HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2007-07-04 Minutes.pdf) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, July 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Gordon Robson Councillor Judy Dueck Councillor Linda King Ross Dunning Kim Macey, Chair Paul Livingstone Gwen Champagne Lyn Taylor-Scott Candace Gordon Jim Wakely STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sue Wheeler Shawn Matthewson Tracy Camire GUESTS Kathy Chiu Kathy Booth REGRETS/ABSENTS Valerie Spurrell Caroline Wilkins Rick Butler Connie Schmid Vicki Kipps Andy Libbiter Ian Brooks 1. Called to Order and Introductions Council Liaison Council Liaison Community at Large Community at Large Community at Large Community Living BC Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network RCMP Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services Committee Clerk Mountain View Community Church and The Caring Place Community Ministries Ridge Meadows Early Childhood Education Fraser Health Ministry of Children and Family Development School District No. 42, School Trustee Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network Fraser Health Community at Large The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of )51- Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes July 4, 2007 R06-58 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for July 4, 2007 be adopted. 3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting R06-59 Motion was moved and seconded CARRIED That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee June 6, 2007 Regular Meeting adopted. CARRIED 4. Delegations and Presentations 4.1 CYFN Early Childhood Development Asset Mapping Final Report (Kathy Booth) Shawn Matthewson introduced Kathy Booth and reviewed the history of the Asset Mapping project. The Asset Mapping project was funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development. The purpose of the project is to identify assets and gaps in the areas of early childhood development. The information gathered helps support the community to better utilize resources. The project is supported by HELP BC. The Human Early Learning Project has measured the EDI (Early Development Instrument) throughout the province of BC. The EDI measures social competence, emotional maturity, physical well being, cognitive, and speech/communication of children in kindergarten. The Asset Mapping project also did a number of informal processes where community members identified their community and neighbourhood assets. One of the common themes emerging from these meetings is that neighbours are looking for ways to reconnect with others in their neighbourhoods in order to create a community feeling. Kathy Booth demonstrated the ability of the software to show a number of different community assets including the social housing that is available in Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows. The software can layer several results on one map allowing the community to view a number of different indicators at once. This new Census information will be available at the end of 2007 or early 2008. This information will be added to the Asset Mapping data. The Committee then reviewed the childcare and preschools available in Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows with the Population under 5 years of age. This report showed that east Maple Ridge has the highest population of under 5 years of age but the lowest amount of childcare available. The Committee was advised that the Arc Reader program can be downloaded on-line and it's a free program. Shawn Matthewson has a copy of the program. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page2 of 7 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes July 4, 2007 5. Unfinished and New Business 5.1 Ministry of Education -Strong Start Program Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the Ministry of Education currently has the mandate for early learning and literacy. One of the current initiatives is the Strong Start program. This is a free drop-in program for pre-school aged children and their parents/guardians. Shawn advised that the School District #42 had been funded for a Strong Start program. The program will work with parents to support early literacy skills. The program will be play rather than curriculum based. . The Strong Start program has received funding and the Early Childhood Development Committee has selected the Eric Langton School as the first site with a possible January start up for this program. Jim Wakely joined the meeting at 7:33pm Hiring for the Strong Start program will be supported by the Early Childhood Development Committee. 5.2 School District/Parks & Leisure Services Active Kids Club -Funding and Expansion Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that the Active Kids Club which provides after school programs in elementary schools has expanded to four clubs. The program runs everyday after school within the school setting. Children go directly from their classroom into the kids club. The focus is on activity and healthy nutrition. The program is open to students in Grades 1 through 7. Next year the program will be opening two new sites at Blue Mountain Elementary and Davie Jones Elementary. 5.3 Scheduling Fall Business Planning Session The Committee agreed to have the Business Planning Session ½ an hour prior to the September 2007 Social Planning Advisory Committee Meeting. The Committee Clerk was asked to start the September 5th meeting at 6:30pm. ~4 S~ndupS~ndOm Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the nomination for Dr. Randall Cranston has been sent and received by the nominating committee. Dr. Cranston has been informed. The awards will be given out in November. 5.5 CAPC (Community Action Program for Children) Funding The Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) supports projects designed to meet the developmental needs of children between the ages of O and 6. Projects target populations that, based on the determinants of health, are most likely to be at risk. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 of 7 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes July 4, 2007 Through CAPC, the federal government provides ongoing funding to community-based projects that establish and deliver a set of integrated health and social programs to its children and families at risk. CAPC projects are jointly managed by federal, provincial and territorial governments and delivered through regional offices. Project workers customize services to meet the specific needs of their target population. Priority is given to: Families with low incomes Families headed by teenage parents Metis, Inuit and off-reserve First Nations children Recently immigrated or refugee children Children who live in remote or isolated communities Children with developmental delays, social, emotional or behavioural problems Children who have experienced abuse or neglect More than 450 CAPC projects serve over 3,000 communities across Canada. Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the Federal Government is concluding the current CAPC funding program for childcare in March 2008 .. Shawn advised the Committee that there are a lot of programs that use CAPC Funding to enhance services to children and families. Some of the local agencies receiving this funding are: Community Services, Katzie First Nation, Cythera Transition House, Family Education and Support Centre. The Committee will investigate this matter further as no action has been taken at this time. The committee clerk was asked to add this to the September agenda. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1 Spirit of Community Awards -Nomination Forms attached 6.2 Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that there is a good neighbour award nomination for Julie Fell who has done a variety of volunteer work in the community and was nominated by Angie McLeod. Shawn also advised that currently there are no Good Business Awards Child, Youth and Family Network Updates V. Kipps Candace Gordon, Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network, advised the Committee that this organization is hiring a coordinator for CYFN over the summer. It was also advised that the Health Authority have confirmed funding of this project for the year. The Facilitator's Committee is still waiting to hear from the school district with regards to funding. The Committee reviewed the issues around the gaming funding and the restrictions Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of 7 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes July 4, 2007 6.3 6.4 6.5 that are currently being felt by organizations and programs that rely on the gaming funding. School Community Connections Update The Child Youth and Family Network have made a decision to combine the Strong Start ad Community Connections committees into the Hub Committee. There will be a hub of services at one location with 3 satellites at other locations. Many different agencies are involved in the Hub project and will in turn deliver services at the Hub. Currently the School District is reviewing the list of schools and criteria determined by the committee. The list will be compared to the ability of the site to accommodate the Hub. The sites currently under review are Eric Langton and 3 satellite sites-Blue Mountain, Glenwood and Edith McDermott The application for the next round of funding must be made by December 2007. During the current phase, the committee must have site plans ready. The third phase of funding has up to $125,000 available; however, this can only be 25% of the total funding.The rest of the funding must be matched by community resources. The Hub committee has visited a number of other community school sites in the Lower Mainland. The School District has been very supportive of this program. Councillor King this program is publicly funded so it's great to see that the funds are being used. School Neighbourhood Garden Update S. Matthewson The garden has been planted. There will be a number of events based out of the garden throughout the summer months. There will be a few Parks and Leisure programs based out of the garden throughout the summer. Candace stated that children have a square foot to plant seeds of their choice. The plot will be their own for their time at the school. The committee has worked with teachers at the school to develop curriculum around the garden. This is an important component of the garden project. Children have also created signs around the garden. The community has generously donated a number of items. Heather Laity donated a lot of plants including over 200 parsley plants. Matt Laity donated compost. Councillor Hogarth donated organic blueberry bushes. . Building Community Solutions S. Matthewson Shawn Matthewson advised that the Building Community Solutions Coordinator, Angie McLeod, has resigned. The seed grant program is still in place. There are a number of grants available to support strengthening neighbourhoods. Shawn also advised that the Farmer's Market is in full swing and now has fruit and vegetables available. 6.6 Round Table Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 of 7 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes July 4, 2007 Shawn Matthewson Canada Day Celebration was really great and there were so many families there. Shawn wanted to commend staff and volunteers on their contribution to this event. Judy Dueck Councillor Dueck requested that the EDI Asset report be circulated to Council. Councillor Dueck also advised that the LMGA has passed a regulation around banning smoking on patios and door ways. The resolution banned smoking to 7.5 metres away from the door and the Government is going to put a 3.5 metres buffer on this. Councillor Dueck requested that your visit the Government's website www.health.gov.bc.ca\tobacco -to place your concerns. Ross Dunning Ross Dunning advised that he enjoyed his first Building Community Solutions meeting. He also advised that the Mountainview Neighbourhood Group held a community BBQ on June 26th and the Westwood group held a meet and greet on June 15th. Mayor Robson Mayor Robson advised that Heather Steele's position at the CMHA has been funded for another two years. She will continue to support the community's homeless population to access local resources. Mayor Robson also advised that two policemen have been assigned specifically to the downtown core to support community crime prevention initiatives. Mayor Robson also advised the Committee that he has received a letter in regards to a person who solicits door to door for "food bank" donations. This is not permitted in this community. This matter has been turned over to the police for review. Mayor Robson has also been receiving calls about teens addicted to substances. They are referred to the Matrix program. The Mayor also reported that "tagging" or graffiti continues to be a concern in this community. A number of youth involved in this activity have been apprehended. They will be involved in a community restitution program. Translink has awarded Maple Ridge with $50,000 for improvements to the new bridge. The District of Maple Ridge has spent $300,000 on improving accessibility at bus stops in the local area. Jim Wakely Inspector Wakely advised the Committee that the senior's/youth program is going well and has taken on a life of its own. Jim also advised that the Traffic unit is going to organize a Mature Driving program (anyone over the age of 40 can join). Gwen Champagne Gwen advised the Committee about a Supported Employment program that addresses the gap in employment for people with learning disabilities in our community. The local Community Living organization had applied for funding to develop the program but was not successful. However, Community Living BC is still working on this issue. They are hoping to host a breakfast with the Chamber of Commerce featuring testimonials from other employers that have had people with disabilities successfully employed. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 6 of7 \ i Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes July 4, 2007 7. Kathie Chiu Kathie advised the committee that she attended the "Thinking Outside of the Box" conference. The conference centred on homelessness and housing. It was hosted by Shelter BC; if it does occur again Kathie would like to see more people from the community attend. Kathie stated that there were a number of workshops on working with at risk populations The Committee discussed the wait times around receiving TB shots in the community. Staff will look into the current FHA TB protocol. Sue Wheeler A consultant from the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness visited Lower Mainland communities to identify housing priorities in each community. Within our community the major need identified was the need for transitional housing and outreach services. The community has also talked about the need for a support net for families living pay cheque to pay cheque. A small problem can quickly become a large problem putting families at risk of homelessness. The Federal Funding (HIPI) has been announced. The RSCH is currently working on setting priorities for the funding. Many local projects receive funding through HIPI including the Alouette Homestart Society and the Caring Place. The Substance Misuse Prevention Task force has set its priorities for the next three years. They are currently applying to access Health Canada dollars to hire a coordinator to support the community to work on the top priorities. The Committee is also applying for funding to hold a prevention conference in the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows area. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Summit -Cities Fit for Children 7.2 Children and Family Development -The Role of Child Care in Enabling British Columbians to Re-enter the Workforce First Call -Chamber of Commerce: supporting childcare as an important part of our community. Business community is supporting childcare at a 8. Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee was scheduled to be on Wednesday, September 5, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall. Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the meeting was adjourned. The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m . Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 7 of 7