HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2008-07-02 Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road , Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday, July 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Judy Dueck Inspector Wakely Candace Gordon Kathie Chiu Councillor Linda King Cheryl Ashlie Lyn Taylor-Scott Ian Brooks, Vice Chair Bob Jones STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Shawn Matthewson Lynn Marchand Mike Murray Christine DiGiamberardine REGRETS/ABSENTS Betty Levens Gwen Champagne Caroline Wilkin Ross Dunning Kim Macey, Chair Andy Libbiter Gordon Hall Paul Livingstone Bob Masse Tom Meier Vicki Kipps Connie Schmid GUESTS Eileen Dwillies Elke Knechtel Council Liaison RCMP Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network Mountain View Community Church and The Caring Place Ministry of Children and Family Development School District No. 42, School Trustee Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Community at Large Business Improvement Association Community Services Committee Clerk General Manager, Community Development Recreation Coordinator Neighbourhood Development Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Community Living BC Ministry of Children and Family Development Community at Large Community at Large Fraser Health Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Youth Council Community at Large Business Improvement Association Business Improvement Association Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Fam ily Network Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Haney Farmer's Market, Secretary Haney Farmer's Market, Chair 1. Called to Order and Introductions -7:06 p.m. 2. Adoption of the Agenda ROS-15 Motion was moved and seconded Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes July 2, 2008 That the Agenda for July 2, 2008 be adopted with the following deletion; 5.3 Traction for Community Action, Social Planning Conference Report deferred until September 3, 2008. 3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting ROS-16 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 7, 2008 be adopted 4. Delegations and Presentations 4.1 Haney Farmer's Market Presentation -Eileen Dwillies and Elke CARRIED CARRIED Eileen Dwillies and Elke Knechtel gave a PowerPoint presentation providing information about the Farmer's Market which runs Saturdays from May until October in the Memorial Peace Park. Further information can be accessed using their website www.haneyfarmersmarket.org. Ms. Dwillies and Ms. Knechtel left the meeting at 7:35 p.m. 5. Unfinished and New Business 5.1 Accessibility Awards Nomination -Shawn Matthewson Shawn Matthewson gave an update on the Accessibility Awards nominations, School District 42 Operations, as nominated by the Social Planning Advisory Committee were successful .. 5.2 CYFN Roundtable Discussion on "Middle Years " -Shawn Matthewson Shawn Matthewson gave an overview of the new initiative through The United Way which addresses the ages 6 through 12. The Child Youth and Family Network have sent a letter of intent to The United Way for funding for a planning table. This funding will support community planning and research. This committee will become a standing committee of the Child, Youth and Family Network. 5.3 Traction for Community Action, Social Planning Conference -Sue Wheeler Deferred until September 3, 2008 meeting. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 2 of5 } Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes July 2, 2008 5.4 Celebrating Solutions -Youth and Addressing Homelessness Process Update and Presentation Shawn Matthewson and Christine DiGiamberardine gave a PowerPoint presentation; The Power of Storytelling. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1 Spirit of Community Awards (Nominations for Good Neighbour and Business Awards) Linda King and Judy Dueck advised that a brief presentation was made at the Canada Day celebration to the recipients of the Spirit of Community Awards. The recipients of the Awards are as follows: ► John Macdonald, Good Neighbour Award -Ind ividual ► Klaus and Betty Von Harden berg, Good Neighbour Award -Family ► The Ridge Coffee Roasting Company, Good Business Award (under 25 employees) ► Macdonald Realty Ltd., Good Business Award (over 25 employees) 6.2 Child, Youth and Family Network Updates Candace Gordon advised the Committee that she will now be the primary attendee and Vicki Kipps will be the alternate. It was confirmed by Shawn Matthewson that a letter confirming the new arrangement is required. Ms. Gordon further advised that the last Community Snapshot was completed in 2001 and that the update of the information will be completed this fall. There was a presentation around the Suicide Risk Assessment Tool at the last CYFN meeting. It was identified that the tool needs reviewing and updating. The tool is a valuable resource for schools and it will be necessary to seek a funding source for reprinting. Cheryl Ashlie suggested a technology format regarding the suicide prevention so that principals and/or any interested party could access current information easily. 6.3 School Community Connections Update Christine DiGiamberardine gave an update on the School Community Connections, a UBCM and Ministry of Education program that supports the community use of schools. The committee is seeking input from the neighbourhood and community as to how they envision the school being used. Eric Langton Elementary is the designated "Hub" and is currently undergoing renovations. Ms. DiGiamberardine advised that four additional sites have been identified as possible satellites: Davie Jones Elementary; Blue Mountain Elementary; Glenwood Elementary and Hammond Elementary. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes July 2, 2008 6.4 Building Community Solutions Update Christine DiGiamberardine advised the Committee that the Building Community Solutions program started in 2001 .. Ms. DiGiamberardine advised that Elaine Yamamoto has been hired as the coordinator of the program and additional funding from the United Way has been received. The Seed Grant program which allows community members to apply for $100 to hold neighbourhood building events is growing with a total of 16 grants having been completed this year. 6.3 Round Table Cheryl Ashlie Ms. Ashlie reported on the high school graduation ceremonies and advised vandalism at schools continues to be a costly concern, especially heading into summer. Kathie Chiu Ms. Chiu advised that the Caring Place will be starting a fully staffed day time program and will be able to support referrals from local community organizations for clients to have showers or do laundry at the Caring Place. Bob Jones Mr. Jones reported that the BIA now has a newsletter and website. The website can be found at www.downtownmapleridge.ca. Inspector Wakely Ridge Meadows RCMP detachment provided details of the pilot project involving Community Safety Officers. Councillor King Councillor King advised that Meals on Wheels of Victoria has folded largely due to the cost of fuel. She suggested that the impact of fuel costs on local organizations like Meals on Wheels be reviewed on a future agenda. Lyn Taylor-Scott Ms. Scott announced that this year is the fiftieth anniversary of the Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living. Christine DiGiamberardine Ms. DiGiamberardine reported on the success of Canada Day and the Glenwood Neighbourhood Garden project. Shawn Matthewson Ms. Matthewson reported that summer programming has begun and over forty staff have been hired. The Service Canada grants will be used to support staffing costs. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of5 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes July 2, 2008 7. CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 Studies don't support fears of social housing 7.2 Vancouver Community Forums -Foster Children Story 7.3 First Call Weekly Announcements 7.4 Municipalities to be allowed to exempt DCC's? http://www.leg.bc.ca/38th4th/1st read/gov27-1.htm 7.5 Community Plan Update 2007-2009 http://www.gvrd.bc.ca/home/essness/pdfs/Community Plan Update 2008.pdf 7.6 Maple Ridge 2007 Citizen's Report (limited copies available at meeting) The correspondence was circulated to the Committee with no discussion. 8. Next Meeting The next Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Blaney Room at the Maple Ridge Municipal Hall. 8. Adjournment -9:15 pm Chairperson /Im Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 of5