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Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the
Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Wednesday, April 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Judy Dueck Council Liaison
Councillor Linda King Council Liaison
Vicki Kipps Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Ian Brooks Community at Large
Connie Schmid Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Gwen Champagne Community Living BC
Sue Wheeler Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Shawn Matthewson Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Amanda Gaunt Committee Clerk
Valerie Spurrell Fraser Health
Kim Macey, Chair Community at Large
Paul Livingstone Community at Large
Lyn Taylor-Scott Ridge Meadows Association for
Community Living
Caroline Wilkins Ministry of Children and Family
Ross Dunning Community at Large
Jim Wakely RCMP
Rick Butler School District No. 42, School Trustee
NO QUORUM – Presentation and discussion only
1.Called to Order and Introductions
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
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2.Adoption of the Agenda
The adoption of the agenda was tabled due to lack of quorum.
3.Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
The adoption of the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee March 7, 2007
Regular meeting was tabled due to lack of quorum.
4.Delegations and Presentations
4.1 Alouette Addictions Services
– Report on REWIND Film Evaluation, Ron Lawrence, Executive Director
Ron Lawrence, Executive Director, Alouette Addictions Services, presented a
film entitled ‘Rewind’ as well as a follow up information session as to how
monies contributed by the Social Planning Advisory Committee were used in
relation to the development of the film.
Note: No quorum was present, however, topic discussions were held and it was requested that
notes be taken.
5.Unfinished and New Business
5.1 Review of 2007 Work Plan Adjustments S. Wheeler
It was reported that staff liaisons had been requested to review SPAC project
timelines. A summary sheet of the revised timelines was distributed and the projects
as well as the timelines for each project were reviewed. It was advised that funding
was driving a few of the projects put forward.
5.2 2007 Budget Approval S. Wheeler
A draft for approval of the SPAC 2007 proposed budget was distributed for
discussion. It was advised that due to the deferral of the Social Planning Strategic
Plan to 2009, savings had been redistributed to the “Celebrating Solutions” project as
well as the Affordable Housing Education Workshop series. It was also advised that
the committee had been able to carry over funds from last year as well.
A Social Planning Advisory Committee Project Support document was also
distributed. This document gave a breakdown of committees, projects and societies
which received staff liaison support.
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It was also announced that the Matrix Program will become an ongoing funded
program in Maple Ridge.
5.3 2007 Task Group Memberships S. Wheeler
A list of proposed task groups for SPAC members to become involved in was
brought forward. This topic will be tabled and brought back at the next meeting.
5.4 Friends in Need Food Bank – Utilization Statistics
Utilization statistics from the Friends in Need Food Bank were brought forward as
requested by committee members. Statistics provided by Glenda Williams,
Administrator, for March 2007 included the following: The Friends in Need Food
Bank had provided 605 hampers for 1500 individuals of which 297 were children;
of there 605 hampers, 13 were emergency hampers; as well, 95 special food packs
for persons with no fixed addresses had been issued.. The Friends in Need Food
Bank has 4197 persons registered, 1427 of which are children. These statistics
were reviewed and discussed and will be forwarded to committee members.
6.1 Spirit of Community Awards S. Matthewson
It was reported that re-advertising for the Spirit of Community Awards would be
done after Easter Break.
6.2 Building Community Solutions S. Matthewson
It was advised that Mount Crescent Elementary had held its first movie night and
that 75 people had attended. A Easter Egg hunts were going to be held at Mount
Crescent and at Mountainview.
6.3 Child, Youth and Family Network Updates V. Kipps
It was reported that the Integrated Case Management video had been completed
and was being distributed, the hiring of a coordinator for the CYFN was still in
progress and that a planning session related to the purpose of the van and how to
make meaningful use of it was going to be held.
6.4 Regional Committee on Homelessness/Alouette Home Start Society
The Regional Committee on Homelessness/Alouette Home Start Society had
received a 9 month extension due to funding received from the Federal
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6.5 Round Table
Sue Wheeler
An update from the Substance Misuse Task Force was brought forward. It was
advised that the task force had been asked by the CYFN to give a presentation.
SPAC was being asked to endorse the task force becoming a standing committee
of the Child, Youth and Family Network prior to this presentation being given. It
was the consensus among SPAC members present that although a formal
resolution cannot be put forward due to lack of quorum, a recommendation could
be forward that the Substance Misuse Task Force be considered as a standing
committee of the Child, Youth and Family Network in order to continue its work.
Shawn Matthewson
April 22nd was Earth Day. The Farmers’ Market as well as the Recycling Society
will be in the park and entertainment will be provided. All committee members
were encouraged to attend.
Vicki Kipps
It was reported that a facilitators’ meeting had been held in order to address the
difficulties numerous agencies are having when applying for gaming and direct
access funding. Agencies are having difficulty being successful with the new
criteria for grants and these organizations were facing a crisis due to this. It was
advised that it was difficulty to successfully complete an application and
examples were given of barriers which had been put up within the application
process of applying for gaming funds.
There was a discussion as how this could be addressed and it was recommended
that this issue be brought to the attention of Council as well as Randy Kamp, MP
and Michael Sather, MLA. A survey will also be done by the Children, Youth
and Family Network as to how many organizations are being negatively affected
by the changes in the funding application criteria and this information will be
brought forward.
Connie Schmid
Brochures on the Seniors’ Centre as well as the April Grape Vine Newsletter will
be distributed at the next meeting.
7.1 Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness Information
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April 4, 2007
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8.Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee was scheduled to
be o n Wednesday, May 2, 200 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge
Municipal Hall.
Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the meeting was
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.