HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2007-06-06 Minutes.pdf~ ) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Fraser Room at Maple Ridge Public Library, 22470 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, June 6, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Judy Dueck Councillor Linda King Ian Brooks Ross Dunning Kim Macey, Chair Paul Livingstone Andy Libbiter Gwen Champagne Jim Wakely Connie Schmid Vicki Kipps STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sue Wheeler Shawn Matthewson Tracy Camire REGRETS/ABSENTS Valerie Spurrell Caroline Wilkins Rick Butler Candace Gordon Lyn Taylor-Scott 1. Called to Order and Introductions Council Liaison Council Liaison Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Fraser Health Community Living BC RCMP Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services Committee Clerk Fraser Health Ministry of Children and Family Development School District No. 42, School Trustee Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda R06-55 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for June 6, 2007 be adopted with the following addition; 5.6 Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness -Sub-regional Tables Priority Setting Session -Friday, June 15th at 9:00-10:30am CARRIED Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 o!/ f.r; Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2007 3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting R06-56 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee May 2, 2007 Regular Meeting be adopted. CARRIED 4. Delegations and Presentations 5. Unfinished and New Business 5.1 CYFN Provincial Gaming Regulation Changes Impact Survey Vicki Kipps advised the committee that the survey was created and sent out to CYFN to gather information about the impact of gaming regulation changes on local social service agencies. Under the new regulations, organizations currently receiving government funding for an existing program cannot apply for additional funding through gaming. Vicki discussed the results of the survey with the committee. She explained that the survey had a tight timeline which had an impact on the number of responses received. The survey, however, did reveal how dependent organizations are on gaming funds. She also discussed the concern that currently Provincial contracted services have a 10% administrative cap to cover all administrative costs for agencies. Federal programs also have an administrative cap. The administrative caps do not cover the actual costs of running an agency and as a result agencies have been forced to fundraise. Councillor King recommended that the committee research this topic and consider recommending a resolution to Council to bring forward at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) and at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). ACTION: Councillor King will work with Vicki Kipps and CYFN to research both the Gaming Regulation impacts and the Provincial and Federal Administrative contract caps and to develop resolutions for SPAC to consider recommending to Council to bring forward at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) and at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). 5.2 School District #42 Catchment Review Final Report Shawn Matthewson advised the committee that the Catchment Review Final Report has been presented to the School District Board but a decision around the strategy has been tabled to the next meeting. One of the three strategies will be chosen at the next meeting. As a result, no school closures are being considered for this September. Shawn suggested that if any committee members have any comments about the Catchment Review report recommendations that they share this with the Catchment Review Committee. 5.3 Substance Misuse Prevention CYFN Standing Committee Status Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page2 of6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2007 Sue Wheeler advised the CYFN has approved the Substance Misuse Prevention Committee as a Standing Committee of the Child, Youth and Family Network. The committee has already begun work to access funding for the implementation of the final report recommendations. The first step will be to work with the community to prioritize the 33 recommendations. A community workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Maple Ridge Treatment Centre. The community is encouraged to come out and go through a process to help prioritize the recommendations. 5.4 Opening Door Network Sue Wheeler advised the committee that "The Opening Doors Network" has been formed from the work of the Substance Misuse Prevention Task Force. This is a network of front line service providers for youth that focus on addiction services. The network hopes to ensure that "every door is the right door" and that each person gets the right service and treatment by streamlining their continuum of services and working closely together. One of the recommendations the group will look at is the establishment of a youth resource center in our community. The network would like to develop a group presentation for other service providers that explain the individual services and how they work together. Sue advised the committee that this group has a lot of energy and momentum. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21st. 5.5 Service Canada -Canada Summer Jobs Funding Councillor King advised the committee that the Summer Job funding has been restored to last year's level. It was advised that the restoration has been Canada- wide. Councillor Dueck suggested that a letter be sent to Service Canada to ask about how the funding will handled next year. The committee clerk was asked to put this on the agenda for early next year. Action: Staff to prepare a letter to Service Canada requesting information on how funding for Summer Youth Employment funding program will be administered next year. 5.6 Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness -Sub-regional Tables Priority Setting Session Sue Wheeler distributed the Homelessness Partnership Initiatives Funding Priorities and Homeless Community Plan Assessment consultation for the committee's review. The consultation is scheduled for this Friday, June 15th. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1 Spirit of Community Awards -Nomination Forms attached Shawn advised the committee that they still have time to put in an award and the deadline is June 11th. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 of6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2007 6.2 Child, Youth and Family Network Updates V. Kipps Vicki Kipps, Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network discussed the First call Stand up, Stand out awards. She also spoke of the CYFN orientation being presented to individual local social service agency boards of directors. The first session took place and was very successful. CYFN's goal is to educate local boards regarding the benefits of collaboration. Vicki reported that the CYFN has received most of the funding for the coordinator's position and the hiring process will take place over the summer. The Maple Ridge School District has received some funding for Early Learning. Dr. Cranston from School District 42 has been working collaboratively with the community to determine the effective use of the funds. R06-57 Motion was moved and seconded That Randy Cranston be nominated by the Social Planning Advisory Committee for a Stand Up, Stand Out Award CARRIED 6.3 School Community Connections Update 6.4 6.5 Sue Wheeler advised the committee that the School Community Connections has been working through the second phase of the funding. The committee is currently in discussion with School District 42 Maintenance department about what schools can physically support the development of the Hub and Satellites, and which sites can undergo the modifications necessary to meet the criteria established by the committee. There has been great support for this project in the community. Fraser Health and the Ministry of Children and Family Development have both received funding for Early Childhood Development Hubs. Service providers in the community are working to design a service delivery model that will include neighbourhood consultation processes. The goal is to have the MCFD community van be used to support transporting services and programming to the satellite locations. School Neighbourhood Garden Update S. Matthewson Shawn distributed a photo album documenting the development of the garden. The next meeting is next Monday, June 11th . Shawn advised the committee that the next step is to get the garden planted. The committee is now working with the school district staff to support families with financial barriers to access summer recreation programming. The Garden Committee discussed the possibility of working with the Seniors' Society on a mentorship program. Building Community Solutions S. Matthewson Shawn explained that the Coordinator is leaving in June but the committee will be back up in September with some new initiatives. The Farmer's Market will continue through the summer on Saturdays, the youth movie nights will take place once a month. The next meeting will be the third Thursday at the Craft Room at the Ridge Meadows Senior's Centre between 6:30-8:30 and dinner is served. Staff has met with United Way and they have confirmed that they are still supporting the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of6 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2007 6.6 6.7 Communities in Action program. Shawn advised the committee that the Building Community Solutions is working with Fraser Health Authority to provide the Healthy Babies Coupon for expecting and new mother's that attend the Farmers Market to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. The Vancouver Food Policy Coalition is going to study this program to see how this is benefiting the mothers and their babies. Regional Committee on Home/essness/A/ouette Home Start Society Sue Wheeler advised the committee that the Alouette Home Start Society's (AHSS) - Outreach program just had a staff change as David Taylor has left. Sue will be working with the outreach team to ensure everyone knows who the new members of the team are. Vicki Kipps and Community Services have been working with AHSS to look at the feasibility of transitional housing on their building site. AHSS received funds from BC Housing to conduct a feasibility study. Community Services and AHSS have been meeting with a housing consultant and architect to complete the feasibility study for a site that will include the agency services, supportive housing, and commercial space. If the proposed project is determined to be feasible, a further grant will be applied for to proceed with the project. Round Table Shawn Matthewson Shawn Matthewson advised that summer registration has started for the youth programs. She and Sue attended a conference in Abbotsford on how to change a community from "silos to collaboration." Sue would like to have a conversation with United Way on the possibility of bringing these speakers to our region . Andy Libbiter Andy let the committee know that the Matrix Evaluation Report has been written and asked if the committee would like to see the presentation. Connie Schmid Connie Schmid advised the committee that she received first place in her bridge game and will be representing Zone 3 in the BC Senior Games in Nanaimo on September 12-15. The Ridge Meadows Senior Society will host Pioneer Days on July 281h, 2007. Gwen Champagne Gwen Champagne reported that the Community Living will be applying with other community partners for the 2010 Measuring Up Funding program. The proposed project will be designed to support inclusiveness in the community. One initiative is to develop a supportive employment program to get "paying jobs for real work" for people with disabilities. The other initiative, "You Gotta Have Friends" is designed to create opportunities for individuals to build their social networks and develop strong relationships and connections within the community. Linda King Councillor King commended the Community Living group for focusing on their initiative to support individuals with disabilities to develop opportunities for real paying jobs and for taking the leadership in educating community members on the important contributions that these citizens can make to the community. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 of6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2007 Ross Dunning Ross Dunning reported that as he is the accountant for Canada's largest basketball commission; he is in the midst of finalizing scholarship recipients and the basketball commission has given over $32, 000 in scholarships this year to youth in our community. Jim Wakely Jim Wakely advised the committee that his focus this year is on the security of the seniors in our community. The police department will work with the Business Improvement Association as they understand the need for working together in the downtown core. Jim will organize an information forum between the community policing program, the seniors, and youth diversion. Jim would like to offer a safe drivers program for seniors. He would also like to see that all police officers working in the downtown core are known by name within the community. Paul Livingstone Paul was asked to remind the community that if they wish to participate in the One Way Club then they are more then welcome to. Vicki Kipps Vicki Kipps reported that June 21st is National Aboriginal Day and the community is invited to come to the celebration at Community Services. Community Services is going through their first Re-Accreditation. Vicki would like to get the summer students supported through the federal funding together to capture their work experiences for the local media. This would allow the community to see how important this program is. Sue Wheeler Sue Wheeler reported that Homelessness Action Week is in our community on October 16th and we will be working with the Food Policy Roundtable (World Food Day) to host the Stone Soup event. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 First Call Nomination for Stand up -Stand out Award 7.2 Children and Family Development -The Role of Child Care in Enabling British Columbians to Re-enter the Workforce. 8. Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee was scheduled to be on Wednesday, July 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall. Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the meeting was adjourned. gular Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 6 of6