HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2008-12-03 Minutes.pdfcl \ J District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday December 3, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Kim Macey, Chair Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Alex Bodden, Staff Sgt. Ian Brooks, Vice Chair Gwen Champagne Ross Dunning Candace Gordon Councillor Linda King Andy Libbiter Paul Livingstone Connie Schmid STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Christine DiGiamberardine Shawn Matthewson Sue Wheeler Lynn Marchand REGRETS/ABSENTS Kathie Chiu Councillor Judy Dueck Bob Jones Betty Levens Bob Masse Tom Meier Lyn Taylor-Scott Caroline Wilkin GUESTS David Logan Marika Sandrelli 1. Called to Order and Introductions Community at Large Council Liaison RCMP Community at Large Community Living BC Community at Large Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network Council Liaison Fraser Health Community at Large Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Neighbourhood Development Coordinator, P&LS Community Services Director of Community Services Committee Clerk Mountain View Community Church and The Caring Place Council Liaison Business Improvement Association Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Business Improvement Association Business Improvement Association Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Ministry of Children and Family Development Holiday celebration speaker Fraser Health The meeting was called to order 7:04 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 ofB Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -December 3, 2008 2. Agenda Approval ROS-26 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for December 3, 2008 be adopted with the following addition: 6. 7 Appointment of SPAC Chair CARRIED 3. Minutes of October 1, 2008 Meeting ROS-27 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 1, 2008 be adopted CARRIED 4. Holiday Celebration Shawn Matthewson gave an introduction of Mr. David Logan. Mr. Logan provided an inspirational speech on how the holiday season is an excellent time to reflect, share, and celebrate "light" in our lives. 5. Delegations & Presentations 5.1 Substance Misuse Prevention Committee Update on Report Recommendations Marika Sandrelli of Fraser Health gave a PowerPoint presentation on the "Substance Misuse Prevention Advisory Committee -Autumn 2008 Strategy Update". A copy of the PowerPoint presentation was circulated for reference. Candace Gordon arrived at 7:49 p.m. Staff Sgt. Alex Bodden, Marika Sandrelli and David Logan left the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page2 ofB Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -December 3, 2008 6. Unfinished and New Business 6.1 Committee Term Review Sue Wheeler gave an overview of the Community at Large Committee member terms and explained the selection process. Sue Wheeler introduced Councillor Linda King and Councillor Cheryl Ashlie as the appointed Council Liaisons for the 2009 term. Linda King presented Kim Macey with a Certificate of Appreciation and gift on behalf of the Committee for her contribution and commitment to the Committee. 6.2 2009 Meeting Schedule The 2009 Meeting Schedule was circulated for review. 6.3 2009 Business Plan This item is to be tabled to the January Agenda. ACTION ITEM: Committee Clerk to add 2009 Business Plan to the January Agenda. 6.4 Homelessness Action Week -Event Report Sue Wheeler circulated a report prepared by Dave Speers from Alouette Home Start Society on behalf of the Homelessness Action Week Committee. The report outlined both the activities that took place on October 16th as well as a review of how SPAC's $1,000.00 contribution was utilized to make the event possible. Over 100 people registered for the "make-overs" that were offered in the morning at The Caring Place. From there, participants were shuttled to The ACT where over 135 bowls of chili were served by Maple Ridge Council members. Participants also were able to visit booths hosted by service providers designed to distribute donations (coats, socks, hygiene packs, etc) and connect them to services. The event was a huge success. Those that participated were very grateful and the front page coverage in both local papers contributed to building community awareness. The Homelessness Action Week Committee also challenged all the elementary schools to respond to the current community issue with the Friends in Need Food Bank's shortage of food. Several schools responded and contributed to the Food Bank during the Homelessness Awareness Week. 6.5 Alouette Home Start Society -Supportive Housing Project Update Sue Wheeler gave an update on the Alouette Home Start Society. Ms. Wheeler advised that there is a Memo of Understanding in place between B.C. Housing and the municipality Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 of8 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -December 3, 2008 regarding the agreement of land that the municipality is leasing for this project. B.C. Housing's commitment is to fund the capital and the operation of the housing project. The agreement names Alouette Home Start as the operator of the facility. Ms. Wheeler advised that Alouette will be proceeding with a rezoning application. ACTION ITEM: Staff to issue an invitation to Alouette Home Start Society president, Sheila McLaughlin, to present to both the Social Planning Advisory Committee and Council regarding: the Memorandum of Understanding between the municipality and B.C. Housing; and the community consultation process. 6.6 Parks, Recreation, Cultural Master Planning Process Update Sue Wheeler advised that they are in the process of compiling the Parks, Recreation, Cultural Master Plan which will guide Parks & Leisure for the next few years. Ms. Wheeler further advised that one public open house meeting and several focus group processes were held throughout the fall. A telephone survey will be commencing shortly within the community to compile information. Once all of the feedback is compiled from the various consultation processes a draft report will be developed and presented at another public open house, at which time community members can give additional feedback. 6. 7 Appointment of SPAC Chair Kim Macey advised that she will not be returning to the Committee and expressed her thanks for the great experience. Ms. Macey gave an overview of the Chair position and encouraged the other members to consider the role. Sue Wheeler advised that early in 2009 a new Chair will be sought. 7. COMMITTEE UPDATES 7.1 Child, Youth & Family Network (CYFN) Updates: o CYFN Resource Fair -Event Final Report Candace Gordon advised that the CYFN continues to be extremely busy and that it is very exciting to be involved with the group on "The Middle Year's". Ms. Gordon advised that the senior's network is a newly developed committee within the community and the benefits of linking with CYFN are clear so this relationship is being considered. CYFN hosted the Resource Fair at Haney Place Mall on November 1st where 800 people attended and proved to be a very successful event. Ms. Gordon circulated the "Ridge Meadows Family Resource Fair" final report for perusal. Sue Wheeler advised that as previously indicated, this event was typically funded by the Social Planning Advisory Committee, however this year the donation was not required which enabled the Committee to donate to the Homelessness Action Week event. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of8 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -December 3, 2008 Candace Gordon advised that work is continuing on the CYFN website which will be completed in the very near future. Andy Libbiter left the meeting at 8:31 p.m. 7.2 School Community Connections Project -Update Christine DiGiamberardine provided an update on the Neighbourhood Consultation processes which include a variety of processes to gather information from the local neighbourhood. Ms. DiGiamberardine provided details of a multicultural event taking place at Eric Langton Elementary. Ms. DiGiamberardine praised the steering committee overseeing this work and outlined how important it is to engage the neighbourhood in a meaningful way to ensure that a sense of belonging is instilled. Shawn Matthewson advised of the meeting held earlier and how social planning plays an important role in developing the integration of services by building connections, understanding and trust. A project is underway by the CYFN Early Childhood Development Committee to develop and pilot a service integration model. The pilot will take place in Pitt Meadows but the learnings will be helpful in the development of similar projects at the Eric Langton HUB. Ms. Wheeler advised that School District No. 42 is providing an area in the Eric Langton Elementary where neighbourhood needs can be met. The spaces include the use of two large J classrooms which can each be divided into two smaller spaces, a kitchen which is currently undergoing a licensing process, and an office space for services providers such as a Public Health Nurse and a Child Mental Health Councillor. Ms. Wheeler indicated that the organizations involved are working together in a very cooperative fashion and that the school has been very receptive. The possibilities of working together towards integration of services to meet the needs of the community are endless and the response of all the services providers has been amazing. Renovations to the spaces are currently underway and the final report for the grant is due at the end of January. 7.3 Building Community Solutions Project: o Update of Community Profile: Snapshot 2002 -Process Review o Parks and Leisure Services Master Plan process -Neighbourhood Futures Conference Christine DiGiamberardine advised that the update of Community Indicator project: Snapshot 2002 is underway. Ms. DiGiamberardine indicated that the consultant who did the work in 2001 has been hired to complete the update of the original 49 different indicators and some additional indicators that were identified by the CYFN Network. A steering committee has been formed to review the current list and potential additional indicators. The completion of the Snapshot is expected by the end of March. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 of8 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -December 3, 2008 ACTION ITEM: Elaine Yanamoto, Building Community Solutions Coordinator, be invited to a future meeting to speak to the Committee on the progress of all the Building Community Solutions projects. 7.4 Neighbourhood School Garden Project Update o Grant Applications Outcome Christine DiGiamberardine advised that Council passed the resolution, recommended by SPAC, to provide support for the application of two separate $8,000 grants for school neighbourhood gardens at Glenwood Elementary and Blue Mountain Elementary. The applications have been submitted. 8. ROUND TABLE Christine DiGiamberardine Ms. DiGiamberardine advised that the Haney Farmer's Market will be held at the Albion Fairgrounds on Saturday, December 6th. Ross Dunning Ross Dunning advised of recent family activities and spoke of fundraising he is doing for cultural learning initiatives through Douglas College. Ian Brooks Mr. Brooks wished Kim Macey well in her future endeavours. Paul Livingstone Mr. Livingstone indicated that having spoken to several homeless community members; they have indicated that there is no place for them to go to sit down for coffee. The suggestion is that a drop-in centre during the day would be helpful. Mr. Livingstone thanked Kim Macey for her contributions to the Committee. Candace Gordon Ms. Gordon thanked Kim Macey for her commitment and contribution to the Committee. Ms. Gordon advised that the Community Kitchen grants that West Coast Family Resources receives from the United Way of the Lower Mainland have almost doubled which will allow a seventh kitchen. The additional kitchen will be geared for youth, 16 to 18 year olds, who are living on their own. Ms. Gordon gave an update on the Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention program that she operates on behalf of Katzie and how there are currently a large number of the Band members who have applied for the Parks and Leisure Participation recreation subsidy program and are currently actively participating in recreation programs. Councillor Linda King Councillor King welcomed Councillor Ashlie to the Committee and thanked Kim Macey for her commitment and contribution over the years. She wished her well in her future endeavours. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 6 ofB ... -_) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -December 3, 2008 Gwen Champagne Gwen Champagne advised that the Community Living B.C. is restructuring. Ms. Champagne advised of an interesting conference she attended on employing people with development delays. The conference included speakers from Great Britain and across the United States. Ms. Champagne indicated that there was very valuable information on employment initiatives for those with developmental delays, and how it appears Maple Ridge is far behind in the area of employment of people with disabilities ACTION ITEM: Discussion took place and it was suggested that this topic be included on a future agenda. Connie Schmid Connie Schmid advised the Committee that the loss of Ed Quiesjien has been significant for the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society (RMSS). Ms. Schmidt is helping to keep the bridge club running that Ed lead at the Seniors Centre. Ms. Schmidt also advised her involvement with her church in providing hampers for the needy and further advised of a small group of seniors from a local Church who are feeding a hot lunch to around 50 homeless people two times a month. Ms. Schmid will provide an update of the Seniors Network Meeting at the January meeting. Shawn Matthewson Ms. Matthewson advised that the Winter Leisure Guide is now available and some of the registered programs are already at capacity. Ms. Matthewson sent her best wishes and gratitude to Kim Macey. Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Councillor Ashlie informed the Committee of her excitement at being on Council and on the Committee in a different capacity. Councillor Ashlie advised of her recent attendance at an Agricultural event in Port Moody which she found extremely interesting and questioned whether there has been discussion regarding a permanent Farmer's Market structure here in the community. Sue Wheeler Ms. Wheeler advised of the School District's Store Front School Program which is operating out of the Greg Moore Youth Centre. The program is operated under the direction of the Keeping Kids in School team and has been getting between 12 and 18 children everyday. Ms. Wheeler provided details of the Christmas Haven event on Christmas Eve at The Act. Ms. Wheeler advised that there is concern at the increase locally of seniors that are now accessing services at Food Banks and The Caring Place meal programs. Kim Macey Kim Macey thanked everyone and said she was excited about starting another chapter in her life. Ms. Macey advised that she has joined a new local professional women's group with the goal of supporting the lives of girls in our community. The "Socrates" group will be seeking new causes for the first year and Ms. Macey encouraged the Committee to contact the group. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 7 of8 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -December 3, 2008 9. CORRESPONDENCE 9.1 2008 Child Poverty Report Card -Website Link:- http://www.firstcallbc.org/pdfs/economicequality/3-reportcard-b&w.pdf 10. Next Meeting Next Meeting: Time: Location: 8. Adjournment - Wednesday, January 7, 2009 7:00 p.m . Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 9:18 p.m. ~~ Chairperson /Im Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 8 of 8