HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2007-09-05 Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney
Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Wednesday, September 5, 2007 at 7:00 p.m .
Councillor Linda King
Ross Dunning
Kim Macey, Chair
Andy Libbiter
Ian Brooks
Candace Gordon
Connie Schmid
Mayor Gordon Robson
Shawn Matthewson
Tracy Camire
Councillor Judy Dueck
Paul Livingstone
Gwen Champagne
Valerie Spurrell
Caroline Wilkins
Rick Butler
Vicki Kipps
Jim Wakely
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Kathy Chiu
1. Called to Order and Introductions
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Community at Large
Fraser Health
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Staff Liaison, Parks & Leisure Services
Committee Clerk
Council Liaison
Community at Large
Community Living BC
Fraser Health
Ministry of Children and Family
School District No. 42, School Trustee
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Mountain View Community Church and The Caring
Place Community Ministries
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Ros-so Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for September 5, 2007 be adopted with the following additions1 ,
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2007
5.4 Motion -letter to Randy Hawes
6.5 Review of Committee Members
7.2 Community Food Security Assessment
7.3 Working Together for Healthy and Inclusive Communities
7.4 Letter of support -MR/PM Community services Society Redevelopment Partnership
with Alouette Home Start Society
7.5 First Call, Stand UP Stand OUT
3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
R06-61 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee July 4, 2007 Regular Meeting
4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil
5. Unfinished and New Business
5.1 CAPC Funding Update
Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the Community Action Plan for
Children (CAPC) provides long term funding to community coalitions to fund
programs that address the health and development of children (0-6 years) who are
living in conditions of risk. This program has a strong emphasis on community
delivered programs. The Federal Gov has not confirmed that this funding will
continue nor have they announced a replacement for the funding program. Shawn
also advised the Committee of some statistical information regarding what this
funding has accomplished to date.
R06-62 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Social Planning Advisory Committee write a letter in support of the CAPC
Funding to Randy Kamp along with the Chair of the Federal Standing Committee on
Health and all the Parliamentary chairs.
5.2 UBCM Motion -Provincial resources for Social Planning Update
This motion has been accepted as a "B Category" at the UBCM meeting in
September. Councillor King suggested that the committee send an email to Council
to advise them that this motion is included and will be discussed at the UBCM
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2007
Mayor Gordon Robson joined the meeting at 7:26 pm.
Shawn Matthewson will send an email to Council to remind them that someone will
need to be present at this meeting to support this motion.
5.3 Family Resource Fair
Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the Family Resource Fair will take
place Saturday, November 3rd at Haney Place Mall and there are a number of
organizations that participate in this event.
5.4 Motion -Letter to Randy Kamp
R06-63 Motion was moved and seconded
The Committee would like to send a letter of appreciation to Randy Kamp for the funding of summer
students staff and the Committee looks forward to having these students again next year.
Child, Youth and Family Network Updates V. Kipps
Candace Gordon, of the Child, Youth and Family Network advised the Committee that
they have not met over the summer however; they met yesterday to get ready after
the summer break. Candace advised that their big piece of work has been the hiring
of a coordinator for the CYFN. Candace also advised the Committee that the
following positions are also open; The Early Childhood Development Committee
Coordinator, Community Solutions Coordinator, and Strong Start Coordinator. The
CYFN will meet again in late September with the facilitator's committee and
representation from each committee, and hopefully by the end of September the
CYFN will know what they need in the way of positions. The CYFN requested funding
of all partner's for a commitment of 3 years.
Candace Gordon also advised that the CYFN Website has been reworked and is ready
for testing. Agencies will begin testing the website in late fall.
School Community Connections Update
Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that they are now in the 2nd phase of this
project. This phase involves research and planning. The committee has developed a
list of needs for the Hub site. The committee is also working with the School District
on an asset inventory list. The two lists will be used to determine the best site for the
hub and satellites. The committee will be doing some neighbourhood consultation in
conjunction with the Strong Start initiative. The School Community Connections is
now waiting for the Asset Report List back from the School District before moving
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2007
School Neighbourhood Garden Update C. Gordon
Candace Gordon advised the Committee that the School Neighbourhood Garden has
blossomed over the summer. Candace also advised that there was vandalism in the
garden with the sunflower garden being mowed down and the pumpkins were
smashed. There is a full schedule of activities for the garden with the school using
"The Patterns through the Season" curriculum developed by Evergreen. The
Neighbourhood Garden is looking at doing an event at the end of the month with the
Farmer's Market. The Neighbourhood Garden will give the kids a coupon for an apple
if they attend the Farmer's Market on September 29th. The final evaluation is due in
to the UBCM by November 1 st.
Building Community Solutions S. Matthewson
Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the Building Community Solutions
didn't meet over the summer but has had a record of 18 or 19 seed grant events this
year. Some of the outcomes from the seed grants have been a walking club where
parents walk their children to school, and a babysitting co-op. Meetings are on the
3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Ridge Meadows Senior Center.
6.5 Committee Members
Anyone that is interested in joining any of the current committees is asked to email
the Committee Clerk.
6.5 Round Table
Ross Dunning
Busy summer and helped organized a conference in New Found land.
Andy Libbiter
Andy advised the Committee that the Maple Ridge Treatment Center has posted a
nurse practitioner (only given 90 days to recruit) position but is having difficulties
hiring someone within the timeline. Andy is hoping that they receive an extension on
the hiring timeline. The Treatment Centre has hired a new concurrent disorders
Andy Libbiter left the meeting at 7:59 pm
Candace Gordon
Alouette Home Start Society is having their AGM on the September 12th at Cythera
Transition House. The Society is moving forward with their proposal with the CSC and
it is important to show support for this Society.
Mayor Robson left the meeting at 8:02 pm
Kim Macey suggested that "AG M's and reminders" is added to future agendas beside
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2007
Linda King
Linda King asked the Committee which organization is the most supportive right now
of providing lost cost, no cost housing. The Committee agreed that this would be
Alouette Homestart Society.
Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that communities need to provide a
continuum of housing-emergency shelter, transitional and supportive housing, low
income/affordable housing, non-market and market housing. It is important to
maintain federal funding in order to meet the needs of a growing community. The
GVRD Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness publishes current information
on housing.
A discussion took place on affordable housing and how our community can support
this. Shawn Matthewson will bring a list of housing resources that are available.
Connie Schmidt
Connie Schmidt advised the Committee that the Pioneer Festival was a success at
the Seniors' Center.
Shawn Matthewson
Maple Ridge Mountain Festival is supporting the Spirit of Wood Festival on
September 22nd and is working with the Farmer's Market and the Senior's Centre.
The downtown core Spirit Square design forum is being held tomorrow at the Maple
Ridge Municipal Hall. 3000 children went through the programs this summer.
7.1 Letter of Support -Caring Place application HP/ Funding.
Mayor Robson wanted to give his thoughts on the letter of support for the Caring
Place HPI funding. Mayor Robson advised the Committee that Maple Ridge does not
need this funding at this time and that he does not support this funding initiative.
7.2 Community Food Security Assessment
FHA commissioned this study on Food Security in our region. SPAC participated in
the consultation process. This is the outcome of that assessment.
7.3 Working Together for Healthy and Inclusive Communities
7.4 Letter of support -MR/PM Community Services Society Redevelopment Partnership
with Alouette Home Start Society
7.5 First Call, Stand Up, Stand Out
The Committee has changed the awards night to Wednesday, October 17th at
Fraserview Hall in Vancouver and the tickets are $35.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2007
8. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee was scheduled to be on
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall.
Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the meeting was
'\,t., 1 ' T~~ Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:3 p.m.
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