent December 18, 2007 Note: Councillor Dueck removed herself from this decision due to conflict of interest. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Jlfinutes Page 6 l~f 7 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular l'vleeting il!finutes March 7, 2007 8. Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee was scheduled to be on Wednesday, April 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall. Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the Chair asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. RD6-50 Motion was moved and seconded that the regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee be adjourned. CARRIED The Regular Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular ~Minutes Page 7 <~/'7