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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room
at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Judy Dueck
Councillor Linda King
Inspector Wakely
Council Liaison
Council Liaison
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Cheryl Ashlie
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
School District No. 42, School Trustee
Ian Brooks
Betty Levens
Ross Dunning
Paul Livingstone
Sue Wheeler
Shawn Matthewson
Tracy Camire
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Director, Community Services
Recreation Coordinator, Social Planning
Committee Clerk
Mike Murray GM, Community Development, Parks & Recreation Svcs
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Caroline Wilkins
Kathy Chiu
Gwen Champagne
Rick Butler
Mountain View Community Church and The Caring Place
Community Living BC
Kim Macey, Chair
Andy Libbiter
School District No. 42, School Trustee
Community at Large
Fraser Health
Vicki Kipps
Connie Schmid
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
1. Called to Order and Introductions
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
Ian Brooks will chair the meeting as Kim Macey is absent.
Introductions of the Committee were made.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R08-03 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for February 6, 2008 be adopted with the following addition;
Item 5.7 Council Supportive Housing Tour
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
R08-04 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee January 16, 2007 Regular Meeting
be adopted with the following
Page 4 Item 6.5 roundtable under Cheryl Ashlie should read
"Cheryl Ashlie advised the Committee that the School District has just received approval to
purchase a new elementary school and will ask the board to consider a Daycare within the
Header information change to read January 16, 2008
4. Delegations and Presentations -Nil
5. Unfinished and New Business
5.1 District of Maple Ridge -Performance Reporting Roundtable Discussion Invitation
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that Laura Benson, Manager of Sustainability will
be hosting a workshop on Performance Reporting for the District of Maple Ridge and
would like a representative from the Social Planning Advisory Committee to be in
attendance. Jim Wakely and Ross Dunning volunteered to go to this workshop. The
Committee Clerk was asked to forward this information on to Laura Benson .
5.2 Retaining and Expanding Market Rental Housing in the City of North Vancouver -Staff
Sue Wheeler reminded the Committee of the request forwarded to SPAC from Council
requesting a recommendation on the City of North Vancouver's request of support in
urging the Federal Government to make Federal Tax changes to encourage new rental
and affordable housing units in all communities. This item was discussed at the January
Social Planning Advisory Committee meeting with the committee agreeing that the larger
scope of the federal role in addressing homelessness needed to be considered. During
that discussion staff was asked to prepare and bring forward a recommendation for the
committee's consideration. Staff advised that they had reviewed the report together
with the Regional Affordable Housing Strategy and prepared a recommendation for
Sue Wheeler then reviewed the staff recommendation with the Committee.
Cheryl Ashlie advised the Committee that it would be interesting to see if North
Vancouver has had any other municipalities' support this report and we should advise
them what our community is putting forward.
Councillor King recommended forwarding this recommendation on to our Council with a
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
note to acknowledge North Vancouver's work as it signalled our community to create our
own message.
R08-05 Motion was moved and seconded
ThatSPAC forward the following staff recommendations to Council
That SPAC forward a recommendation to Council requesting the support of the
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) call for the federal government to develop a
National Affordable Housing Strategy, as is outlined in the proposed action items of the
Metro Vancouver Regional Affordable Housing Strategy.
That SPAC recognizes that rental housing is an integral part of the continuum of housing
and that need for the development of rental housing be addressed within the update to
the District of Maple Ridge Affordable Housing Strategy and the development of a
Housing Action Plan with this work to begin in 2009.
That under the 2009 work plan, SPAC work with the District of Maple Ridge Planning
Department to form an Affordable Housing Working Group comprised of a variety of
stakeholders to develop recommendations to be considered for the update of the
Affordable Housing Strategy and the development of a community Housing Action Plan.
Measuring Up Forum Update -February 21, 2008 7:00-9:00 pm at Hammond
Community Centre
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that the Municipal Advisory Committee on
Accessibility Issues has invited member of the Social Planning Advisory Committee to
participate in the Measuring Up Forum.
ACTION ITEM: The Committee Clerk was requested to send event details to the
Committee in regards to the Measuring UP Forum.
5.4 Regional Homelessness Count 2008 -3 Ways to Home Newsletter (attached)
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that a local group of service providers and
volunteers has come together to work on the count. The count will take place on March
11 at midnight (for the overnight count) and will include counts from the following
emergency housing programs: The Caring Place, Cythera, and the Iron Horse Youth Safe
House. Ms. Wheeler also advised that the Day Count will take place between 6am-6pm
on March 11. Alouette Home Start Society's Outreach Workers and staff from the Caring
Place will be working with community volunteers to conduct the day-time count which
includes a survey where a variety of self-reported information is captured. Staff advised
that the 2008 count is very organized and all of the key organizations are already
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that the purpose of the count is to give a
demographic profile, to identify trends, and to determine needs for services within
communities. Identifying needs and gaps helps communities apply for funding and
evaluate current services.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
The Committee discussed the complex nature of homelessness including lack of
affordable or supportive housing; low income; chronic or acute heath concerns; mental
health concerns or addictions. The Committee would like to invite Randy Kamp and
Michael Sather to a future meeting to discuss these concerns.
ACTION ITEM Invite Randy Kamp to a future meeting to discuss the need for housing
along the affordable housing continuum. Invite Michael Sather to future
meetings to discuss the need for appropriate and adequate support
services to address homelessness.
5.5 Safe Streets Grant -Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General -update
After the presentation by Marika Sandrelli at the January SPAC meeting regarding
balancing the need for support services with the need for enforcement in regards to the
Sex Trade Workers, SPAC were asked to follow up with Marika to offer support in the
Safe Streets Grant application. Ms. Wheeler advised that Marika Sandrelli is currently
applying for three other community grants and once these are complete she will pursue
this funding application. This funding program has an ongoing intake process for
applications. Staff will keep the committee updated on the progress of this application.
5.6 Health Canada Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund -Substance Misuse
Prevention Committee Application -Request for Endorsement
Cheryl Ashlie reviewed the Substance Misuse Prevention Committee Application with the
Committee and advised the Committee that they would like endorsement from the Social
Planning Advisory Committee to apply for this funding. Ms. Ashlie also advised that the
funding support and augment current work in the community focused on building
resiliency in children and youth.
The Committee discussed the funding options and the application process.
Staff reviewed the four streams of funding that are available with the Committee.
• Informing and educating the public about illicit drugs and adverse health and
social effects of use among youth
• Facilitating the development of healthy attitudes, resiliency and coping skills
among youth to avoid engaging in drug use
• Promoting healthy behaviours and supportive environments that discourage drug
use (aka Substitution activities)
• Improving access to proven approaches to reduce drug use among vulnerable
R08-06 Motion was moved and seconded
That SPAC supports the Substance Misuse Prevention Committee Application and
recommends this to go to Council for approval.
5. 7 Council Supportive Housing Tour
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
Sue Wheeler advised the Committee that as a result of the Alouette Home Start Society's
presentation on Affordable Housing and their proposed Supportive Housing project,
Council requested a tour of similar supportive housing projects in the Lower Mainland.
On Monday, February 11th at 12:30 pm there will be a 17 passenger bus available for
those who wishing to attend the tour. The tour will visit Hyland House in Surrey and one
of the Coastal Mental Housing Foundation apartments in Vancouver. All members of
SPAC are invited.
6.1 Child, Youth and Family Network Updates
In Vicki Kipps absence, Sue Wheeler provided the CYFN update. Ms. Wheeler advised
the Committee that by the end of the week the CYFN will be able to offer a contract to
the new CYFN Coordinator.
Ms. Wheeler outlined the presentation schedule for the CYFN:
■ February -Sheila McLaughlin from Alouette Home Start Society with an
Affordable Housing Update;
■ March-Jeff Callbick from United Way of the Lower Mainland on the middle years
(9 to 12 years of age) health indicators research and upcoming funding program;
■ April-Roberta O'Brien from the CYFN 's ECO Committee presenting on Asset
Mapping/ Early Development Indicator (ED)I Research.
Shawn Matthewson advised that the Early Childhood Development Committee hired a
coordinator in November who is working on the strategic plan and integration of services.
Ms. Matthewson also advised the Committee that the CYFN 's Literacy Committee will be
hiring a coordinator to focus on the most significant gap; adult literacy. The community
is working with Community Services and the Ridge Meadows Senior's Society to address
the potential need for a senior's resource networking table.
School Community Connections Update
Shawn Matthewson advised the Committee that the School Community Connections had
their first meeting since the New Year and were successful with the 3rd phase
application. The committee is asking service providers to identify needs in terms of
delivering services. There is over $260,000 in funding to make capital renovations to
the "Hub" and three satellite locations. The planning work for this project is expected to
take place over the next several months, with renovations scheduled for the summer
6.3 Round Table
Jim Wakely
Inspector Wakely advised the Committee that on Feb 11th at 9:30am the Vancouver City
Police will be coming out to do a training session on how to build trust with sex trade
workers. Inspector Wakely has opened this up to any interested groups. Derrick Keist
and Inspector Wakely met with Community Services on Jan 23rd to discuss the issue of
elder abuse which was raised by the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society at a previous SPAC
meeting. Inspector Wakely also advised the Committee that the Victoria Task Force on
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Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2008
DRAFT -Subject to approval
Homelessness went to Portland, Oregon to review some of the successes this city has
had in addressing homelessness. He suggested that the Social Planning Advisory
Committee organize another trip to Victoria to find out how they are implementing some
of these findings.
Ross Dunning
Ross Dunning advised the Committee that he is currently organizing 160 Basketball
games through Fraser Valley.
Shawn Matthewson
Shawn Matthewson reviewed an article from the Vancouver Sun regarding mental health
issues in Vancouver.
7.1 Federation of Canadian Municipalities -Trends & Issues in Affordable Housing and
7.2 How to Support Canadian Co-ops in Under Five Minutes -BC Co-operative Association
Ros-01 Motion was moved and seconded
THAT SPAC forward to Council a recommendation of support for the request of the
Canadian Co-Op Association for a renewed and expanded CDI program and that Council
consider sending a resolution to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities convention
about this matter
7.3 Canada Day Celebration -Volunteers
8. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee is scheduled to be on
Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney Room , Maple Ridge Municipal Hall.
Upon no further discussion coming from the Committee members, the meeting was adjourned.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
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