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District of Maple Ridge
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the
Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia, on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Ian Brooks, Acting Chair
Councillor Cheryl Ashlie
Alex Bodden, Staff Sgt.
lneke Boekhorst
Gwen Champagne
Kathie Chiu
Katrina Elliot
Candace Gordon
Mike Huber
Councillor Linda King
Betty Levens
Joshua Leyenhorst
Paul Livingstone
Connie Schmid
Valerie Spurrell
Eleanor Palis
Sue Wheeler
Lynn Marchand
Shawn Matthewson
Mike Murray
Sheila McLaughlin
Caroline Wilkin
Christine DiGiamberardine
Lynn Guest
Lyn Taylor-Scott
Community at Large
Council Liaison
Business Improvement Association
Community Living BC
Community at Large
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Child, Youth & Family Network
School Trustee, School District No. 42
Council Liaison
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Community at Large
Community at Large
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Fraser Health
School Trustee, School District No. 42 (Alternate)
Director of Community Services
Committee Clerk
Community Services
GM, Community Development, Parks & Recreation
Alouette Home Start Society
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Neighbourhood Development Coordinator, P&LS
Fraser Health, Alternate
Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living
Note: Councillor Linda King was not present at the commencement of the meeting.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -March 4, 2009
1. Call to Order and Introductions
The meeting was called to order 7:08 p.m.
2. Agenda Approval
R09-005 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for March 4, 2009 be adopted as presented
3. Minutes of February 4, 2009 Meeting
R09-006 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 4, 2009 be adopted with the
following change:
On Pg. 6, under Lynn Guest pg. 6 -delete the word "psychology" and replace with the
word "psychiatry".
4. Delegations & Presentations
Note: Item 4 was dealt with after Item 5.
4.1 Alouette Home Start Society; Supportive Housing Project; Sheila McLaughlin
Ms. McLaughlin provided an overview of the formation of the Society and the work that has
been done to date. Currently, the Society operates the Iron Horse Youth Safe House and
Community Outreach programs.
Ms. McLaughlin described the need for a community to view housing needs through a complete
housing continuum. Stages along the continuum include: Emergency Shelters, Supportive
Housing, Affordable Rental Housing, and Market Housing. The Supportive Housing stage
includes housing ranging from transitional support in group home settings to independent
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Regular Meeting Minutes -March 4, 2009
supportive living. The goal of the Society has continued to be to address the needs and gaps in
the housing continuum in this community.
Ms. McLaughlin advised that although our community has gaps all along the continuum, the
Society worked with community partners to identify the current highest priority as need for
supportive independent living units. The proposed project to develop approximately 40
independent supportive units is through an agreement between BC Housing and the District of
Maple Ridge with Alouette Home Start Society named as the project operator. BC Housing's
commitment includes the capital dollars to develop the project and operational dollars which
include funding for 24/7 on site supervision and support for residents. The municipal
contribution includes a long term lease of municipal property.
The project will be subject to a public hearing process which is scheduled to take place later
this year. If the project is approved, it is expected to be complete in 2011 and will provide
housing for single residents with low incomes that require support to live independently and are
referred primarily through local agencies.
Sheila McLaughlin left the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
5. Unfinished & New Business
5.1 SPAC -Election of Chair/Co-Chair
Sue Wheeler advised of the process with respect to the election of the Chair and Co-Chair of the
Social Planning Advisory Committee and called for nominations for the position of Chair.
R09-007 Motion was moved and seconded
That Ian Brooks be appointed Chair for the Social Planning Advisory Committee for the
year 2009
Sue Wheeler called for nominations for Co-Chair of the Social Planning Advisory Committee.
R09-008 Motion was moved and seconded
That Joshua Leyenhorst be appointed Co-Chair for the Social Planning Advisory
Committee for the year 2009
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Regular Meeting Minutes -March 4, 2009
5.2 Proposed 2009 SPAC Committee Budget
Sue Wheeler circulated the Proposed 2009 Budget and provided an overview. Ms. Wheeler
advised that the proposed budget includes carry forward dollars from 2008 in the amount of
$11,400.00 which is pending approval. Ms. Wheeler advised that the proposal includes
approved funds allocated to the Committee for 2009 in the amount of $10,000.00.
R09-009 Motion was moved and seconded
That the Social Planning Advisory Committee Proposed 2009 Budget be adopted as circulated
5.3 United Way of the Lower Mainland Committee Participation
Ms. Gordon, CYFN Chair, provided an overview of the United Way and their significant
contributions over the years to the development of a strong social services network. Ms.
Gordon advised that having a collaborative network strengthens services for citizens on many
levels. Through collaborative processes, the network accessed approximately $1.7 million
dollars this year to address community need priorities. This amount has been climbing over the
past several years. Ms. Gordon pointed out that the role that United Way has played in the
development of the network should be recognized. In addition, concern was noted regarding
the current lack of United Way representation at local tables.
It was agreed that a letter of appreciation should be sent to United Way providing specific
examples of the positive impact that their past involvement has resulted in and indicating the
importance of their organization being involved in our communities.
R09-010 Motion was moved and seconded
That staff draft a letter to the United Way which is to include an invitation to attend a
future meeting, and further,
That staff send the letter to Maple Ridge Council for endorsement.
Councillor Linda King arrived at the meeting at 7:28 p.m.
Mike Huber left the meeting at 7:43 p.m.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -March 4, 2009
6.1 Child, Youth & Family Network (CYFN) Updates:
Candace Gordon advised that CYFN is continuing to work on the development of the 2009
strategic plan. Ms. Gordon further advised that funding has been received from the United
Way for the Middle Childhood Matters (6-12 year old focus) Committee. The funding will
enable our communities to build capacity and collaboration around the services for this age
group. The Committee is currently embarking on a strategic planning process.
Ms. Gordon provided an overview of the very successful Substance Effective Workshop hosted
by the CYFN Substance Misuse Prevention Committee in which over 35 different agencies
participated in recently.
6.2 School Community Connections Project -Update
Sue Wheeler provided an update on the School Community Connections project and advised
that renovations at Eric Langton School are nearing completion. The neighbourhood
consultation process is ongoing with stakeholder focus groups scheduled later this month. In
May a workshop will be held with service providers to develop an action plan to address the
priority needs identified through the consultation processes. A more detailed report will be
provided in June.
6.3 Building Community Solutions Project
Shawn Matthewson advised that the Haney Farmer's Market is preparing for a busy season
beginning in April as they have secured additional funding allowing them to hire, for the first
time, a Market Manager. They are expecting to experience significant growth with this
additional resource.
Ms. Matthewson gave an overview of the process for the joint project between the Building
Community Solutions Committee and SPAC to update the Community Indicator Profile. To
reflect community changes in trends and priorities an additional 8 indicators have been added
to the report. This document, which will be published later this spring, will be utilized in
establishing priorities for the SPAC Strategic Plan next fall.
6.4 Neighbourhood School Garden
Shawn Matthewson provided an overview of the Neighbourhood School Garden project and
advised that the second school garden at Blue Mountain Elementary Garden is progressing
successfully. Ms. Matthewson advised that the neighbourhood involvement in the garden at
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Regular Meeting Minutes -March 4, 2009
Glenwood Elementary continues to grow and add to the sustainability of the project with a local
resident taking on the role of Volunteer Garden Coordinator. The goal to encourage gardens at
all elementary schools continues to be recognized with the recent news that the Kiwanis Club
has agreed to support the development of another new garden at Mount Crescent Elementary.
Kathie Chu
Ms. Chiu reported a successful Caring Place Volunteer Appreciation dinner with over 100
attendees. Ms. Chiu advised that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of meals
per month (7,000 meals) being served at the Caring Place.
Gwen Champagne
Ms. Champagne advised of a workshop, "Life After High School, Transition Planning Fair" which
is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24th, from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. at Thomas Haney
Rotunda. Ms. Champagne circulated a flyer of the event for perusal.
Joshua Leyenhorst
Mr. Leyenhorst provided further suggestions for the letter to the United Way.
Staff Sgt. Alex Bodden
Staff Sgt. Bodden shared that the family of Inspector Wakely were very moved by the memorial
service and very thankful to the community. He advised that the RCMP is currently considering
re-establishing the leadership roles within the local detachment.
Betty Levens
Ms. Levens provided an overview of Cythera Society's 25 Year Anniversary event and advised
that the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society is preparing to celebrate it's 10th anniversary.
lneke Boekhorst
Ms. Boekhorst gave an update on the progress of the Business Improvement Association (BIA)
and advised that the Mayor and Council attended the February BIA Open House and that there
was a very good discussion that took place.
Ms. Boekhorst advised that the updates to the Wallet Resource Guide are underway and one
more sponsor is being sought. She further advised of the 100 Days to the Disability Games
event taking place on April 17th.
Councillor Linda King
Councillor King provided an overview of the Fraser Valley Regional Library Strategic Planning
session. She indicated SPAC may want to consider inviting the Library Manager to present the
plan at a future meeting.
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Social Planning Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes -March 4, 2009
Shawn Matthewson
Ms. Matthewson advised that the School District, on behalf of the community, has submitted a
funding application to develop three more Strong Start Centres. Centres currently operate at
Eric Langton Elementary, Hammond Elementary and Glenwood Elementary. The proposed
locations are Riverside Elementary, Harry Hooge Elementary and Highland Park Elementary.
Ms. Matthewson further advised that the CYFN Early Childhood Development Committee has
received United Way Going Places funding to help address barriers to participation. The Parks
& Leisure Services Spring Program Guide is out and provided an overview of some of the
programs being offered during spring break.
Sue Wheeler
Ms. Wheeler advised that she met with Dave Spears of the Alouette Home Start Society who
reported a growing increase in the number of individuals that are at-risk of homelessness that
are requiring support. Ms. Wheeler advised that the Friends in Need Food Bank is also
reporting an increase in numbers with 2,000 children under the age of 12 now registered.
Jan Brooks
Mr. Brooks expressed his thanks to the Committee for the nomination of Chair.
8.1 Techsoup Canada -www.techsoupcanada.ca
8.2 Community Partnerships Help Launch Streetohome Foundation
8.3 2009 Youth Court Committee Conference
8.4 News Release, March 3, 2009-03-20
"Lead Identified for Homelessness Intervention Project"
9. Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 7:00 p.m.
Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall Location:
10. Adjournment -9:04 pm
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