HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2007-05-02 Minutes.pdf\ J Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, May 2, 2007 at 7:00 p.rn. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Judy Dueck Councillor Linda King Ian Brooks Ross Dunning Kirn Macey, Chair Paul Livingstone Rick Butler Candace Gordon Andy Libbiter Gwen Champagne Lyn Taylor-Scott STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sue Wheeler Shawn Matthewson Tracy Camire REGRETS/ABSENTS Valerie Spurrell Vicki Kipps Connie Schmid Caroline Wilkins Jim Wakely 1. Called to Order and Introductions Council Liaison Council Liaison Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large School District No. 42, School Trustee Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network Fraser Health Community Living BC Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services Committee Clerk Fraser Health Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Ministry of Children and Family Development RCMP The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.rn. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of 5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2007 2. Adoption of the Agenda R06-51 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for May 2, 2007 be adopted with the following amendment: The item 5.1 is removed from the agenda as it is a duplicate item. CARRIED 3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting R06-52 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee March 7, 2007 Regular Meeting adopted. CARRIED 4. Delegations and Presentations 5. Unfinished and New Business 5.1 5.2 Review of April discussion notes S. Wheeler The April discussion notes were circulated and there were no requests to make any changes. 2007 Budget-Workplan Approval S. Wheeler At the February 2007 meeting it was requested that staff create a 3 year plan for the Committee. Sue Wheeler reviewed the Social Planning Committee / Project Support document that gave a breakdown of committees, projects and societies which received staff liaison support. Sue also reviewed the Social Planning Advisory Committee Project Timeline proposal document with the committee. A draft of the Social Planning Advisory Committee 2007 proposed budget was distributed for discussion. Changes that were made to the proposed budget were reviewed. Councillor King put forth the idea to partner with one of our neighbouring communities to complete at least one workshop on affordable housing. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page2of7 ) Social Planning Ad11isory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2007 R06-53 Motion was moved and seconded 5.3 5.4 That the proposed budget and project timeline for 2007 be approved as presented. CARRIED 2007 Task Group Memberships S. Wheeler Ross would like to partake in the Building Community Solutions project and Councillor King would like to partake in the Celebrating Solutions project. Friends in Need Food Bank-Utilization Statistics Utilization statistics from the Friends in Need Food Bank were brought forward as requested by committee members. Statistics provided by Glenda Williams, Administrator, for March 2007 included the following: The Friends in Need Food Bank had provided 605 hampers for 1500 individuals of which 297 were children; of there 605 hampers, 13 were emergency hampers; as well, 95 special food packs for persons with no fixed addresses had been issued .. The Friends in Need Food Bank has 4197 persons registered, 1427 of which are children. These statistics were reviewed and discussed and will be forwarded to committee members. R06-54 Motion was moved and seconded That the Social Planning Advisory Committee write a letter to the Friends in Need food bank asking how we might support their organization to elevate the awareness of their work in the community and express our concern for the numbers being so high. CARRIED 5. 5 Catchment Review Public Report Shawn Matthewson reviewed the "Schools Utilization Study Open House" document with the committee. Ross Dunning mentioned that once the Golden Ears Bridge is established that these numbers are likely to change due to an influx of new residents. Social Planning Ad11isory Committee Regular Minutes Page3 o/7 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2007 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1 6.2 6.3 Spirit of Community Awards S. Matthewson Shawn advised the committee that the deadline for applications for the Spirit of Community Awards is Monday, June 11th. The committee was asked to bring forward names of nominees. It was advise that the applications are available on the District website and at reception in City Hall and recipients of the awards will be presented at the July 1st celebration. Building Community Solutions S. Matthewson Shawn Matthewson reported that there will be a celebration on May 9t\ 2007 at 7:00pm. at the Fraser Room in the Library. Tracy will send out the information to the committee. They have received a BC Healthy Communities grant of $2500 to host five community workshops and to purchase materials for a Community Development section in the Maple Ridge Library. It was also advised that the new Haney Farmer's Market will start its 3rd season on May 12th. Mount Crescent Elementary held its 2nd annual Easter Egg Hunt and that over 100 people had attended. It was also advised that the next movie night will be held on Friday, May 11th at Laity View Elementary School. ACTION ITEM: Tracy will send out information in regards to the Building Community Solutions celebration along with details that pertain to the Haney Farmer's Market celebration to committee members. Child, Youth and Family Network Updates V Kipps Candace Gordon, Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network, advised that CYFN is continuing to work on the website and will continue to hold meetings in regard to the Community Van. CYFN is also continuing to work on developing a Coordinators position but it probably won't happen until late in the year. CYFN is continuing to have discussions about the changes to the BC Gaming Regulations and the impact on the community. CYFN is currently surveying members to determine the overall impact. CYFN has also begun a project to build opportunities for local non-profit Board's to network. The goal is to create a common language or community philosophy on how we work together and to encourage boards to broaden their view of their work from the perspective of the impact and relationships of the entire social services community network. Staff at agencies have had these opportunities and it was determined that boards should have the same opportunities. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page4 of7 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2007 6.4 Regional Committee on Homelessness/Alouette Home Start Society The new Federal Funding project is called the Homelessness Initiative Partnership fund. All current projects have received funding until the end of 2007. A call for proposals is currently being developed that will fund projects for a 15 month period-January, 2008 to March 31st, 2009. Alouette Home Start Society's two projects -the Iron Horse Youth Safe House and the Community Outreach, are both funded under this program. The Caring Place also receives funding under this program. Last year the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness hosted the first annual -Homelessness Awareness Week. This year the event is planned for mid October again, but the focus will be on taking action with the event called the 2007 Homelessness Action Week. Our local community committee will begin meeting in the next month or so. 6. 5 School Community Connections Update A committee membership has expanded and the first meeting will be to start working on phase 2 of the project. The first steps will be to choose school sites for the project hub and satellite services and to further develop the proposed model for the project. The next meeting is on May 29th at the Association for Community Living, from 12 noon to 1 :30pm. 6. 6 School Neighbourhood Garden Update Shawn advised the committee that this Saturday, May 5th at Glenwood Elementary between 10:00-4:00 you can have the opportunity to help build the school's garden. This is an opportunity to build a garden that the kids will be able to grow their own vegetables in. It will give the teachers the opportunity to teach many different subjects in the outdoors. 6. 7 Round Table Gwen Gwen advised the committee members that she has been invited to some of the free workshops put on by the City and thought they were a great experience. Linda King Linda let the committee know that there is a new production being put on at The Act called "The King of Anger Mountain" on June 22nd. This production is part of the "Artist in Residence Community Play Process". Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 of7 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2007 Candace Gordon CYFN is preparing to meet with Erin Morrison, Brendan Morrison's wife. She is interested in learning more about the needs of the working poor in our community. CYFN will be putting a focus group together to meet with Mrs. Morrison to share information about gaps in resources for these families in our community. Sue Wheeler Sue advised the committee that it is Youth Week this week. This Monday, May ih there is the Youth Talent night at The Act. This is a wonderful night to see a whole range of talent from our community. Parks and Leisure Services Youth Dances made the front page of The Times newspaper regarding a concern of a parent of a participant. Youth Services dances are operated with 10 staff, 15 to 20 volunteers, and RCMP support. The dances have been operating safely for over 10 years and have developed a number of procedures to ensure optimum safety. The dances have experienced very few minor incidences. Due to the concern, youth services will be reviewing the dance procedures and protocols. Shawn Matthewson Shawn mentioned that Parks and Leisure Services Summer Youth Employment grant applications under the Federal funding Service Canada program have not notified as to the status of the applications. These grants have been received for a number of years and have provided Youth Services with the ability to provide quality affordable children and youth programs to the community well providing a quality work experience for youth in the community. In fact, many of the youth that begin as summer students eventually become fulltime staff. Notification is very late this year and Youth Services is worried about receiving a reduction in funding when programs have already been promoted. Andy Libbiter Andy let the committee know that 3 weeks ago Fraser Health opened the Creekside Withdrawal management centre in Surrey where there are six youth beds in a separate area from the adult section which is specifically designed for youth. There are now 24 adult beds. This is purely a detox centre. Fraser Health has partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association to open a 7 bed duplex for persons with mental illness. The District of Maple Ridge also supported this project by leasing a municipally owned house to CMHA. Fraser Health is actively planning for the hospital in the event of a flood. Paul Livingstone A discussion took place in regards to how we can improve the method of getting addicts into centres for the care they require. Social Planning Ad11isory Committee Regular Minutes Page6of7 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2007 Ross Dunning Really excited to be back, the growth of SP AC over the years is amazing. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 School District 42 -"Schools Utilization Study Open House" 7.2 Fraser Health SPAC-Appointeefor 2007 term 8. Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee was scheduled to be on Wednesday, June 6, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall. Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the meeting was adjourned. The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m. Chairperson /tc I ( Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 7of7