HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC 2009-04-01 Minutes.pdf) u District of Maple Ridge SOCIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Planning Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Road, Maple Ridge , British Columbia, on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Ian Brooks, Chair Councillor Cheryl Ashlie Gwen Champagne Candace Gordon Councillor Linda King Betty Levens Joshua Leyenhorst Connie Schmid Lyn Taylor-Scott STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Sue Wheeler Lynn Marchand Shawn Matthewson GUESTS Rain Daniels REGRETS/ABSENTS Alex Bodden, Staff Sgt. I neke Boekhorst Kathie Chiu Christine DiGiamberardine Katrina Elliot Mike Huber Paul Livingstone Valerie Spurrell Caroline Wilkin Community at Large Council Liaison Community Living BC Ridge Meadows Child , Youth & Family Network Council Liaison Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Community at Large Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living Director of Community Services Committee Clerk Community Services Community Developer/Services RCMP Business Improvement Association Community at Large Neighbourhood Development Coordinator, P&LS Community at Large School Trustee, School District No. 42 Community at Large Fraser Health Ministry of Children and Family Development Note: Candace Gordon was not present at the commencement of the meeting. 1. Call to Order and Introductions The meeting was called to order 7:07 p.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 1 of6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -April 1, 2009 2. Agenda Approval R09-011 Motion was moved and seconded That the Agenda for April 1, 2009 be adopted with the following change and addition: That Item 5.1 be deferred until the May 6, 2009 meeting 5.4 BC Housing Supportive Housing Announcement CARRIED 3. Minutes of March 4, 2009 Meeting R09-012 Motion was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 4, 2009 be adopted CARRIED 4. Delegations & Presentations 4.1 Development of Aboriginal Organization or Society - Rain Daniels, Community Services Ms. Daniels, Community Developer, advised that she has been hired by Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Community Services as a consultant to gather information and feedback within the aboriginal community. Ms. Daniels gave an overview of the research that has taken place in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows and advised that 100 aboriginal people and 7 4 service providers were interviewed to gather the information and data. Ms. Daniels advised that there is a sense of isolation by the aboriginal people and that the research results are indicating a sense of belonging within a cultural context appears to be the highest expressed need. Ms. Daniels advised that when the final report and recommendations are complete, Community Services will be seeking endorsement and support from the community. The Social Planning Advisory Committee will receive the report with this request. Candace Gordon arrived at 7:42 p.m. Ms. Daniels left the meeting at 7:44 p.m. 5. Unfinished & New Business 5.1 Alouette Home Start Society -Youth Safe House Lease Recommendation Item 5.1 was deferred until the May 6, 2009 meeting. Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 2 of 6 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -April 1, 2009 5.2 Metro Vancouver Letter to Council and Revised 2008 Homelessness Count Report Ms. Wheeler reminded the Committee that the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness "2008 Homeless Count Report" was released in September, 2008. She advised that in response to feedback some minor adjustments have been made and the Report was re- released on March 9th, 2009. Ms. Wheeler provided an overview advising that the actual data has not been changed and highlighting adjustments in interpretation and reporting. In addition, the Committee was advised that additional community-specific information will be provided to each community in the future. Ms. Wheeler advised that the homelessness count is conducted every three years. Discussion took place regarding the lack of a National Strategy on ending homelessness that housing is a right. Ms. Wheeler advised of The Federation of Community Municipalities Conference taking place in Whistler in June. ACTION ITEM: The Committee Clerk is to add The Federation of Canadian Municipalities: "Sustaining the Momentum: Recommendations for a National Action Plan on Housing and Homelessness" to the May 6th Agenda. Discussion took place regarding the United Nations Report dated February 17, 2009. It was noted that there is a need to summarize all the information on homelessness initiatives and provide Council with recommendations regarding this municipality's contribution to national and provincial processes. A suggestion was made to form a sub-committee to review all of the reports, put the housing issues together and provide a condensed version to Council for review. R09-013 Motion was moved and seconded To form a sub-committee to review the homelessness papers, reports and information and to develop recommendations to Council for SPAC consideration. Betty Levens arrived at the meeting at 7:46 p.m. Mike Murray arrived at the meeting at 8:24 p.m. 5.3 B.C. Auditor Report on Homelessness and Regional Steering Committee Summary of Report Shawn Matthewson provided an overview of the recommendations included in the B.C. CARRIED Auditor's Report on Homelessness. Ms. Matthewson advised that the report indicates that homelessness is a complex issue and despite the fact that there have been resources allocated and some best practices utilized to address the issue, homelessness is growing. The Report Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 3 of6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -April 1, 2009 makes several recommendations including the development of a comprehensive plan to address homelessness; the appointment of a lead agency to manage the strategy; clarified time frames and strategies to meet goals and a better evaluation of current programs and resources; more effective sharing of information. The Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness Report concurs with the recommendations of the Auditor General. Discussion took place regarding the need for a coordinated National Strategy and a Provincial Plan to address homelessness. 5.4 BC Housing Supportive Housing Announcement Sue Wheeler circulated an invitation for Friday, April 3, 2009 from BC Housing and the District of Maple Ridge regarding the announcement of the BC Housing Supportive Housing project. Mike Murray advised that although the funding has been announced, Alouette Home Start Society will be required to complete a rezoning application on the land leased from the District of Maple Ridge. The application process includes an opportunity for the public to provide Council with feedback prior to making a decision regarding the rezoning request. 6 COMMITTEE UPDATES 6.1 Child, Youth & Family Network (CYFN) Updates Candace Gordon reported that CYFN has finished updating the annual strategic plan reaffirming the vision and value statements. The 2009 Action Plan builds on the previous work of the Network. Ms. Gordon advised that as the Network grows there has been a need for more emphasis on the coordination of the sub-committees. The first ever meeting of all the Sub-Committee Chairs and Coordinators was very successful. Ms. Gordon also advised that funding has been secured to address Food Security and CYFN has established a new Standing Committee to oversee this work. She further advised that the addition of the CYFN Coordinator position has contributed greatly to the Network successes, however, the current Coordinator will not be renewing her contract and the process to find a replacement has begun. Councillor Linda King left the meeting at 8:45 p.m. 6.2 School Community Connections Project Review and Update Sue Wheeler provided an overview of the Eric Langton Community Connection Hub project. The renovations are nearing completion and the Hub is expected to open in September. In the meantime, the neighbourhood and stakeholders consultation processes are continuing. Ms. Wheeler advised that social service providers are reporting that they are struggling to find access to space to provide services to meet the growing needs in Pitt Meadows. Although the initial concept for this project was to develop a satellite Hub location in Pitt Meadows, lack of Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 4 of 6 ) Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -April 1, 2009 funding and lack of appropriate facility space have not enabled this portion of the project to move ahead. CYFN is continuing to work with the School District staff to investigate opportunities to access space. 6.3 Building Community Solutions Project Sue Wheeler reminded the Committee that the Snapshot 2002, Community Profile indicator project is in the process of being updated. The document will update the initial indicators with an addition of eight new indicators designed to reflect current community trends. The first draft will be available in June for the perusal and the Steering Committee identified. Ms. Wheeler indicated that after several years of funding the Building Community Solutions project, United Way has indicated that funding will not be continued. The Steering Committee is currently exploring alternate funding sources to support this important work. 6.4 Neighbourhood School Garden Shawn Matthewson provided an overview of the new Blue Mountain School Neighbourhood Garden. This will be the second garden with the Glenwood Garden in its third year of operation. There are currently at least two other elementary schools working with the Neighbourhood School Garden Committee to establish gardens. 7. ROUND TABLE Lyn Taylor-Scott Ms. Taylor-Scott advised that the Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living's new supportive housing project will open in late May or June and advised that there is a process in place to select tenants. She advised that there are seven one bedroom suites and one two bedroom suite and that a Public Open House will be held. Gwen Champagne Ms. Champagne advised of the increased funding for Community Living BC which will expand the mandate. Ms. Champagne also advised that the Transition Fair was very successful. Betty Levens Ms. Levins provided an overview of the Age Friendly Conference she participated in, noting good attendance with close to 65 community members attending. Connie Schmid Ms. Schmid gave an overview of her involvement with the Fresh Start Baskets provided by Cythera House, noting the excellent work that Cythera House does in the community. Shawn Matthewson Ms. Matthewson provided an overview of the very successful Spring Break programs provided by Parks and Leisure Services including day camps for preschoolers through to school-aged Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 5 of6 Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes -April 1, 2009 children, and youth leadership programs. New this year was a very successful leadership program, Beyond the Walls, focusing on environmental stewardship. Ms. Matthewson indicated that the CYFN Early Childhood Development Standing Committee has been advised by the Ministries that annual funds can no longer be carried forward into new calendar years. She advised that this presents challenges as projects often carry through fiscal years. Ms. Matthewson further noted that, in addition, there has been no indication of future funding status which presents planning challenges for ECO tables throughout the province. Sue Wheeler Ms. Wheeler advised that, on behalf of SPAC, she has requested comparison data from the first three months from both last year and this year regarding the Food Bank, The Caring Place and Alouette Home Start. It is hoped this will be available for the May SPAC meeting. Ms. Wheeler also advised of the Friends in Need Food Bank Open House on April 7th, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. and encouraged members to attend. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 Friends in Need Open House, April 7, 2009 8.2 March 23, 2009 Press Release: Ombudsman Recommends Improvement to Income Assistance 8.3 Final UN Report on Homelessness 8.4 Alberta Provincial Press Release and 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness in Alberta 8.5 Homelessness: Clear Focus Needed, March 2009, Auditor General 8.6 Memo to RSCH; March 12, 2009; Report from Auditor General 8. 7 Revised 2008 Homeless Count Report; March 9, 2009, RSCH 8.8 Still On Our Streets; Homeless Count, December 2008 Edition 8.9 News Release; BC Ministry Accepts Ombudsman 's Welfare Recommendation 8.10 Facts on Family Earnings; www.vifamily.ca/families/ff15.pdf Items 8.1 through 8.10 were received as information. 9. Next Meeting: Location: 10. Adjournment - q hairperson /Im Wednesday, May 6, 2009 -7:00 p.m. Blaney Room, Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 9:12 pm Social Planning Advisory Committee Regular Minutes Page 6 of 6