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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the
Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Ian Brooks, Acting Chair
lneke Boekhorst
Alex Bodden, Staff Sgt.
Kathie Chiu
Lynn Guest
Councillor Linda King
Betty Levens
Paul Livingstone
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Joshua Leyenhorst
Katrina Elliot
Gwen Champagne
Connie Schmid
Sue Wheeler
Lynn Marchand
Shawn Matthewson
Meggie Shields
Candace Gordon
Mike Huber
Caroline Wilkin
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie
Christine DiGiamberardine
1. Called to Order and Introductions
The meeting was called to order 7:05 p.m.
Community at Large
Business Improvement Association
Community at Large
Fraser Health, Alternate
Council Liaison
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Community at Large
Community at Large
Community Living BC
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Director of Community Services
Committee Clerk
Community Services
Safe Harbour & Diversity, Support Worker
Family Education & Support Centre
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
School Trustee, School District No. 42
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Council Liaison
Neighbourhood Development Coordinator, P&LS
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 4, 2009
Introduction of the current Committee members and newly appointed members, Kathie Chiu,
Katrina Elliot and Joshua Leyenhorst, took place.
2. Agenda Approval
R09-005 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for February 4, 2009 be adopted with the following changes and
1.1 Introduction of New Committee Members
Reappointed -Kathy Chiu
New Appointments -Katrina Elliot, Joshua Leyenhorst
Replace the word "Appointment" with "Elected" in Item 5.1
5.1 (a)
SPAC Sub-Committee Appointments
Proposed 2009 SPAC Committee Budget
Item to be deferred until March
5.7 Request for Letter of Support -Parks & Leisure Application for Service
Canada Summer Challenge Grants
5.8 SPAC -Delegation Presentation Schedule
Delete Item 6.3 Building Community Solutions Project and move Neighbourhood Survey
to Item 6.2, under School Community Connections Project -Update
3. Minutes of January 7, 2009 Meeting
R09-006 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 7, 2009 be adopted
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 4, 2009
4. Delegations & Presentations
4.1 Safe Harbour Program
o Meggie Shields, Safe Harbour & Diversity Support Worker,
Family Education & Support Centre
Note: This Item was dealt with after Item 5.5.
Ms. Shields gave a Powerpoint presentation regarding the Safe Harbour initiative and circulated
an information sheet.
Lyn Taylor-Scott left the meeting at 8:02 p.m.
Connie Schmid left the meeting at 8:19 p.m.
5. Unfinished & New Business
5.1 SPAC -Election of Chair/Co-Chair
Sue Wheeler provided an overview of the role of the Chair and sought directions as to whether
nominations for the Chair and Co-Chair should be received at this meeting or be deferred until
the March 4, 2009 meeting to allow the newly appointed members to become familiar with the
By consensus, Item 5.1 was deferred until the March 4th meeting.
AC'[ION.fTEM: Committee Clerk to add Election of Chair/Co-Chair to March 4, 2009
5.1(a) SPAC Sub-Committee Appointments
Su e Wheeler reminded the Committee that this Item was deferred from the January meeting.
An information sheet pertaining to the sub-committees was circulated for reference.
Shawn Matthewson and Sue Wheeler provided an overview of the following sub-committees:
• Spirit of Community Awards Selection Committee
• Celebrating Solutions
• Building Community Solutions
• Family Resource Fair
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 4, 2009
5.2 Community At Large Appointments
Sue Wheeler gave an overview of the selection process and introduced the newly appointed
members. Katrina Elliot, Kathie Chiu and Joshua Leyenhorst provided an overview of their
community connections, work experience, and their personal background.
lnsp. Alex Bodden provided an overview of his experience and background as an RCMP officer.
5.3 Proposed 2009 SPAC Committee Budget
Deferred until March 4, 2009 meeting.
'A.CffCfNITEM: Committee Clerk to add Proposed 2009 SPAC Committee Budget to
I. ·:-._......,;; -,,.. -;-
March 4, 2009 Agenda.
5.4 Alouette Home Start Society -Supportive Housing Project Update
Sue Wheeler gave an overview of the Alouette Home Start Society, Supportive Housing Project
and advised that Sheila McLaughlin of the Alouette Home Start Society will be attending the
March 4th meeting. Ms. McLaughlin will review both the project and the agreement between
the District of Maple Ridge, BC Housing and Alouette Home Start.
5.5 Homelessness Partnership Initiative Federal Funding Program Update
Sue Wheeler gave an overview of the Federal Funding Program -Homelessness Partnership
Initiatives administered by Service Canada. Ms. Wheeler advised that the Regional Steering
Committee on Homelessness recommends the priorities for this funding program, as well as
recommending proposals for funding.
Alouette Home Start Society (AHSS) has submitted an application to continue funding for both
the Community Outreach and Iron Horse Youth Safe House projects. Ms. Chiu also advised
that the Salvation Army's Caring Place emergency shelter has applied under this program for
continued funding. AHSS and the Caring Place are currently awaiting approval for funding for a
two year period; April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2011.
5.6 Parks, Recreation, Cultural Master Planning Process
o Neighbourhood Futures Workshop Update
Sue Wheeler provided information on the Neighbourhoods Futures Workshop which took place
on January 29th and circulated a pamphlet titled "Why Neighbourhoods Matter". The feedback
from the Workshop will guide the development of recommendations for Parks & Leisure
Services Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan. It was recognized that neighbourhoods
play an important role in developing a healthy community.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 4, 2009
5. 7 Request for Letter of Support -Parks & Leisure Application for Service Canada
Summer Challenge Grants
Shawn Matthewson provided an overview of the Parks & Leisure Application for Service Canada
Summer Challenge Grants and that submissions are to be received by February 28, 2009. Ms.
Matthewson advised that the local MP has been very supportive of the grant and that it
supports the summer day camps, summer employment and allows the programs to be
affordable to families. Ms. Mathewson sought a Letter of Support from the Committee and
advised that such a letter was received from the Committee last year.
R09-007 Motion was moved and seconded
That a Letter of support be provided by the Social Planning Advisory Committee for the
Service Canada Summer Challenge Grant.
5.8 SPAC -Delegation Presentation Schedule
Ms. Wheeler advised of the following delegations/presentations at the upcoming meetings:
• March -Sheila McLaughlin, Alouette Home Start Society
0 Proposed Supportive Housing Project
• April -Rain Daniels, Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services
° Consultation on the Development of a new Aboriginal
• May -Life After School Transition Committee (LAST)
0 Presenting a Business Case For Hiring People with Disabilities
and a Review of Gaps in Services
• June -Pitt Meadows/Maple Ridge Child, Youth & Family Network (CYFN)
Overview of Network Development, Structure,
Accomplishments, and Current Work Plan
6.1 Child, Youth & Family Network (CYFN) Updates:
Shawn Matthewson advised that the annual planning process is taking place and a number of
successes and accomplishments of CYFN have been recognized. Ms. Matthewson advised that
the election of the Chair and Co-Chair will take place in the coming week; on March 9th the bi-
monthly orientation to the CYFN is scheduled; and on March 30th a meeting will take place with
the Chairs and Coordinators of all the Standing Committees.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 4, 2009
6.2 School Community Connections Project -Update
Sue Wheeler gave an overview of the School Community Connections Project and advised that
the renovations at Eric Langton Elementary are almost complete. Ms. Wheeler circulated a
press release dated February 2, 2009 titled "Conversations with Residents Guide Development
of Neighbourhood Centre at Eric Langton" and a pamphlet titled "A Place to Belong:
Strengthening our Neighbourhoods". Ms. Wheeler advised that there is a survey currently
being conducted of the residents in this neighbourhood. The findings of this survey will be
utilized in the development of services that will be provided at the Eric Langton Hub.
Councillor Linda King left the meeting at 8:44 p.m.
Lynn Guest
Lynn Guest advised that the ambulatory care at Ridge Meadows Hospital is now open and
renovations are underway to a new psychiatry unit proposed to open late June 2009.
Kathie Chiu
Kathie Chiu advised that the cold weather drove many individuals to the Salvation Army Caring
Place. Almost 400 people were served Christmas dinner. Ms. Chiu further advised that there
is a Staff Appreciation dinner scheduled for Monday, February 9th and a Volunteer Appreciation
dinner scheduled at the Act Theatre at a date to be announced.
Katrina Elliot
Katrina Elliot noted that she was impressed with the level of cooperation of the services within
the community and is very excited to be a part of the Social Planning Advisory Committee. Ms.
Elliot indicated that it was nice to see a representative from the Business Improvement
Association at the meeting as she found it to be important.
Staff Sgt. Alex Bodden
Staff Sgt. Bodden reported that there has been a 10% overall drop in statistics with respect to
reported crime and a 16% drop in property crime in 2008.
lneke Boekhorst
Ms. Boekhorst advised that she would attend the meetings in the absence of the other BIA
representatives as she felt it is extremely important to be a part of the Committee. Ms.
Boekhorst advised of the concept drawing mural erected on 224th Street and advised of their
current office location and hopes that a community garden will eventually occupy the vacant lot
beside their building.
Ms. Boekhorst gave an overview of the roles of the Business Improvement Association (BIA) and
their connection to the community. A Public Open House is scheduled for Monday, February 9th
from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Economic Development Office and she encouraged the
members to attend.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 4, 2009
Gwen Champagne.
Ms. Champagne provided an update on the expansion of the Community Living BC criteria and
the stage of the current restructure.
Joshua Leyenhorst
Mr. Leyenhorst advised that he was exited about working with people and individuals from all
areas of the community and especially interested in the Neighbourhood Community
Betty Levens
Ms. Levens circulated the Grape Vine pamphlet for perusal by the members.
Kathie Chiu left the meeting at 8:59 p.m.
8.1 Consultation of Social Services Administrators -Canadian Council on Social
Development (Attachment)
8.2 2009 Canadian Social Forum Preliminary Program-hosted by Canadian
Council on Social Development
http://www.ccsd.ca/csf /2009/program/csf preliminary program.pdf)
8.3 Vancouver Housing Update E-Newsletter
8.4 "Poverty is Making us Sick"-First Call
8.5 Heritage Here, Winter 2008 Issue (available for perusal at meeting)
Items received for information purposes.
10. Next Meeting:
11. Adjournment -
Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 7:00 p.m.
Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall
9:11 pm
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