HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2009-01-07 Minutes.pdfu District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on Wednesday January 7, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Ian Brooks, Acting Chair Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Alex Bodden, Staff Sgt. Candace Gordon Mike Huber Councillor Linda King Betty Levens Andy Libbiter Paul Livingstone STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Christine DiGiamberardine Sue Wheeler Lynn Marchand GUESTS Councillor Judy Dueck REGRETS/ABSENTS Gwen Champagne Bob Jones Bob Masse Shawn Matthewson Tom Meier Connie Schmid Lyn Taylor-Scott Caroline Wilkin 1. Called to Order and Introductions The meeting was called to order 7:04 p.m. Community at Large Council Liaison RCMP Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network School Trustee, School District No. 42 Council Liaison Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Fraser Health Community at Large Neighbourhood Development Coordinator, P&LS Director of Community Services Committee Clerk District of Maple Ridge Community Living BC Business Improvement Association Business Improvement Association Community Services Business Improvement Association Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Ministry of Children and Family Development Staff Sgt. Bodden was not present at the commencement of the meeting. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 ofB Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -January 7, 2009 2. Agenda Approval R09-001 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for January 7, 2009 be adopted with the following additions: 5.3(a) Sub-Committee Appointments 5.4 Proposed SPAC Business Committee Budget -to be deferred until February 4, 2009 meeting 5. 7 Service Canada Homelessness Funding CARRIED 3. Minutes of December 3, 2008 Meeting R09-002 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 3, 2008 be adopted CARRIED 4. Delegations & Presentations 4.1 Councillor Dueck -Thank You Presentation On behalf of the Committee, Ian Brooks and Sue Wheeler presented Councillor Judy Dueck with a gift of appreciation for her dedication and commitment to the Social Planning Committee. 5. Unfinished & New Business 5.1 SPAC Community at Large Appointments -update Sue Wheeler provided an update on the current community-at-large positions. Ms. Wheeler advised that seven applicants are being interviewed for the three vacant positions and appointments will be in place for the February meeting. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 2 ofB \ I _) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -January 7, 2009 Staff Sgt. Alex Bodden arrived at 7:17 p.m. Councillor Judy Dueck left the meeting at 7:18 p.m. 5.2 SPAC -Appointment of Chair/Co-Chair R09-003 Motion was moved and seconded That Item 5.2 be deferred to the February 4, 2009 Agenda. 5.3 2009 SPAC Business Plan Review CARRIED Sue Wheeler advised that the 2009 SPAC Business Plan was presented to Council in December and the Plan has been approved. A copy of the Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services, Business Plan 2009 -2013 and SPAC Project Timelines was circulated for review. Ms. Wheeler further advised that the annual budget is $10,000 for the 2009 Fiscal Year and that the incremental package requiring $75,000 to hire a consultant to prepare a Housing Action Plan and to update the Affordable Housing Strategy have both been approved. Ms. Wheeler will provide further details at the February meeting. Ms. Wheeler gave an in-depth overview of the Business Plan and a detailed review of the 2009 -2011 project work plan including the current status of each project and the work that will be conducted in 2009. ACTION ITEM: Christine DiGiamberardine to forward the suggestion to the Building Community Solutions Committee to explore the possibility of approaching local realtors regarding contributing funds to the Neighbourhood "Seed Grant" program. ACTION ITEM: Christine DiGiamberardine to provide the Committee Clerk with the "Ridge Meadows Family Resource Fair 2008 Evaluation" which is to be forwarded to the Committee. R09-004 Motion was moved and seconded That the Business Plan 2009 -2013 for the Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services, Social Planning be adopted CARRIED Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 ofB Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -January 7, 2009 5.3(a) Sub-Committee Appointments Ian Brooks advised of the previous sub-committees and sought volunteers for the year 2009: • Community Spirit Awards Committee • Celebrating Solutions Committee • Building Community Solutions Committee • Substance Misuse Standing Committee • Resource Fair Committee Discussion took place regarding the sub-committee opportunities that members of SPAC can choose to participate in if they are interested. This agenda item will be forwarded to the next meeting with staff providing further details regarding each sub-committee. ACTION ITEM: Staff to provide an outline of the mandate of each of the sub- committees, including; required time commitment and meeting schedules. 5.4 Proposed 2009 SPAC Committee Budget Item 5.4 has been deferred until the February 4, 2009 meeting 5.5 Alouette Home Start Society -Supportive Housing Project Update At the request of the Committee, arrangements had been made for Sheila McLaughlin from Alouette Home Start Society to give a presentation at this meeting. However, as there have been no further developments with the project at this time, the presentation will be deferred to the March 4, 2009 meeting. 5.6 Parks, Recreation, Cultural Master Planning Process • Neighbourhood Futures Conference Update Christine DiGiamberardine gave an update on the Parks, Recreation, Cultural Master Planning Process being conducted by Parks & Leisure Services. Consultation processes for community input have been taking place since September 2008 and the next process will focus on Neighbourhood Development. A Neighbourhood Futures Workshop is being offered on January 29th, 2009 at Thomas Haney Secondary from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. with attendance expected of approximately 50 people from the community who have been engaged in their local Neighbourhood processes and events. The feedback received will guide the development of recommendations to the direction of Parks and Leisure Services work with Neighbourhoods over the next several years. The Master Plan is scheduled to be completed in June 2009. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 ofB ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -January 7, 2009 5. 7 Service Canada Homelessness Funding Sue Wheeler advised that it is expected that in the very near future, Service BC will confirm that the Federal Homelessness Partnership Initiative (HPI) funding will be extended through until March 2011. It is expected that this will allow continued services to the community including Alouette Homestart Society's programs (Community Outreach and the Iron Horse Youth Safe House) as well as the Salvation Army's Caring Place emergency shelter. 6 COMMITTEE UPDATES 6.1 Child, Youth & Family Network (CYFN) Updates: Candace Gordon gave an update on the CYFN and advised that the Annual Planning process will be taking place next week. She gave an overview of the process and will provide a further update at the February meeting. The group has experienced exponential growth over the past year with an increase in membership and an expansion in the number of Standing Committees that are now a part of the Network. The community is benefiting in many ways from the collaborative efforts and the strengths of the CYFN tables. 6.2 School Community Connections Project -Update This item was covered during the discussion of the Business Plan. 6.3 Building Community Solutions Project: o Update of Community Profile: Snapshot 2002 -Process Review o Haney Farmer's Market Ms. DiGiamberardine advised that the Market has seen significant growth over the last year and grants are being sought for a full-time manager as a pilot project. Ms. DiGiamberardine advised that this is a very critical time in the development of the local Market as the research indicates that a market of this size depends on grass-roots volunteer commitments, and require support to ensure that volunteers don't "burn out". Discussion took place regarding the current growing interest in eating locally and the increase in understanding of the importance of supporting local growers. It is hopeful that this current interest will contribute to the success of the Haney Farmer's Market. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 ofB Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -January 7, 2009 7.2 Neighbourhood School Garden Project Update o Grant Applications Outcome Christine DiGiamberardine advised that the grant applications endorsed by this Committee and Maple Ridge Council were successful. Under these grants, Glenwood Neighbourhood School garden will renovate their school kitchen which will allow an expansion of their "From Seed to Plate" initiative, and Blue Mountain will receive funds to build their Neighbourhood School Garden. The current challenge in sustaining these garden projects is the need of a volunteer coordinator and the fact that this role is not eligible under any of the current grants that the Steering Committee has identified. ACTION: Staff to take forward a suggestion to the Garden Steering Committee that they consider approaching the Haney Farmer's Market to consider combining their coordination roles and applying for funding together. 8. ROUND TABLE Andy Libbiter Mr. Libbiter provided an update on how the recent weather conditions have resulted in a large increase in both cardiac conditions and injuries due to falls and this has created a lot of pressure on the local emergency hospital ward. Mr. Libbiter gave an update on the continued success of the MATRIX program and the observation of the current increase in youth alcohol use and the trend in mixing alcohol with street drugs. The Substance Misuse Prevention Committee will be looking at conducting an awareness campaign to respond to this recent trend. Mr. Lib biter further advised that Valerie Spurrell will be replacing him as the new 2009 Fraser Health Representative and he will be the alternate. Mr. Libbiter thanked the Committee and stated that he had appreciated the opportunity to be a part of the Committee for the last few years. Paul Livingstone Mr. Livingston offered his assistance with the Maple Ridge School Gardens project. Staff Sgt. Alex Bodden Staff Sgt. Bodden gave an update on the Community Safety Officers program and the successes of the Christmas impaired driving campaign. He indicated that the RCMP are also seeing an increase in incidents related to use of alcohol. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 6 of 8 ,, ... Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -January 7, 2009 Linda King Councillor King expressed her thanks to Staff Sgt. Bodden for his commitment to the Committee and conveyed the importance of the RCMP's involvement with the Committee and sub-committees. Councillor King also thanked Mr. Libbitor for his dedication and contributions to the work of the Committee. Candace Gordon Candace Gordon expressed her thanks and appreciation of Staff Sgt. Bodden's commitment to the Committee and to the CYFN and indicated how important the RCMP contribution is to the work of the Network. Ms. Gordon advised that the United Way has provided increased funding for the Community Kitchens which will provide one new kitchen for 16 to 18 year old youth that are under Ministry of Children and Family Development Youth Agreements. This will enable youth to learn about nutrition and basic cooking skills. Sue Wheeler Sue Wheeler extended her thanks to Staff Sgt. Bodden and to the RCMP for their commitment and support. Ms. Wheeler noted that the pilot program with the Community Safety officers has had a significant positive impact on the community. Ms. Wheeler advised of the successful Christmas Haven event which took place Christmas Eve at The Act. The event was a great example of the capacity of the community to address a very important need, and due to numerous volunteer hours and countless community donations, the opportunity of feeling connected to their community at this important time of year when people can feel isolated and alone. Ian Brooks Ian Brooks extended thanks on behalf of the Committee to Andy Libbiter for his time and commitment to the Committee. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. Next Meeting Next Meeting: Location: 11. Adjournment - ~ /Im Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 7:00 p.m. Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 9:04 pm Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 7 ofB