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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room
at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Judy Dueck
Candace Gordon
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Ian Brooks, Vice Chair
Connie Schmid
Paul Livingstone
Gwen Champagne
Kim Macey, Chair
Ross Dunning
Andy Libbiter
Alex Bodden, Staff Sgt.
Betty Levens
Shawn Matthewson
Lynn Marchand
Sue Wheeler
Caroline Wilkin
Gordon Hall
Bob Masse
Tom Meier
Bob Jones
Inspector Wakely
Councillor Linda King
Kathie Chiu
Cheryl Ashlie
1. Called to Order and Introductions
Council Liaison
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Community at Large
Community Living BC
Community at Large
Community at Large
Fraser Health
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Community Services
Committee Clerk
Director of Community Services
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Youth Council
Business Improvement Association
Business Improvement Association
Business Improvement Association
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Mountain View Community Church and The Caring Place
School District No. 42, School Trustee
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Ros-11 Motion was moved and seconded
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2008
That the Agenda for September 3, 2008 be adopted with the following additions;
5. 7 Resignation of Gordon Hall, Youth Representative
5.8 Planning meeting
3. Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting
Ros-i s Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 2, 2008 be adopted
4. Delegations and Presentations
A brief discussion took place amongst the Committee regarding the health issues of Inspector Wakely.
ACTION ITEM: Parks & Leisure staff will send a card to Inspector Wakely on behalf of the Social
Planning Advisory Committee.
5. Unfinished and New Business
5.1 Provincial Nesika Awards -Nomination Recommendation
Shawn Matthewson gave an overview of the 2008 Provincial Nesika Awards which recognizes
outstanding individuals, organizations and communities for exceptional initiatives that bring people
together and demonstrate the benefits of cultural diversity. Ms. Matthewson suggested that the
Committee approve the nomination of Unity in Diversity for the award.
ROS-19 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Social Planning Advisory Committee support the nomination of Unity in Diversity for the
2008 Provincial Nesika Awards
5.2 Health Canada Drug Strategy Community Investment Fund:
CYFN Substance Misuse Prevention Committee Application -update
Sue Wheeler gave an update on the CYFN Substance Misuse Prevention Committee application. Ms.
Wheeler advised that the grant application for funding under the Health Canada Drug Prevention
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2008
Strategy Community Fund for funding of $800,000 over two years was endorsed by both the Committee
and Maple Ridge Council. However, a request from Health Canada was received requesting that the
application be resubmitted with a substantially lower funding request, approximately $100,000 per year
for the 3 year funding period. Ms. Wheeler advised that the grant application has been resubmitted in
the amount of $300,000 over three years and gave an overview of how the amount was reduced in
order to apply within the grant guidelines. Ms. Wheeler shared that the Substance Misuse Prevention
Committee is awaiting the announcement of the final outcome of the grant application process.
5.3 UBCM Housing and Homelessness Questionnaire -Council Response
Sue Wheeler gave an overview and circulated the "UBCM Questionnaire -Affordable Housing &
Homelessness" that was received by Council for the summer months. As the questionnaire was
received and due during the month of August when SPAC doesn't meet, Ms. Wheeler was directed by
Council to work with the Council liaisons to SPAC, Councillors Dueck and King to prepare a response to
the questionnaire on behalf of Council. Feedback was also received from the District of Maple Ridge
Planning Department and Alouette Home Start Society. The intent of the questionnaire was to gather
feedback from BC Municipalities for discussion at the annual UBCM Conference in late September. The
questionnaire submission was reviewed with the Committee.
5.4 Community Profile: Snapshot 2002 Update -CYFN Recommendation
Sue Wheeler gave an update on the history of the development of the "Community Profile: Snapshot
2002" document that was in partnership with the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Child, Youth and Family
Network (CYFN) and the Building Community Solutions Steering Committee. The 2002 document was
used to set community priorities in 2002 and now six years later the goal is to update the document with
current data. This data will be utilized in the work scheduled to begin next year on the development of a
Social Planning Strategic Plan for the District of Maple Ridge.
With the update of the document, Ms. Wheeler was directed to survey the members of CYFN to
determine if there were any recommendations regarding revisions in the data being collected or the
format. Ms. Wheeler circulated and reviewed the "Draft Additions to the Snapshot Indicators Update"
outlining the proposed revisions recommended by CYFN. Ms. Wheeler further advised that discussions
will take place with researchers with the goal that the updated Snapshot be completed prior to the New
Year. SPAC members are asked to review the list of indicators and submit any additions or changes to
Ms. Wheeler.
5.5 Traction for Community Action, Social Planning Conference -Staff Report
Sue Wheeler gave an overview of the Traction for Community Action, Social Planning Conference which
was attended by herself, Angie McLeod and Christine DiGiamberardine in June. Ms. Wheeler advised
that many informative and worthy sessions were attended and that the conference is offered every three
years at no cost.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2008
5.6 Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC BC) Proposal;
Developing a Methodology and Conducting an Affordability Study
Sue Wheeler informed the Committee that at the recent Social Planning Conference, SPARC BC had
shared their plan to develop a guidebook that could be used by BC communities to determine
affordability. An initial study with Whistler, BC demonstrated that knowledge of affordability was very
effective for businesses to utilize when establishing wages. Initial indications are that utilization of this
information was effective in businesses decreasing staff turnover and increasing productivity.
The proposal is that the District of Maple Ridge pilot SPARC BC's Affordability Study Guidebook by
facilitating an affordability study process of this community. This work would assist in creating
awareness about the actual cost of living in the District of Maple Ridge. The proposal notes that
affordability studies can be used to: inform living wage initiatives; advocate for raising income
assistance rates; strengthen local economies by reducing the gap between rich and poor; and enrich
community life by looking at the costs citizens pay to participate in one's community and finding ways to
help families afford such activities. The approximate cost to the District for participation in the study is
approximately $10,000.
ACTION ITEM: Staff are directed to meet with the Economic Development Manager to discuss a
partnership in this project and this topic will be added to October Agenda.
5. 7 Resignation of Gordon Hall
Shawn Matthewson advised that Gordon Hall, representative from the Maple Ridge Youth Council, has
resigned from the Committee as he has moved to attend University. It was agreed that a letter should
be sent to the District Student Advisory Committee advising them of the vacant position on the Social
Planning Advisory Committee.
5.8 Business planning meeting
It was discussed with the Committee that the October 1st, 2008 SPAC business planning meeting would
commence at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Robson joined the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Mayor Robson advised the Committee that the BC Heritage Days weekend was a great success with over
4000 people attending. Mayor Robson advised that the local high schools will be approached to have
their reunion days around the same as BC Heritage Days with hopes of attracting 10,000 people to the
Mayor Robson left the meeting at 8:11 p.m.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2008
6.1 Child, Youth and Family Network Updates
Candace Gordon advised that the CYFN meeting is next week and that at present she had nothing to
report except that the CYFN contributed to the indicators that will be included in the Snapshot update.
6.2 School Community Connections Update
Shawn Matthewson gave an update on the School Community Connections program and reported that
Eric Langton Elementary is undergoing renovations. Ms. Matthewson further advised that 15 families
attended the open house which was held on June 9th and in the fall a Neighbourhood Steering
Committee will be formed.
6.3 Building Community Solutions Update
Shawn Matthewson previously reported that Elaine Yanamoto was hired in the role of Coordinator to
support the work of this Committee. Ms. Matthewson further advised that the August 9th, 2008
Farmer's Market on the Farm had over 800 attendees despite the poor weather. The vendors reported
average sales.
6.4 Glenwood School Neighbourhood Garden Project Update
Sue Wheeler advised that the Glenwood School Neighbourhood Project continues to experience many
successes in becoming an integral part of both the school community and the neighbourhood. The
garden was experiencing minor vandalism but with the support of the new Community Safety Officers,
who made visits to homes in the surrounding area, no further damage has occurred to the garden. The
Neighbourhood School Garden Steering Committee, made up of representatives from Fraser Health, the
School District, the CEED Centre, BC Cancer Society, continue to support the implementation of their
vision to support gardens to develop at every elementary school in our community. Blue Mountain
Elementary is the next school to be supported in their development of a school neighbourhood garden.
6.5 Roundtable
Shawn Matthewson
Ms. Matthewson advised that the summer programs, with much support from the community
partners, were very successful, however the Whonnock Lake camps lacked registration. Ms.
Matthewson further advised that the fall programs are up and running and the Active Kids Club
(AKC) at Eric Langton Elementary and Yennedon are almost full, with Highland Park Elementary
as the newest school to offer the AKC.
Gwen Champagne
Ms. Champagne advised that restructuring of the Ministry of Children Services is to be finalized
by December.
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Regular Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2008
Betty Levens
Ms. Levens reported that the new programs at the Senior Centre start this month and that the
Centre is very busy. Ms. Levens further advised that the Terry Fox Run is Sunday, September
14th and circulated pledge forms to the members. It was noted that .87 cents of every donated
dollar to the Terry Fox Foundation goes to directly to cancer research.
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Ms. Taylor-Scott advised that the Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living is celebrating
its 50th Anniversary this year. A picnic will be held on Saturday, September 13th at the bandstand
with live music.
Ms. Taylor-Scott advised of a seven unit affordable housing project that is being built on 224th
and Callaghan. The ground breaking is on September 17th at 4:00 p.m. and Ms. Taylor-Scott is
seeking a letter of support for the project from the Social Planning Advisory Committee.
R0S-20 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Social Planning Advisory Committee provide a letter of support for the project
Paul Livingstone
Mr. Livingstone gave an update on his family.
Staff Sgt. Alex Bodden
Staff Sgt. Bodden advised the Community Safety Officers are active in the community. Staff Sgt.
Bodden indicated that he hopes to increase the communication between the Committee and the
RCMP as he is working to include other members, CFYN, Youth Diversion and groups working
with high risk youth.
Staff Sgt. Bodden gave an update on Inspector Wakely.
Ross Dunning
Mr. Dunning advised of his involvement in the BC Summer Games group over the summer, and
of his attendance at a meeting with Minister Linda Reid. Mr. Dunning indicated that the meeting
provided a very positive frame of mind for this community.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2008
Judy Dueck
Councillor Dueck advised of her attendance at Minister Linda Reid's meeting. Councillor Dueck
further advised of the continuing parking problems at schools, now that school is back in
session, and to encourage people to walk to school. The fire department was advised that the
School Board will be fined if cars are parked in the fire lanes.
Andy Libbiter
Andy Libbiter spoke about the $1,000,000 donation by Ron Antalek to the Ridge Meadows
Hospital and advised that the donation will be allocated to enhancements at the psychiatric
ward at the hospital. The renovations will improve the current psychiatric department and
increase safety.
Sue Wheeler
Ms. Wheeler gave an overview of the growing community partnerships with the new "Keeping
Kids in School" School District #42 team, which works in the secondary school system to find
innovative ways to keep kids in school. Ms. Wheeler advised that an outreach teacher will be
hired and beginning this September the Greg Moore Youth Centre will host a "Store Front
School. The goal of this program will be to connect with kids that are not in school, build
relationships, learn about them and their needs as students, and encourage and support them
back into the school system.
Next Meeting
The next Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee is scheduled for
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Blaney Room at the Maple Ridge Municipal
6. Adjournment -8:58 p.m.
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