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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room
at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Judy Dueck
Councillor Linda King
Gwen Champagne
Kathy Chiu
Inspector Wakely
Kim Macey, Chair
Rick Butler
Andy Libbiter
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Connie Schmid
Cheryl Ashlie
Vicki Kipps
Ian Brooks
Sue Wheeler
Shawn Matthewson
Tracy Camire
Mike Murray
Christine DiGiamberardine
Marika Sandrelli
Caroline Wilkins
Ross Dunning
Paul Livingstone
1. Called to Order and Introductions
Council Liaison
Council Liaison
Community Living BC
Mountain View Community Church and The Caring Place
Community at Large
School District No. 42, School Trustee
Fraser Health
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
School District No. 42, School Trustee
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Community at Large
Director, Community Services
Recreation Coordinator, Social Planning
Committee Clerk
GM , Community Development, Parks & Recreation Svcs
Recreation Coordinator, Neighbourhood Development
Matrix Program , Fraser Health
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Community at Large
Community at Large
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m .
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Ros-01 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for January 16, 2008 be adopted with the following changes;
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January16, 2008
5.3 Community Living BC 10/10 Changes
3.0 Should read "Minutes of December 5, 2007"
3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
Ros-02 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee December 5, 2007 Regular Meeting
be adopted as circulated.
4. Delegations and Presentations
4.1 Balancing Protection & Enforcement: Reducing Violence against Street-Level Sex Workers
in Maple Ridge -Marika Sandrel/i, Matrix Program
Inspector Wakely introduced Marika Sandrelli, the coordinator of the Matrix Program. He
explained that the RCMP and other community partners are working together to educate the
community and to work toward building a more balanced approach between protection and
enforcement in the area of working with the street workers. It is clear to the RCMP and
Matrix that many of the women involved are victims of violence and many have addiction
issues. The RCMP and Matrix are working to build trust with local sex trade workers in an
effort to connect them to the resources that can support them. Marika defined some of the
issues facing sex trade workers and some of the implications for the community.
Marika Sandrelli advised the Committee that there is a grant that she is hoping to work with ·
community partners to apply for some funding to increase the ability to support these
ACTION ITEM Staff was requested to follow up with Ms. Sandrelli on this application.
Marika Sandrelli left the meeting at 8:09p.m.
The Chair introduced Cheryl Ashlie to the committee as a representative from School
District. No. 42
5. Unfinished and New Business
5.1 Council Request for Recommendation -Retaining and Expanding Market Rental Housing in
the City of North Vancouver (Letter and Report Attached)
The Mayor of the City of North Vancouver has sent a letter to all municipalities in the UBCM,
asking for support around a number of resolutions that deal with the retention and
expansion of market rental housing. Council has asked SPAC to comment on the letter. The
Committee discussed the implications of supporting the resolutions.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January16, 2008
The committee members were asked to review the report again and discuss at the next
regular meeting in February.
ACTION ITEM: Staff was requested to review the report and prepare a recommendation
to be reviewed at the next meeting.
5.2 2008 SPAC Committee Appointments
■ Community Spirit Awards -Kim Macey, Linda King
■ Celebrating Solutions -Kim Macey; Vicki Kipps
■ Building Community Solutions -Ian Brooks, Connie Schmidt ,Christine DiGiamberardine
■ Substance Misuse Prevention Standing Committee of CYFN -Judy Dueck, Lyn Taylor-
Scott, Inspector Wakely, Cheryl Ashlie
■ Resource Fair -no one volunteered at this time.
5.3 Community Living BC 10/10 Changes
Gwen Champagne advised the Committee that the 2010 Legacy Now project (which
promotes sustainable projects in the community that lead up to the Olympics and beyond) is
working on many projects. One of the programs that the project is working on is the
Measuring Up Initiative to improve the Accessibility Issues within the community. Ms.
Champagne also advised the Committee that Maple Ridge was awarded a $30,000 grant of
which $15, 000 has been spent to create a employment opportunity for people with
developmental disabilities. The Municipal Events Trailer is staffed to take it to/from events
and ensures that it's fully stocked. The Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessible Issues
is holding a Community Forum in February to work through the tool kit to identify issues in
Maple Ridge and will be addressing all kinds of disabilities within our community. Members
of SPAC are invited to participate in this process. The 10/10 Challenge is to increase the
employment of individuals with disabilities by 10% prior to 2010.
6.1 Child, Youth and Family Network Updates V. Kipps
Vicki Kipps advised the Committee that the CYFN Coordinator position has been posted
and interviews will take place next week. Ms. Kipps also advised that this position will
provide support and structure at the CYFN. The Early Childhood Development
Committee is currently working on marketing and business planning. The Volunteer
lnteragency Committee has hired a Volunteer Coordinator named Rhonda O'Grady. She
will be working out of Community Services for now.
6.2 School Community Connections Update
Shawn Matthewson advised that the Community Connections Committee has been
successful in obtaining the 3rd phase of funding for the project. The committee has
received $124,900 to fund the renovation of the HUB and satellite sites, and to support
integration of services. The Committee will meet in early February.
6.3 School Neighbourhood Garden Update
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January16, 2008
Amended as per
the Regular
Minutes Dated:
February 6, 2008
Christine DiGiamberardine advised the Committee that the School Garden Committee is
focused on strengthening and fine tuning the existing program at Glenwood with a goal
to expand the garden to other schools. Funding in the amount of $2,000 is available for
each school from the Toyota Evergreen Foundation annually. The Funds run from Sept to
The Glenwood project didn't spend the entire UBCM grant by the grant deadline, so they
were given a three month extension to spend the rest on more inventory for this year.
The Glenwood Garden youth are working on a presentation on their garden project in
hopes to recruit volunteers to help with the garden project (seniors to make a sign for
the garden as they have a carving program) and looking at promoting the garden
throughout the community. They will be presenting at the BCTF teachers conference on
Feb 13th and to the Maple Ridge ·Garden Club in March.
6.4 Building Community Solutions
We are currently in the process of preparing the final report and applying to United Way
for the next round of funding. Nineteen neighbourhood seeds grants were awarded in
the last round of funding. This is a record number.
6.5 Round Table
Cheryl Ashlie •
Cheryl Ashlie advised the Committee that the School District has just received approval
to purchase a new elementary school and are lool<ing at creating will ask the board to
consider a Daycare within the School. Ms. Ashlie would like to see this happen at any
future schools going forward.
Vicki Kipps
Vicki Kipps thanked everyone who attended or helped with the Country Christmas
Concert. The concert raised over $18.000 for seniors to receive Meals on Wheels.
Kathie Chiu
Kathie Chiu advised that The Caring Place had a great Christmas but lost one staff.
Annual retreat has been moved to January and therefore they need to have their budgets
done by the end of the week. The Caring Place requested a budget increase which was
approved by BC Housing. This has in effect almost doubled their budget for the year and
they are now able to hire 1 or 2 more positions and this will make such a difference.
Linda King
Councillor King wanted to assure the Committee that the issue around affordable
housing is not sitting on the back burner and being ignored; Council is planning a tour in
the near future to review different housing models on the continuum of housing.
Inspector Wakely
Inspector Wakely advised the Committee that he received a letter from the Ridge
Meadows Seniors' Society in regards to senior abuse; in particular financial abuse is a
concern. Ray Koob from RMSS had raised this as a community issue at the December
SPAC meeting.
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Wednesday, January16, 2008
SPAC members agreed that this is a serious community concern and commended RMSS
for bringing this very important issue forward. The committee brainstormed a list of local
resources that are available in our community which could support the seniors in
addressing this issue. Vicki Kipps from Community Services and Inspector Wakely from
RCMP agreed to meet with RMSS to connect them to these resources. It was noted that
there was formerly a network of agencies, funded by Fraser Health, which had worked
together on issue of senior abuse. Inspector Wakely will report back at a future
Connie Schmidt
Connie Schmidt advised the Committee that she has been Involved with helping her
eldest daughter move back to Canada from England. She has been impressed with the
local services that have supported her daughter in this transition.
Shawn Matthewson
Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that Parks and Leisure Services and other
community partners have been successful in their application for a UBCM community
health promotion grant. "Beyond the Walls" is an initiative designed to keep children,
youth, and their families healthy. Shawn also advised that the Early Childhood
Development Asset mapping, EDI results and the subsequent research report will be
completed in March. The ECD coordinator will make a presentation at a future meeting.
The Child, Youth and Family Network also applied for a UBCM health promotion grant in
partnership with the City of Pitt Meadows. The application was also successful; "Listen
to Us" will address the needs of youth and redefine the Integrated Case Management
process as it pertains to children , youth and their families.
Sue Wheeler
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that the Health Canada Drug Strategy Grant that
the Substance Misuse Prevention Committee has been waiting for was recently
announced. The grant is for 3 years of funding. SMP Committee will be applying and as
the grant is due by the end of February it is likely that the group will be requesting SPAC's
endorsement at the February meeting.
7.1 DSCIF Call for proposals 2007
8. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee is scheduled to be on
Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall.
Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the meeting was adjourned.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January16, 2008
Chairperson C&-f
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